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Rats need a home!

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So my school principal has decreed that all my classroom pets must go ("too much of a distraction"). Already have a home for the bunny and a possible home for the beardie, & I can make room here for the leopard gecko. Which leaves the two ratboys, Lucky & Mr. Nibbles. They need a loving home where they will not be fed to a snake... or if they are, where I don't have to hear about it and can cherish the illusion that they are living on as loved pets.

They are both largeish hooded rats; Lucky has dark brown markings and Mr. Nibbles has light tan markings. I have had them for about a year now; they were full grown when I got them. They were purchased as feeders & still are not really handleable but have gentled quite a bit- they will let me pet them and no longer nip at any finger that enters the cage. They come with a nice sized 3-level cage and whatever food & bedding I have left. Can't really deliver to the Detroit area right now but will meet you halfway for the handoff!

There is one caveat- Lucky has been looking kind of poorly for the past couple months. He has lost a lot of weight and has developed balding patches on his head & neck, and looks like his breathing is labored sometimes. No idea what's wrong with him and not about to rack up a vet bill to find out... this IS a beastie with a 3-yr life expectancy, after all. Mr. Nibbles is still fat & sassy and appears to be in perfect health.

Someone give my ratboys a home! I have them at my place for now but there really isn't room for them in my tiny house. They are very engaging critters and would probably gentle down even more for someone with time to give them enough attention.

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Jr. Goat & I were supposed to take a rat from one of the poetry kiddz this fall...then she disappeared...

SO...we got no rat....I think O_M_G will let us have them....& no snakes here...& it isn't right to feed an animal with a name to another animal with a name...what if they were buddies? :shock:

OH...& what a lame assed pile of bullshit! The animals can't have been THAT distracting...& I guess THEY forgot how most childeren never get exposed to that diverse collection of animals...just dogs & cats.

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Jr. Goat & I were supposed to take a rat from one of the poetry kiddz this fall...then she disappeared...

SO...we got no rat....I think O_M_G will let us have them....& no snakes here...& it isn't right to feed an animal with a name to another animal with a name...what if they were buddies? :shock:

OH...& what a lame assed pile of bullshit! The animals can't have been THAT distracting...& I guess THEY forgot how most childeren never get exposed to that diverse collection of animals...just dogs & cats.

I think the "distraction" issue was just an excuse... and making me get rid of the critters is his way of getting me to be less "me", since a major theme of my evaluation review was that I need to get out of "Hilary's world" and into the world of "effective teaching", which apparently entails teaching only to the test while bouncing around the room like a ferret on crank.

Not getting a single word of recognition or encouragement for the major changes I've made since I got the bad review in March... just "you're still too laid back and you shouldn't be teaching anything but the GLCE"... really doesn't give me much incentive to keep trying. Neither does the discovery yesterday that I would be making $10k more a year in the Lansing school district.

Oh, did I mention that he also compared me unfavorably to my uber-talented brother the classical/gospel/jazz musician? I am NEVER going to work for another family friend.

Edited by pomba gira
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I'm sorry things are so shitty..... erg, some people really have nerves, don't they? anyways, you are a sweet lady, and don't diserve to be treated that way...

I talked it over with my room mates, and they said if no one else can take them.... They tired that "well, we want them to be small to grow with us " and I'm sitting here thinking that "I wanted the rats, as my own pets, they'd stay in my room.. are you kidding?" but i didn't say anything... then it turns out that one of them is highly allergic to rats, which i have a hard time believing.. but anyways....

if someone else can take then, awesome.. if not, I will take them. Good luck.


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  • 2 weeks later...

They seem happy :biggrin:

Yaay! I'm glad they have someone to love them, they are sweet ratboys!

Smaller dark one is Lucky, larger light one is Mr. Nibbles. They like carrots. You might try getting them a litter box, they wouldn't use one when I first got them but lately have been tending to use one corner of the cage so maybe they're ready lol. Be sure to keep the cage doors secured, Mr. Nibbles can open them otherwise and will merrily go off exploring and be hard as hell to re-capture.

The cage really needs a good cleaning, washing all the wire surfaces will prolly cut down on the smell... sorry I haven't had time to do it!

