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40 facts about me


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1. i used to cut my self because of what my mom used to do and what my sister did to me when i was growing up

2. i cry my self to sleep wishing for a new day to come.. and hoping it will be good

3. i wish everyday that i could fall asleep in his and her arms and wake up in them.

4. i used to be clusby and break every thing,

5 i broke almosted every bone in my body

6. i have a gf, and a bf and i dont think any one will under stand that but we understand it=)

7. i love twilight

8. i love to hang with friends and party

9. i have brown hair but i died it blond

10. i have 6 pircings

11. i sleep with the same stuff animal every night,'

12. i love monkeys

13 ihave like 7 nick names here are some hunni bunni , boo bear,sweetie pie, doopa loopa. boo boo, lol alot. oh and smiley

14, i support gay rights cause i am gay

15. my favortie color is blue and green

16, ive got hurt so much

17 ive only kissed 7 people

18. ive only had sex with 2 guys

19, im very shy at first but when u get to know me am hyper and exicted

20. i like to be with friend its the only thing that makes me happy

21. i hate being home.

22. im almosted out of school may 29th lasted day=) if u want to go just ask me and im having a party=)

23. i love to write poetry

24. i love to dance and sing

25. i love to listen to music

26 ,my favorite song right now is dance fucker dance by the offspring lol i dance in the shower to this song

27. i hate feet i love mine but not other peoples

28.i love flipflops or no shoes at all

29. i snort when i laugh

30 i have a birth mark on my ass

31, i love pain

32. i love to cuddle and talk and just lay in bed and talk all night

33. i love the rain and thunderstorms

34. my fantsy is to kiss in the rain

35. im going in to nursing

36. i got a scholarship

37. people say am beatuful but i dont get it when i look in the mirror al i c is a reflection

38. i stay up late when i dont have school and write potety and talk to my friends

39. i love to talk to people and help people out am a good person.... but if u dont like me dont talk to me

40 my name is Dora E snell

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  • 3 weeks later...

This seems like a cool topic getting to know everyone....

1. My name is Allyson but I go by Twizzler && Twiggy.

2. I LOVE Piercing I have my bellybutton done, industrial, spider bites, tongue, eyebrow, ear lobes gaged to 1/2.

3. When I'm on top of high buildings I look down and wonder how much it would hurt.

4. I have a boyfriend (Skyfire) but looking for a gf

5 I love chick flicks ALOT

6. I have not seen my natural hair color since 8th grade.

7. I feel like I love two separate lives && I hate it!

8. I hate the fact I can't spell and its sad since the fact I'm graduating this yr.

9. One of my worst habits is living in the past.

10. I hate the person I have become sometimes

11. I love wolfs

12. my favorite hero is Spiderman

13. All my piercing have a meaning behind them because I usually get piercing when I get upset && same with my scars.

14. I'm all for gay/lez/ bi && trans rights!

15. my favortie color is neon blue, black, red && neon green

16. I LOVE fire ALOT

17. I have to many ex gf's and they all broke up with me except for two (I have over 30 ex gf's) and out of no where sometime they love getting ahold of me and telling me how much there sorry for messng up.

18. I love 95.5 && 96.3 the only stations I will listen too.

19. im very shy at first but when I get to know you I open up

20. i like to be with friend its the only thing that makes me happy

21. i hate being home sometimes but once in awhile i'll get homesick

22. I'm sometimes insecure about myself && idk why i have no reason to be

23. i love to write poetry

24. i love to dance and be myself

25. i love to listen to music

26 my favorite bad in the entire world is Evanescence

27. i hate feet its just simply nasty!

28. I love skirts && gator fur boots

29. i have a irish laugh && I love it but if this makes any sense my laugh makes me laugh more.

30 i hate all my birthmarks

31, i love some BDSM

32. i love to cuddle under the stars && just talk.

33. My dream came true a few weeks ago with my bf. We went on top of the C.C building and I've always dreamt to be on the top of any building with someone i really care about.

34. I will never forget my first love

35. I can't wait to go to collage

36. My amazing bestfriend that I've known for 10yrs is dieing (My best friend is my dog) I'm really scared because he's always been there for me.

37. people say I'm beatuful but i dont get it when i look in the mirror all I see is a reflection, nothing special.

38. I don't get why I have a cell phone sometimes, no one bothers with me hardly and when they do they want something from me.

39. I feel like I barely have any friends && it hurts me alot.

40. I'm over protective of my friends, I'd do anything for them in a heart beat but if a day came that I REALLY needed them. 3/4 of them wont be there; I know!

