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I figured this would be the correct forum for this? Mods please feel free to move where it belongs..

I was just wondering what peoples' opinions on shrooms are? I like them very much. I only had 1 bad experience with them in which I took them when I was tired and I just wanted it to go away so I could sleep. However, every other time I've taken them I've had a good time. They really open up my mind in a way I can't describe.

I also had a question about them. I've done some research and found that most drug testing doesn't test for shrooms but I understand there IS a urinalysis test that can detect them. I also understand that it doesn't stay in your system long (2 or 3 days) but was just wondering if anyone here might know more info on that. I've checked this info on Erowid so I already know about that source. The reason I was wondering is because I'm on probation and I get drug tested every 2 weeks. Erowid claims most probations don't even bother testing for it because it costs too much and they only do it if they have reason to believe you've been doing them (say, you got put on probation for shrooms). I also have to take drug classes outside of probation where they drug test. I figure those people are more likely to test for them than probation. But again I was just wondering if anyone knows for sure the time it stays in your system because I'm thinking about taking some since I can almost never find them and someone has some to give to me. I'm just concerned about my drug tests. Any advice would be appreciated.


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Hmm...I'ld just stay sober for your duration...there's so very little chance of failing a drug test if you ingest no "drugs".

I said "drugs" because I don't think that the 'shroom is not a drug..(no addictive effects)...however, I count it as a poison..as there is a toxic level that can kill or create the illusion of sickness.

That being said...if you NEED to have a mystery of the Universe explained to a "closed" part of your head...I'm pretty good at that shit....& I'll be here near everyday.

Whatever you do...I wish you well.

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Yeah I like them every now and then. They really should be taken with the right mood though. If I take them when I'm already happy or laughing or just feeling good all around, it's a nice experience.

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I will be doing this soon, anyone ever do it?

Ayhuasca in Peru Sun, July 8, 2007 - 10:34 AM

So I went with Peru with my Bro Denzal last october for the specific purpose of taking part in a Ayahuasca healing ceremony.

For those that don't know, Ayahuasca is a medicine made from combining leaves and vine, boiled for many hours until it is a thick fluid. The Shamans believe that combining the medicine with prayer/chants/music brings healing spirits which work with the medicine to clean out your physical body while purifying the mind. I did 3 or 4 ceremonies while there.

Basic ceremony:

At dark, we would assembly into a cabin. keep in mind that we are about an hour into the jingle. There is no electricity, tv, cell phone, etc.( I especially liked that part...)

We would all grab a few Mapachu which are hand rolled tobacco cigarettes, these are an important part of the ceremony as well. below us was a bowl for us to eventually purge into once the medicine started freeing up the toxins inside our body.

We would briefly talk and then the Shaman Lucho would say a set the intention with a prayer or sorts and with that he would walk around the room and ask how many cups we wanted, he would pour and we would drink the not all that great tasting substance in a shot like manner (down the hatch!)

Next, I sat back and waited. Lucho would say prayers and play his four string guitar while I waited for the medicine to start its work. After about 30-40 minutes I could feel the medicine begin moving from my stomache, spreading out into my body. I had actual sensation of feeling it spread into my chest, heart, legs, and head. After about an hour to two hours my stomache started signalling me that it was time and the toxins started coming back up.

After that was done it was time to enjoy the ride. Ayahuasca induces profoundly personal visions, some close eyed, some open eyed. My compatriates and experienced some amazing things. The future unfolded, fears were removed, injuries mended.

The ceremony lasted 4-6 hours after which point I was pretty exhausted both in body and mind, walked back to our cabin and passed out.

For some I've talked to the thought of having to purge is a large is the main detractor to keeping them from doing ayahuasca. All I can say is that it was well worth it.

The whole Peru experience was amazing from being guided through the rainforest, swimming in the amazon river, playing soccer with locals on a sand bar in the middle of the amazon, seeing pink dolphins(yeah...albino dolphins...), that's just a tidbit of the experiences had there. One of the best parts was going without tv, cell phone, electricity, etc...by the time I came back to stateside I felt like a new person.

My friend denzal is guiding people to Peru for the Ayahausca Ceremony, if you are interested and want to know more send me or him an email. For pics of Peru just looked through my photos.

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