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Worst ways to die


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Personally I think the bite of a kamodo dragon would rank right up there at the top...you die from a festering wound. Ouch. Fever, ick.

Here are some articles on the worst way to die. Cause I am bored.

And its interesting.


listen to the interview, people setting themselves on fire in India.

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From the how stuff works site: In July 2007, a fascinating story emerged in the New England Journal of Medicine about a cat that could "predict" the deaths of patients in a nursing home several hours before they died. Oscar, a cat adopted by the staff of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, R.I., has at least 25 successful predictions, in which patients died hours after the cat sat down by their beds. After the nursing home's staff caught on to Oscar's ability, they began alerting families whenever the cat took up his post next to a patient. Most families tolerate or even welcome his presence, though Oscar becomes upset if forced out of the room of a dying patient, meowing outside the door.

OMG that is sooo gothly cute. A grim reaper kitty! Me want! :cat:

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found this in death by cubicle

When Co-workers Become Killers

Inside or outside the cubicle, workplace violence is a major threat to occupational safety. More than 3 million people in the United States are victims of physical attacks in the workplace each year, and homicide is the No. 1 cause of death for women in the workplace [source: Mannila]. Additionally, a survey of almost 500 U.S. workers found that almost one quarter of the participants were victims of habitual workplace bullying, and they weren't the only ones affected -- merely observing this bullying increased levels of stress in other employees [source: Lutgen-Sandvik]. Don't ignore your gut reactions that a co-worker could be dangerous; potentially violent behavior should be reported to a supervisor or human resources representative.

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death by deoderant?

9. Death by Deodorant

Peter Cade/Getty Images

Aerosol deodorant can be dangerous if it's overused in a confined space.In 1998, a 16-year-old boy in England passed away from a heart attack after being exposed to too many deodorant fumes. At the time of his death, the BBC claimed that more than 130 people had died after purposely inhaling aerosol deodorant products since 1971, but the boy's death was the only accidental case on record [source: BBC]. It seems that he was obsessed with personal hygiene and smelling fresh, so he'd spray his entire body with deodorant at least two times per day. It got so bad at times that the family of the boy could taste the fumes downstairs. In spite of this, they never thought he was in any danger. An autopsy revealed that he had 10 times the lethal amount of butane and propane in his bloodstream. It turns out that the boy used the deodorant in a relatively confined space even though warning labels recommend using it in a well-ventilated area.

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Besides being slowly burned alive, this one has to take the cake.


Scaphism, also known as the boats, was an ancient Persian method of execution designed to inflict torturous death. The name comes from the Greek word skaphe, meaning "scooped (or hollowed) out".

The naked person was firmly fastened within a back-to-back pair of narrow rowing boats (or a hollowed-out tree trunk), with the head, hands, and feet protruding. The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey to the point of developing severe diarrhea, and more honey would be rubbed on his body so as to attract insects to the exposed appendages. They would then be left to float on a stagnant pond or be exposed to the sun. The defenseless individual's feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects, which would eat and breed within his or her exposed and increasingly gangrenous flesh. The feeding would be repeated each day in some cases to prolong the torture, so that dehydration or starvation did not provide them with the release of death. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock. Delirium would typically set in after a few days.

In other recorded versions, the insects did not eat the person; biting and stinging insects such as wasps, which were attracted by honey on the body, acted as the torture.

Death by scaphism was painful, humiliating, and protracted. Plutarch writes in his biography of Artaxerxes that Mithridates, sentenced to die in this manner for killing Cyrus the Younger, survived 17 days before dying.[1]

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I think the worst ways to die are...

