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It's like saying "I hope the one that is leading us through this desert (that we are lost in) fucks up and gets us in a worse situation." just so those that are unhappy with someone that was elected to help us will be "exposed" as some kind of fruad.

Maybe my analogy is odd but I hope my meaning is understood.

I understand what Phee is saying and I agree. I myself hoped that Bush would have stepped up and done more, he didn't. I think things would've been better if Bush had done more than deny that our country was in a recession but for many months (too many) all we heard out of his mouth was " this is not a recession " ---- denial seemed to be Bush's only tactic because let's face it - the man has a history of not making things better but worse (anyone remember the oil company he ran into the ground?).

But I will give up on those that WANT our president to fail just so they can say "I told you so" --- it's very childish and selfish and if they want to be that way then do the rest of us a favor and keep your negativity to yourself because honestly - there are those of us that want things to get better regardless of who does it. We have little say in who fixes these problems and we're tired of struggling just to hear negative people spew their prejudces at us.

If I thought for a moment that Obama was leading us out of the desert, I would support him. I think he is leading us deaper into it. I want him to fail at his agenda because I think his agenda is to bankrupt us. The Manchurian Candidate comes to mind.

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If I thought for a moment that Obama was leading us out of the desert, I would support him. I think he is leading us deaper into it. I want him to fail at his agenda because I think his agenda is to bankrupt us. The Manchurian Candidate comes to mind.

So what you are saying is that Obama is activily and willfully trying to damage America? Not simply that you disagree with his leadership, but that he is acting with malice?

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Yes, I thought I was pretty clear.

Why do you think he would deliberatly try to hurt you (as well as all of us) Gaf?

I mean in the desert metaphor, I could understand if you said he was leading the wrong way in an attempt to lead us out of the desert (which is kind of my take on Bush). But you are saying that he became president specifically because he wishes to harm Americans... that is a pretty ballsy charge sir.

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That is a heavy thing to label someone with, um especially since (and I'm pretty sure I'm right about this one) when you don't actually know the man personally. How can you honestly believe such a thing?

I can see where our country has been damaged by presidents whom had their own personal agenda's (Nixon comes to mind) and our country has been hurt by presidents that had no brains or courage (imo - GWB). But I don't believe that Obama is out to destroy our country.

That is wack.

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Why do you think he would deliberatly try to hurt you (as well as all of us) Gaf?

I mean in the desert metaphor, I could understand if you said he was leading the wrong way in an attempt to lead us out of the desert (which is kind of my take on Bush). But you are saying that he became president specifically because he wishes to harm Americans... that is a pretty ballsy charge sir.

His new push to give amnesty to 12million illegals?

The fact that he has sold our children to Wallstreet? (Have you read about the record profits the banks are making right now?)

His appointments to people that do not believe in National Sovereignty?

His repeated claims that he is going to cut the deficit in half in his first term.. even though the Congressional Budget Committee (who's job it is to calculate this kinda thing) says his budget will triple the deficit?

The 25% Tax increase on Capital gains for small business?

His push to create an armed civilian "national security force"?

His push to take over control of the Internet?

and the list goes on...

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His new push to give amnesty to 12million illegals?

The fact that he has sold our children to Wallstreet? (Have you read about the record profits the banks are making right now?)

His appointments to people that do not believe in National Sovereignty?

His repeated claims that he is going to cut the deficit in half in his first term.. even though the Congressional Budget Committee (who's job it is to calculate this kinda thing) says his budget will triple the deficit?

The 25% Tax increase on Capital gains for small business?

His push to create an armed civilian "national security force"?

His push to take over control of the Internet?

and the list goes on...

You are listing what he has done.... it sounds to me like you disagree with what he is doing to achieve the goal, not the goal itself (To have a better America I believe).

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His new push to give amnesty to 12million illegals?

If I'm not mistaken..........isn't that what Bush did for his second term re-election? So he could win the latino vote.

Oh wait - I think Bush just made (another) empty promise in an effort to secure the election. Ooooops, my bad - guess it's not the same thing.

Carry on.

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In 2006, President Bush seemed equally silly as he played Border Patrolman. Every American, right or left, now recognizes that Mr. Bush is only pretending to oppose, but has no intention of stopping, the flood of illegal aliens across our southern border.

This cheap Latino labor is too profitable to business campaign contributors, and key Republican lawmakers are afraid of alienating an emerging pivotal constituency of Hispanic voters.

Republican leaders would rather risk alienating aging conservative voters, assuming that conservatives have no place else to go and can be herded like sheep back to the polls in November by invoking their fear of liberals taking over Congress.

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His new push to give amnesty to 12million illegals?