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1. My real name is Kevin J. Wanless (I was not born with the name Slogo)

2. I'm probably not gonna finish this now. I'll just keep editing it till I hit 40

3. I have a gf

4. I have no regrets unless I've hurt someone. I tend to have a guilty conscience

5. I'm a HUGE history buff

6. I am very into video work. Writing, shooting, editing, etc... Lord of Sins and I are actually working on a small project right now

7. I'd really like to know more people here

8. Though I tend to have decent self-esteem, I do feel insignificant at times

9. I've sang, played guitar and played bass at various times in different bands

10. I eat my pizza backwards. (stuffed crust or not)

11. Now I want pizza

12. For the most part, I have a liberal way of thinking

13. I often wonder why a planet needs water to support alien life. Maybe their bodies run on something entirely different.

14. My 2 best friend are Lord of Sins and my friend Mike in S. Carolina.

15. I don't find myself attractive but I really don't care.

16. My ancestry is British Canadian, English, Irish, Scottish, Italian and German

17. I love to cook

18. Everyone I've ever loved has a place in my heart

19. I've been rather successful at not making enemies

20. My pet peeve is being interrupted :rant:

21. I don't do drugs but I believe if someone wants to, it's their life

22. I'm very disorganized

23. I can chronologically name the Presidents of the USA.

24. I wish I could reunite my past friends for a reunion (which is where I get the reunite part)

25. I'm Agnostic but I like the Wiccan rede. "An it harm none, do thy will."

26. I was born on December 21st 1982 (and supposedly the world will end on my 30th b-day :unsure: )

27. I came home on Christmas in a stocking instead of a blanket, and 12/25/1982 is the warmest Xmas in Detroit on record. (Seriously it was like 65)

28. I need a better job

29. My favorite movie is Goodfellas

30. My favorite band changes constantly

31. I can't stand most country music. (Cash is the exception)

32. I consider myself patriotic but not jingoistic

33. I wanted to be a teacher, but in this country that job is pretty much the same as being a babysitter.

34. I'd love to eliminate guns from the world. (Not for any ideological reason, I'm just better with blades. I am pro-gun though)

35. I am extremely impatient

36. I'd love to live in Iceland or Hawaii (Pretty much the same except for the climatic differences)

37. I'm good at subjects like history, philosophy, art, humanities, psychology. I'm terrible at math and science.

38. I get very squeamish around bugs ( Picture a 5'10'' 210 lb guy asking his gf for help killing a spider. Just the big ones though)

39. I'm afraid my friends and family would be disappointed in me if they knew everything about me.

40. I did it all in one sitting

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1. I have 20 tattoos

2. I have my septum pierced

3. I dye my hair a different color every few months

4. "emo's" make me snicker

5. I can't stand shallow people

6. Today's youth makes me cringe sometimes

7. I have a cat

8. I'm going to grad school right now

9. I hate when people type like they are texting. This isn't texting people!

10. I'm married to the eternal and he is wonderful.

11. I'm bi, or was bi. I think being married may have made me straight

12. I like to start trouble once in awhile

13. I don't believe in God

14. I like the color black

15. I don't know if I can do 40 of these

16. I like cheese

17. I love music. Good music.

18. I don't listen to the radio because it sucks

19. I like spell check

20. My favorite color is blue

21. My real name is none of your business unless I make it your business

22. My job is moderately neato

23. Did I mention how awesome my husband is?

24. George Carlin was superb

25. I have an old school lawn cutting apparatus

26. My eyes change color

27. I've been told by many people that I have awesome lips

28. I have a tough outer shell and a mushy interior

29. I used to drink, but I'm sober now

30. I have the greatest friends on the planet

31. I've met some great people on DGN

32. I've been going to City Club for over 11 years

33. I like to write poetry

34. I dislike confrontation

35. I like cream cheese

36. I used to be a vegan briefly

37. I used to be a vegetarian

38. I eat meat now

39. This took me 10 minutes

40. I like to paint

Edited by bean water
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1. I should be reading a textbook right now.

2. I sleep with the fan on in my room all year around.

3. It's quite likely that my hair will be a different color every time you see me.

4. I played the flute in high school and was also in the flag corps.

5. My best friend was born on the same day, in the same year, that I was.

6. When I eat M&Ms I always eat all of one color before I move onto the next.

7. I like to cook.

8. I lived in Germany for a summer.

9. I can't take anything stronger than Motrin for painkillers unless I am in the hospital and they give me something that keeps me from vomiting first.

10. I'm an only child.

11. I hate coffee.

12. I have weak ankles.

13. I am allergic to bedbug bites.

14. My boyfriend lives over 2,000 miles away.

15. I had a cat that lived to be 23 years old, actually one month shy of 24.

16. I have no tattoos and only my ears pierced, and I really have no desire to change that.

17. Everyone on my dad's side of the family has OCD.

18. I love drawing blood and giving injections.

19. When I get depressed, my pick-me-up movie is Love Actually.

20. I'm halfway done.

21. Bad grammar bothers me.

22. I am addicted to Chai latte.

23. I have been a vegetarian for about 7 years now.

24. I always write in pen if possible. I hate writing in pencil.

25. I was 24 and a half the first time I got drunk.

26. When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to write fiction.

27. I will be done with school in two months.

28. Other than pets, I've never had anyone really close to me die.

29. If I straighten my hair, then fall asleep, I will wake up with my hair looking perfect and not needing to be brushed.

