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...I couldn't take it seriously.

S.T along with S. W. isn't meant to be taken particularly seriously (although slightly more serious than star wars.) There is a camp factor. S.W being sort of "Soft" sci fi and S. T. being "medium" none being "hard" Sci Fi like say Blade Runner or BSG.

Oh no, the opposite really. I love heros. However, I was all for the stoic Spock over the emotional driven Gabriel. Give me that aemotional shit and Ill fall for it evertime ... good... he is so sexy. :drool

Edited to say: YES I AM A FRACKEN UBER DORK. For fucks sake, I have a BSG tattoo... I'm beyond dork. =P


*waits in stalker hiding for the unsuspecting megalicous treat to be caught unawares*

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Saw it at IMAX. Was good, really enjoyed it. When I left the house the internet said there was 50 some tickets left, when we got there it said sold out. As observed above the place was packed out when we were leaving. This aspect of it is usually meaningless to me but its "fun" for a few of the more nerd-centric films.

IMAX really is the way to see effects / scenery heavy movies. The large size and wrap-around "arc" of the screen really add a lot to the experience. (Similar to the oldschool Cinemascope film tech) Almost like a 3D effect without the glasses. Some might say better than 3D effect as it gives a "in the movie" feel. Don't sit in the back, get there early and sit somewhere in the center/front. The effect is lost quite a bit (maybe even totally) if you sit on the sides or in the back. I'm still trying to figure a way to get some money I don't have (one of the two key reasons I didn't go to Oblivion this weekend), to go see how they work this at the IMAX Dome at the DSC. (I currently wouldn't suggest going there as I'm skeptical of how a traditionally filmed IMAX movie is going to work on an IMAX[R] screen. Seems like it would look pretty odd. IMAX[R] is probably the ultimate way to see a movie currently, but feature films are not filmed for this format, only special documentaries and such get the proper treatment as far as I'm aware.

They did an interesting thing to escape the wrath of us ST lovers with the time travel aspect of it. J. J. Abrams has long stated that he wasn't a star trek fan to begin with, and thus the ST faithful were skeptical of this interloper for a long time. The folk that look down their noses at us ST enthusiasts won't care either way, but too bad, deal. Regardless, he delivered the goods. The "current" time of the star trek series will have to be set as this movie. With huge changes to the star trek story, two of them being the lack of the planets Vulcan and Romulus(home of the Vulcans and Romulans, bizzare how that works huh?) Which are major staples of the Star Trek storyline and have been for 40 years. Now in the new time line they both are destroyed, with both vulcans and romulans being endangered species. Won't have to worry too much about them evil romulans anymore I wouldn't think. No appearance from either of the two most liked "bad" races (Klingons and Borg) was interesting.

This alternate timeline allows a loophole for a few of the major changes to the backstory they threw in in the movie to slide by as they can be considered part of the oft-mentioned (but never explained) "Temporal Distortion", in this case a huge one. Ok /geekmode off.

Easy to watch for most everyone as noted by the reviews. Its in line with Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ("The one with the Whales") in that aspect. Both pretty much universally liked.

Romulus doesn't get destroyed until later in Spock's life. I don't remember if they gave a year but by his apparent age he would have to be near 200 if not older when Romulus gets destroyed. So, Romuluns could still be a factor in any sequel (most likely to be in 2011). Knowing this is going to happen and the destruction of Vulcan could mean an alliance.

Heat with the Klingon's would just be starting up so they could be a big factor.

V'ger is still out there. It may not have as yet created the Borg.

So is the Planet Eater.

There is also the Gorn, they have not been encountered at this time frame.

Did anyone else catch that Scotty was on that outpost because he killed Archer's dog Porthos?

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Just wanted to add...

Yes, The Borg were created by V'ger soemtime after the "machine" race "repaired" V'ger. They were created to help V'ger gather information. As it was stated on the Voyager series, the Borg were nothing to worry about until some years before. (I don't rember the exact nubmer of years) That time period matches exactly when V'ger ascended or what ever in the Motion Picture and the Borg were no longer under it's control. Then it was rapid expansion.

the Borg are actually no more in the original time line. First Janeway destroyed thier mass transit system they used to get around the galaxy. (final episode) The the remnants in the Alpha quadrant allied with the Romulans who were nearless fleetless after the Dominion Wars. they reanimated Kirk and sent him in to destroy the Federation while they spread a plague that nearly whiped out all food crops in the Federation (Shatners Kirk trilogy) and in the end Kirk ended up setting off a chain reaction that destroyed the Borg core worlds and all Borg in the Delta quadrant. The remaining Borg in the Alpha quadrant were control by a Vulcan scientist hell bent on perfect of the mind and had been seeking the Borg since V'ger's day. She was stopped and the last of the Borg destroyed by a combinded Fed/Klingon/Romulan fleet. (this is all from the game Legacy and is Cannon)

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Romulus doesn't get destroyed until later in Spock's life. I don't remember if they gave a year but by his apparent age he would have to be near 200 if not older when Romulus gets destroyed. So, Romuluns could still be a factor in any sequel (most likely to be in 2011). Knowing this is going to happen and the destruction of Vulcan could mean an alliance.