The fact that he has sold our children to Wallstreet? (Have you read about the record profits the banks are making right now?)

His appointments to people that do not believe in National Sovereignty?

His repeated claims that he is going to cut the deficit in half in his first term.. even though the Congressional Budget Committee (who's job it is to calculate this kinda thing) says his budget will triple the deficit?

The 25% Tax increase on Capital gains for small business?

His push to create an armed civilian "national security force"?

His push to take over control of the Internet?

and the list goes on...

To be honest Gaf.... If we were to apply this same method of judgement to The Great Decider, the list would be much longer, and if this is the criteria you are judging whether someone is out to hurt the country or not, then by your own standards Bush was out to destroy America a lot more then Obama was. (But I don't for all of his faults think that Bush was out to destroy America).

But this is NOT about Bush....

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Bush was never a member of the Socialist party nor did he ever claim to be a Marxist.

and I did not support Bush's amnesty either.

you are right, this is not about Bush... This is about Obama. Bush will most likely go down as a medicore President at best... Obama, I fear, is going to go down as the last President.

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Bush was never a member of the Socialist party nor did he ever claim to be a Marxist.

and I did not support Bush's amnesty either.

you are right, this is not about Bush... This is about Obama. Bush will most likely go down as a medicore President at best... Obama, I fear, is going to go down as the last President.

Bush has already gone down (at the moment) as one of the worst in history. Do you honestly think that Obama is that DRAMATICALLY going to destroy America?

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I love people who get into these conspiracy theory stuff. I think he will be a poor president but I cant believe this whole wanting to destroy the U.S. part. I wouldnt worry, the president has limited power.

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Bush was never a member of the Socialist party nor did he ever claim to be a Marxist.

and I did not support Bush's amnesty either.

you are right, this is not about Bush... This is about Obama. Bush will most likely go down as a medicore President at best... Obama, I fear, is going to go down as the last President.


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Bush was never a member of the Socialist party nor did he ever claim to be a Marxist.

and I did not support Bush's amnesty either.

you are right, this is not about Bush... This is about Obama. Bush will most likely go down as a medicore President at best... Obama, I fear, is going to go down as the last President.


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Bush was never a member of the Socialist party nor did he ever claim to be a Marxist.

and I did not support Bush's amnesty either.

you are right, this is not about Bush... This is about Obama. Bush will most likely go down as a medicore President at best... Obama, I fear, is going to go down as the last President.

Wow. That's spectacularly poor strategy on your part. If Obama barely maintains federal sovereignty and we have a peaceful election of a new president in four or eight years, you will have to eat crow. Assuming that the man is actually competent and his policies begin to effect positive change, you will have to eat crow. If he is impeached and we get a new president, you will have to eat crow.

If the federal government of the United States of America is dissolved and we are a squabbling disunion in four to eight years, you will be hailed as a prophet by the few of us left alive.

I cannot even begin to fathom what compels you to actually believe the nuttiness that you spew out on a regular basis.

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Wow. So, for some reason.. about half the board is on my pm blocklist... some I have never even spoken to before... in fact, most of them...

So, I'm a coward.

You are still packing all your social skills it seems. Where you are packing them, I don't know.

As for proof... read back through all my posts before elections, before the invasion of Iraq, before the invasion of Afghanastan... if there is a newspaper covering my prediction, I am unaware of it... so I don't know what news article I am supposed to post to prove it.

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Phee, you know where this is going. It's all been done before.

Gaf makes a ludicrous assertion. I call him on it. He tries to back out of it. I call him on it again. It eventually boils down to the fact that Gaf is addicted to a binary world view that simply is laughable to anyone that knows about nuance.

It's all happened before. It never changes.

Lock the thread, don't lock the thread, I'll keep going. So will Gaf.

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I don't want my country to fail, I want Obama to fail. I beleive he is leading the country in the wrong direction.

Why would you refuse to check? Why would you rather beleive the hype than the truth? I am not attacking Obama on his approval ratiing... I was pointing out that the person who was thought to be the one to get rid of all the division in our country is causing the an even greater divide. And lack of facts? Did you watch the videos of the key players in the Democratic party that caused this mess? Have you read my posts with links to the congressional record that shows the Democrats pushing new regulations into place that forced the banks to give more and more bad loans out?

Yes, Obama was influecial enough. Hence Fanny May giving him so much money.

But I forget... you refuse to actually read any facts on the subject.

Hey thats cool Gaf, know what I did? I looked it up. Hell I don't know much about the American legal system, but I am pretty sure a state legislator is a state legislator not a member of the senate, I could be wrong though, after all, I just said I don't know much about your political hireachy.

