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City and Necto no longer, for me.

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I actually find validity to that statement. I was eating at a restaurant called South Side (on 9 mile between ryan and dequender) and one of those old blue haired ladies came in just REEKING of some perfume. Seriously I'm happy I finished my meal before hand. My friend Sasha couldn't stand it and we had to leave. Also on my list are people who don't shower at least semi regularly, or do both trying to cover up the latter with the former.

I also don't drink, but I do agree with that. If they lock on and get chatty it can get annoying real fast. Or if they want to pick a fight/try to screw you/hit your car on the way out/stumble into you/throw up on the bar/etc...

I go for the music and the people who do drink but don't get out of hand with it that have an above average IQ.

What I'd like to see now that The Works has two rooms open again is maybe make the front bar area non smoking and just keep the smokers in the back. Since it's separated by a hallway I think everyone could co-exist nicely. Restaurants have smoking sections (although it doesn't really help unless it's actually separated) so I can't see why bars that have the capability don't do that.

Also obviously make it a separate section. I like the ability to smoke/not smoke but I also like to not have to walk through a smoking section to get to non smoking.

Also this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJakQmMJ8jY



I <3 that show

Love the idea but not the execution. The works is ideal for having seperate sections BUT just as simple observation:

1. Smokers drink. Smoker genereally sit and drink more then non smokers.

2. Smokers on the dance floor sucks. I can't tell you over the years how many times I've been burnt becuase of someone smoking while out on the dance floor.


3. If you take 1. and 2. you get back to the problem of Non Smokers walking through the cloud to get to the Non secition.

*shrug* like I said Love the idea but not the execution

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Love the idea but not the execution. The works is ideal for having seperate sections BUT just as simple observation:

1. Smokers drink. Smoker genereally sit and drink more then non smokers.

2. Smokers on the dance floor sucks. I can't tell you over the years how many times I've been burnt becuase of someone smoking while out on the dance floor.


3. If you take 1. and 2. you get back to the problem of Non Smokers walking through the cloud to get to the Non secition.

*shrug* like I said Love the idea but not the execution

Sorry OP but this thread is now effectually about smoking. :p

Just a comment on this one - I'd rather walk through the smoke to get to the non-smoking section than have a smoker walk through the non-smoking section on the way to their section. Mostly because a lot of people are unwilling to put it out if they had it lit outside and will light up again once in their seat. I hate when I'm in a nonsmoking section in a restaurant and someone walks by smoking, and it happens all the time. I can deal with the smoke long enough to get through the smoking section to my own untainted space. XD

(Obviously, I can deal with the smoke anyway, since I go to the club all the time, and I'll even sit in smoking section if with a friend who smokes, but when I'm eating it does bother me and I'd rather not...and it seems to defeat the purpose to have the non-smoking section in front.)

But I'm not really actually all that bothered by it, so I dunno...I wouldn't bother with making 1 room of each at a club. If there was a club with a nice open veranda (like Necto?) it'd be awesome if that part was smoking and the whole inside wasn't, though.

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Love the idea but not the execution. The works is ideal for having seperate sections BUT just as simple observation:

1. Smokers drink. Smoker genereally sit and drink more then non smokers.

2. Smokers on the dance floor sucks. I can't tell you over the years how many times I've been burnt becuase of someone smoking while out on the dance floor.


3. If you take 1. and 2. you get back to the problem of Non Smokers walking through the cloud to get to the Non secition.

*shrug* like I said Love the idea but not the execution

There's actually a law on the books in the Detroit Fire Prevention Code that prohibits dancing with a cig. If someone happens to start dancing with a cig next to me and I happen to be wearing my twirling skirts of doom, I'm sure I'll somehow happen to make said person uncomfortable enough to go dance elsewhere. I hate cigarette burns not so much because they're painful (they are when unexpected), but because it's unauthorized branding. People who modify other people's bodies without consent need their head modified to face backwards.

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There's actually a law on the books in the Detroit Fire Prevention Code that prohibits dancing with a cig. If someone happens to start dancing with a cig next to me and I happen to be wearing my twirling skirts of doom, I'm sure I'll somehow happen to make said person uncomfortable enough to go dance elsewhere. I hate cigarette burns not so much because they're painful (they are when unexpected), but because it's unauthorized branding. People who modify other people's bodies without consent need their head modified to face backwards.