30. I hate when people "motorboat" me.

31. My living room couch is green.

32. I can write a 5 page paper in about 3 hours if I have my research done.

33. When it comes to liberal or conservative political views, I think I am pretty much split right down the middle.

34. I am really good at math.

35. Both of the guys that I have seriously dated had names that started with "Ch".

36. I still don't own a digital camera, unless you count my phone.

37. I haven't had cable or any other type of TV reception in my place for 2 years now, and 99% of the time I don't miss it.

38. My mouth turns up more on one side than the other when I smile.

39. Unlike most women, I hate owning more than one purse at a time.

40. If you're still reading this then I'm a little concerned that you're paying that much attention to me. =P

*edited because I repeated one.

Edited by TygerLili
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1. I used to post a lot.

2. I speak in paragraphs. Although, there are people who have thousands more posts than I do, no one has wasted more characters than me.

3. I fucking hate when shallow people say they are completely open, and warn you that they will blow you away when the most soul-baring thing they've ever said is "I like toast" or something "shocking" like "I have a snake tattoo because I like to bite" Oooh scary.

4. I don't believe marriage is a bond between one man and one woman, but I do believe that the definition of being gay is one man liking another man or one woman liking another woman

5. If you were wondering, the definition of a woman who likes women AND men is this:

you are not gay, you are not lesbian,

you are bisexual. (And when you proclaim your ability to act as such, you are not really shocking anyone at this point--

not on this board, at least)

6. I find it fascinating that in this culture we celebrate women loving women, or even

women loving men BUT fucking women,

AND YET we are still absolutely freaked out by bi-curiosity among men.

7. I am a hypocrite, since I love hugging women and listening to their feelings, but usually are uncomfortable doing either with men (though there ARE notable exceptions)

8. I am not comfortable around tough, guarded women. If you can't let your guard down, we may not get along.

9. If you like hugs, expect big "energy hugs" from me, which are different from the half-hearted bullshit "I look like I'm

hugging you, but am actually looking past you to the person's ass 10 feet in back of you" hugs in that my hugs

involve two hands, two arms, and a warm embrace

10. I like quotation marks.

11. Um, hai. Unless ur bein a lolcat, use sentences and spell check. You learned to capitalize your Is in the first grade. Now's not the time to go back and become Billy Madison. Oh, and how are we really supposed to take you seriously, when you don't even take the time to spell "sreusly" right?


12. Oh, and can we make just a little effort with grammar. You don't even have to get it right. Just try.

If I talked the way some people type on here, I'd shoot myself.

13. I'm feeling bitter tonight.

14. Every time someone answers the question "What kind of music do you like?" WITH "I like everything" they are really trying to say "I have unbelievably shitty taste in music"

15. Don't ask me what radio station I listen to. I can't listen to more than three songs on any given station without attempting to smash my car into a wall.

16. I am a hypocrite again, since I listen to NPR every morning and secretly dream that for one day, every person's voice would sound like Terry Gross. Now THAT would truly be a breath of fresh air.

17. I love bed.

18. If I come to your house/apt I have one rule: Keep Diet Coke stocked, or warn me ahead of time, so I can bring my own. It is a love that has sustained me, and will never die.

19. bean water's love sustains me now (though it has not replaced diet coke, rather it has simply relegated diet coke to a complementary role)

20. I have an unhealthy relationship with food, and if not for a good metabolism I would be 500 pounds.

21. I always feel at least 50 lbs fatter than I am.

22. I often think of developing an drinking problem/gambling problem/drug addiction so then when people ask why I'm such a failure, I can blame it on that, the way others do.

23. I have low self-esteem. It will not change, but humor can lighten it.

24. I once thought about being a stand-up comic, since most of them seem to be cynical, bitter self-loathing people who decided to use humor as therapy.

25. One reason I hate stupid people who think they're so "different" or "shocking" is that I actually AM open and make people uncomfortable with my self-disclosures or critical observations of them.

I won't tell you you're an asshole.

That's too easy.

You can shrug it off.

I will tell you EXACTLY what I think is wrong with you, and you will either hug me and thank me for my honesty or want to punch me in the stomach.

26. I don't remember the last time I talked to my family.

27. I know I'm better without them, but it still hurts me how easy it was for them to let go of me.

28. I made one of the best decisions of my life last year in forming a union with bean.

29. My ex has made it her mission to make my life a living hell ever since.

...And she's winning.

30. I don't believe in hell, but I do believe in the devil. I know where she lives. I can point it out to you on Google Earth.

31. It's painful to hear how smart people think I am, since it just reminds me how little I've made of my life, and how the stupid people will always run this planet and make more money than me.

