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random quiz about ur self

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1. whats ur favorite color,

blacj and hot pink=)

2, who was ur first love?


3. who was the first person u had sex with?

well that was my ex gf samantha

4. how many pircing or tattos do u have?

6 pircings and 2 tattos

5. if u could date any famouse person who wood it be,,?

ummm edword from twlight okay robert patterison

6 iif u could date anyone from this site who wood it be? Andrea

7. who do u want to merry?

tony e.f

8. if u could kiss one person right now from this site who wood it be? and who?


9. do u have a crush on anyone?


10. have u ever had sex with more then one girl at a time?


11. if u could touch me right now wood u? any where u wanted?

well no i woodnt touch my self but anybody else want to

im bored and am sorry i want some one to talk to or to respond to my topics well here my boring quiz

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ill be the first to respond.

1. favorite color - black

2. first love - never been in love before

3. the first person u had sex with - marquita, a girl i used to date in middle school

4. piercing or tattos - 2 piercings and 1 tattos

5. if u could date any famouse person who wood it be? angelina jolie

6. if u could date anyone from this site who wood it be? i havent met anybody from this site yet, but by judging from the pictures i seen so far it would be either ice queen, you vampireprincess or tigerlili

7. who do u want to merry? dont wanna think about marrage yet

8. if u could kiss one person right now from this site who wood it be? and who? i would have to answer the same as number six ice queen, vampireprincess, or tigerlili

9. have a crush on anyone - yeah, im workin on tryna make her mine

10. sex with more then one girl at a time - no but thats my fantasy, i want to

11. if u could touch me right now wood u? yeah

any where u wanted? it would be a few places ill touch you

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1. whats ur favorite color,

red and purple

2, who was ur first love?


3. who was the first person u had sex with?


4. how many pircing or tattos do u have?

2 and 2

5. if u could date any famouse person who wood it be,,?

Johnny depp

6 iif u could date anyone from this site who wood it be? no one

7. who do u want to merry?

Been there done that no thanks on a 2nd time

8. if u could kiss one person right now from this site who wood it be? and who?


9. do u have a crush on anyone?

3 people right now I am workin on :wink

10. have u ever had sex with more then one girl at a time?

yes, a few...tiny girl orgy...few times now

11. if u could touch me right now wood u? any where u wanted?

dont think so

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1. whats ur favorite color,


2, who was ur first love?

Aimee C.

3. who was the first person u had sex with?

see above

4. how many pircing or tattos do u have?

None. I will never have either.

5. if u could date any famouse person who wood it be,,?

Mira Aroyo of Ladytron

6 iif u could date anyone from this site who wood it be?

I can't tell you.

7. who do u want to merry?

I'm assuming you mean "marry"? I don't think I could ever.

8. if u could kiss one person right now from this site who wood it be? and who?

I would kiss anyone on this site. Guy or girl. Just ask me.

9. do u have a crush on anyone?

Yes, two very strong. One or two others, not so powerful.

10. have u ever had sex with more then one girl at a time?

Oh my god no. I have a difficult time enough satisfying one person.

11. if u could touch me right now wood u? any where u wanted?

Touch who?

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1. whats ur favorite color,

black and blue

2, who was ur first love?


3. who was the first person u had sex with?

This chick Jamie (shudders)

4. how many pircing or tattos do u have?

2.5 tats (one kinda goes into an earlier one) 0 pierce (did have the nips done for a while though)

5. if u could date any famouse person who wood it be,,?

Date? ~ Drew Barrymore (she seems like someone with a good personality, she's kinda funny)

Do? ~ Sharon den Adel from Within Temptation :drool

6 iif u could date anyone from this site who wood it be?

Don't know anyone well enough

7. who do u want to merry?


8. if u could kiss one person right now from this site who wood it be? and who?

No idea

9. do u have a crush on anyone?


10. have u ever had sex with more then one girl at a time?

Sadly no

11. if u could touch me right now wood u? any where u wanted?

yes, right on your eyebrow (I'm just kinky like that)

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1. whats ur favorite color,


2, who was ur first love?


3. who was the first person u had sex with?


4. how many pircing or tattos do u have?

3 pircings and 3 tattos

5. if u could date any famouse person who wood it be,,?

Viggo Mortensen

6 iif u could date anyone from this site who wood it be?

dont know anyone that well.

7. who do u want to merry?

runs away!!!!

8. if u could kiss one person right now from this site who wood it be?


9. do u have a crush on anyone?


10. have u ever had sex with more then one girl at a time?


11. if u could touch me right now wood u? any where u wanted?

depends on if you want me to

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  • 1 month later...

ill be the first to respond.