I really hate when people walk around and dance with their cigarette pointed out absentmindedly...I wear big skirts and so many of them have little burns in them despite my most careful efforts to be careful while walking around. I've only been burned on my skin once, but my clothes get burned more often, and my clothes happen to be absurdly expensive, so I don't really like it... :cry

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Sorry you won't be going to the clubs anymore. Although I'd just like to point out that this drama could have been avoided if you would have just said you were not going to the clubs anymore due to personal reasons and just left it at that.

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Sorry you won't be going to the clubs anymore. Although I'd just like to point out that this drama could have been avoided if you would have just said you were not going to the clubs anymore due to personal reasons and just left it at that.

:clap::yes I whole heartedly agree with this statement. The topic title in and of itself is highly misleading.

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The topic title, and why I was leaving didn't start the drama.

It was the reactions that did.

And again, this thread is about my leaving, not cigarette smoke.

I'd appreciate having this locked, since its not doing me any good, and I can see now how many people actually care about the topic.

A fair amount of you actually used this thread to discuss its topic, the rest, I regret to say, won't be gaining my respect any time soon.

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I really hate when people walk around and dance with their cigarette pointed out absentmindedly...I wear big skirts and so many of them have little burns in them despite my most careful efforts to be careful while walking around. I've only been burned on my skin once, but my clothes get burned more often, and my clothes happen to be absurdly expensive, so I don't really like it... :cry

Then you go to a club that puts your nice clothes in danger, by wearing clothes that AREN'T so expensive.

or you leave.


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The topic title, and why I was leaving didn't start the drama.

It was the reactions that did.

don't miss-read and misunderstand what I said, please go back and read it again.

if you still don't get it, then please understand this: I only said that the topic title is misleading. anyone glancing over the forums who see's the title to your thread would instantly think, wtf.

Please don't be so quick to anger, or to pass judgement. If you're going to be so short tempered about these kinds of things, its only a thread, not some kinda personal attack on you. I don't know you from that guy sittin in the corner, but I'm sure you have your own reasons for leaving, and all I did was state my opinion about how it was done.


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The topic title, and why I was leaving didn't start the drama.

It was the reactions that did.

And again, this thread is about my leaving, not cigarette smoke.

I'd appreciate having this locked, since its not doing me any good, and I can see now how many people actually care about the topic.

A fair amount of you actually used this thread to discuss its topic, the rest, I regret to say, won't be gaining my respect any time soon.

Then you go to a club that puts your nice clothes in danger, by wearing clothes that AREN'T so expensive.

or you leave.



Um...hon...deep breaths, it's okay.

Once a thread is up on the boards, I think it's free to go where it goes. Sometimes it strays from the original topic, but that's okay. It's not doing you any harm, so perhaps you should just ignore it? I wouldn't let it bother you so much. Don't get defensive and angry...really...it's okay.

Once a topic is up and people are using it to discuss a different topic, ::shrug:: that's what happens. People continue the discussions. Don't take it personally.

You still have to admit that you worded the topic title in a way as to get people's interest up and make everyone click on it. I appreciate your personal reasons for leaving, and that they go well beyond a silly thing like cigarettes. I commend you for making the responsible decision to stay away from a place which makes it difficult for you to be the you you want to be. However, that said, making a whole post about how you won't personally be going anymore but titling it something that will make people worried (silly stupid people perhaps, because honestly, most people would know it was some sort of joke, as there's no way both City and Necto would suddenly close down at the same time) is a little uncalled for. Your other post about non-club environments to hang out in is much more appropriate, and I think this one would have been better as a small addendum to that one, rather than its own drama-hungry thread.

The thread did get ugly, and that's a shame, but...still, you don't need to take it personally. Really you don't.

As for the clothes thing - I choose to wear my clothes because I like them and like to wear them. If they get burned or spilled on or ripped (all of which happens), so be it. Each little piece of damage is a memory of a fun night. I'd rather them not get burned, of course, so I'm not ecstatic when it happens, but I never let it bring me down or affect my mood at all. It doesn't ruin my night, it's just a shame that it's something so easily avoided if people were careful when they walk around carrying burning fire. ;) But it's not a big deal.

Anyway, don't worry about anything here. It's just a thread, no biggie. No harm done.

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don't miss-read and misunderstand what I said, please go back and read it again.

if you still don't get it, then please understand this: I only said that the topic title is misleading. anyone glancing over the forums who see's the title to your thread would instantly think, wtf.

