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Suggestions on Alternative meets/congregations besides the Clubs

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Hugo is the shit!

That sounds bad. How about: Hugo is better than shit!

Actually, he IS my favorite songwriter. I was going through all the paper I own and found the lyrics to "Saving Grace". The paper is illegible because it was rained on and is really nothing more than an interesting concantenation of blue ink marks, but I couldn't bear to part with it because I hear that song in my dreams. Really awesome stuff.

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There are two things intertwined. "Things to go do." vs. "places to go meet." They can be one in the same but if the goal is to hang out, it makes it a lot easier if it is not a one-off "event." but a regular, consistent thing. "Every week at X time at X place." so people can plan around it and know it is there, even without (for instance) checking the internet. This helps to minimize one of the key sets of problems, that is, reliability. To know if it is going to happen or not, or the ever-shifting location / time / date, lack of someone actually "doing" whatever new random idea pops up. People LIKE "doing different things." but if the goal is to actually have it happen regularly, the thing itself needs to be regular to maximize the chances of it actually succeeding in that goal. Then, there is the "what is some fun stuff to go do?" which is a separate(although usually linked) question. Which may or may not actually help with the socializing aspect.

Holy crap, was that random and poorly constructed enough of a paragraph? Damn. I thought grammar / sentence structure / spelling and such were supposed to improve over time, not go slowly more toward the dust bunny controlled dimensions.

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Maybe so but you're right in that. Although I don't think a regular event is needed. I mean people figured this stuff out for hundreds of years without computers to aid them. Just get an event planner or something and write it down.

Don't forget museums and stuff. Even though I hate sports I've heard of goths playing softball in one state as a thing to do. Or you're welcome to come to any of the TDS's events (Reaper's BBQ thing is a dual DGN/TDS thing).

I need to get on the calendar like now since it's may.

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How about hitting those carnivals that sprout up in the parking lots of half-empty malls? :jamin

My old High school(Warren Woods Tower) puts one ohn every year at the middle school at 12 mile and schoenherr in Warren. Should be happening in the next few weeks.

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I'm a big fan of cerebral/cultural outings such as the DIA, Cranbrook, Detroit science center, MOCAD, and most recently the African History museum. Cranbrook's outdoor gardens are (almost) free to check out....last time I checked, it was a nominal charge of maybe $5 (?) to park for their gardens and you can walk the grounds all day long or have a picnic. It's awesome & gorgeous in the summer.

One thing that is nice is that most city libraries have free tickets right now to many awesome cultural events so you can get in FREE. All you need is a library card and you can get a ticket for yourself and up to 3 friends to join you. And this is not limited to adults....for those of you with kids, you will find many free kid-friendly activities as well.

For those of you who want a more physical pursuit, check out public ice skating at your local rink. Most rent skates and you should be able to skate for 2 hours for about $7 total (ticket + skate rental). It's a nice change from the summer heat. ;)

What about Kensington park? They have a beach and super long bike/walking path.

Summer is a good time for a day trip to Cedar point with fellow DGNers. Load up the car with your peeps & pick up reduced-cost tix at your local grocery store.

Detroit Electronic Music Festival (outdoors!) is May 23-25 this year. Day pass is $20.

Motor City Comic Convention (www.motorcityconventions.com) is May 15-17 at the Rock Financial Showcase in Novi.

Ann Arbor Art fair in July every year. Awesome indeed.

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I'm a big fan of cerebral/cultural outings such as the DIA, Cranbrook, Detroit science center, MOCAD, and most recently the African History museum. Cranbrook's outdoor gardens are (almost) free to check out....last time I checked, it was a nominal charge of maybe $5 (?) to park for their gardens and you can walk the grounds all day long or have a picnic. It's awesome & gorgeous in the summer.

One thing that is nice is that most city libraries have free tickets right now to many awesome cultural events so you can get in FREE. All you need is a library card and you can get a ticket for yourself and up to 3 friends to join you. And this is not limited to adults....for those of you with kids, you will find many free kid-friendly activities as well.

For those of you who want a more physical pursuit, check out public ice skating at your local rink. Most rent skates and you should be able to skate for 2 hours for about $7 total (ticket + skate rental). It's a nice change from the summer heat. ;)

What about Kensington park? They have a beach and super long bike/walking path.

Summer is a good time for a day trip to Cedar point with fellow DGNers. Load up the car with your peeps & pick up reduced-cost tix at your local grocery store.

Detroit Electronic Music Festival (outdoors!) is May 23-25 this year. Day pass is $20.