1. favorite color - black

2. first love - never been in love before

3. the first person u had sex with - marquita, a girl i used to date in middle school

4. piercing or tattos - 2 piercings and 1 tattos

5. if u could date any famouse person who wood it be? angelina jolie

6. if u could date anyone from this site who wood it be? i havent met anybody from this site yet, but by judging from the pictures i seen so far it would be either ice queen, you vampireprincess or tigerlili

7. who do u want to merry? dont wanna think about marrage yet

8. if u could kiss one person right now from this site who wood it be? and who? i would have to answer the same as number six ice queen, vampireprincess, or tigerlili

9. have a crush on anyone - yeah, im workin on tryna make her mine

10. sex with more then one girl at a time - no but thats my fantasy, i want to

11. if u could touch me right now wood u? yeah

any where u wanted? it would be a few places ill touch you

very intresting=) lol...

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Guest Megalicious

1. whats ur favorite color,

In all honestly, green.

2, who was ur first love?

Robert Charles West

3. who was the first person u had sex with?

see above

4. how many pircing or tattos do u have?

Five Tattoos as of this moment, but that will change =) Just one stud in my lip, the rest are just ears, which DON'T COUNT LOL.

5. if u could date any famouse person who wood it be,,?

Living? At the current moment, Zachary Quinto. The things I would do to that man.

Dead? Orson Wells, as long as it was about 1937ish in his looks! He was a sexy man, at least to me.

6 iif u could date anyone from this site who wood it be?

He knows who he is, and that is all I need to say.

7. who do u want to merry?

I am not the marrying TYPE. I NEVER want to marry..... ever.

8. if u could kiss one person right now from this site who wood it be? and who?

Please see question 6.

9. do u have a crush on anyone?

No, it is beyond crush. I love them to no end.

10. have u ever had sex with more then one girl at a time?

uhhh.. that would be a no.

11. if u could touch me right now wood u? any where u wanted?

That depends on "who" you are. thheehheheheh..

Edited by Megalicious
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1. What's your favorite color?


2. Who was your first love?

my ex-husband

3. Who was the first person you had sex with?


4. How many piercings or tattoos do you have?

1 piercing, 20 tattoos (soon to be 21 or 22)

5. If you could date any famous person who would it be?

Johnny Depp

6 If you could date anyone from this site who would it be?

I'm already married to the eternal.

7. Who do you want to marry?

see #6

8. If you could kiss one person right now from this site who would it be?

my husband

9. Do you have a crush on anyone?

my husband

10. Have you ever had sex with more then one girl at a time?


11. If you could touch me right now would you? anywhere you wanted?

I don't know you and I'm married, so, no.

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1. whats ur favorite color

Well, if we're talking about Ur,

as in the word for water,

as spoken by the Basque people of south western France,

I'd have to say clear.

I'm not against yellow or red, because vitamin water, well...

it has a flavor,

but I'll still go with clear

Now, on the other hand if we're talking about Ur,

as in the ancient city of Sumer

located on a former channel of the Euphrates River,

I guess I would go with blue, because water can be so pretty, don't you think


2, who was ur first love?

Now if we're talking about Ur,

as in the first known continent that probably formed 3 billion years ago in the early Archean Eon,

I'm going to go with either with the continents Nena or Atlantica

Two badass, sexy bitches of continents that it hooked up with a billion years ago to form the supercontinent Rodinia.

3. who was the first person u had sex with?

I'm going to say an umlaut. I think it was really hot when it hooked up in the word nu metal, but that's just me.

4. how many pircing or tattos do u have?

no pircings or tattos, nor would I know one if I saw one,

but I do have a bag full of potattos in my kitchen,

or is that potato?

Potatto, potato, tomatto, tomato, let's call the whole thing off

5. if u could date any famouse person who wood it be,,?

I think if u could date any famouse person, it would be one of the Os in Sassoon

Sooo, good



6 iif u could date anyone from this site who wood it be?

Is there any mahogany on this site?

It's really pretty

I mean just look at it on this 19th century bed :drool


7. who do u want to merry?

I gotta go with the Os again.

There are three to choose from, and there's always a jolly man and reindeer nearby.


8. if u could kiss one person right now from this site who wood it be? and who?

Well if mahogany isn't available, glossed cherry.

I mean, think about it, it's already put on lip gloss, it's just waiting to be kissed


I picked a Cuban cigar box so it could have a smoke after wards.

9. do u have a crush on anyone?


10. have u ever had sex with more then one girl at a time?

no, but it has gotten together with an umlaut and a dieresis and it was really hot :geek:

Until the u couldn't tell the two apart.

Then there was trouble


11. if u could touch me right now wood u? any where u wanted?