Backstory: Lucky was supposed to be snake food. I tossed him in with Ophelia & went to Detroit for 3 days. Returned to find he'd made a little nest in a corner of the cage. This was the first time Ophelia had refused live food... so I figured this rat just wasn't meant to be food. My classroom hamster (which I never liked anyway) had just died so I had an extra cage... so Lucky became an official pet and I bought Nibbles to keep him company.

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Yaay! I'm glad they have someone to love them, they are sweet ratboys!

Smaller dark one is Lucky, larger light one is Mr. Nibbles. They like carrots. You might try getting them a litter box, they wouldn't use one when I first got them but lately have been tending to use one corner of the cage so maybe they're ready lol. Be sure to keep the cage doors secured, Mr. Nibbles can open them otherwise and will merrily go off exploring and be hard as hell to re-capture.

The cage really needs a good cleaning, washing all the wire surfaces will prolly cut down on the smell... sorry I haven't had time to do it!

Backstory: Lucky was supposed to be snake food. I tossed him in with Ophelia & went to Detroit for 3 days. Returned to find he'd made a little nest in a corner of the cage. This was the first time Ophelia had refused live food... so I figured this rat just wasn't meant to be food. My classroom hamster (which I never liked anyway) had just died so I had an extra cage... so Lucky became an official pet and I bought Nibbles to keep him company.

Rats & Goats are natural buddies you know (it is obvious from the squeal of excitement that Jr.Goat made upon wakin')... I did not tell him about them :rofl: I love to surprise him! :p

Mr. Nibbles warmed up first..I gave him a peanut..now he is my buddy...I am quite certain that upon arrival Lucky was scared & I believe he thought I was gonna' eat him...he finally took a peanut & quit shakin'. I understand now, knowin' he was origionally food...THANX Pomba-darling!

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I'm sorry things are so shitty..... erg, some people really have nerves, don't they? anyways, you are a sweet lady, and don't diserve to be treated that way...

I talked it over with my room mates, and they said if no one else can take them.... They tired that "well, we want them to be small to grow with us " and I'm sitting here thinking that "I wanted the rats, as my own pets, they'd stay in my room.. are you kidding?" but i didn't say anything... then it turns out that one of them is highly allergic to rats, which i have a hard time believing.. but anyways....

if someone else can take then, awesome.. if not, I will take them. Good luck.


Yeeeah, I'm a big rat lady and allergic to rats...? Someone's overexaggerating :laugh:. But then again, I notice your roommate (whichever one they are) is allergic to "everything" :tongue:. If you can have pigs running around the house and not have allergies...you can definately have rats.

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Rats & Goats are natural buddies you know (it is obvious from the squeal of excitement that Jr.Goat made upon wakin')... I did not tell him about them :rofl: I love to surprise him! :p

Mr. Nibbles warmed up first..I gave him a peanut..now he is my buddy...I am quite certain that upon arrival Lucky was scared & I believe he thought I was gonna' eat him...he finally took a peanut & quit shakin'. I understand now, knowin' he was origionally food...THANX Pomba-darling!

Like I said, I"m sorta the unofficial resident rat lady, I'm fairly all knowledgable about them. If you ever need any tips or have questions about them, shoot me a PM :).

What kind of rats are they? Like coloring-wise?

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Like I said, I"m sorta the unofficial resident rat lady, I'm fairly all knowledgable about them. If you ever need any tips or have questions about them, shoot me a PM :).

What kind of rats are they? Like coloring-wise?

..white.....one with beige splotches...he is big-n-fat...the other one has a dark brown splotches coverin' his head & shoulders, he is skinner & smallish; that's the one who was SUPPOSED to be a feeder...he is cool...

..overall...I know how to take care...they are lil'puppies that never grow...& don't need a walk or to play fetch...

....I however DO have a question.....can/will they overfeed? Some animals stop eatin', some don't...

..& on the same note...how much would be "too many peanuts"?

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Yaay! I'm glad they have someone to love them, they are sweet ratboys!

Smaller dark one is Lucky, larger light one is Mr. Nibbles. They like carrots. You might try getting them a litter box, they wouldn't use one when I first got them but lately have been tending to use one corner of the cage so maybe they're ready lol. Be sure to keep the cage doors secured, Mr. Nibbles can open them otherwise and will merrily go off exploring and be hard as hell to re-capture.