Motor City Comic Convention (www.motorcityconventions.com) is May 15-17 at the Rock Financial Showcase in Novi.

Ann Arbor Art fair in July every year. Awesome indeed.

All fantastic ideas!

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When going to Cedar Point, I think its actually better to spend the greater share of one's time visiting the shows, waterpark and other attractions, not just the rollercoasters. Waiting in line for an hour or more gets old REAL quick. Maybe choose just one rollercoaster with a long wait for that day, then several with much shorter lines.

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When going to Cedar Point, I think its actually better to spend the greater share of one's time visiting the shows, waterpark and other attractions, not just the rollercoasters. Waiting in line for an hour or more gets old REAL quick. Maybe choose just one rollercoaster with a long wait for that day, then several with much shorter lines.

That's why you get there when the park opens & walk to the farthest area of the park & ride those rides first. You can ride a ton of your fav rides without lines (or with very short lines) since everyone else is obsessed with the rollercoasters nearest to the entrance. Throughout the day, work your way back to the entrance, and when you are done, you don't have a long walk in order to leave to go home either. I do it this way every time I go to a theme park & it works great.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: here is a GREAT way to get into your fav. plays/concerts/sports events for FREE: Volunteering. Seriously! All the people who are ushers at places like Detroit Opera house, Fox Theater, etc. are ALL volunteers. They get to see most of these top shows for FREE while they are working as a volunteer. I would call the venue up directly & ask about volunteering, what kinds of positions are needed, & how you can get involved. You may not get your choice of show, but at least you get to see a show. ;)

This applies for sports events too. There are sports events that things like baseball camps with actual major league stars that show up to teach kids or whatever, especially in the summer. One of my friends did an event where she was assigned to one of the major league mascots (basically just tended to his needs throughout the day, like food, or helping him with the costume). It was EASY work, she got to hang out with a bunch of mascots from all the teams, met tons of people, and got tons of autographs & freebies for doing it.

FYI - volunteering at the upcoming Motor City comic con at the Rock Financial this month will get you a free pass to get in as well.

If you like Henry Ford Museum or Greenfield village, you may also be able to volunteer there as well, which more than likely will mean free passes for a future visit.

I would also call art museums as well since they are privately funded & can use all the free help they can, especially in this economy. You can network & maybe even pick up a few good references that you can use for future jobs. It is a total win-win situation.

Another bonus about volunteering: you often get free food if you are working a minimum of 3-4 hours.

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I much prefer actually getting a job there. I work at I-Rock and have seen and worked with a ton of great bands.

Great suggestion if you need a job!

Here's another really cool volunteering thing: Some of my friends are volunteering for the upcoming Olympics in Vancouver 2010. If anyone has ever considered going to an Olympics, tickets to the smallest events could cost you thousands of dollars (!), and that is in addition to your travel/hotel/food costs. If you volunteer for a big event like this, you get free tix to some events, lots of freebies, free food, and are in the middle of the action with all the athletes from all over the world. Autographs/photos, anyone? ;)

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: here is a GREAT way to get into your fav. plays/concerts/sports events for FREE: Volunteering. Seriously! All the people who are ushers at places like Detroit Opera house, Fox Theater, etc. are ALL volunteers. They get to see most of these top shows for FREE while they are working as a volunteer. I would call the venue up directly & ask about volunteering, what kinds of positions are needed, & how you can get involved. You may not get your choice of show, but at least you get to see a show. ;)

This applies for sports events too. There are sports events that things like baseball camps with actual major league stars that show up to teach kids or whatever, especially in the summer. One of my friends did an event where she was assigned to one of the major league mascots (basically just tended to his needs throughout the day, like food, or helping him with the costume). It was EASY work, she got to hang out with a bunch of mascots from all the teams, met tons of people, and got tons of autographs & freebies for doing it.

FYI - volunteering at the upcoming Motor City comic con at the Rock Financial this month will get you a free pass to get in as well.

If you like Henry Ford Museum or Greenfield village, you may also be able to volunteer there as well, which more than likely will mean free passes for a future visit.

I would also call art museums as well since they are privately funded & can use all the free help they can, especially in this economy. You can network & maybe even pick up a few good references that you can use for future jobs. It is a total win-win situation.

Another bonus about volunteering: you often get free food if you are working a minimum of 3-4 hours.

Good stuff Miss.

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The DIA has Star Trek the Experience till September. I'll be going to Motor City Comic Con on Saturday the 16th incase anyone wants to meet up and hang out. I'd like to find something to do to hang out with the gang from here besides going to CC. I wanna spend more time with this group and AD.

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