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Official DGN Manfast Camping Trip! - July 10-12

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As some of you know, we did this last year on my birthday weekend and personally I think the first annual MANFAST went off without a hitch. It was a totally awesome weekend and we had a blast, imo, sooo we're doing it again and this time it has the official Troy stampage saying "Official DGN event" since it's going to happen every year from here on out. For those who are outdoorsy and love me enough to spend my birthday weekend with me and a handful or two of other DGN folk, this is YOUR event!

Now in normal font so that you can READ it without your eyes BLEEEEEEDING!

What: The most EXTREME gothic/industrial camping trip that you will ever embark on…hence the name MANFAAAAAST! Okay…if you’re really a girly girl, we can accommodate also and will go easy on you :tongue:.

What the hell kind of camping: Tent camping, no Rvs and fancy stuff. Good old, rent a lot in a state park in the middle of the woods and set up a tent or two and rough it for the weekend. There is water on site next to the tents and outhouses, so it won't be 100% au natural,…but has anyone ever tried to shit in the woods? A little too roughing it for me :tongue:.

When: Chernobyl's birthday weekend…because I would love nothing more than to turn 24 with you guys in the middle of nowhere around a fire with a case of Killian's Irish Red. For those of you who do not know my birthday..for shaaaame :tongue: (it will be from Friday afternoon, July 10th thru Sunday morning, my birthday, July 12 ) Nobody has to get me anything either, don't feel pressured. Think of it this way: I'm probably not getting you anything for your birthday except my presence if requested, so do the same for me and we'll be good.

Where: Brighton State Recreational park, in well, Brighton. If you do not know where Brighton is…there are maps. But for those who aren't technologically competent enough to use Mapquest, or are too lazy to look it up, it's about one and a half hours west of Detroit off I-96. If you make reservations then I'll PM you more specific instructions.

Who: YOU GUYS :peanutbutterjellytime: and myself and well, you can see what Party Time Adolf has to say about how much camping ruled last year with this awesome clip:


One Person on a lot: $32

Two People on a lot: $16 each

Three People on a lot: $11 each

Four People on a lot: $8 each (now that’s a cheap weekend getaway if you ask me)

There is a fee for having a vehicle for the weekend, it's a very low price that pays for a permit for your car for the weekend, and you must pay it when you get there. It's like...five dollars or something, I will find the exact amount and update this post, but it's really not that much.

If you are a single person, new to the board, don't have friends, etc and do not want to be on a lot by yourself I can arrange for you to share a lot with another single person, someone who is new to the board, or someone who does not have friends. Lemme know if you are looking to pair up with someone else, we did this last year and it was successful.

However if there is someone that you do NOT get a long with and do not want to be paired with this person, let me know. I don't care about your drama and personal life, nor am I going to run to the person and be like “"OMFG STORMKNIGHT! You wouldn’t believe but…DBK says he hates you and doesn't want to share a lot." Like I said, could not care, but these are things that need to be known so we can have a drama free weekend, which is why I want to make sure that I'm not pairing you up on a lot with your arch nemesis.

MISC and rules

On each lot there is allowed to be up to two tents and two cars. You can drink on your lot and you can walk around the camp area with a beer, but you cannot walk to say, the beach swimming area with a beer…that would be totally against the rules and uncool. If you're drinking, chug a beer or five on your lot THEN wander off.

If you are a loud and obnoxious drunk, pick fights when drunk, cackle deafeningly when drunk (many women do this),: STAY HOME OR DON'T DRINK. We didn't really have a problem with this last year, just putting it out there. I think we had the DNR called on us once, but I don't think it was one particular person being loud.

I consider this a kid friendly event, there were no kids last year, but there can be. I assure you that we're not going to be having a giant goth orgy in the woods while smoking crack and shooting heroin or anything that you would want to shield your child from. Some adults may be drinking a little (not out of hand) if that bothers you to have your children around people consuming alcohol, something to consider. If you are planning to bring a child I ask one favor, if there's any "night time" activities, i.e. a campfire for instance, that is what I'd like to consider "adult time" (in the most non-dirty way possible) and I ask that you put the children to bed before joining. We grown-ups need a break from kids SOMETIME and many people are annoyed by small children being around ALL day, so there needs to be a few hours at night where kids aren't around and adults don't have to worry about watching every little thing that they say.

ALSO...if you want to bring a Non-DGN member to accompany you, that is fine, knock yourself out. Just let me know how many you are bringing (I ask that you don't bring everyone off your Myspace friends list, everyone from your high school, and all of your extended family, be reasonable).


PM me and say “CHER! I wanna be stuck out in the woods with you for three days!” or something to that effect, and I will get right on making it happen. I am your full service travel planner, I collect the monies (in person, by mail, or by Paypal), make the reservations, assign the lots, give directions, run around like a chicken with my head cut off and finalize everything. I like camping and sharing my birthday with you guys so much that it’s my gift from me to you.

