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City and Necto no longer, for me.

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I just didn't agree with the half cocked defense of candy man, comparing perfume and allergies to cigarette smoke.

I actually find validity to that statement. I was eating at a restaurant called South Side (on 9 mile between ryan and dequender) and one of those old blue haired ladies came in just REEKING of some perfume. Seriously I'm happy I finished my meal before hand. My friend Sasha couldn't stand it and we had to leave. Also on my list are people who don't shower at least semi regularly, or do both trying to cover up the latter with the former.

Who cares about the smoke? It's the way people interact at those places (under the influence of alcohol), that keeps me away. As A_D mentioned, it can be quite toxic-- especially for anyone who would prefer a stable environment, rather than chaotic.

I also don't drink, but I do agree with that. If they lock on and get chatty it can get annoying real fast. Or if they want to pick a fight/try to screw you/hit your car on the way out/stumble into you/throw up on the bar/etc...

I go for the music and the people who do drink but don't get out of hand with it that have an above average IQ.

What I'd like to see now that The Works has two rooms open again is maybe make the front bar area non smoking and just keep the smokers in the back. Since it's separated by a hallway I think everyone could co-exist nicely. Restaurants have smoking sections (although it doesn't really help unless it's actually separated) so I can't see why bars that have the capability don't do that.

Also obviously make it a separate section. I like the ability to smoke/not smoke but I also like to not have to walk through a smoking section to get to non smoking.

Also this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJakQmMJ8jY


I <3 that show

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I actually find validity to that statement. I was eating at a restaurant called South Side (on 9 mile between ryan and dequender) and one of those old blue haired ladies came in just REEKING of some perfume. Seriously I'm happy I finished my meal before hand. My friend Sasha couldn't stand it and we had to leave. Also on my list are people who don't shower at least semi regularly, or do both trying to cover up the latter with the former.

I also don't drink, but I do agree with that. If they lock on and get chatty it can get annoying real fast. Or if they want to pick a fight/try to screw you/hit your car on the way out/stumble into you/throw up on the bar/etc...

I go for the music and the people who do drink but don't get out of hand with it that have an above average IQ.

What I'd like to see now that The Works has two rooms open again is maybe make the front bar area non smoking and just keep the smokers in the back. Since it's separated by a hallway I think everyone could co-exist nicely. Restaurants have smoking sections (although it doesn't really help unless it's actually separated) so I can't see why bars that have the capability don't do that.

Also obviously make it a separate section. I like the ability to smoke/not smoke but I also like to not have to walk through a smoking section to get to non smoking.

Also this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJakQmMJ8jY



I <3 that show

(big fat) +1 to the SG's post!

Mass props to the non-smokers for quiting...for not starting...& for leaving me the fuck alone to MY own devices.

Thank you very much; I stop there.

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I actually find validity to that statement. I was eating at a restaurant called South Side (on 9 mile between ryan and dequender) and one of those old blue haired ladies came in just REEKING of some perfume. Seriously I'm happy I finished my meal before hand. My friend Sasha couldn't stand it and we had to leave. Also on my list are people who don't shower at least semi regularly, or do both trying to cover up the latter with the former.

I hear ya...

Perfume kills Me :X

I actually get nasty headaches & nausea from being around it for too long.. I find it to be just as offensive as smoke.

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I hear ya...

Perfume kills Me :X

I actually get nasty headaches & nausea from being around it for too long.. I find it to be just as offensive as smoke.

Worse...IMO cigarette smoke smells better than most of the shit people wear :laugh:.

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I hear ya...

Perfume kills Me :X

I actually get nasty headaches & nausea from being around it for too long.. I find it to be just as offensive as smoke.

Remember during winter...outside...at 20 paces...this lady (questionable, for sure) choked us out...we HAD to get icees at K-mart....so it was not a TOTAL BUST... :hrhr:

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I agree, the perfume/cologne is annoying. It seems like some men, especially, seem to think they need to use half a bottle, and when they get close enough I can actually taste the cologne. :yucky:

The thing about the cigarette smoke is that it doesn't really actively bother me at the club, especially when I've been drinking, but after a few hours the nicotine does mess with my system and I start feeling really irritable and on edge if I am around a bunch of people who are smoking. That and I hate it when I get home from the club at 4 am and my clothes and hair reek of cigarette smoke, and I have to decide whether I want to have to shower at 4 am, or try to deal with the stench so I can sleep.

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yah me too. Too many pic pockets...druggings...groppings and fights and drama lately but I do this every few years or so. I regress and regroup and go back to my hippie roots with more concerts...small home parties...drummings...coffee houses.

Just cause your not a clubber doesn't mean you are not social...

