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Ok lets see here, where to start.....NOTE: this is not a rant.

Last couple months I use ta get hit on alot at cc which that went on for a long time and I never really cared about it because I have no desires to be in a relationship or whutsoever, but now I finally got whut I asked for and now-a-days I no longer get hit on no more, which is now became kinda odd because I guess I kinda grown use ta that. Im guessing it could be that since I've gone there for a looong time the message is probaly already spreaded through and they got the word. Looks like im becoming a scrub once more like I was in my mid-teen years and like those kinda guys the chix would stay clear from at cc. I feel that I cant keep up with anyone no more and things started feeling like its been a bit too over-whelming for me ta handle with. I know that parts my fault and I understand that I putted myself in this situation. Plus my inbox's to my email addy's has been almost empty for a long time, the only time I do get something in them is basicaly nuthing but spam, plus I dont get alot of im's no more, barely havnt talked ta anyone online except for a few which that totally grew rare these days, not even phone calls as well. Im falling out of existence once again but I do know theres a reason im alone though. Now the only thing I have is memory's and pictures, as I look through them im like wow, I sure was a stud lol. I guess the only thing I can do now is cherish those memories and live until death do me part from this realm. I cant lie, I cant wait when death comes. The only thing that keeps me living is a few friends of mine (one my roomate) and a few certain promise's I made years ago. I should get a ps2 again and just spend the rest of my life just playing video games, like I did back at a certain point in life. Not leave home nuthing. Just sit there and play video games everyday/night no human contact er whutsoever. Well I guess the only time I would be in human contact is when im at cc, but other than that, its just living a life as a hermit and constantly playing video games to my grave....Looks like my socail life is almost at end.

Why don't you want to meet anyone? Not saying that being alone is a horrible thing. Just curious.

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i like video games... not as much as some people, but video games can be tons of fun sometimes.. i have been known to play "fighting" games for 14 hours at a time.. but i still love human contact...

come on now.. do you really wanna do that whole "hermit" thing you mentioned... i know life is a "drag-ass" thing sometimes but... :erm

i also know that being hit on by us "wench"s isnt all there is to life.. :wink :whistling

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I second that Rambo.. *L* Ugh... Unless I'm completely dense, I never get hit on...  It dosn't mean anything bad. You still have friend! Besies.. you said you didn'e need a relationship anyways!


GAWD! It looks like I was drunk or something when I typed this! *L*

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I second that Rambo.. *L* Ugh... Unless I'm completely dense, I never get hit on...  It dosn't mean anything bad. You still have friend! Besies.. you said you didn'e need a relationship anyways!

I find this hard to believe. YOU never get hit on? :ohmy:

Your eyes alone should be all it takes...

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I find this hard to believe.  YOU never get hit on?  :ohmy: 

Your eyes alone should be all it takes...


Well I guess I should clarify. I get hit on by sleez balls who want to sleep with me. I don't get hit on by decent folk who want to date me. (Which is the only kind I'm interested in)

Oh yeah... and no, not drunk, though it might have been a good idea.

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Come to think of it, maybe im just getting adjusted to a few changes...And I realize im doing it again, blocking everyone out without realizing lol. As for meeting people I never had a problem with that, I always like meeting others.

Some unnessicary feelings were starting to leak out a bit, but no need ta worry I fixed that problem hehe...

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Dark I've been pretty much exactly where you are, and very recently. The lack of attention feeling, the "i used to be wanted/attractive back in the day" feeling, the "fuck life ill just play video games 24/7" "I really would just rather die" "Only still alive due to XYZ friends and..." all that.