If you REALLY do not like the thought of giving me the money to handle the reservations FOR you (awww I iz hurt :tongue:), then you may make reservations on your own. PM me on where to go to do this. If you are savvy with the Michigan DNR reservation system and would like to make your own reservations, we're staying in Brighton State Park on the Murray Lake section of the park (it is divided into several different sections based on the type of camping and which lake it is located on). PLEASE let me know, however, if you do choose to do this so I can still keep a list of who is coming to MANFAST and how many people will be brought.

Layout of the camp

Below is a map of the camp. As people reserve sites and they become unavailable, or you would like to see who is staying where so you can either situate yourself close or away from them, or just want to get a general feel for the place, this is where you will want to check as I will constantly be updating it. Also, if completely non-DGN related people reserve one of the lots, I will mark that down also as being "Non-DGN". ALSO, FOR PEOPLE LOOKING TO BE PAIRED OFF ON LOTS WITH OTHER PEOPLE, this is the map and reservation list to look at. For instance, if I have someone going who is a single person on one lot and wants three more people I'll put (looking for 3 more) or (looking for 2 more) after the lot reservations. If there's any questions about this also, please let me know.


LOT RESERVATIONS SO FAR (updated 4:34pm on June 17, 2009)

On lot 17:




Kalina (Tim's gf)

On lot 18:


Gar (guest)



On lot 19:

Sglgothmom and 2-3 guests

On lot 20:


Roommate Bruce (guest)



On lot 21:



Ryle Hira

On lot 22 (Not reserved, but I have word that they are going to be able to make it. Will be staying Saturday only, if anyone else wants to go for JUST Saturday night, they will probably be willing to pair, PM them or me if interested):

Mr. & Mrs. Wreck

Hope as many people can make it as possible. It was awesome last year, a lot of fun watching the guys drunkenly try to break a tree on another tree, watching Constantin eat sodomy steak, and then all of us worshipping at the First Church of Chaaaaarlie Murphy :tongue:. Hope even more people come this year and it is bigger and better and every year from here on out.

If there are ANY questions regarding the trip, payment, planning, why I’m so awesome, or anything else that may come across your mind, please feel free to fill my inbox (…that sounded a bit dirty :whistle: ).

Edited by Chernobyl
Slight edit to the title (took out all caps) due to being anal. =-P
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I will TRY to make it this year. I own a tent, but have never put it together, and I've had it four years. :unsure: I got it free. I put you on my schedule. I cannot speak for the other people who may or may not be in my party. :)

Edited by hunhee
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this sounds like a blast if i can get a tent for cheap and as long as other people don't mind a child there. she'll be nine at the time and she has been bugging me to take her camping. i'll have to let you know a little closer to the event.

Edited by sglgothmom
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this sounds like a blast if i can get a tent for cheap and as long as other people don't mind a child there. she'll be nine at the time and she has been bugging me to take her camping. i'll have to let you know a little closer to the event.

She is fine, as I said in the thread, children are welcome. We're not TOO out of control :tongue:. The only thing is that adults (over 21) may responsibly be drinking alcohol and if that bothers you to have your child around that, then that is something to consider. I know most people have no problem with that, but occasionally someone will so I have to say it. Hope you can make it! If you can, PM me (anytime between here and then, no rush) and let me know and I will arrange a lot for you.

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Awww..come on people, no activity in awhile, it was awesome last year why doesn't anyone wanna go this year?

Well for the record, we've already got a total of 6 "for sures" and about 4 "maybes".

CHEAP FUN WEEKEND and there's still definately time (hence why I start planning it so early). JOIN USSSS! If you don't have transpo or something I'm sure someone wouldn't mind picking you up on the way there, hell, that someone may be myself even.

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Camping? I like my cozy bed with soft pillows and 3 kitties. :stuart:

I like my cozy bed and one kitty, but there is something about a couple of nights out under the stars and oodles of bugbites that just reminds one of how lucky she is to HAVE a bed and a kitty. Yep. That, and stars are just too cool in themselves too be missed. I'd look at stars with my kitty on my cozy bed, but my ceiling kinda gets in the way. Drat it.

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I'll share with you, Nienna. :)

Is there a list of who's attending, for sure? :biggrin:

I don't like to post a "for sure" list this early in the game, I'll probably come out with a list in the next few weeks. I'd probably go over the thread and get a jist of who is going that way. People that have said for sure and seem like they're quite gung-ho this year, so far we have a count of 9 definates, myself, Pest, two guests, Punky plus one guest, Nienna sounded like she was hyped and Peelingchrome and Scales sound pretty damn "for sure" about it also. I also see some more takers along the thread that seem like a pretty solid yes.

Oh and BUMP! Remember, if you're staying the weekend there camping, PM me for details, cost, etc and reservations :). Will blow your effing mind with hardcore funness :peanutbutterjellytime:

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this sounds like a blast if i can get a tent for cheap and as long as other people don't mind a child there. she'll be nine at the time and she has been bugging me to take her camping. i'll have to let you know a little closer to the event.

Kids are totally welcome, I mean as long as they're relatively behaved and don't infringe on adult campfires by being in bed (and no I don't mean adult like orgy I mean "adult cooldown time" so to speak at the end of the night). Also, people will be consuming alcohol, but we're all grown adults (no shady underage out of control drinking) and it shouldn't get out of hand :).

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