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Official DGN Manfast Camping Trip! - July 10-12

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Just PMed Cherny for more details about the arrangements. I'd definitely like to attend again this year. Should be much more fun, with more people.

This time, I'll be sure to bring two or three tins of lighter fluid, in case it rains. I'll also be loading up my hatchback with firewood.

I'll also be bringing some deli cups, to put live specimens in. If anyone sees spiders or mantids, don't squish-- just holler for me! :stuart:

ALSO, if anyone would like to share a lot, PM me.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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I'd really love to go Cher, I think it'd be a blast. Unfortunatly though life will be getting in the way this year, with all the shit I have to do for my sisters wedding, and I'll be in the middle of beauty school. And I'm just to damn poor to go far. But I would like to send you at least a card, so PM me your address okay.

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This time, I'll be sure to bring two or three tins of lighter fluid, in case it rains.

ROFL...we totally violated your lighter fluid last year because Pest was trying (well succeeded) in starting that fire in a MONSOON.

Good times, good times. Maybe this year I'll bring a hatchet also so that we aren't trying to break a tree by smashing it up against another tree...but then again, it IS Manfast and it must be manly at all costs :tongue:.

Oh and don't forget the Sodomy Steaks or Constantin will surely starve :rofl: and we will have nobody to harass.

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Sorry... VNV show is that weekend.

They're playing allllll weekend? I thought they were just playing the 10th.

Oh and to let people know, if you can't make it for any of the days (i.e. would like to come out for two days and not three, or just come out to pop in and say hi without camping) that is totally arrangeable.

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They're playing allllll weekend? I thought they were just playing the 10th.

Oh and to let people know, if you can't make it for any of the days (i.e. would like to come out for two days and not three, or just come out to pop in and say hi without camping) that is totally arrangeable.

I have that weekend free so now that you say I could pop in without camping that sounds much more my speed. Camping makes me really irritable (I'm an old bat who likes a soft bed, my computer and the comforts of home) but being outside with you folks for the day sounds fun.

Would parking permit $ need to be prepaid, and are there other expenses that would need to be prepaid for just a day trip?

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I have found a lot mate. Is your Paypal addy still the same, Cher?

Yes it is, deary.

And for anyone else who does not have my Paypal and would like to pay that way (preferred, but not necessary) it is: Trenchcoatj@hotmail.com

ALSO...send me a PM and let me know you paid or that you plan on paying, also your name, since I don't know all of you by first and last name and do not want any mixups.

So far we have around 16 "for sure" people going including myself, Pest, Punky, I'm pretty sure Constantin and Deadyeti will go if they know what is good for them, Jynxxxed, Scales, Peelingchrome, Nienna, two of our guests, and sglgothmom with her daughter and a guest. That isn't even including the people who are making appearances but not staying.

THERE IS TIME PEOPLES! Make your reservations or let me know you're interested in going if you are! I will say it again: EPICNESS!

Edited by Chernobyl
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Guest Megalicious

beanternal's in for Friday night

We're not big campers either, especially bean, but we're going to be in those parts

Maybe we could bring smores or something.

Or we could go nerd and bring a game

I am so up for BOARD GAMES!! I cannot camp, but let me know if you through a dork fest. I have games...... LOTS of games LOL.

I have been looking for a reason to buy the Chthulu Munckin, I THINK I JUST FOUND A REASON!!!! :happydance

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I don't have any TRUE nerd games, like RPGs and stuff, which I know in DGNland makes me completely uncool.

I have Careers, Life, Bargain Hunter, Boggle, Scrabble, and pretty much any of the other cheesy 80s games you can think of.

I also have Scene It, the DVD movie trivia game.

Have laptop will travel.

See you on Friday night, Meg

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Guest Megalicious

I don't have any TRUE nerd games, like RPGs and stuff, which I know in DGNland makes me completely uncool.

I have Careers, Life, Bargain Hunter, Boggle, Scrabble, and pretty much any of the other cheesy 80s games you can think of.

I also have Scene It, the DVD movie trivia game.

Have laptop will travel.

See you on Friday night, Meg

Awww.. where is Phee when I need him? Who will trade wood for sheep with me? =P

Have you ever played Apples to Apples? It is simple and a lot of fun.... something tells me with this group it is going to be even more of an adventure to play LOL.

SO Cher, if I wanted to visit how does that work? I won't be staying the night and camping, but I want to come visit with everyone, dork out, bring some drinks and have some laughs.

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I will trade wood for sheep with you, but I don't own any settlers or a deed to the island of Catan, so I may need some help. If all else fails we will play apples to apples.

And so it was written.


Fluxx is a cooler game than Apples to Apples, although Apples does have a special place in my heart. Still, nothing tops Wink for the fun brand of violence.

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