Please don't be so quick to anger, or to pass judgement. If you're going to be so short tempered about these kinds of things, its only a thread, not some kinda personal attack on you. I don't know you from that guy sittin in the corner, but I'm sure you have your own reasons for leaving, and all I did was state my opinion about how it was done.



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I killed a bunch of people out in the desert once.

I once wrote on the walls of my kitchen in blood when I didn't have a pen to write a nastygram to my roommate. She didn't catch the "Today We Are All Demons" reference despite handling that very CD that day.

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Um...hon...deep breaths, it's okay.

Once a thread is up on the boards, I think it's free to go where it goes. Sometimes it strays from the original topic, but that's okay. It's not doing you any harm, so perhaps you should just ignore it? I wouldn't let it bother you so much. Don't get defensive and angry...really...it's okay.

Once a topic is up and people are using it to discuss a different topic, ::shrug:: that's what happens. People continue the discussions. Don't take it personally.

You still have to admit that you worded the topic title in a way as to get people's interest up and make everyone click on it. I appreciate your personal reasons for leaving, and that they go well beyond a silly thing like cigarettes. I commend you for making the responsible decision to stay away from a place which makes it difficult for you to be the you you want to be. However, that said, making a whole post about how you won't personally be going anymore but titling it something that will make people worried (silly stupid people perhaps, because honestly, most people would know it was some sort of joke, as there's no way both City and Necto would suddenly close down at the same time) is a little uncalled for. Your other post about non-club environments to hang out in is much more appropriate, and I think this one would have been better as a small addendum to that one, rather than its own drama-hungry thread.

The thread did get ugly, and that's a shame, but...still, you don't need to take it personally. Really you don't.

As for the clothes thing - I choose to wear my clothes because I like them and like to wear them. If they get burned or spilled on or ripped (all of which happens), so be it. Each little piece of damage is a memory of a fun night. I'd rather them not get burned, of course, so I'm not ecstatic when it happens, but I never let it bring me down or affect my mood at all. It doesn't ruin my night, it's just a shame that it's something so easily avoided if people were careful when they walk around carrying burning fire. ;) But it's not a big deal.

Anyway, don't worry about anything here. It's just a thread, no biggie. No harm done.

What I had said to you, wasn't in anger.

It was in blunt honesty.

This is Long winded...>_>

I'm not taking anything personally, nor am I spending too much time really bothering with replying on most of it, simply because it took a turn for the worst.

AND I do admit the title is misleading, and mentioning cigarettes would (like always) arouse some animosity.

I still think its fair to say that true colors shone.

I however will also say this month hasn't been very great for me, and it tends to reflect on the board.

We all have our bad days, and having someone intellectualize a simple thread based on their anal retentive issues, isn't something I take lightly during a time when I really don't feel like taking anyone's shit or letting things fly.

(this is not directed towards you)

Also anime if you have an issue with me or my thread, take it to the thread, don't inbox me.

Edited by asphyxian_doll
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The topic title, and why I was leaving didn't start the drama.

It was the reactions that did.

Just an observation, that has been pointed out. But you did put a misleading title, which really wasn't the cause of the drama, it was the cause of confusion (until they actually read it).

The fact you were leaving also didn't cause the drama, it was the why you were leaving that did which is because of a reason that people feel really strongly about. If it were about "I'm leaving because city is anti/pro *issue* (like being preppy/normal for example) then you'd have a bunch of debate on that instead insisting on a dress code to fix the problem or those that don't really dress the part defending the way to look as they want because they're really goth on the inside or just got off work.

Just my observation but you probably have me on ignore anyway so it doesn't really matter :D

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Just an observation, that has been pointed out. But you did put a misleading title, which really wasn't the cause of the drama, it was the cause of confusion (until they actually read it).

The fact you were leaving also didn't cause the drama, it was the why you were leaving that did which is because of a reason that people feel really strongly about. If it were about "I'm leaving because city is anti/pro *issue* (like being preppy/normal for example) then you'd have a bunch of debate on that instead insisting on a dress code to fix the problem or those that don't really dress the part defending the way to look as they want because they're really goth on the inside or just got off work.

Just my observation but you probably have me on ignore anyway so it doesn't really matter :D

Nah you're not on ignore.

I agree with you.

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I have to admit the debate and opinions stated were interesting. I did comment but I would like to respond to the original point of origin ....

you'll be missed... :bye2:

^_^ Thank you.

I can't wait to get a car.

I'll be out trying to find ways to congregate with you guys in other ways...but until then, I'll be AFK.

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