32. Tell me I have a nice ass instead.

33. Be sure to have a good health care provider before you do that though, as bean is very protective and will kick yours if she hears you say it.

34. I have absolutely no ability to control my feelings or keep from expressing them. I wish I could,

but it's futile to start now.

35. I have been hurt a lot because of that, and everyone can sense my insecurity, and most people make fun of me or take advantage of me, feeling there will be no repercussions.

36. My abusive boss was mighty surprised when he almost got fired when said repercussions involved me going to my HR director after he threatened my life on a regular basis.

37. I am not a physically threatening figure, yet somehow, all my bosses have been threatened by my ability to know when they are full of shit and question them.

38. I find it stifling that the politics of most of the people who express their views on this board is libertarian.

Social justice, gay rights, freedom of/from religion. AND

Economic Darwinism. No taxes. No welfare. No safety net.

I'd love to take a moment and ask all the Ayn Rands on this board to:

never listen to NPR,

don't go to school,

don't drive on the roads,

kick your grandparents off social security and Medicare, tell all the fired autoworkers that their pussies for collecting unemployment, and

ah yes, go fuck yourself, since you can't get through one day without enjoying the benefits of this "socialist" society

39. That the irony is, I personally like most of the people I'm referring to in 38. And I secretly admire them for having the balls to make a point (even if I don't agree with it, or find it fatally flawed)

40. What I really hate, are:

People that don't have an opinion at all. They, of the mindset of the Goth Ostrich.

Always putting their heads in the sand because of the pointlessness of humanity.

"Oh everything's fucked, so do nothing"

I think we're all fucked too, and I hate myself,

but I still try to change things, because I know change can only come when you fight for it.

More people I hate:

People who agree with EVERYTHING.

Every opinion gets a :jamin and a :bow .


I allow that behavior in one person, and that's ONLY because I believe that it's actually his individual personalities agreeing with each poster's opinion and if all his personalities were in a room together they'd fight to the death.

I also hate:

People who are fake. Tell me how you feel. It's just going to piss me off more when I find out the truth later.


I leave a special place in my ass for-------

Young people who think they are sooo different

I'm talking to you.

Lean in closer. Now look up. Over there.

NO. There.

Look at that woman.

No, not the one with Manic Panic mohawk and the barbed wire tattoo.

That one.


With the short dark hair.

And the two kids tugging at her skirt. Yeah, her.

Last weekend, she was being suspended by two fish hooks and whipped with catofnine tails.

Last month, she was having a threesome with the pastor's wife and the bagger in aisle 10 in Kroger's.

You know the cute innocent one who alsways says "please" and "ma'am" while he's carefully making sure the eggs don't get crushed by the grade A, choice cuts of round, blood red meat. He was singing a different tune with a leather mask and handcuffs

Last year, she was in a shelter for battered women.

Five years ago, she had her hair dyed in five different colors, played bass in a band named Plasticne Pussy

and was dating the middle man heroin dealer.

Not the main guy of course.

She could never get that lucky. Always with the mediocre choice, the almost there.

The guy that would take the drugs from the house downtown and bring it to the kids in Troy and Birmingham and Franklin so the Preppy jocks could have a totally kickass party with the pompom girls (because everyone know they are the real sluts--not those snotty cheerleaders) A party not seen the likes of since Nickelback burst on to the scene giving lame people everywhere a reason to open a Natty Light.

The same guy who gave said woman the two kids and put them in the shelter that they gleefully left after he was put away and who are now pulling on her skirt.


We've been there. We've cut that. We've whipped him. We've OD'd on that. We've watched our friend die from that thing you just found out about, because you're the first one ever to try it--- EVER.

Get over yourselves.

I'm no one special. I know that. It's just that you're not either.

And one day I hope that you will figure that out.

Then we can be friends.

I may even give you a hug.

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1)I know G*D...IT has been my constant companion through life.

2)I have a mission in this lifetime. To disseminate the following truths, (& more).

  1. G*D IS LOVE.
  2. Don't call IT Him..IT don't appreciate the attatched sentiment.
  3. I know that...G*D does not care if you believe in IT..just if you follow what you think is right in your heart & mind.

3)I have a 2 foot long dreadlock...it is BLUE & it has the name Lister.

4)I have 6 other 'locks, (yup 7 altogether).

5)My name is Reverence. It is the only word that the 5 peoples in me head could agree on being called.

6)It will be legally changed very soon.

7)Though I know grammar...I over ellipsis...it't kinda' how I talk...unless I throw-ed the grammar out (they teach you how to NOT use grammar after you master it you know..that's called "POETIC LICENSE".)

8)I love poetry.