First off

1. Not to sound homosexual (why do us men always have to preface a comment about other males attractiveness with this grrr) but you are a good looking and likeable guy. And i don't mean that in a "ill say something nice" sort of way. I >know

2. Please take this as its intended. I don't mean it in any even slightly negative way, but "feeling unliked" and "isolating yourself" just become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you isolate yourself , the less "attention" you get , the more you shrink from social situations, the more the anti-social tendencies rake across your brain. Force yourself to go out somewhat regularly, force yourself into "uncomfortable" social situations sometimes. Talk to people that you trust about your problems. Actively contact people >make friends

3. If you ever really do get to the "fuck life ill just play video games" thing, and your right there, hell, go ahead and do it for a while. Playing video games 24/7 (i actually did do this) is better than being wrapped in a constant mental "no one likes me fuck this life is crap" thought process if you need to give your mind a rest for a bit. But eventually , go back and read #1 and #2

4. Try not to define your self worth based on how others view you. This one is a motherrrrrrrrrrrrfuuuuuuuuuucker to accomplish. Its hard to even admit that we do this. Basing your opinion of yourself and your life , on how others view you, how many friends you have, how much attention ya get, etc is a rough road. When your in the zone , and have lots of "good things happening to you" all seems well, but then when it isn't, and people aren't coming around as often (or not at all) or otherwise putting a negative spin on you, its a recipe for disaster. "Im good. Im worthwhile. I matter. " If they don't get it, and continue not to get it, all compassion aside, fuck em'.

5. Get some laughs in. (tries not to quote any proverbs) Watch funny movies / TV shows that you like, read funny find funny.... Hell, if nothing else just force a smile to your face and force a few snickers out, you'd be surprised if you try at it. Its hard to find things that are funny when you feel empty inside, but its out there. Some cheerful chuckles and heartfelt laughs can really poke a pin in the massive mental torture balloons we blow up for ourselves.

And if all else fails, just remember "Troy thinks im the man." and thats all that matters anyhow right?? right??? :laughing

Seriously though, hope you feel better and i hope i didnt come off to preachy, just trying to help. I been there. (and still slide back there from time to time)

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4.  Try not to define your self worth based on how others view you.  This one is a motherrrrrrrrrrrrfuuuuuuuuuucker to accomplish.  Its hard to even admit that we do this.  Basing your opinion of yourself and your life , on how others view you, how many friends you have, how much attention ya get, etc  is a rough road...

can i get a wi - it - ness!? can i get a witness!? :cool

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Dark I've been pretty much exactly where you are, and very recently.    The lack of attention feeling, the "i used to be wanted/attractive  back in the day" feeling, the "fuck life ill just play video games 24/7" 

I will be at that point in my life in november when the new xbox comes out. I can't wait!

Oh and DarkChylde, everyone goes thru funks, you snap out of them naturally oftentimes. Or something good happens and you change your whole attitude.

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Dark I've been pretty much exactly where you are, and very recently.    The lack of attention feeling, the "i used to be wanted/attractive  back in the day" feeling, the "fuck life ill just play video games 24/7"  "I really would just rather die"  "Only still alive due to XYZ friends and..."  all that.

First off

1.  Not to sound homosexual (why do us men always have to preface a comment about other males attractiveness with this grrr)  but you are a good looking  and likeable guy.  And i don't mean that in a "ill say something nice" sort of way.  I >know< this.  I've been around you when women are around, i know how they react.  Your just in a dry patch.  The way you are right now, is how i remember myself "back in the day" when girls used to like me.  Seriously bro , count your blessings, it really is just a dry spell.

2.  Please take this as its intended.  I don't mean it in any even slightly negative way, but  "feeling unliked" and "isolating yourself" just become a self-fulfilling prophecy.  The more you isolate yourself , the less "attention" you get , the more you shrink from social situations, the more the anti-social tendencies rake across your brain.  Force yourself to go out somewhat regularly, force yourself into "uncomfortable" social situations sometimes.  Talk to people that you trust about your problems.  Actively contact people >make friends< that's a verb, its an action word not something that just happens by magic.  Get out there.

3.  If you ever really do get to the "fuck life ill just play video games" thing, and your right there,  hell, go ahead and do it for a while.  Playing video games 24/7 (i actually did do this) is better than being wrapped in a constant mental "no one likes me fuck this life is crap" thought process if you need to give your mind a rest for a bit.    But eventually , go back and read #1 and #2

4.  Try not to define your self worth based on how others view you.  This one is a motherrrrrrrrrrrrfuuuuuuuuuucker to accomplish.  Its hard to even admit that we do this.  Basing your opinion of yourself and your life , on how others view you, how many friends you have, how much attention ya get, etc  is a rough road.  When your in the zone , and have lots of "good things happening to you" all seems well, but then when it isn't, and people aren't coming around as often (or not at all) or otherwise putting a negative spin on you, its a recipe for disaster.  "Im good.  Im worthwhile.  I matter. "  If they don't get it,  and continue not to get it, all compassion aside, fuck em'.

