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Convicted Murderer VARG VIKERNES To Be Released From Prison - Mar. 10, 2009

Varg Vikernes (a.k.a. Count Grishnackh) the former BURZUM mastermind who is currently serving a Norwegian prison term for the August 1993 murder of MAYHEM guitarist Oystein Aarseth (a.k.a. Euronymous) and setting fire to three churches will soon be a free man.

In September 2008, Vikernes's fourth application for parole was denied, but a couple of weeks ago he finally received the message he has been waiting for: after almost 16 years in prison, he will be released.

"I will have to report [to the parole officer] for one year initially every two weeks, and then once a month," Vikernes told the Dagbladet newspaper.

Varg's mother, who last year wrote a letter to Dagbladet in which she argued that her son was being unfairly treated by the justice officials who repeatedly denied his parole application, is very relieved that her son will be able to join his family in Bø (a municipality in the county of Telemark, Norway), where he recently purchased a small farm.

"I am very happy that he has been so strong and that he held out," she said. "It will be good for the family that they can be together every day."

For the past couple of years, Varg has been allowed to leave the prison regularly to walk around Tromsø, Norway (where the prison is located) and visit his family: his mother, his wife, eighteen-month-old son and sixteen-year-old daughter.

"I'm ready for society and I have been for many years," Vikernes told Dagbladet last July . "I have learned from my mistakes and become older. Now I just want to be together with my family. My mind has never been in prison; I think all the time about what I should do on the day that I am released." He added, "I have barely seen my son since he came into the world. Even though I hear his voice on the phone almost every day, it is very tough to not be present while he is growing up. I miss my family. And I look forward the day that I could work on my farm, create music, write books and be with the wife and kids around the clock and live a normal life. I have received tremendous support from my family. It means a lot."

Last year it was reported that case workers at the Justice Ministry feared that Vikernes would be unable to adjust to life on the outside after his years in jail.

In denying his parole for the second time, the Justice Ministry emphasized that Vikernes escaped from prison in 2003 and that he has ties to neo-Nazi groups.

"I haven't been in contact with them for a long time. Police security services know this," Vikernes previously told the VG newspaper.

Alright...thoughts? Happy, sad, fearful, don't know who the hell this is?

For those of you who know him...what do you think of his ever changing religious and political views? Is he really being honest or are we about to feel the wrath of a man locked up for years? With all the power he had before he was locked up a movement on his part back towards it would make for a messy situation.

Edited by candyman
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That mofo murdered some one in cold blood and had new nazi beliefs.... fuck him

But it can be argued that he was not both at the same time. He wasn't a "nazi" for long and when he was...it was more like a little game than it was for real. The guy was nuts...

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Øystein Aarseth was found dead outside his Oslo apartment (following an altercation with Vikernes), with twenty-three stab wounds – two to the head, five to the neck, and sixteen to the back.

Varg Vikernes is a brutal murderer. I think the officials over there are out of their rabid-ass minds.

It's one thing to hate someone bitterly. It's another to follow through with murder-- and to keep stabbing and stabbing, in such a vicious manner.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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Well, has anyone kept up on at least a little of the information on his recently? Yeah, that shit was messed up beyond belief...and even though nothing can make up for what he did before they obviously saw something there. This is not even close to the first time that he has been before the board. It is the first time that they have let someone in maximum security leave to see his family on the outside. It was crazy as shit back then when he did that...it is a wonder that many of those musicians came out with their lives...and even more of a wonder that they are still slightly sane.

oh and jynx...you missed a few stab wounds there...

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To clarify something here Varg uses the term odalism. Sure, you could call him a "nazi" as that is what he called himself before, but it is slightly off base. Odalism is close to nazism except for a few differences. It is a teaching that I practice. There were people that were nazi in Norway at one point, but their nazi beliefs were different enough as to not be evil yet close enough to the German version to not create enemies. Varg often speaks of the "nazi ghost" which is an idea that I believe holds alot of truth. Even though Germany really fucked up, why is it wrong of people to be proud of their heritage? Actually I should ask why it is wrong for those of European heritage to be proud of their people and bloodline?

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The simple answer is that there is no reason for Europeans to not be proud to be European, as long as they do not advocate anti semitism, denounce the Jewish Holocaust, or do other things that areassociated with being utterly evil.

If you want to celebrate your heritage, you have to own up to your heritage's fuck-ups as well.

Edited by ttogreh
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The simple answer is that there is no reason for Europeans to not be proud to be European, as long as they do not advocate anti semitism, denounce the Jewish Holocaust, or do other things that areassociated with being utterly evil.

If you want to celebrate your heritage, you have to own up to your heritage's fuck-ups as well.

That is what I always believe, but the majority of people that I have brought this up with have said that it doesn't matter.

I have never really met anyone that has donounced the Holocaust, and for the sake of the thread Varg never did either and he also made a point of never visiting any of the camps because he could not stand the thought of it. Also, many people see me saying that I believe other religions to be wrong and want them away from me and take it has hatred, like against jews. For one, I can never push them away and it is their right to be there...so until I can move somewhere else they can do whatever they want. Maybe if I proclaimed myself to be an athiest I would get a free pass to hate other religions?

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No. Hate is an irrational emotion that brings pain and strife. There is never a time to hate. Disagree, sure. Hate just is bad news.

I don't actually hate other religions. It just seems weird when I say something like "I don't think that Islam is doing right by its people" and then everyone attacks me. Then, someone can go around threatening Christians with court and heavy fines if they don't take down a plastic model of the birth of who they think their savior is. It just seems like a huge double standard going around. If you claim to believe in nothing except for science you are free to do whatever you want...but if you lay claim to any sort of religion, especially one based in a mostly Anglo-Saxon area, then you a damned even when you do nothing.