I don't know where u would want to be, perhaps on the UPC symbol of some fine fine oak

It's so strong and tough, yet brimming with everything I need to inspire creativity


im bored and am sorry i want some one to talk to or to respond to my topics well here my boring quiz

I can't come there and talk, but I'd be happy to send one of my friends.


Speak and Spell's are so friendly and educational, and besides, they have


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You rock. If I hit the lottery, I would buy Speak and Spells for EVERYONE in need. I know that I come off as a bitch when I sit here and correct spelling errors. If I ever make one, it's because one of my keys is sticking. When my son talks like a stupid LOL Cat, or spells like he's 7, I correct him.


Because I don't want either one of MY kids growing up to look like they have NO education. And when you don't bother to even ATTEMPT to spell words fully and properly, you look like a moron. People shouldn't choose to do that to themselves.

So, I'm a bitch who wants people to look as smart as they MIGHT be. Sue me. :wink

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I don't know the eternal, but most of what I've seen of his posts raise the overkill level to self-parody status. If it was intentional in this case, then it was near genius. If not, then it was just mean-spirited.

He is a mean-spirited genius. This is why he rules.

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1. whats ur favorite color

Well, if we're talking about Ur,

as in the word for water,

as spoken by the Basque people of south western France,

I'd have to say clear.

I'm not against yellow or red, because vitamin water, well...

it has a flavor,

but I'll still go with clear

Now, on the other hand if we're talking about Ur,

as in the ancient city of Sumer

located on a former channel of the Euphrates River,

I guess I would go with blue, because water can be so pretty, don't you think


2, who was ur first love?

Now if we're talking about Ur,

as in the first known continent that probably formed 3 billion years ago in the early Archean Eon,

I'm going to go with either with the continents Nena or Atlantica

Two badass, sexy bitches of continents that it hooked up with a billion years ago to form the supercontinent Rodinia.

3. who was the first person u had sex with?

I'm going to say an umlaut. I think it was really hot when it hooked up in the word nu metal, but that's just me.

4. how many pircing or tattos do u have?

no pircings or tattos, nor would I know one if I saw one,

but I do have a bag full of potattos in my kitchen,

or is that potato?

Potatto, potato, tomatto, tomato, let's call the whole thing off

5. if u could date any famouse person who wood it be,,?

I think if u could date any famouse person, it would be one of the Os in Sassoon

Sooo, good



6 iif u could date anyone from this site who wood it be?

Is there any mahogany on this site?

It's really pretty

I mean just look at it on this 19th century bed :drool


7. who do u want to merry?

I gotta go with the Os again.

There are three to choose from, and there's always a jolly man and reindeer nearby.


8. if u could kiss one person right now from this site who wood it be? and who?

Well if mahogany isn't available, glossed cherry.

I mean, think about it, it's already put on lip gloss, it's just waiting to be kissed


I picked a Cuban cigar box so it could have a smoke after wards.

9. do u have a crush on anyone?


10. have u ever had sex with more then one girl at a time?

no, but it has gotten together with an umlaut and a dieresis and it was really hot :geek:

Until the u couldn't tell the two apart.

Then there was trouble


11. if u could touch me right now wood u? any where u wanted?

I don't know where u would want to be, perhaps on the UPC symbol of some fine fine oak

It's so strong and tough, yet brimming with everything I need to inspire creativity


im bored and am sorry i want some one to talk to or to respond to my topics well here my boring quiz

I can't come there and talk, but I'd be happy to send one of my friends.


Speak and Spell's are so friendly and educational, and besides, they have


Rachel is a lucky lady... :rofl:

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I will be the Gramma Natzee. Throw your hate my way.

1. What's your favorite color?


2. Who was your first love?

The wind.

3. With whom did you first have sex?

It was a threesome: me, myself, and I.

4. Regarding tattoos and piercings, how many of each do you have?

I have one tattoo and four piercings, three of which are rather ordinary and socially accepted.

5. If you could date any famous person, whom would you date?

(A young and living) Anais Nin.

6. If you could date anyone from this site, whom would you date?


7. Whom do you want to marry?

My two true loves, when they reveal themselves to me.

8. If you could kiss one person from this site right now, whom would you kiss?

Ryle Hira.

9. Do you have a crush on anyone?


10. Have you ever had sex with more than one girl (woman) at one time?


11. If you could touch me anywhere right now, would you want to? Where?

I don't know you. Answer pending.

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Too late. E and I have already begun the 10th Circle of the Not-So-Secret Order of the Speak and Spell. Feel free to join us. But what you did looks FABULOUS!!

I am an avid fan of not-so-secret Orders of stuff &/OR things....

I think I'll join your crusade!

This is a whole-ly secular Order; is it not?

Edited by Rev.Reverence
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