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The secret lives of dust bunnies.

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I don't understand how they can form so easily under my bed when they appear almost nowhere else. Even when dust accumulates in other areas of my bedroom, its ONLY under the bed that they form. They're phasing out of some lower astral hell dimension, I swear it!

Also, according to wikipedia, dust bunnies can actually be DANGEROUS if they come to house dust mites and other parasites. *Has a nightmare about dust bunnies creeping out from under the bed and up the covers...*

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The bunnies do seem to come from elsewhere. They don't really "materialize" from another dimension (not to be confused with an "alternate universe" which is something else.) The main part of their existence is just in adjoining dimensions. Up/Down, back/forth and "time" being the three we are all familair with, that they, due to a massive effort, are just poking into our commonly understood dimensions from their "native" home-dimensions. They exist here already, but have no inhernet ability to affect or little dimensional reality. They have, through their endless technological efforts and evil ways, slowly started to penetrate our "world" with any real effect. Unfortunately they are gaining ground quickly.

The bunnyfolk (technical term, they also exist in other dust-Animila form, commonly simplified to "bunnyfolk") only appear as wretched little soul-sucking, life destroying, idgets in our three (or 4 or whatever word-symbols we want to use) dimentions. They are really just misunderstood. Poor little things. I have no problem with them, I don't fear them. I just want the bastard fuckers that need to DIE DIE DIE OMG DIE YOU DAMNED THEIST, AQUINAS QUOTING, WORTHLESS SOPHIST BASTARDS DIE DIE DIE DIEEEEEEEEEE... um... *blushes* er... yeah.

Down with the bunnyfolk conclave and their propaganda machine!! You'll not take OUR little 3 (or 4) dimentions. Go back to your other 7 (or 8) dimensions and leave us alone!! *shakes angry fist at universal-plague-dustians*

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Well, it states in the Bible ("bib-lee, though we may change the pronunciation" -Eddie Izzard) that man came from the dust of the earth and to dust he will return, or something like that. So if there are dustbunnies under your bed, then either someone's coming or going.

:sofa: ("hide" ftw, lol)

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  Troy Spiral said:
The bunnies do seem to come from elsewhere. They don't really "materialize" from another dimension (not to be confused with an "alternate universe" which is something else.) The main part of their existence is just in adjoining dimensions. Up/Down, back/forth and "time" being the three we are all familair with, that they, due to a massive effort, are just poking into our commonly understood dimensions from their "native" home-dimensions. They exist here already, but have no inhernet ability to affect or little dimensional reality. They have, through their endless technological efforts and evil ways, slowly started to penetrate our "world" with any real effect. Unfortunately they are gaining ground quickly.

The bunnyfolk (technical term, they also exist in other dust-Animila form, commonly simplified to "bunnyfolk") only appear as wretched little soul-sucking, life destroying, idgets in our three (or 4 or whatever word-symbols we want to use) dimentions. They are really just misunderstood. Poor little things. I have no problem with them, I don't fear them. I just want the bastard fuckers that need to DIE DIE DIE OMG DIE YOU DAMNED THEIST, AQUINAS QUOTING, WORTHLESS SOPHIST BASTARDS DIE DIE DIE DIEEEEEEEEEE... um... *blushes* er... yeah.

Down with the bunnyfolk conclave and their propaganda machine!! You'll not take OUR little 3 (or 4) dimentions. Go back to your other 7 (or 8) dimensions and leave us alone!! *shakes angry fist at universal-plague-dustians*

Troy!! You shouldn't have told!! This may cause a mass panic!

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  Oh_My_Goth said:
They protect your feet from the under-the-couch daemons...

Oh, but that's just what they want you to think! In reality, they're getting rid of the other daemons and pretending to be your friend while they watch your toes hungrily, bidding their time, waiting for the right moment to strike...

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  • 1 month later...

  pomba gira said:
Not in mine... I have giant cat-fur hybrid dust bunnies. Sometimes I leave them in corners to grow just 'cos they're so impressive.

:hrhr: :hrhr:

I don't get dust bunnies. We have "hair drifts" here. :rofl:

The only places that are fur-free, are my kitchen surfaces. I'm majorly anal about keeping them clean!

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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