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I would ask myself.

What am I angry about?

And once you identify what made you angry michiko, you ask yourself why are you hurt?

Let yourself feel your emotions.

Don't bury them.

Best of all you should understand where the emotions are coming from.

Then from there you can heal.

I suggest reading a good book.

I've been reading "when helping you is hurting me"

Its a short term therapy book on co-dependency.

Or you can watch a funny movie, take a shower, drink some tea, listen to a good cd.

But most important is always let yourself feel your emotions fully, and understand the root of those emotions.

Edited by asphyxian_doll
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I would ask myself.

What am I angry about?

And once you identify what made you angry machiko, you ask yourself why are you hurt?

Let yourself feel your emotions.

Don't bury them.

Best of all you should understand where the emotions are coming from.

Then from there you can heal.

I suggest reading a good book.

I've been reading "when helping you is hurting me"

Its a short term therapy book on co-dependency.

Or you can watch a funny movie, take a shower, drink some tea, listen to a good cd.

But most important is always let yourself feel your emotions fully, and understand the root of those emotions.

sounds like you have a good handle on yourself. and your so sweet. loved chatting with ya on yahoo.

as for me. when im hurt i drink or hang out with friends. i stay busy. keeps my mind free of worrie. and my friends cheer me up.

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There's a lot of things you can do from venting, writing, drawing, music, comedy, hanging with friends, ect.

If these don't entirely work.. Go through it, as in, accept that things are dark and keep trudging along to the best of your abilities. And accept that your doing the best that you can. It's okay to be vulnerable, human weakness is equally valuable as human strength; if a person is too sad their strength will act against them. The biggest task is to be weak enough to be humble, and strong enough to keep going.

I hope you feel better. :happy:

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Scales and asphyxian_doll both put out good advice. It's not unnatural to be down or depressed sometimes. It's the degree and the duration that are the difference. If this has been going on for months or years, then it's time for professional help or at least a determined attempt at self-diagnosis and treatment. Depression can be either a chemical imbalance or due to external issues, like stress. Think about what's been going on and what might be causing it. You may not be absolutely correct but if you can come close, you can start to bring some closure to the situation in whatever way seems appropriate. Asking for an outside opinion is always good. It's remarkable what a different point of view can shed light on.

As for the short term do something that makes you happy. If that's time with friends, cool. If that's reading, or dancing or hiking in the woods. Do it. If it's harassing Jesse... I highly recommend it. You can even harass me. :p

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I hate schedules, but, when I'm down, I find having one helps. As mentioned a few times prior, keeping in the company of friends can help, but who those friends are matters a great deal. When down, avoid the drama makers. If you still feel lost or down in the company of many friends, find the one or two with whom you can let down the walls and vent. I did this last Thursday; crying into a hot fudge sundae with a good friend made me feel much better. Sometimes, I find that the only things that work are the following: 1) gratitude practice--be grateful for everything. It's not a comparison game (at least my life is better than so-and-so's, etc.), but the conscious appreciation for even the littlest things (breath, weather, birdsong, hugs, coffee, toe socks, a vehicle that runs, apples, etc.), and 2) reminding myself that it will pass. Emotions are funny things in that they seldom have inherent of them any sense of perspective so that they feel all important and everlasting, when, actually, they are often fleeting and do not always parallel what is going on in our lives.

I like the advice of all who preceded me. If something cute can make you smile, use it as a reminder that you will not always be down. Please do see if there isn't some larger issue underlying your sadness/anger. If it does last longer than a few weeks and seems to be undermining all aspects of your life, therapy or medication may be in order. They work for me! And keeping a journal or releasing your anxieties through a creative project is a great idea.

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I second the excellent advice from Asphyxian Doll, Scales, Marc, & Tasteewonderbunny. The gratitude practice is something I do a lot and is very helpful.

Stay busy... don't just mope around the house. One thing that helps me is to get all dressed up even if I'm just sitting home alone... put on some party clothes or fancy lingerie, do some fun makeup, eat dinner off the good dishes... kind of celebrate my own specialness.

And keep telling yourself, "this too shall pass".

Edited by pomba gira
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Sometimes it's good to simplify. I find when I get wrapped up in the big issues I get depressed. So I try to take joy in the small things. If it's a nice day out or if I have something semi- fun to do with someone I like, I focus all of my attention on that moment.

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i would never recommend my method to anyone, ever.

my issue is that i always try to avoid my feelings, so if i want to get past them, i have to allow myself to give in to them, feel them, let them work their way out, so to speak. this typically involves drinking for a few days, and wallowing in my depression, until i naturally come back out of it.

i'm usually good for a few/several months after that, unless triggered by something specific.

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Guest Megalicious

I pick up and go somewhere.... It use to be pick up and go anywhere for a few months, now its pick up and go somewhere for a few days. You can't live out of suitcase with a two year old :happy:

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i would never recommend my method to anyone, ever.

my issue is that i always try to avoid my feelings, so if i want to get past them, i have to allow myself to give in to them, feel them, let them work their way out, so to speak. this typically involves drinking for a few days, and wallowing in my depression, until i naturally come back out of it.

i'm usually good for a few/several months after that, unless triggered by something specific.

It is always good to clean the wound, to be aware of your emotions, to feel them, let them surface as Torn Asunder here describes, and then tend to them...find out the root, figure out the triggers....be gentle, but thorough. Then let it heal...let some air get to it....

The advice on finding the underlying problem is the best ;)

& I Go for a walk.. Do some yoga.. Physical activities will help with this end of winter funk. :)

This is a great example of letting the wound "breathe".....exercise...walk, keep it simple. ^_^

Best of all BE YOU. Let yourself feel....but remember to always tend to yourself gently, lovingly....do all you can to clean, tend, and heal that emotional wound.

Edited by asphyxian_doll
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One thing I have to say about the "feel the emotions and get threw it" thing is that not everyone can do that.

precisely why i said i wouldn't recommend it to anyone! :wink

I think I might actually post her info in a diff thread to help other people too.

i think it would be better to pm it to interested parties, in all honesty, unless it's just a website or something. or at least check with her before doing so - kind of a respect thing... =)

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I just remember. If you and your friends like going to theatre, here an idea. If you are not aware, Wayne State University has different theatres and they got some great plays for this year. If you are intersted, here is there link:


I need to take care of some stuff and will sign back in later.

I wish you the best.

Edited by dragonluv
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Personally, I like LARPing. The group I was with pulled out all the stops. We even had airsoft gun combats and swordfights with nerf. There was something cathartic about going out to a friends farm, living in a virtual fantasy world for a weekend, and kicking the shit out of something or someone.

Needless to say, I haven't been able to do that since I got here. I am more of a science fiction vs. fantasy battle person, so I wouldn't be comfortable in SCA, etc. Nor do I have the funding for armor and weapons (our group had communal weapons.)

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When I feel like I can afford the gas, I get in my car, put on some music and drive. Usually late at night, occasionally with a friend. Failing that, lift heavy things until I'm exhausted and no longer have the mental bandwidth to even think about being depressed.

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