I find its easier to abstain from drinking out of bars.

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Typing TRUTH in big letters does not make it truth. I do know that people do not like smoking or have health problems with it...but they have alot of trouble getting their point across without being assholes.


Considerations for the mathematical mind - People trained to hate smoking and smokers are Big Antismoking Fools (BAF). BAF also applies the “Selective Input Process” (SIP) – that is, they only read information supporting what they already believe. Information to the contrary is dismissed right off, or read only to search for weaknesses and therefore confirm pre-existing belief.

That is particularly true when it comes to Big Pharma (BP). BAF hates BP almost as much as he hates Big Tobacco (BT). That is because, in general, he hates Big Corporate (BC) as any good socialist should. That gets them to the point of envisioning a fascist future where Big State (BS) and Big Corporate BC will be happily married and finally BS = BC. In the eyes of BAF, in fact, BS and BC would check each other out giving BAF no bullshit (BS) at all. In reality, however, both BS and BC are equivalent to BS, and will jointly oppress BAF.

Today, BC (Big Corporate) = BP (Big Pharma), thus Bp (Big Pharma) x Bs (Big State) = BS square (BS2).

The universe of BAF can therefore be expressed by the equation:


Yeah I should probably never defend anything that I do or like...oh NOW I see what the talking picture box was telling me!

You can defend yourself.

I didn't like the fact that you got right on the sarcastic note, comparing perfume and other strong smells to smoke.

Which in my opinion, was pretty fucking rude.

You can defend yourself without belittling someones opinion....if someone thinks that most smokers don't care about how it effects others, the wrong thing to do is correct them, and in the same sentence bring up a moot point and even worse, in the sarcastic manner that you had.

Like I said, you have every right to defend yourself, and I will add it hit a nerve with me the WAY YOU DID.

I see your points, are valid....your tact though...tends to set my "asshole" meter off at times.

Whether you mean to do that, I'm not sure, but I don't care.

Sorry if I offended,....but I had my reasons.

I've about had it with goth in general.


Who cares about the smoke? It's the way people interact at those places (under the influence of alcohol), that keeps me away. As A_D mentioned, it can be quite toxic-- especially for anyone who would prefer a stable environment, rather than chaotic.

I'm going through a healing transition in my life, I crave stable environments.

City Club or any club for that matter, only makes things worse for me. AND NOT JUST BECAUSE OF CIGARETTES,....

jeez....of course, this board had to run with that ball.

I did not mean to offend, just personally, staying on track with the original thread, It is just one of the many factors that I do not go anymore.

(big fat) +1 to the SG's post!

Mass props to the non-smokers for quiting...for not starting...& for leaving me the fuck alone to MY own devices.

Thank you very much; I stop there.

Everyone has a right to do whatever the fuck they want.



fucki fuck fuck!

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Typing TRUTH in big letters does not make it truth. I do know that people do not like smoking or have health problems with it...but they have alot of trouble getting their point across without being assholes.


Considerations for the mathematical mind - People trained to hate smoking and smokers are Big Antismoking Fools (BAF). BAF also applies the “Selective Input Process” (SIP) – that is, they only read information supporting what they already believe. Information to the contrary is dismissed right off, or read only to search for weaknesses and therefore confirm pre-existing belief.

That is particularly true when it comes to Big Pharma (BP). BAF hates BP almost as much as he hates Big Tobacco (BT). That is because, in general, he hates Big Corporate (BC) as any good socialist should. That gets them to the point of envisioning a fascist future where Big State (BS) and Big Corporate BC will be happily married and finally BS = BC. In the eyes of BAF, in fact, BS and BC would check each other out giving BAF no bullshit (BS) at all. In reality, however, both BS and BC are equivalent to BS, and will jointly oppress BAF.

Today, BC (Big Corporate) = BP (Big Pharma), thus Bp (Big Pharma) x Bs (Big State) = BS square (BS2).

The universe of BAF can therefore be expressed by the equation:


Yeah I should probably never defend anything that I do or like...oh NOW I see what the talking picture box was telling me!

People trained to hate smoking and smokers are Big Antismoking Fools

I wasn't trained to hate anything.

I hate smoking because it messes with me physically.

BAF also applies the “Selective Input Process” (SIP) – that is, they only read information supporting what they already believe. Information to the contrary is dismissed right off, or read only to search for weaknesses and therefore confirm pre-existing belief.

Where did you find this eh? copy, paste....

I am not bias.

And I don't look for information based on a strong belief....quite the contrary...I question everything I hold in concrete.

I know...as a fact, that smoking is poisonous, and it hurts ME.

If someone chooses to smoke, whatever their reason, I will still disagree with it, and dislike it, but not the person. That has been clarified.