9)I think...if peoples wrote poetry..(or what they THINK is a poem)..they should, sleep, wake, reread it, copy it to a new paper, read it to 3 friends (separately), sleep, wake, re-re-read it...THEN..THEN IF THEY STILL LIKE IT AS A POEM, (NOT AN EXPOSE INTO WHY/HOW LIFE HAS BEEN UNFAIR TO YOU FOR YOUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE & HOW YOUR EGO WAS BRUISED THIS WEEK) THEN...you can read that shit on a stage or post it on a forum.

10)I happen to agree with most of what the eternal posted...except I think I can get away with sayin' that I wholeheartedly agree that beanwater picked one of the only dudes with a hotter ass than I have got. (See how I phrased that in order to not get kicked?)

11)I am sad I did not meet the eternal before bean did...then I coulda' had him for a moment...(now that..might get me a swift kick!) *hopes*

12)I can not count how many tattoos I have now.

13)I plan to end up with only 5 or 6 tattoos. (Full sleeve is 1 tat.)

14)I am blunt.

15)If you pass me a blunt, I'll hit it..7-Mile-Style.

16)I have 7 ear rings.

17)I have 2 nose rings. (septum, & nostril.)

18)I have 1 nipple ring.

19)You see, the other nip was pierced.

20)I found out that I have a nipple on my nipple...& when it is pierced...it really swells twice as large as the nip on the other side...or even than the nipple it is on top of.


22)I frequently must ask what peoples mean by things when they type in the LOL...I absolutely refuse to look up NON words...especially when I PAID TAXES so you kidds could learn fuckin' ENGLISH!

23)23 is totally my favorite number.

24)I like boots.

25)I make music, but I call it "MUS-IK"..as in, "The Muse inspired me so far that I now have a sick mind."

26)Sometimes...I post silly things...sometimes I post very serious things...but I DO try to split the difference...this makes it hard to tell sometimes...SO...I give you all a hint...the colors often mean something... ;)

27)I like tobacco a whole bunch!

28)My eyes change colours...from blue (like a still lagoon){or like the sky}...to grey (like a storm cloud)...

29)I will not condemn, I can not convert. IT is a calling, have you heard?

30)I just paraphrased Ziggy Marley.

31)I am cynical beyond belief. I do not trust the scientists, they are simply TO SURE...they must be full of shit.

32)I am really a Reverend. {Actual title is "Grand High Priest" but REV is a better abbreviation that GHP}

33)Ignorance irks me.

34)Hatred infuriates me.

35)Hypocrisy...makes me WANT to hate.

36)I don't get along with my mother, she is ignorant, hateful, & a hypocrite.

37)I know allot about the Occult, ZEN, & the Yogas.

38)Peoples are always askin' me about some tribulation, or obstacle...& how to overcome it.

39)I tell peoples the easiest way I can think of to get them out of their jam...but they think it is too hard, & give up on it........like they'ld rather be miserable than to put effort forth to change the things around them to what would make them more happy.

40)MORE peoples call me their friend than I call my friend. I am fine with that...but when they are not acting like a friend...they get all upset when I say so...

If you don't like it....um....get the fuck away from me & mine! :biggrin:

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1) I am really really short. 4 foot 10 1/2. My aunt was legal midget status but not an actual midget as they usually have problems physically...they are different.

She walked under my arm once as I was leaning on a wall...freaked me out big time.

2) I used to be a meth addict. Not anymore. Never do anything more than once a week. Including alcohol...well I smoke P 3x a week that’s about it these days.

3) I am rather thin usually I have to fight to keep my weight up as I have health issues none of which are contagious.

4) I am licensed in 2 states to practice cosmetology

5) I own 2 homes and work p/t with my best bud doing organic landscaping to which I get mine done for free. Herb garden anyone?

6) we might build biodomes together soon if we get the backing.

7) I am a hippie. I started hanging out with older persons dropping acid at age 13 so yes, I am an original hippie...I wore bell bottoms and tie dye my first year of Junior High....then it changed to the punk thing.

8) Being an eclectic pagan who was born and raised here I can tell you about most covens in the area...where to go, what to do and who to talk to depending on your path.

9) Study all religions...may go to a Mormon church soon just to see WAS UP! bro.

10) I read the Mormon bible recently.

11) Also study serial killers in my spare time. Have lots of family members in the police force in N.C. Or in the medical profession. Did you know most women serial killers use poison? They outsmart, not over power, their victims. How is that almond cookie tasting? =P

12) If I go back to school it will be for forensics.

13) Watch lots of crime shows just like me pop.

14) My family WAS into the kkk, I married a ex Nazi. I am not kidding. I come from extreme white power back ground and I am not proud of it. In fact, I hate that...but it’s my heritage. I used to hang out with skin heads. Then I got wise.

15) have a tiny bit o native American in me and THAT is why my bloodline, according to my dad’s side of the family is NOT PURE. eh so fuck it we are all going to hell in a hand basket anyway...right?