The cage really needs a good cleaning, washing all the wire surfaces will prolly cut down on the smell... sorry I haven't had time to do it!

Backstory: Lucky was supposed to be snake food. I tossed him in with Ophelia & went to Detroit for 3 days. Returned to find he'd made a little nest in a corner of the cage. This was the first time Ophelia had refused live food... so I figured this rat just wasn't meant to be food. My classroom hamster (which I never liked anyway) had just died so I had an extra cage... so Lucky became an official pet and I bought Nibbles to keep him company.

Yeah.. I'm going to clean it out this weekend along w/ spring cleaning ;)

Mr. Nibbles was very happy when I gave him a carrot :) We produce allot of veggie scraps, so they will be well fed...

I loves them already.. We have not had a pet in a long time :happy:

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The thing with ratties, is not to give them a lot of sweets. They WILL overeat those. Be sure to put some sort of non-toxic wood in the habitat, for them to keep their teeth worn down. Overgrown incisors can prevent them from being able to eat. Keep an eye on the water bottle. Rats drink a LOT, and it can go empty, before you notice it right away.

Don't use cedar bedding. It is poisonous to rodents. Remember, rodents cannot vomit, so it's important to keep toxic substances out of their reach.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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The thing with ratties, is not to give them a lot of sweets. They WILL overeat those. Be sure to put some sort of non-toxic wood in the habitat, for them to keep their teeth worn down. Overgrown incisors can prevent them from being able to eat. Keep an eye on the water bottle. Rats drink a LOT, and it can go empty, before you notice it right away.

Don't use cedar bedding. It is poisonous to rodents. Remember, rodents cannot vomit, so it's important to keep toxic substances out of their reach.

Thanks :)

What do they like to nest in.. I want to give them something to be cozy... They looked uncomfortable this morning when they were sleeping.

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They LOVE paper sacks, napkins, paper towel, cotton balls, scraps of fabric, corrugated cardboard, cardboard tubes, etc. Try to refrain from giving them newsprint, as the ink can be toxic.

Not only are these things good for nesting, but tearing them up is a source of enjoyment for the rats.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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They LOVE paper sacks, napkins, paper towel, cotton balls, scraps of fabric, corrugated cardboard, cardboard tubes, etc. Try to refrain from giving them newsprint, as the ink can be toxic.

Not only are these things good for nesting, but tearing them up is a source of enjoyment for the rats.

Sweet.. I have all sorts of excess packing stuff at me work :happy:

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The thing with ratties, is not to give them a lot of sweets. They WILL overeat those. Be sure to put some sort of non-toxic wood in the habitat, for them to keep their teeth worn down. Overgrown incisors can prevent them from being able to eat. Keep an eye on the water bottle. Rats drink a LOT, and it can go empty, before you notice it right away.

Don't use cedar bedding. It is poisonous to rodents. Remember, rodents cannot vomit, so it's important to keep toxic substances out of their reach.

The little blue & white thing in the cage is a mineral block, gives them something to chew and also supplies minerals that they need. Glad Jynxxie reminded me 'cos I meant to mention about the water- they really need a larger bottle. Had one but it sprang a leak last week & hadn't got around to replacing it yet.

I would feed them lab blocks or mix up your own rat food- there are several good recipes online. Don't just feed them hamster/gerbil food, it is not nutritionally balanced for rats. Plus they tend to pick out the stuff they like and leave the rest. Pet Supplies Plus has bulk lab blocks ("Critter Cubes") for under $2/lb. Use lab blocks as the staple diet and supplement with carrots, fruit, & rat treats. These guys don't really overeat, but they will hoard food on the bottom level if given too much.

Thanks :)

What do they like to nest in.. I want to give them something to be cozy... They looked uncomfortable this morning when they were sleeping.

They need a new piece of fabric to chew up... I use old washcloths or hand towels. Gets dirty pretty quickly but as Jynxxxie said, shredding a new one gives them something to do. You could also just throw some CareFresh bedding in one corner but it will get filthy really quickly. The two hide boxes are actually cigar boxes... those were donated by Josh but you can get them at tobacconists' for a couple bucks.