I really don't see how this applies to this thread AT ALL,

and I believe this is again, another moot point, that is not applicable to the reason why I stopped going to Clubs for personal reasons to better my health, mental and physical.

I suggest this be saved for somewhere more proper.

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Asphyxian Doll,

If you had not posted this topic with such an apocalyptic subject line that implied the immantization of the eschaton of Detroit-A2 clubland, you would not have attracted the attention of so many clubgoers.

Drama dies in a vacuum. Don't talk about it. Don't listen to it. And certainly, don't post about personal issues with a subject loaded with buzzwords designed to attract the attention of a very large contingent of forum users on a forum that wants to "become synonymous with the idea of "The Detroit Goth / Industrial Scene'" It's like paying the Detroit News to publish your obituary and then watching everyone mourn for you from behind a curtain. Sure, it puts the fun in funeral for you, but it's a lot like yelling fire in a crowded theatre for the rest of us.

Furthermore, one does not need to justify one's refusal. Non serviam to quote Freeman Hagbard Celine. "I did it for the lulz" to quote ED and the internets. This post was done for the lulz.

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Asphyxian Doll,

If you had not posted this topic with such an apocalyptic subject line that implied the immantization of the eschaton of Detroit-A2 clubland, you would not have attracted the attention of so many clubgoers.

Drama dies in a vacuum. Don't talk about it. Don't listen to it. And certainly, don't post about personal issues with a subject loaded with buzzwords designed to attract the attention of a very large contingent of forum users on a forum that wants to "become synonymous with the idea of "The Detroit Goth / Industrial Scene'" It's like paying the Detroit News to publish your obituary and then watching everyone mourn for you from behind a curtain. Sure, it puts the fun in funeral for you, but it's a lot like yelling fire in a crowded theatre for the rest of us.

Furthermore, one does not need to justify one's refusal. Non serviam to quote Freeman Hagbard Celine. "I did it for the lulz" to quote ED and the internets. This post was done for the lulz.

Couldnt it just be that she is trying to say that she will miss everyone. Everyone made this into drama. I watched this girl have a hard time dealing with the smoke but she loves to dance and loves DGN. Lets just say goodbye, you will be missed and I hope to see you at other DGN events.

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You can defend yourself.

I didn't like the fact that you got right on the sarcastic note, comparing perfume and other strong smells to smoke.

Which in my opinion, was pretty fucking rude.

You can defend yourself without belittling someones opinion....if someone thinks that most smokers don't care about how it effects others, the wrong thing to do is correct them, and in the same sentence bring up a moot point and even worse, in the sarcastic manner that you had.

Like I said, you have every right to defend yourself, and I will add it hit a nerve with me the WAY YOU DID.

I see your points, are valid....your tact though...tends to set my "asshole" meter off at times.

Whether you mean to do that, I'm not sure, but I don't care.

Sorry if I offended,....but I had my reasons.


I'm going through a healing transition in my life, I crave stable environments.

City Club or any club for that matter, only makes things worse for me. AND NOT JUST BECAUSE OF CIGARETTES,....

jeez....of course, this board had to run with that ball.

I did not mean to offend, just personally, staying on track with the original thread, It is just one of the many factors that I do not go anymore.

Everyone has a right to do whatever the fuck they want.



fucki fuck fuck!

C'mon now Doll....you know what Jesu say about that glass-house ;)

...you know I was not "maddin'" at you...just the subject ;) I am SO sick of this particular argument that I was distracted from sayin'....GOOD FOR YOU!...if you know that that is where part of the chaos is distracting you...at least you figured it out! MOST peoples around these parts don't ever get so deep nor reflective.

.....& yes..there are PLENTY of other shits to do...& I smoke outside mostly anyhows...


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I've heard smokers say that the concentration of smoke at City bothers them.

I could deal with the smoke much better if there was adequate ventilation. It can make a HUGE difference. Of course, heat in the winter would be good too, heh.

Edited by Onyx
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When I used to smoke the smoke at CC bothered me. Now that I don't smoke it really bothers me there.

Unfortunately, somtimes people will take one thing from someone's post and blow it up, distracting from the original post.

We are an argumentative bunch, I think.

That is why there is a beautiful thing called the "ignore" feature.

Edited by bean water
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Asphyxian Doll,

If you had not posted this topic with such an apocalyptic subject line that implied the immantization of the eschaton of Detroit-A2 clubland, you would not have attracted the attention of so many clubgoers.

