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One of the coolest aspects of the Detroit Goth/Industrial scenes for me were the cool bands and projects that seemed to float around all the time. I think about bands like 'backspace', 'IEC', 'Rouge Angel 7', 'Chasieum(Sp?)', 'Nightside Eclipse', and countless others, and I remember having a great time at different shows, here and there.

But having been decentralized from the culture for so long, I haven't really had the opportunity to experience this much over the past 10 years or so (Oh my god has it been =that= long?).

Being a local musician myself, I came onto the boards, and brought my own music and band stuff. I'd love to bring my style of music to you all, and would be ecstatic to see people from the boards at my shows, but this kind of brought to mind some questions about exactly what it takes for a local band to get their claws into the people, and get them to turn out for shows, and events.

So the questions at hand:

1. What makes you an avaid fan of a band?

2. What goes into being an avid fan?

3. Are there any local bands that you are an avid fan of?

4. What are things that keep you from being an avid fan?

5. What reasons (If there are any) would you have for not going to see a local band that you are a fan of?

I ask these questions hoping to get a good discussion from them. So let’s talk, aye? Don't think of this as me plugging away for Misconceived, it's more a hope of giving all of the local musicians on the board some idea of how to get people interest, and how to hold their interest. How to get people to come out and see shows... things like that.


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1. What makes you an avaid fan of a band?

The sad part of this is that I really have no idea. Useually the big name bands that I've been a fan of were bands that caught me with a song that someone else was listening to (Like Avenged Sevenfold became one of my favs after my guitarist was trying to learn the guitar riff for 'Bat Country'). Either this, or if I hear it more than a few times on the radio.

I -am a fan of bands local like Relek, Altered Paradigm, and Down in Hollywood and I can tell you what I like about them, but as far as what would make me an avid fan (Being the type of person who checks their myspaces to find out when their shows are going on), I don't know. I feel like I should be, but haven't for some reason.

2. What goes into being an avid fan?

To me, being an avid fan is going to shows, and being excited to hear new material by them Being excited about getting hold of recordings of them, and more than just -wanting- a copy of the album, but being eager to see it in stores, cause you want your copy. it's loosing a copy, and going out and buying another one cause that's how much you love the music, rather than just waiting and asking your buddy in the band for another copy.

Being an Avid fan is being a proactive fan, and showing love no matter what. You don't have to be at -all- the shows, but there's no doubt that this person loves the music cause you see them at a lot of shows.

3. Are there any local bands that you are an avid fan of?

Not enough, really. And it's really a factor of laziness. I can tell you some bands that I am really into, and have dug excruciatingly when I heard them live. Bands like 'Rotation' and 'Big Fat Kill'. Bands like 'Ballz Delux' and 'Altered Paradigm'. Really lot's of bands who have GOOD vocals.

4. What are things that keep you from being an avid fan?

#1 biggest thing. Attitude. Being a Rock star is fine and dandy. It's how I try to live... but there's a level or respect that I ALWAYS maintain. I've heard of band members shunnign fans cause they arent 'attractive' enough, or they aren't shaped the right way. One of my biggest turn offs happend when I went to see a reigonal act and the singers from the band came up to our table, interacted with EVERYONE but me. The Drummer kind of made a comment about her being... uncomfortable around people of color... Which was devistating to me, cause it was one of my favorite bands at the time.

Another thing is redundancy... I don't want to hear the same song with different lyrics and in different arrangements for 12 songs, nor do I wanna hear the same 5 songs for the next 2 years. Sure some songs are classics and will stand the test of time, but WRITE NEW MATERIAL.

5. What reasons (If there are any) would you have for not going to see a local band that you are a fan of?

Mainly it has to do with knowing about shows in advance, and the feasibility of getting to them. And secondly cause I've been a little self involved recently, so haven't really been smart enough to realize what I was doing. But I'm going to see a friend's band here Friday night, cause I don't want to be that kind of guy.

Hemm... Weird when you analyze yourself. LOL

Cix - The Wicked One

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Personally, it's a 3 hour drive to Chicago or Detroit for me so it has to be something special for me to make that drive.

Some bands are just not good live because their performance lacks something on stage. Do something - move around, audience participation, something other than just stand there. Give us some entertainment, something to watch. :)

(and note this is not directed to your band specifically because I've never seen Misconceived play).

Some bands give such a fun performance live that I will go even if I don't often listen to their music. (Cruxshadows and Ego Likeness for example).