16) I don't understand the phrase 'hell in a hand basket' but use it cause my grandma did. After she died I found myself using her phrases...possession anyone? heehaw!

17) I am an avid nudist. Just dares me...I dares ya... :happydance

18) I love my cat more than most people but he is an advanced spiritual being...oh did I mention he is gay as well?

19) Most of my pals are freaks, geeks...weirdoes...you get the point.

20) I like pain at times, in certain ways...if given by certain people.

21) I consider myself on a shamanic path

22) I am a freak with a capitol K

23) I used to sing quite well and was in a few bands back in the day now I mostly write drum tracks for us and others. Mostly drums....I go to hand drummings a lot and have a project going with someone on that.

24) I am poly...as in an open relationship kinda person...my partner has had the same b/f for over a yr now...

25) I like watching guy on guy porn. Not girl on girl...just guy on guy. Mostly gay Mexicans.

26) I love Mexicans...most of my best friends turn out to be at least part which I find rather strange, dunno why that keeps happening.

27) I was at a party the other day with a Ricardo, poncho...and tony...how funny is that? We had Spanish style eggs...yummy. Who names their kid poncho anyway? Mexican hippies. Thas who. =P

28) I had twins...carried them beyond full term...they were over 6lbs each. I am tiny...you get the picture. Both my kids turned out like me, they are goth...pagans. And lovely. You may see one at the club now and then...me and the younger one don't go anymore. To busy with important life stuff...like, having a life. She is in college.

29) Yesterday I spent the late afternoon portion on my bike at Metro Beach.

30) I plan to buy and figure out those sail board things this summer yes I plan to purchase needed equipment with the money I save getting rid of my soon to be extinct Pontiac.

31) Outside is where you will usually find me.

32) I am pretty smart but I have severe ADHD I am a hyper bitch and usually get on peoples nerves at times.

33) Have had numerous brain injuries....not suppose to drink or do stimulants...lol how funny is that?

34) not suppose to ride roller coasters either...funny again.

35) I love fast things....love to go fast. I love flying, I have flown a glider and a Cessna

36) Pretty fearless except when it comes to germs. Or diseases.

37) Have two tattoos, one is of Omnetoytl a Aztec god. The other is the Kanji symbol for Chaos...I will be getting Kali next in full color. One of my tats glows.

38) Have had many a freaky and/or weird, spiritual experience where others see it too...

39) Do medicine card readings at times...like Jamie Samms first deck

40) I don't understand or like that Scorpios are a water sign when fire makes more sense.

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41. I kick Rev for his # 11. :)

42. I don't share. Ever.

41)I like that stuff sometimes...in fact.....I AM SO INTO THE KINK...YOU CAN NOT HURT ME.....

42)When I say "MY/MINE".....I mean I belong to it.

43)when I say "we/us" where you would say "me/I".....I mean that all 5 of the 'peoples' in this head are all in agreement on something...even if that thing is that we disagree.

43)When I say "We/Our".....I mean O_M_G & I.....'cause I CAN...'cause We talk about everythin'...'cause she's My wife. ;)

44)I know allot of these DGN frieks personally.

45)Some I have known more personally than others. :whistle:

46)Is my second favorite number.

47)I think this is a GREAT new game.

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1. I am old, 38 years old 2. I consider myself more punk then goth 3. I love the outdoors 4. I am into BDSM, I am a Daddy Dom but can be any type of Dominant. Whatever the lady may need. 5.I own 11 guns, loves my guns 6. I am an art lover 7. I love caffeine, soda, coffee or tea, it just dont mater 8.Im always horny! 9. I prefer being nude 10. I have a love affair with my jeep wrangler 11. I have crushed on half the ladies on this board I think 12.I love Wild Turkey whiskey 13.I love women with mowhawks 14.Everyone loves my nipples 15. I own a camper 16. Im a sexy bitch 17.I love martial arts 18. I am a friend to all 19. Im prettier then you 20.I love archery 21. I have a huge movie collection 22. I am a bit of a cowboy. Its not just a look 23.I love all of you 24. Ask me and I will tell you anything 25.I love this state and hate when people bitch about it 26. I love football and hockey 27.Im straight but most think Im gay or bi 28.I love a nice butt 29. I smoke more cigarettes then anyone I know 30. I think World of warcraft is dumb 31. I love to throw tomahawks and knives 32. I am an honorary member of the Traverse City Ojibiwa tribe. 33. I love kissing and never get bored of it 34. I am a big romantic 35. I love my fishing boat 36. I am a huge Star Wars nerd 37. I hate guys who act like badasses 38. I have a huge comic book collection 39. I love this web site 40. Alright I lied, your prettier then me but just you.

