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Yeah, how is that going to work again? Palestine would need to have a government and should also show that they are at least capable of getting along with someone without the need to send rockets at people that don't bow to the same god as they do.

Once again an american president gets on an issue...but has boarded the wrong boat...this will probably work our just like the time we helped Iraq and ignored Iran...

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I just lose my mind cause nobody has even given him a chance. I figured I'd give W a 1 year grace period in "01". And he ignored the information that pointed to 9/11

I thought as soon as Obama was elected he was going to withdraw all troops from the middle east, not send more.


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I just lose my mind cause nobody has even given him a chance. I figured I'd give W a 1 year grace period in "01". And he ignored the information that pointed to 9/11

9/11 was Clinton's fault as we all know. Bill should've left a note in the oval office written in crayon with stick figures depicting the plot against us. That way W. would have taken interest in what he was being told. =P

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This is where the fallacy of the excluded middle comes back to bite those that have come to rely on it without any other option. If Obama does OK, just OK, all of this fear mongering and declaration of failure falls flat and is exposed as what it is, a fallacy.

If Obama succeeds outright, which is unlikely due to the utter mess that he has inherited, all of this fear mongering falls flat, and the fallacy is exposed.

If Obama fails outright, which is highly unlikely due to his cautious deliberate nature, the fear mongers will have just that much longer to parlay their fallacy.

So... the partisans are banking on downright, fantastic failure, unmitigated by any reasonable persons expectations of difficulty in achieving the task at hand.

In short, the fearmongers, of which Gaf has associated himself with, are gambling that Obama is a paper tiger, and that the inherent lack of substance so obvious to themselves is exposed for all to see.

It is an ideological blind spot which will further erode their power. It is at both sad to watch and utterly satisfying to have ones beliefs reaffirmed.

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I want America to succeed. For that to happen,I want Obama to fail. I don't think his agenda has our best interests in mind.

I share the same sentiment. Obama is already a failure imo, he has done more to disrupt the country while in office to disrupt the economy and fuck everything up in three months than Bush did in his 8 years. What did Bush do? Start a war...not collapse an economy. Te economy collaspe was set up in the 90's by the Clinton administration by the dems trying to loosen mortgages in order to let EVERYONE have one so as to be "politically correct". When will the left realize that the world isn't holding hands, singing cumbaya, kissing each other's babies and having tea parties? I'm done having my tax dollars played with and wasted on people that don't deserve it, aren't all of you?

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You're funny gaf.

Obama hasn't been in office for long and you're already charging the barricades.

mmm armchair crusading....must be a real pleasure.

Do you also pride in Spin doctoring everything as well?

I don't think anyone from any party, with any background...in office will EVER please the almighty fault finder.

Ah, an armchair crusader calling another person an armchair crusader...mmm I love me some early morning irony :coffee:.

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Bush put Wall Street in charge of the Government at the expense of the people.

Yup, deregulation is what led to this mess. Letting the wolfs guard the hen house is a more accurate description.

When the rich and super rich are allowed to do as they please eventually our economy was going to tumble.

Or are we gonna continue to blame the poor and middle class for not going out and spending more than they can afford in order to prop up wall street and the bankers?

I am sick and tired of the top 1% getting away with the killing of our financial system to their own benefit at our expense. If those rich 1% don't start putting money back into this country they will too soon lose everything they have just like the rest of us.

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Bush had six years of Congressional majority to tackle the mortgage bubble. He instead used it to finance an unnecessary war, and implemented stimuluses to keep it going just a little longer. He was banking on the house of cards failing some time after November. It failed in September.

You know I am right.

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Bush had six years of Congressional majority to tackle the mortgage bubble. He instead used it to finance an unnecessary war, and implemented stimuluses to keep it going just a little longer. He was banking on the house of cards failing some time after November. It failed in September.

You know I am right.

Imo, I won't go calling it an unnecessary war just yet because if any good comes out of it (i.e. Saddam being executed for instance) then it wasn't totally worthless. Also, he had his hands full with said war in his first term, and since the economy wasn't in the shitter yet, I guess he didn't really think it was urgent.

But from my understanding, in his second term, and I guess I may be wrong on this (just going from memory) didn't he try to get rid of the corrupt mortgage laws that Clinton set up? What happened? Oh right, his democratic cabinet that the public blindly voted in just to spite him (imo) shot it down.

Where is he at fault in that? Maybe for not acting RIGHT away to get rid of something the prior president set up to collapse the market? I was informed that he DID try to vote it away, but his democratic cabinet stopped him, that was my understanding.

And Ttogreh, for the record, I don't think anyone is 100% right about anything.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Bush had six years of Congressional majority to tackle the mortgage bubble. He instead used it to finance an unnecessary war, and implemented stimuluses to keep it going just a little longer. He was banking on the house of cards failing some time after November. It failed in September.

Thank you.

We had a total jackass of a president in office for eight years driving this country into the ground. After bankrupting an oil company we should've known that he would do the same to America's financial system.

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Speaking of great epic failures...............why hasn't Osama been captured?