Edited by Onyx
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1. What makes you an avaid fan of a band?

Music....if they have a vibe that I KNOW is just...there....It's like listening to a heart beat in a way...it's just so cool to do...over and over and over and over. Stage Energy is another part. I've seen bands that were phenominal musically, but didn't know how to sell it...and thats a big part for me. Crowd interaction. Lots of up-in -coming bands love to share the floor with thier fans: Misconcieved, Snot, Chaos Theory, etc. There is something that just hits the "f'ing cool" button when there is a band member performing ADMIST the audience.

2. What goes into being an avid fan?

You have to go to shows and have merch...thats big for me....being a fan of the music isn't enough...you need to get into the "giving the band money" aspect...go BUY merch: cd's, shirts, shot glasses, whatever...and get that shyt SIGNED while your their too...always makes the band feel awesome...and makes you feel awesome too. Remember that coat, Cix?...my GF's Coat??...the one you guys signed??...try like 100+ signatures on it now!!

3. Are there any local bands that you are an avid fan of?

Chaos Theory, Misconcieved, Tension Head, Bat on Fire, Know Lyfe, Big Fat Kill, NuRokSol, Detroit VooDoo.

4. What are things that keep you from being an avid fan?

honestly....reason I don't have MORE shirts from bands...shirt sizes...wtf is going on with cutting them out before the XXL....ARGH!!!! Also...I can't make it to EVERY SHOW...and some shows don't seem worth it, even being an avid fan. Lets take Harpos...I LOVE my boys in Misconcieved, but they realize the same problem that I do: you can go for two-maybe three good bands...and get bombarded with about 12 lack luster ones that you couldn't give a rats ass about.

5. What reasons (If there are any) would you have for not going to see a local band that you are a fan of?

See 4, when I mention Harpos. Money is tight too...and i don't own a car, so unless I can get me and someone taking me in free....which is a 70% chance....I don't go. Distance really wouldn't bother me as long as I have a ride willing to go.

Edited by IsleofRhodesEnt
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1. What makes you an avaid fan of a band?

Some sort of connection to what they're doing.

2. What goes into being an avid fan?

Putting my $ where my mouth is...and hyping them up to other people.

3. Are there any local bands that you are an avid fan of?

I absolutely love the twilight babies, but I'm not sure they're still together. I don't think they are. :(

4. What are things that keep you from being an avid fan?

Lack of connection to anything they're doing.

5. What reasons (If there are any) would you have for not going to see a local band that you are a fan of?

Constraints on $$$ and time...especially time, given the peculiar demands of my schedule.

...well, that's what I got.

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Awesome!!! Thanks for your input guys.

This goes a long way toward helping me improve the nature of my musical machine (Misconceived).

And thank you -so- much for the kind words IsleofRhodes... It means a lot to me.


Your getting those words because you guys have done everything to deserve it. You make impressive, catchy, and meaningful music, you inter-act with the crowds properly, you put the work behind what it takes to become one of the top bands in the area, if not the state, you have impressed bands that are on tour with bigger names, even had some of the bigger names take notice, and you still plug away at what you do, working to make more and more impressive and meaningful tunes.

I'll put the talent of Misconcieved against any other band in MI.

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  • 14 years later...

1. What makes you an avid fan of a band?

The whole package including but not limited to:

The style of music.

The message sent out.

The look.

Good timing and an even mix that doesn't drown out the vocals.

How they treat their fans.

How they respond to criticism.


2. What goes into being an avid fan?

Support of the band including but not limited to:
People showing their friends and playing the music for them.

DJs playing their music in the club/on air.

Signing up for the street team.

Talking to venue owners, promoters to book them shows.


3. Are there any local bands that you are an avid fan of?

Not so much these days, but if I mention anyone and forget to add anyone they're going to be mad a I left them out so I'm just not saying anything.  Stupid scene politics but it is what it is.  If you really want to know just watch what I show up to.


4. What are things that keep you from being an avid fan?

Remember everything from #1?  Like the exact opposite of that.


5. What reasons (If there are any) would you have for not going to see a local band that you are a fan of?

There are many which include but are not limited to:

Distance of the venue.

Cover charge is too damn high.

People I hate are also on the bill or involved with the venue.

I'm busy with another event.

I just don't feel like going out that day.

I completely forgot about it and now I hate myself.

Something happened on their end and the show got canceled.


I didn't read anything else besides those questions, though I'm sure some of those points were said already.

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