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1. I am old, 38 years old 2. I consider myself more punk then goth 3. I love the outdoors 4. I am into BDSM, I am a Daddy Dom but can be any type of Dominant. Whatever the lady may need. 5.I own 11 guns, loves my guns 6. I am an art lover 7. I love caffeine, soda, coffee or tea, it just dont mater 8.Im always horny! 9. I prefer being nude 10. I have a love affair with my jeep wrangler 11. I have crushed on half the ladies on this board I think 12.I love Wild Turkey whiskey 13.I love women with mowhawks 14.Everyone loves my nipples 15. I own a camper 16. Im a sexy bitch 17.I love martial arts 18. I am a friend to all 19. Im prettier then you 20.I love archery 21. I have a huge movie collection 22. I am a bit of a cowboy. Its not just a look 23.I love all of you 24. Ask me and I will tell you anything 25.I love this state and hate when people bitch about it 26. I love football and hockey 27.Im straight but most think Im gay or bi 28.I love a nice butt 29. I smoke more cigarettes then anyone I know 30. I think World of warcraft is dumb 31. I love to throw tomahawks and knives 32. I am an honorary member of the Traverse City Ojibiwa tribe. 33. I love kissing and never get bored of it 34. I am a big romantic 35. I love my fishing boat 36. I am a huge Star Wars nerd 37. I hate guys who act like badasses 38. I have a huge comic book collection 39. I love this web site 40. Alright I lied, your prettier then me but just you.

All true...VERY TRUE.


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1. I love defiant or dark theatricality and similar use of language.

2. My favorite color is violet, I find it feels like I am feeding off of it when I look at it.

3. I might be somewhat of a gentleman but that doesn't mean I'm not sexual, I think its quite the opposite. Sometimes when a person opens the door for you first, its so they can look at your ass.

4. I am completely heterosexual.

5. I think its cool that one of my great, great grandmothers was Pottawattamie.

6. I have social anxiety and major depressive disorder which I am on medications for long-term; the Klonopin has helped with anxiety, though the Zoloft is more of a muse.

7. I am self-educated in various suicide methods and I feel a fascination and connection with suicidal artists who've ended their lives. (I have no wish to end mine.)

8. Many of my teeth, mostly on the top row, are rotting. This is mostly from years of excessive soda drinking. I brush-- but I probably will not fix them.

9. I have dim blue eyes with dark circles under them, and slight blue lines accentuating the circles.

10. Between the days I wear all black, my eyes, and when I smile, I look hilariously crazy and evil.

11. I have short brown hair I usually dye blue black or black, than slick it back with water or leave it messy.

12. I wear black work boots on an almost constant basis.

13. I am peaceful and wouldn't harm anyone unless out of self-defense or defense of others in rare cases where peaceful, verbal resolution can't be reached.

14. I educate myself on the drugs I take. I will never touch hard drugs.

15. I am a caffeine-freak. Though I have not and will not take caffeine pills. I've gotten sick more times from caffeine than alcohol, and probably over twice as much.

16. I find the human mind fascinating.

17. I've cut multiple times in the past as a hidden coping mechanism using sterilized shaving razors.

18. I believe one should judge their art and themselves, but along with this, create content to their heart's content.

19. I'm a gamer and a geek.

20. I will not play any game I have to pay monthly to pay, just preference. I admit I have tried Final Fantasy Online.

21. Earlier this year I've made it an effort to be a warmer, more loving person.

22. I enjoy helping people.

23. I would rather work under-the-table than for a business. If unable to work under-the-table, I would rather work for a small business than a larger business. The only exception would be art and entertainment.

24. I love the idea of Market Anarchy. Where people handle their communities peacefully without government, and competition keeps the market fair.

25. I love the spontaneous order of nature. Flocks of birds in particular, inspire me.

26. I don't care much for amusement parks or rides. Most roller-coasters make me sick.

27. I dislike the notion that the Goth scene consists of people who think they are supreme individuals. There are prevailing patterns of fashion in every culture. Every person is an individual, a "snowflake."

28. I used to be ridiculously good at the second Donkey Konga from practicing it like crazy. I got gold medals on all songs on all difficulties in the second Donkey Konga except for the very last, most difficult song; I want them to make more.

29. I want to see ridiculously well-done F-Zero and Zelda games for the Wii.

30. I dropped out after the first semester of High School my senior year. I spent most of the year messing with FL Studio and I've made over twenty songs with that software, the rest are lost.

31. I now use Cakewalk Sonar.

32. My biggest music fascination right now is bent around folk. I feel it gives me a kind of union with the country surrounded by fields and woods I've grown up in.