Heat with the Klingon's would just be starting up so they could be a big factor.

V'ger is still out there. It may not have as yet created the Borg.

So is the Planet Eater.

There is also the Gorn, they have not been encountered at this time frame.

Did anyone else catch that Scotty was on that outpost because he killed Archer's dog Porthos?

Damn, someone actually read my long ass post? As for the commentary there, I stand corrected on the first part, and the other bits didn't even occur to me. Interesting.

Just wanted to add...

Yes, The Borg were created by V'ger soemtime after the "machine" race "repaired" V'ger. They were created to help V'ger gather information. As it was stated on the Voyager series, the Borg were nothing to worry about until some years before. (I don't rember the exact nubmer of years) That time period matches exactly when V'ger ascended or what ever in the Motion Picture and the Borg were no longer under it's control. Then it was rapid expansion.

the Borg are actually no more in the original time line. First Janeway destroyed thier mass transit system they used to get around the galaxy. (final episode) The the remnants in the Alpha quadrant allied with the Romulans who were nearless fleetless after the Dominion Wars. they reanimated Kirk and sent him in to destroy the Federation while they spread a plague that nearly whiped out all food crops in the Federation (Shatners Kirk trilogy) and in the end Kirk ended up setting off a chain reaction that destroyed the Borg core worlds and all Borg in the Delta quadrant. The remaining Borg in the Alpha quadrant were control by a Vulcan scientist hell bent on perfect of the mind and had been seeking the Borg since V'ger's day. She was stopped and the last of the Borg destroyed by a combinded Fed/Klingon/Romulan fleet. (this is all from the game Legacy and is Cannon)

Wow that is some hard core detail. I had no clue, but I likes it. V'ger created the borg? There is a detail and a half.

As for back story from games, I can't get it to play on XP but "The Klingon Academy" game is basicly a choose-your-own-adventure version of a ST:TNG episode, but focused directly on the klingons. It looks like ST:TNG and feels like a TNG episode, it just only exists in the game as far as I'm aware. Would be neat if there was a DVD version of it. Honestly probably my favorite Next Gen episode. Gives a ton of detail about the day-to-day details of the Klingon culture.

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S.T along with S. W. isn't meant to be taken particularly seriously (although slightly more serious than star wars.) There is a camp factor. S.W being sort of "Soft" sci fi and S. T. being "medium" none being "hard" Sci Fi like say Blade Runner or BSG.

What I mean is, I couldn't take it seriously AS Star Trek. As a movie, I could probably have enjoyed it as summer popcorn fare. But, while he's terrific in things he does, Simon Pegg--not Scotty. Karl Urban--really not Bones. It just...didn't mesh quite right, I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, just got back in from the movie. Now, I am a die-hard, hairbreaths shy of a monster maroon (the uniforms from Star Trek II to Generations,) Trekkie (as in old school.) Hell, I have the pattern, but I need someone to generate it for me. I could probably tell you about friends meeting some from the original series who have passed away. I am one of the thousands of doctors inspired to go into the field partially because of DeForest Kelly's portrayal of McCoy. I could tell you where every other movie or show from the original series had minor flaws that were attention to detail errors. I was a member of Starfleet for much of my pre-military adult life.

I say the above to qualify what I think of the new movie. And as an old fan of the original series:

OMFG, I think I had multiple orgasms while watching it.

I know there are some old fans that will be miffed at continuity. However, I believe that Abrams reboot brings what I remember Star Trek to be.

Somehow I missed the first part of this post the first time. Wow, interesting. I had read in some of the ST "behind the scenes" type books that many people have listed star trek as one of their main influences in going toward scientific careers, in particular, medicine/physics and sometimes the military.

I do like all the details on the "current" Original Series uniforms. Much more to look at.

What I mean is, I couldn't take it seriously AS Star Trek. As a movie, I could probably have enjoyed it as summer popcorn fare. But, while he's terrific in things he does, Simon Pegg--not Scotty. Karl Urban--really not Bones. It just...didn't mesh quite right, I guess.

I understand. I should be in the same boat but somehow I'm on board with the new movie / actors. Just seemed very well done.

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