For me and a few of my friends back home it is hell. We cannot wear anything relating to our people, not can we get tattoos of our very sacred symbols because they are "evil".

I disagree with many things, but I would never put a stop to it unless there was call for it. If I did hate then my group of friends would not make any sense...

All that is why I am going to hold final judgement on Varg. Was his life really messed up in the early years? Yes, beyond belief. However, through his writings and interviews I can see a change in there. Sure it could all be a ploy to get out of prison. However, I am going to let him get out of prison, settle down with his family, and keep on with his music and writing and only then can judgement be made.

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At any rate, the guy is just as much of a nutter as Charles Manson. The fact that this froot loop is getting out of prison, is a slap in the face of justice. I'm curious to hear what the victim's family has to say..

I am pretty sure that the family is mostly gone by now. Also, he is different than Manson in many ways. After only a few years in prison he began to denounce those that worshiped him for his actions...he also lamented his actions. Manson, if released, would not be going back to his wife and children, not would he keep on writing music, nor would he keep writing articles and books that tear black metal down to its core revealing mistakes and truths. Varg, and I keep repeating this, was terrible in his early years. There is no excuse for his actions. Yet, Varg knows this to be true. His articles and books, mentioned before, do not reject black metal but they reject many of the common perceptions of black metal and they seek to right the wrongs of the past...if people will allow that to be done.

I belive that through his prison time he has been allowed to do what he should have done before. He was very young to be doing what he was doing back then. Nobody can deny that being you does not help you to express your feelings and beliefs in the right way...it also warps your views. Now he has had time to sit and think. His words are now clear...I can't really say anymore about that because only his words will tell.

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I don't actually hate other religions. It just seems weird when I say something like "I don't think that Islam is doing right by its people" and then everyone attacks me. Then, someone can go around threatening Christians with court and heavy fines if they don't take down a plastic model of the birth of who they think their savior is. It just seems like a huge double standard going around. If you claim to believe in nothing except for science you are free to do whatever you want...but if you lay claim to any sort of religion, especially one based in a mostly Anglo-Saxon area, then you a damned even when you do nothing.

For me and a few of my friends back home it is hell. We cannot wear anything relating to our people, not can we get tattoos of our very sacred symbols because they are "evil".

I disagree with many things, but I would never put a stop to it unless there was call for it. If I did hate then my group of friends would not make any sense...

All that is why I am going to hold final judgement on Varg. Was his life really messed up in the early years? Yes, beyond belief. However, through his writings and interviews I can see a change in there. Sure it could all be a ploy to get out of prison. However, I am going to let him get out of prison, settle down with his family, and keep on with his music and writing and only then can judgement be made.

You will not get to wear these symbols until you collectively grow a pair of yarbles & take them back.

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You will not get to wear these symbols until you collectively grow a pair of yarbles & take them back.

Yeah well, we were wearing them and apparently Wisconsin has something where you can be charged if complaints are made by enough people. We still not allowed into a few places and since I was the only person that left to go somewhere else I was the only person to not get a $400 fine and a court date.

If you were hinting at testicles I have them...but that doesn't take away the sting of assholes and the sting of fines.

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Are you refering to Burzum??? racist stuff that band of his

Burzum was a long time ago. Many of their actions are still speculation. They were young and stupid. Varg long ago denounced the band and its followers. So, you are saying that if you are racist you can never change? That sucks...

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Really, who cares about his beliefs? He has already proven himself a murderer and even if he is certifiably insane and that made him do it, he has no business being out of prison.

That makes up about one third of the argument about Varg. He has already been out of prison for a while. He gets to leave to visit his family every now and then.

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Burzum was a long time ago. Many of their actions are still speculation. They were young and stupid. Varg long ago denounced the band and its followers. So, you are saying that if you are racist you can never change? That sucks...

Just because I was young and stupid, did not make me kill someone.... there are a lot of young and stupid people who didn't. I don't think being young and stupid is an excuse

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Yeah well, we were wearing them and apparently Wisconsin has something where you can be charged if complaints are made by enough people. We still not allowed into a few places and since I was the only person that left to go somewhere else I was the only person to not get a $400 fine and a court date.

If you were hinting at testicles I have them...but that doesn't take away the sting of assholes and the sting of fines.

Fight it in the courts or leave to a land in which you are not persecuted.

I don't think that ANY organization within the US is aloud to regulate the shape of the ink under your skin.

It is apparent that you & your friends did not pursue the proper legal channels...or that this is a made up point.

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Just because I was young and stupid, did not make me kill someone.... there are a lot of young and stupid people who didn't. I don't think being young and stupid is an excuse

It is not an excuse. It is a situation that led him into some bad situations. Not many young and stupid people are in the same situations as he was either. Not many young people have the same kind of mentors as Varg had. It is the perfect brew for something bad to happen. He was just one of the few artists to crack back there...'Euronymous' was no angel either...he didn't kill anyone but he was damn close to it.

He has and is still doing time in ILA...I got to visit the sister prison to ILA when I went to Latvia and the sister prison was the one where people were "not" going to be executed and was not as gloomy...well, since ILA has not had any updates since WW2 all I can say is that a few years there is going to take it out of you.

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Fight it in the courts or leave to a land in which you are not persecuted.

I don't think that ANY organization within the US is aloud to regulate the shape of the ink under your skin.

It is apparent that you & your friends did not pursue the proper legal channels...or that this is a made up point.

It happened...but we said screw it. If it happens again we will go to someone, but it was something retarded that happened once and we will forget it for now. We don't need to go back to those bars anyways. I will get it inked, but right now the only major issue is money.

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