33. I'm not a great singer, but a proud baritone.

34. I'm a virgin.

35. I have a G.E.D. but it means little to me.

36. I barely talk to my father.

37. I live with my parents and I'm not ashamed of it.

38. I used to be a Baptist Christian, now I am aligned between Atheist and General-Agnostic.

39. I'm single, maybe terminally, maybe not.

40. All of what I've written is true, but also laughable.

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well since i know nobody will sit threw 40 things about me i will do 11

1-my screen name is my middle name

2-i play guitar and trumpet though i dont have a trumpet anymore i gave it to my niece for her birthday(inspire the younger kids to make real music not play guitar hero)

3-i have had alot of jobs

4-im a great guy once you get to know me just ask my friends

5-im a provert wich is like having a doctorine in perversion

6-i have 3 and a half tats

7-im a middle child

8-im a libra

9-i believe life is chaos but we as ignorant people just try to put order to things

10-i over think things alot like this one dream i had a long time ago were i was a cop and i was chasing this guy threw these warehouses and he snuck up behind me and stabbed me i fell to the floor and everything just went white i didnt wake up for a while it was just white. i wonder if that was the last memory of my past life or a vision of my possible future.

11-yes ladies i am single

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Guest Megalicious

1. I am currently listening to "Ever fallen in love with someone?" by the buzzcocks.

2. I am a good natured person, I try to get along with everyone, but DON'T FUCK WITH ME - For your own sake.

3. I have pretty much lead an interesting life to say the least, somewhat nomadic but that has changed.

4. I have been accepted to U of m and I am TERRIFIED of failure.

5. I miss my brother terribly and if he knew what was going on .. he would be on the first plane to DTW.

6. MY BROTHER AND MY TWO cousins (who are basically my OTHER brothers) are VERY over protective of me.

7. I am the only girl in my family.

8. I LOVE string cheese- to NO END.

9. I am now listening to "Hitler was a Vegetarian" by The Residents, this is going to be awhile.

10. Apparently, I am too hot for him LOL

11. I WILL PWN your ass at Catan, and pretty much any board game I fancy.

12. I love BSG.

13. I FUCKING LOVE CHEMISTRY.... it is my passion.

14. I love to paint, but not in the way you might think.

15. EVERYONE gets the wrong impression of me before they get to "know me" and people that "know me" are very few and far between, but there are a few among you.

16. I am at a very strange stage in life. It's not a bad stage just strange.. I'm on the right track and I think things will one day be ideal.

17. I love Anatomy, and anatomical variations. Everyone looks different on the inside thehehe.

18. I wish to wear a skin suit and run around town LOL (I kid).

19. I listen TO ALL KINDS OF MUSIC. Nothing is left out, my collection is insane. I listen to something new everyday. As long as it has feeling, IT MAKES ME FEEL.... and has depth. I'm a little obsessed with Wagner, but hey we all have our little things I suppose.

20. I hate people that don't ever take responsibility for their own faults - CAN'T FUCKING STAND IT.

21. I believe that everything needs love and support to thrive - with the exception of M's Ex, that bitch can fucking rot in hell for all I care.

22. I have a knack for being able to read people, which is the reason I give really GOOD christmas presents and will KICK YOU ass at poker.

23. I often find myself taking the bus and sketching random people I don't know.

24. I like to walk, for no real reason at all.

25. I also love to run, when I'm pissed off.

26. I drive to think.

27. I love Diet Cherry Coke.

28. I have only been in love once.

29. I have a thing for forming strong friendships with people that start out as a professional relationships. Professors, therapist, ect.

30. I have one furry child.

31. I have one human child.

32. I can't wait to ride Sequoia- the new horse.

33.My favorite color is green.

34. I miss the desert.

35. I miss the mountains.

36. I MISS THE BEACH (meaning THE FUCKING OCEAN, you people and your beaches.. WTF lol)/

37. When I first moved here I lived in Hamtramck, and I LOVED it.

38. I have shaved my head twice now in my life. COMPLETELY shaved.

39. I am going to make a remake of one of my favorite songs with Rev *YAY* because I'm a romantic dork.

40. I want a 1955 Jaguar type D... *drools*

Edited to change excepted to accepted.

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Guest Megalicious

3. I fucking hate when shallow people say they are completely open, and warn you that they will blow you away when the most soul-baring thing they've ever said is "I like toast" or something "shocking" like "I have a snake tattoo because I like to bite" Oooh scary.

I just laughed Diet Cherry Coke out of my nose. :rofl: Thanks, I really needed the laugh. :happy:

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Can not do 40. But here a few:

1) I go by middle name, april and I am a introvert

2) love to read

3) care giver to my daddy

4) will be aunt. One of my dearest friends, advised me that I can be aunt. I was so honor.

5) my grammar and spelling need works

6) my daddy is one of my best friends

7) I met an Angel and I am so blessed to have met this Angel

8) I love helping folks. I offer help (most of the time) to strangers when they are in need. For instance, someone was try to make copies at the library and did not have enough money for all of copies. I was happy to give a dollar. I feel that helping others, is my way of thanking God, for everything He has done for me. I even go more of distance of help, when it involves people I care about.

9) That I am bless to have good friends.

10) As mention in previous posts, I also need to go out and meet more folks here.

11) Like baseball. Don't know all the baseball lingo still. I just like seeing a good game.

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