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Shop for a small table to put next to the comfy chair for accessories/snacks while watching DVDs or listening to music.

Why don't you buy a nice comfy chair in preparation for a future girlfriend who will gladly share that side table laden with snacks while you watch DVD's together? Or, even better, get a loveseat so you can snuggle. It could happen. She's not going to want to sit in your lap all the time.

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Why don't you buy a nice comfy chair in preparation for a future girlfriend who will gladly share that side table laden with snacks while you watch DVD's together? Or, even better, get a loveseat so you can snuggle. It could happen. She's not going to want to sit in your lap all the time.

Well, I must get two things first:

1. The table. Ikea had a sprinkler malfunction that flooded a lot.

2. The prospects of a future girlfriend.

About ready to spin up a movie.

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1. Go and consume a lot of sushi for one person.

2. Come back and watch movies and read one of the first works of the Father of Japanese Manga, Osamu Tezuka (creator of AstroBoy, and a few others.) Black Jack, The Surgeon With the Hands of God.

3. Dream of being :censored: by a hoard of...well, you know. :wink

Edited by StormKnight
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you know what? i'm pissed off - what i *want* to do is get the cycle & go for a ride. the problem is, the only places open now are bars, and i haven't had a drink (nor want one) since last thursday. it'd be different if i had people to hang with, but have you ever tried going into a bar alone & asking for a water, or a diet coke? it's fucking stupid! :X:rant:

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Bang my head against the wall...three offers from dealerships for a tech job and NONE of them come close to offering me as much as the Army does...not that I don't want to join its just the whole idea of this being a bunch of bullshit! At least I get to go to Airborne school if I play my cards right...

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