5.  Get some laughs in.  (tries not to quote any proverbs) Watch funny movies / TV shows that you like, read funny find funny.... Hell, if nothing else just force a smile to your face and force a few snickers out, you'd be surprised if you try at it.    Its hard to find things that are funny when you feel empty inside, but its out there.  Some cheerful chuckles and heartfelt laughs can really poke a pin in the massive mental torture balloons we blow up for ourselves.

And if all else fails, just remember "Troy thinks im the man."  and thats all that matters anyhow right?? right???  :laughing

Seriously though, hope you feel better and i hope i didnt come off to preachy, just trying to help.  I been there. (and still slide back there from time to time)


Thats totally great advise troy, ya make a great cut for a therapist :happy: whut you said toootally sum's up of how I feel at times. Dont worry man, ya wasnt sounding homosexual to me and I believe the same thing as well, theres nuthing wrong of a man judging a other guy's look, I do it all the time to be honest. Well, not trying to say im actually judging but merely express my opinion's of a other guys look, but other than that, thanx for ya compliment and your a hot stud yourself :grin

Although it may not seem like it, but i've actually been waaaay lot better from how I been back couple years ago, I really was anti-socail and I snapped at others for no apparent reasons back then, and I done the whole "sitting around and play video games 24/7" as well. But now-a-days I litarly bettered myself up big time, and im more of a mellowed out type person and friendly to everyone these days, plus I became a "adviser" some how I became good at giving others advice for many things and that makes me feel better about myself. Trust me, im really trying not ta fall back into that again, actually wait! im NEVER falling back into that again, this time I decide ta take responsibility's of my negative feelings at times, I have somone ta take care of and I cant afford ta go through that stuff again. I know of who I am deep down inside and im not gonna let anything change that no more as well of my beliefs too. Whenever my negative moments kick in I choose ta distant myself from everyone at the moment and start meditating, yes, I've actually been doing meditation lately hehe.

Black Sunday your right as well, we all have our groomy days. As a taurus I need to realise im not the only one lol.

thanx for the advise anyways guys. And torn, your always welcome ta pm or im me anytime :happy: that goes for anyone else as well.

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When I started to go to CC I got a lot of attention, once I realized that the only attention that I was getting was the kind I didn't need, it all started to change. I started to not respond to the ones that were looking for ass. All of a sudden *WHAM* dry spell. I couldn't GET the attention i used to. Seems I turned down all the losers already - with so many, who'd have thought that possible?

It still feels good to be hit on, helps me feel attractive to others. But this is only just a temporary crutch. Feels better to feel attractive to yourself and someone that matters will see that as well.

Nienna, when I decided I was looking for real, not ass, I looked elsewhere and found it independant if CC, DGN or anything related. Be sure to not limit yourself to what seems like a really big circle of friends.

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Nienna, when I decided I was looking for real, not ass, I looked elsewhere and found it independant if CC, DGN or anything related.  Be sure to not limit yourself to what seems like a really big circle of friends.


Good advice.. and I'm working on that... but my head isn't really wanting me to find someone.. it's in this... I'd rather be alone if I can't have what I want... yeah.

So i's probably alot my own fault.

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Good advice.. and I'm working on that... but my head isn't really wanting me to find someone.. it's in this... I'd rather be alone if I can't have what I want... yeah.

So i's probably alot my own fault.


Thats how I am as well. Not only my mind but my feelings wont let me get into another relationship. Too be dead honest, im scared shitless of it. But other than that I dont even worry about it and just put it aside. I feel that I have way more important things ta worry about anyways. I'm more focused on my goals, and long as I have my friends, alcohol and cc. I'm A-ok :happy:

I feel that ya can do more things ya could never do when fully committed :devil

To me love can be very blinding from things ya wanna accomplish. But thats only my opinion though. Main thing is its best not ta worry/dwell on and just try ta make the fun out of your life :cool

~Love is like a razor blade, double edge and double pain~

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I'd rather be alone if I can't have what I want... yeah.


