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What do you miss?

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I miss the days when I could walk into any given local establishment, and know every face in the place. Now, I'm down to every random bar I walk into, someone knows of me, by legend..

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Guest Megalicious

I miss the Santa Ana's, and taking a walk in them.

I miss being 10 mins away from the beach, 15 mins away from the forrest, and 30 mins away from the desert.

I miss MY BROTHER-terribly.

I miss my two cousins-terribly.

I miss my 3 bestfriends in the world-terribly.

I miss dropping acid and watching a meteor showers in the middle of the dark desert.

I miss warm rain.

I miss having time.

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I miss hanging out with 10-20-50 people at the same time...I miss the large crowds of people.

probably why I love concerts so much.

I totally understand. I've been doing that since I was 12. The past two years have been nothing like that.

I also miss my friends and relatives that passed.

My friend Mike

Being skinny (I can be kinda vain)

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I miss Hawaii. It was the first time in a really long time that I was relaxed and at peace with myself and the world. I didn't have a worry or care, nothing bothered me, nothing annoyed me. I was truly happy and full of joy. Every morning I woke up with the sun and my beloved next to me, watching the ocean change colors with the rising sun. I was able to enjoy every ounce of beauty there, take in every moment. I miss the feeling of the wind in my hair while we were there, the feeling of swimming in the ocean, the suns' warmth on my skin. Watching the sun set every night, especially our last night there - we watched the sun set on the same beach we were married on.

I miss those feelings.

Edited by bean water
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I miss my past like no other.

I miss feeling like I was ontop of the world

I miss my bestfriends more then you know.

I miss having scraped knees and being a baby and not having to fall in love and being heart broken

I MISS my grandparents more then ANYTHING!

Most of all I miss who I use to be, but thats why we call it the past.

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Guest Megalicious

Well, it's coming up on the one year anniversary of my Dad's passing. I took June 24th off, because I'm not sure how I'm going to feel...

I just miss him horribly.


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    • Sounds like a real moron!  Don't let one idjit sour you on everyone.  Sometimes what's going on with someone isn't about you, you just happen to be in range. Miss you n' Trene!
    • Well, it's over.   Last year I was finally happy that people on the block had started talking to me and I even started conversing with them and helping with their yards despite my people fear.  But it wasn't to last.   Midday today, I got blasted with the accusation that I called the police on my neighbor's vehicles that were parked across the street in a lot he had told me that he owned (which is the only reason I was cutting that lot for him).  Nevermind the fact that the City sent out an ordinance stating that vehicles parked on the grass will be towed at the owner's expense.   Today, I requested that he move a trailer bed with a car on it that belonged to him, but had been blocking my driveway apron next to my house for the past nearly 3 weeks.  He began talking about it being a public street and that he didn't see a driveway and how it was a vacant lot and some other stuff.  I side that I owned the lot, but didn't have the money to put in a driveway yet and that if I don't put one in soon, the city is going to come and take my driveway apron away.  He began walking away, quoting parking ordinances and then said that because I had asked him to move his vehicle that I must have been the one who called the police on his parked cars because he side the police kept coming back to check if the vehicles were there (on City property).   At first I thought he was joking and I said that I didn't know anything about that I just wanted him to move the trailer back 10 feet.  He didn't like what I had to say and went on a tirade about stuff that I had no clue about, but apparently I did it because I live on the block, across the street, multiple houses down from the vacant lot he was parking in that belonged to the City of Detroit.   Trene stepped in to defuse the situation because I lost my mind.  All the decades of accusations from all the other neighbors (past and present) that had been directed at me simply for being on the block, just exploded and I was out there making a total spectacle of myself trying to clear my name.  But all that does is make an accuser feel more justified in their blind truth.  I left it alone.   My feelings are hurt.  I don't care about any of those people anymore because it's like they are just sitting and waiting to blame me for something else that they don't like that happened to them.   My trust for anyone on this block is now gone and I am physically drained and embarrassed.  My mind keeps replaying the entire event and will continue to do so for the next few hours or so...because that's how my brain works.   I'll try not to let this consume me because I could be THAT person they accuse me of being, but then that would backfire because they would be like, "I KNEW IT!!!". 😔
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    • There are worse things to be known as.  Anyway... "In addition to my other numerous acquaintances, I have one more intimate confidant.  My depression is the most faithful mistress I have known~no wonder, then, that I return the love." ~ Soren Kierkegaard
    • They have meds for that :P   Honestly I need to try me some of that Adderall one of these days.  I'm a bit scared to though because I might actually do something.
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