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Worst ways to die


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Anything that involves wasting away over weeks or months, in pain or just helpless and knowing you are a burden and source of grief to your loved ones.



Any form of torture

...I am not really afraid of dying per se... been pretty much dead once & it was actually kind'a interesting... but the thought of any of the above really terrifies me.

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Being in Apollo 1 when the fire broke out. In one minute, the pressure in the capsule doubled, smoke, toxic compounds, and no way out. The capsule door was held in place with 22 bolts that would have to be removed before the door opened. They never stood a chance. Halted the Apollo Project for a year and a half to correct the problems (bad wiring, 100% oxygen atmosphere, a door that can be opened quickly.)

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Wasting away isn't that bad really. I got close once, starvation and weakness...if you are not tempted by food smells...its not bad really. You just get weak. Its actually quite peaceful feeling.

Anything that involves wasting away over weeks or months, in pain or just helpless and knowing you are a burden and source of grief to your loved ones.



Any form of torture

...I am not really afraid of dying per se... been pretty much dead once & it was actually kind'a interesting... but the thought of any of the above really terrifies me.

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Excellent response :jamin

Oh yeah.... the Byford Dolphin diving bell accident back in '83 is a great example of that. The bell went from 9 atm to 1 atm in a fraction of a second. Parts of the diver who was nearest the door were found on a crane high above the water. Given the violence and speed, it's generally assumed to have been an instantaneous death for the five involved. Indeed, fat simply dropped out of solution as their blood boiled away.

There is a James Bond death sequence involving a similar decompression accident, but I believe it's been called out on.

Of course, explosive decompression in outer space would not be nearly so bad as the pressure differential is usually less than 1 atm. Saliva would boil and one would lose consciousness. Soyuz 11 lost pressure upon return but gave no obvious signs of trouble.

Probably the absolute worst way to die would involve an ammonium nitrate disaggregation accident or a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion on an industrial scale. Ammonium nitrate always seems to claim at least 20-30, if not hundreds. Imagine one day going to work and having to dislodge several tons of explosive powder that readily absorbs water, easily coerced in to a self-sustaining decomposition, and readily detonates upon sufficient shock. Between a rock and a hard place?


Or, imagine one day covering a trainwreck and hearing the sound of a jet without any planes in sight.


About a year ago a tanker fell off the Rouge River bridge of 1-75 killing the driver and destroying one home from the resulting BLEVE or FAE. Fortunately it was not summer (playground within range) and the house had asbestos siding (which gave them just enough time to escape.

Propane regulator accident in a confined space due to improper regulator installation. The worker burned to death.


I find industrial accidents to be absolutely fascinating reading material on a sleepless night.

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Wasting away isn't that bad really. I got close once, starvation and weakness...if you are not tempted by food smells...its not bad really. You just get weak. Its actually quite peaceful feeling.

Nah, I am talking more about being incapacitated and helpless... totally dependent on others for your most basic needs. Maybe I am so horrified by the idea because I spent a lot of time visiting nursing homes as a child. But when I was laid up for 2 weeks or so after being hit by a van, & couldn't even sit up w/out help... I kept thinking "some people go their whole lives like this"... and it was just a terrifying thought.

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They were standard watching on our dorm floor in college. The amount of other pre-meds that bowed out of the first few minutes was incredible. A lot of business majors and collegiate athletes hung around and watched.

Also, it was a strange predictor of who made it through to physicians. The three of us pre-meds that stayed and watched these marathons of the macabre are physicians. The rest (about half a dozen or so,) that bowed out went out to other fields of medicine. Out of those three, I am the only one that has the most macabre specialty as their background (surgery.)

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You know whats really gross? Poping an infected bloated up dead person...shit goes everywhere.


Actually, encountered a few living people like that. Dead bowel and ruptured bowel are not nice things to encounter when doing emergency surgery.

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Yah I have had my bowl almost rupture, that fucking hurts! Its quite the scary feeling. I don't think I would survive it. There are pains that might be that bad that just feel...like disaster. Other things may hurt way worse...but you can just tell when your in trouble. Docs need to listen more, to patients. I almost died cause Mt clemens gen wouldn't listen. I went 3x and then had to go to Beaumont....they found a tumor/bowl obstruction after I pulled the tube of salt water out of my nose and yelled at them.

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  • 2 years later...

Getting smashed or flattened would suck.

Oh, especially if it was by a steamroller or getting pulled into machinery where you are fully conscious as your extremities are destroyed first, your torso next, and you still have regular brain activity right up until your skull is crushed. That would quash a mood. Yup.

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Oh, especially if it was by a steamroller or getting pulled into machinery where you are fully conscious as your extremities are destroyed first, your torso next, and you still have regular brain activity right up until your skull is crushed. That would quash a mood. Yup.


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