You might just find that what you want and what you thought you wanted were two different things. Or find what you want in different circumstances that you expect.

I am reminded of the country song "... sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers"

I never did subscribe to the idea of getting to a point where you are happy being alone. Screw that. I don't want to be alone, Too many benefits to being not-alone. I sure as heck don't want to be with someone who would be just as happy with as without me.

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You might just find that what you want and what you thought you wanted were two different things.  Or find what you want in different circumstances that you expect.


Well.. I had it and thought I didn't want it... so I threw it away.. and that's about when I realized that it was actually all I wanted and now I can't get it back. I wish it were as simple as someone new... but it's not going to be.

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:cat: Humm... Actually, There are a lot of good points on this topic and I know you more then likely don't want to hear anything I have to say Rambo, But I don't think playing video games 24/7 and becoming anti-social is the way to go about making yourself feel better. You are a cool person to hang out with, and well if these females decide they don't want to talk to you because you only want to be friends with them its there loss, don't take it so personal. A lot of girls can handle being just friends, you just need to look for them. CC is not the only place worth looking. You would be surprised at some of the odd places I've found some of my newest friends. And BTW Video Game related, theres a new game I seen in my game infromer that looks hella cool, you go around killing brittney spears and other pop star look alike robots... Should be worth playing cuz I know u don't care for them pop stars either!!!! :cat:
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Well I guess I should clarify. I get hit on by sleez balls who want to sleep with me. I don't get hit on by decent folk who want to date me.


Frankly, I'm glad that neither hit on me. I know how to handle myself if it ever happens, but I'm just glad that it doesn't. Being married has nothing to do with it, either.

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I try to be there for u every weekend and I'm sure the slew of chickies that I'm kissin don't help, but do I feel happy being that way not really all the time. You're still young and in your 20s you may be in need of a wife and in a settling stage of your life. I got married when I was 24. Trust me Ms. Right is out there my brother try like yahoo personals or adultfriendfinder if you're not finding what you want at the club. Best suggestions I can give to u friend. Try not to let it get u down every guy has dry spells.

Ok lets see here, where to start.....NOTE: this is not a rant.

Last couple months I use ta get hit on alot at cc which that went on for a long time and I never really cared about it because I have no desires to be in a relationship or whutsoever, but now I finally got whut I asked for and now-a-days I no longer get hit on no more, which is now became kinda odd because I guess I kinda grown use ta that. Im guessing it could be that since I've gone there for a looong time the message is probaly already spreaded through and they got the word. Looks like im becoming a scrub once more like I was in my mid-teen years and like those kinda guys the chix would stay clear from at cc. I feel that I cant keep up with anyone no more and things started feeling like its been a bit too over-whelming for me ta handle with. I know that parts my fault and I understand that I putted myself in this situation. Plus my inbox's to my email addy's has been almost empty for a long time, the only time I do get something in them is basicaly nuthing but spam, plus I dont get alot of im's no more, barely havnt talked ta anyone online except for a few which that totally grew rare these days, not even phone calls as well. Im falling out of existence once again but I do know theres a reason im alone though. Now the only thing I have is memory's and pictures, as I look through them im like wow, I sure was a stud lol. I guess the only thing I can do now is cherish those memories and live until death do me part from this realm. I cant lie, I cant wait when death comes. The only thing that keeps me living is a few friends of mine (one my roomate) and a few certain promise's I made years ago. I should get a ps2 again and just spend the rest of my life just playing video games, like I did back at a certain point in life. Not leave home nuthing. Just sit there and play video games everyday/night no human contact er whutsoever. Well I guess the only time I would be in human contact is when im at cc, but other than that, its just living a life as a hermit and constantly playing video games to my grave....Looks like my socail life is almost at end.

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You might just find that what you want and what you thought you wanted were two different things. 


this is quitepoetic Marblez.

a man might think he wants "the girl next door" type and then find later that there is someone who is far more wonderful than anything you thought you were attracted to before.

that's just an example.

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