Thats good though Gaf, attack the person, not the argument.

And watch an informative American video? Sir I am not a moron, I am not going to watch something from a country with media as regulated as your and expect it to actually fairly or acturatly portray the actual reality of the situation, only the "chosen", key word is chosen here, facts which that media medium wished to give. I know you probably agree with that your media is to closely regulated, after all the constitution does allow for freedom of speech... (Snicker...), due to you don't seem to be by any means stupid. But if you really want proof its called Fox News.

I do however think I understand your comments about wanting Obama to fail. Do you mean you wish for him to fail in what he is doing because you believe the way he is going about it is wrong? Or are you really just arogant and want him to fail because you just generally do not like him? If it is the later dude... How patriotic.

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Hey thats cool Gaf, know what I did? I looked it up. Hell I don't know much about the American legal system, but I am pretty sure a state legislator is a state legislator not a member of the senate, I could be wrong though, after all, I just said I don't know much about your political hireachy.

Thats good though Gaf, attack the person, not the argument.

And watch an informative American video? Sir I am not a moron, I am not going to watch something from a country with media as regulated as your and expect it to actually fairly or acturatly portray the actual reality of the situation, only the "chosen", key word is chosen here, facts which that media medium wished to give. I know you probably agree with that your media is to closely regulated, after all the constitution does allow for freedom of speech... (Snicker...), due to you don't seem to be by any means stupid. But if you really want proof its called Fox News.

I do however think I understand your comments about wanting Obama to fail. Do you mean you wish for him to fail in what he is doing because you believe the way he is going about it is wrong? Or are you really just arogant and want him to fail because you just generally do not like him? If it is the later dude... How patriotic.

I'm not attacking you. Those are not informative American videos. Those are video from Congress. Actual Senate and House hearings and debates.

Are you saying Obama was not in the US Senate for 3 years before he became President? He wasn't on ACORN's payroll before that?

And, as I have said, if you would actual open your mind and read what I have said, you would know I already answered the question in your last paragraph.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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Hey thats cool Gaf, know what I did? I looked it up. Hell I don't know much about the American legal system, but I am pretty sure a state legislator is a state legislator not a member of the senate, I could be wrong though, after all, I just said I don't know much about your political hireachy.

Thats good though Gaf, attack the person, not the argument.

And watch an informative American video? Sir I am not a moron, I am not going to watch something from a country with media as regulated as your and expect it to actually fairly or acturatly portray the actual reality of the situation, only the "chosen", key word is chosen here, facts which that media medium wished to give. I know you probably agree with that your media is to closely regulated, after all the constitution does allow for freedom of speech... (Snicker...), due to you don't seem to be by any means stupid. But if you really want proof its called Fox News.

I do however think I understand your comments about wanting Obama to fail. Do you mean you wish for him to fail in what he is doing because you believe the way he is going about it is wrong? Or are you really just arogant and want him to fail because you just generally do not like him? If it is the later dude... How patriotic.

:secret: most of us take the news that is imported (some of us ignore it all)....but have you seen this Daily Show (from our Comedy Central)...gives facts...but in the form of jokes..of cource..there are a shit ton of Americans who can not watch that (no sence of humor) ;)

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Wow. So, for some reason.. about half the board is on my pm blocklist... some I have never even spoken to before... in fact, most of them...

So, I'm a coward.

You are still packing all your social skills it seems. Where you are packing them, I don't know.

As for proof... read back through all my posts before elections, before the invasion of Iraq, before the invasion of Afghanastan... if there is a newspaper covering my prediction, I am unaware of it... so I don't know what news article I am supposed to post to prove it.

I pacl them away quite readily when I feel the need to do so, gaf.

As for your cowardly attempt to weasel out of this... The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the one making an assertion. I don't need to exhaustively search through ten years of your posts to prove what YOU say is true.

That's YOUR job.

MY job, is to cherry pick one... ONE prediction out of ten years worth of posts that did not come true, or did not come completely true. Do you understand what I am saying here?

You didn't put your foot in your mouth when you said "Every prediction I have made in the last ten years has come true". You cut your foot off, barbecued it, and shat it out.

Still, I am going to give you a chance. Go ahead. Say that you were imprecise, or inarticulate, or that you typed without fully thinking through what you were saying.

I am going to make a prediction myself here. You aren't going to do it. You are going to feebly brush this post off, and continue to gamble on the Obama administration being an unmitigated disaster beyond anything either of us has ever experienced.

By the way gaf, I don't write these posts for your benefit. I write them for all the lurkers or other posters that are not sure of which way to fall on things. I expose your utterly laughable world view as a public service.

I am not trying to embarass you. That would be pointless.

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