Drama dies in a vacuum. Don't talk about it. Don't listen to it. And certainly, don't post about personal issues with a subject loaded with buzzwords designed to attract the attention of a very large contingent of forum users on a forum that wants to "become synonymous with the idea of "The Detroit Goth / Industrial Scene'" It's like paying the Detroit News to publish your obituary and then watching everyone mourn for you from behind a curtain. Sure, it puts the fun in funeral for you, but it's a lot like yelling fire in a crowded theatre for the rest of us.

Furthermore, one does not need to justify one's refusal. Non serviam to quote Freeman Hagbard Celine. "I did it for the lulz" to quote ED and the internets. This post was done for the lulz.

Why are you intellectualizing a goodbye thread?

This subject is loaded with personal reasons for why I am not going to the club anymore,

you do not know me, never met me, and sure as hell don't take the time to talk to me on this board.

You interpretation of my thread is far from the truth and I suggest, again, Like I had suggested to other board members who tried to use this thread as a spring board to inflate their ego and start a debate, to take it somewhere else.

How presumptuous of you to act as if you have me all figured out, drawing conclusions without even talking to me, assuming YOU know why I posted this thread.

Save it for the politics.

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When I used to smoke the smoke at CC bothered me. Now that I don't smoke it really bothers me there.

Unfortunately, somtimes people will take one thing from someone's post and blow it up, distracting from the original post.

We are an argumentative bunch, I think.

That is why there is a beautiful thing called the "ignore" feature.

mmm it is a beautiful feature.

One that I never thought to use.

Well there is a first time for everything xD

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C'mon now Doll....you know what Jesu say about that glass-house ;)

...you know I was not "maddin'" at you...just the subject ;) I am SO sick of this particular argument that I was distracted from sayin'....GOOD FOR YOU!...if you know that that is where part of the chaos is distracting you...at least you figured it out! MOST peoples around these parts don't ever get so deep nor reflective.

.....& yes..there are PLENTY of other shits to do...& I smoke outside mostly anyhows...


I know you weren't "maddin" at me. ^_^ Thank you for clearing it up too. <3 And I'm sick of arguing about that subject, I honestly have NO problem with it on a personal level, I just don't understand it. I guess you could say I see both sides of the spectrum on the subject, and disagree with the use, but not the persons personal reason for using. End of this subject. And thank you, I will DEFINITELY get to see you sometime in the near future hopefully outdoors around a camp fire, or somewhere of neutral ground where we can carry on a deep and progressive conversation.

And Thank you prick That's really all this thread was about.....a goodbye thread, and a place to suggest alternative places to meet up with DGN'ers. I think I might even make an Alternative to the Club thread ^____^

Edited by asphyxian_doll
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What pisses me off is how people like to compare smoking with radon,welding smoke,car exhaust,factory emissions,and say that cigarette is worse than that,our nation has some of the filthiest air around.gotta love comparing apples and oranges.I smoke,I just do not smoke around anyone who does not smoke,I also work in a shop where I breath in worse shit than cigarette smoke.I prefer to smoke outside anyway,also most of the pollutants (not cigarette related)are everywhere and very hard to escape from.I do wish all establishments had separate rooms with doors for smokers and non smokers alike,and only have the staff that does smoke work in the smoking sections only.

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What pisses me off is how people like to compare smoking with radon,welding smoke,car exhaust,factory emissions,and say that cigarette is worse than that,our nation has some of the filthiest air around.gotta love comparing apples and oranges.I smoke,I just do not smoke around anyone who does not smoke,I also work in a shop where I breath in worse shit than cigarette smoke.I prefer to smoke outside anyway,also most of the pollutants (not cigarette related)are everywhere and very hard to escape from.I do wish all establishments had separate rooms with doors for smokers and non smokers alike,and only have the staff that does smoke work in the smoking sections only.



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Good conversation in this topic. As is par for the course with topics in this forum, there are many interesting ideas. Also par for the course there are a handful of people that seem not to have read the DGN Code Of Conduct. To summarize: Feel free to make your point, just do you best to keep the insults and the snippy comments to a bare minimum if not non-existent in the process of making that point. If you find something rude, press the report button. Responding to a rude comment with more rudeness doesn't make the reply any less wrong. Two wrongs never did make a right.

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Good conversation in this topic. As is par for the course with topics in this forum, there are many interesting ideas. Also par for the course there are a handful of people that seem not to have read the DGN Code Of Conduct. To summarize: Feel free to make your point, just do you best to keep the insults and the snippy comments to a bare minimum if not non-existent in the process of making that point. If you find something rude, press the report button. Responding to a rude comment with more rudeness doesn't make the reply any less wrong. Two wrongs never did make a right.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

I'm sorry, :\ I tend to act on a pulled nerve.


And hopefully we can find places in the Detroit metro area that is more Neutral we can congregate at soon ^_^.

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