Isn't he the man the GWB vowed our military would bring to justice?

How many years ago was that again? Oh yea - the entire two terms of GWB.

Ok Gaf, let's talk about failures. Shall we.

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I can't see why given Obama's goals anyone would wish him to fail.... I mean disagreeing with his methods is one thing... I didn't want Bush to fail either, in fact I want people who have stated goals for the best interest in the country to succeed.

I mean... If I say "I want whats best for the country" and someone says "I hope you fail" It sounds to me that they would rather be right then happy, or even further, that they would rather be right then want whats best for the country.


If I say "I want whats best for the country, and here is how I am going to go about it." Disagreeing with the course is one thing, that I understand completely. But wanting someone to fail? I am not sure what to say about that.

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Speaking of great epic failures...............why hasn't Osama been captured?

Isn't he the man the GWB vowed our military would bring to justice?

How many years ago was that again? Oh yea - the entire two terms of GWB.

Ok Gaf, let's talk about failures. Shall we.

We were not the first people to start hunting Osama...and we are also not the only people currently looking for him and not finding him...so I fail to see how this is anyones fault because everyone is failing at it.

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We were not the first people to start hunting Osama...and we are also not the only people currently looking for him and not finding him...so I fail to see how this is anyones fault because everyone is failing at it.

Bush vowed to bring justice to those responsible for 9/11 - which he did not.

Hell, Bush based his entire presidency on 9/11 - what justice was served? Some prisoners at Guantanamo?

My point is, since Gaf felt a need to point at our current president (whom has only been in office a few months) and mock him and call him a failure I thought maybe Gaf should step back and take a look at the other president. I mean - I can see why Gaf is so ready to take down Obama after just a short few months in office - clearly that shoudl've been enough time for Obama to get everything done, right Gaf?

Or should some people pull their heads out of their asses and start looking at things in a more realistic way??????

Obama is trying to fix such a large financial problem that our last president certainly didn't do anything to actually help. What? He gave back a few extra tax dollars telling us the whole time it would make our economic troubles dissapear.

Talk about the ostreage with it's head in the sand.

I mean, if Gaf is truely being fair in his finger pointing then he should'nt stop with Obama.

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Cher, you aren't even using the correct terminology. The senate confirms cabinet appointments, but Bush is the one that makes those appointments. No one elects the cabinet. And the only Cabinet member that was a Democrat was the secretary of transportation. He resigned when he saw how much of a tool he was being made into, by the way. Bush squandered six years of congressional majority on a failed war strategy, and a failed domestic agenda...

and he has no one to blame but himself.

The war in Iraq finally started getting better when Bush lost the House of Representatives. That is not a coincidence.

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I can't see why given Obama's goals anyone would wish him to fail.... I mean disagreeing with his methods is one thing... I didn't want Bush to fail either, in fact I want people who have stated goals for the best interest in the country to succeed.

I mean... If I say "I want whats best for the country" and someone says "I hope you fail" It sounds to me that they would rather be right then happy, or even further, that they would rather be right then want whats best for the country.


If I say "I want whats best for the country, and here is how I am going to go about it." Disagreeing with the course is one thing, that I understand completely. But wanting someone to fail? I am not sure what to say about that.


Cher, you aren't even using the correct terminology. The senate confirms cabinet appointments, but Bush is the one that makes those appointments. No one elects the cabinet. And the only Cabinet member that was a Democrat was the secretary of transportation. He resigned when he saw how much of a tool he was being made into, by the way. Bush squandered six years of congressional majority on a failed war strategy, and a failed domestic agenda...

and he has no one to blame but himself.

The war in Iraq finally started getting better when Bush lost the House of Representatives. That is not a coincidence.

You are correct sir.

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Cher, you aren't even using the correct terminology. The senate confirms cabinet appointments, but Bush is the one that makes those appointments. No one elects the cabinet. And the only Cabinet member that was a Democrat was the secretary of transportation. He resigned when he saw how much of a tool he was being made into, by the way. Bush squandered six years of congressional majority on a failed war strategy, and a failed domestic agenda...

and he has no one to blame but himself.

The war in Iraq finally started getting better when Bush lost the House of Representatives. That is not a coincidence.

Lets just forget that Congress was against the stratagy that turned around the war in Iraq.

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I can't see why given Obama's goals anyone would wish him to fail.... I mean disagreeing with his methods is one thing... I didn't want Bush to fail either, in fact I want people who have stated goals for the best interest in the country to succeed.

I mean... If I say "I want whats best for the country" and someone says "I hope you fail" It sounds to me that they would rather be right then happy, or even further, that they would rather be right then want whats best for the country.


If I say "I want whats best for the country, and here is how I am going to go about it." Disagreeing with the course is one thing, that I understand completely. But wanting someone to fail? I am not sure what to say about that.

but it was totally OK when Democrats wanted Bush to fail.

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Uh-huh. Let's just forget that unless Bush turned it around, Congress would have pulled the plug immediately.

No, they would have screamed and ranted... They have no power to pull the plug. They can cut funding.. and then leave our forces to thier own fates. Something they could not do and still hold office.

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