Falling off the top of a large building

Getting run over by a car

Being involved in a car accident

Heart attack



Starving to death

Being decapitated by a sharp metal object

Being crushed under a cement slab or boulder

Having your wrist cut and bleed to death

Being stabbed multiple times by a maniac

Being eaten by a shark

Being eaten by a lion, bear, or tiger

Suffering a slow, painful death by cancer

the flesh eating bacteria


Choking on a piece of food


Hit by a lightning bolt

Burned to death

Gas chamber

Lethal injection

Nuclear catastrophe

Going insane/loss of self awareness

Freezing to death


Being blind, deaf, dumb, crippled, and tortured

Pushed over Niagra Falls by your best friend

Beaten to death by a mob

Trampled in a soccer stadium

Impaled by a sword or spear

Eaten alive by a cannibal

Shotgun blast to the head

Brain dead

Cut in half with a saw

Force fed broken glass

Eaten by worms

Submerged in lava

Dragged behind a car at high speed

Slowly digested in the stomach of a whale

Buried in sand up to your neck on the beach

Falling into the blades of a helicopter

Embalmed Alive

Baseball bat to the head

Rattlesnake bite

Trapped in a school of jellyfish

Crushed under a forklift

Covered in acid

Arms and legs pulled off

Tortured, raped, and disemboweled

Put through a giant meat grinder

Hacked up with a chainsaw

Getting your brains sucked out

Strangled, stabbed, and beaten by a clown

Having your head squashed in a vice

Polked full of holes by a needle

Drug overdose

Trampled by a rampaging elephant

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Chemical gas is horrible...so living in Zewa at the time of Saddams rise to power would have sucked

Beheadings are fine but a crappy one would really suck...so no trips to the middle east or some "freedom" fighter armed with a small knife will slowly remove my head for taking pictures...

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1. Death by fire breathing or eating. Death, pneumonia and burns are the three most common side effects of fire breathing.

2. Sword swallowing accident. Only about 100 in the world can do it.

3. Plane crash. And since I avoid flying more or less because I hate going through that much security (bad middle school experiences), death by TSA or Air Marshal like this guy: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10367598/

4. Death by being a passenger in a JATO rocket car flying down the double tracked section of the Mount Clemens subdivision only to meet a inbound freight shortly after it becomes single tracked near 10 mile. Bonus points if listening to Rotersand or Iggy Pop.

5. Suicide by cyanide poisoning on the benches of a dance floor of a goth club late at night to Icon of Coil "Dead Enough For Life" (a song that basically asks, "What's the point of suicide?").

6. Head bashed in with a hammer over Heroin shortly after the murderer hosted a party with the same motif on its flier. Body cut up and put in trunks that happened to be foam-lined. Trunks dumped in river. Trunks wash up on nearby shores. Bonus points if the DJ happens to be playing "Money, Success, Fame, Glamour" at the time of the murder.

7. Dying over the course of several hours by any violent or virulent means.

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Being gang raped by horses wouuld suck quite a bit!

Oh, so you know about Mr. Hands aka Kenneth Pinyan?

He was a pretty cool guy. He took a horse anally and died 3 hours later because he didn't want Boeing, his employer, to know that he engaged in beastiality in Washington. Beastiality and the videotaping of beastiality were NOT made illegal until after his death. The only one charged with a crime was the camera operator for trespassing.

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explosive decompression

Oh yeah.... the Byford Dolphin diving bell accident back in '83 is a great example of that. The bell went from 9 atm to 1 atm in a fraction of a second. Parts of the diver who was nearest the door were found on a crane high above the water. Given the violence and speed, it's generally assumed to have been an instantaneous death for the five involved. Indeed, fat simply dropped out of solution as their blood boiled away.

There is a James Bond death sequence involving a similar decompression accident, but I believe it's been called out on.

Of course, explosive decompression in outer space would not be nearly so bad as the pressure differential is usually less than 1 atm. Saliva would boil and one would lose consciousness. Soyuz 11 lost pressure upon return but gave no obvious signs of trouble.

Probably the absolute worst way to die would involve an ammonium nitrate disaggregation accident or a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion on an industrial scale. Ammonium nitrate always seems to claim at least 20-30, if not hundreds. Imagine one day going to work and having to dislodge several tons of explosive powder that readily absorbs water, easily coerced in to a self-sustaining decomposition, and readily detonates upon sufficient shock. Between a rock and a hard place?


Or, imagine one day covering a trainwreck and hearing the sound of a jet without any planes in sight.


About a year ago a tanker fell off the Rouge River bridge of 1-75 killing the driver and destroying one home from the resulting BLEVE or FAE. Fortunately it was not summer (playground within range) and the house had asbestos siding (which gave them just enough time to escape.

Propane regulator accident in a confined space due to improper regulator installation. The worker burned to death.


I find industrial accidents to be absolutely fascinating reading material on a sleepless night.

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Exposure to hydroflouric acid. Though it's technically a weak acid, it's capable of etching and dissolving glass, along with a variety of metals and metallic-oxides. You won't always notice exposure, and it's capable of diffusing through your skin. It can cause heart attacks when it reacts to the calcium in your blood, but that's not the worst bit. It etches and weakens your bones, up to the point of making them gelatinous. The normal treatment in that case is amputation, assuming that they catch it. Oh, and the lower the concentration of the HF you're exposed to, the more severe the result tends to be.

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