As stated in the original post offering them... I think Lucky is sick. His "shaking" is actually labored breathing, and he has lost weight over the past few months. I think the fur loss on his neck is from Mr. Nibbles biting him, just realized that in the past week or so though. Nibbles is very much the alpha rat. Be warned, if you try to pick him up he will shriek like a furry little banshee- it is quite startling if you're not expecting it!

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The little blue & white thing in the cage is a mineral block, gives them something to chew and also supplies minerals that they need. Glad Jynxxie reminded me 'cos I meant to mention about the water- they really need a larger bottle. Had one but it sprang a leak last week & hadn't got around to replacing it yet.

I would feed them lab blocks or mix up your own rat food- there are several good recipes online. Don't just feed them hamster/gerbil food, it is not nutritionally balanced for rats. Plus they tend to pick out the stuff they like and leave the rest. Pet Supplies Plus has bulk lab blocks ("Critter Cubes") for under $2/lb. Use lab blocks as the staple diet and supplement with carrots, fruit, & rat treats. These guys don't really overeat, but they will hoard food on the bottom level if given too much.

They need a new piece of fabric to chew up... I use old washcloths or hand towels. Gets dirty pretty quickly but as Jynxxxie said, shredding a new one gives them something to do. You could also just throw some CareFresh bedding in one corner but it will get filthy really quickly. The two hide boxes are actually cigar boxes... those were donated by Josh but you can get them at tobacconists' for a couple bucks.

As stated in the original post offering them... I think Lucky is sick. His "shaking" is actually labored breathing, and he has lost weight over the past few months. I think the fur loss on his neck is from Mr. Nibbles biting him, just realized that in the past week or so though. Nibbles is very much the alpha rat. Be warned, if you try to pick him up he will shriek like a furry little banshee- it is quite startling if you're not expecting it!

I have not tried to pick either one up yet.. I have been petting them on and off to let them get used to Me...

I am going to try to fix whatever is wrong with Lucky with the herbals ;)

Rats are known to have respritory issues, so maybe that's what the issue is w/ his breathing..

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..white.....one with beige splotches...he is big-n-fat...the other one has a dark brown splotches coverin' his head & shoulders, he is skinner & smallish; that's the one who was SUPPOSED to be a feeder...he is cool...

..overall...I know how to take care...they are lil'puppies that never grow...& don't need a walk or to play fetch...

....I however DO have a question.....can/will they overfeed? Some animals stop eatin', some don't...

..& on the same note...how much would be "too many peanuts"?

I know that you haven't seen Mugen in a minute...but he is fucking GINORMOUS. He's SO fat that he doesn't even sleep on his belly like a normal rat, he's so big he sleeps on his side, and he sleeps so damn soundly that I ALWAYS think he's dead when I walk in the room :laugh:. The other one we adopted in January was so fat when we got him that we playfully named him "Lardo" :tongue:. The third one, Yang, however is still very thin and fit. How big the rat gets usually depends on how active they are and how much they naturally are inclined to eat, and it varies widely in rats, hence why my boys are huge and Ying is fit.

But...can they eat until they die? No, they won't. If they eat and eat and eat (and I know it seems like it's an UNGODLY amount) they will basically fall asleep, in my experience, and sleep it off for awhile. People think I'm horrible but I definately spoil mine with treats because they get so damn happy when I give them some, and we're talking about animals that only live 2-3 years so long term effects of being a bit overweight don't take as big of a long term health toll as with humans, so I wouldn't worry about them eating too much :).

Also, if you notice your rat taking a LOT of food when you hand it to them and they keep coming back for more without stopping for a good nap - 90% percent chance they're taking it and hiding it somewhere. Hoarding is definately their nature, only someone that owns a rat will truely know the meaning behind the phrase "pack rat".

Edited by Chernobyl
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I just wanted to make a note of observation as the special delivery man of said rats on the transratlantic motorway from Lansing to Detroit---the rats are in very good hands.

I have never seen two people so excited to see rodents in my life.

An hour and half driving with my rodent companions with the faint smell of ratpoo wafting over (they rode shotgun) , and I was more than ready to bring them to their new home


Rev/OMG were instantly smitten :wub:

They should be giving a lot of TLC to those little ones in the months to come.

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I just wanted to make a note of observation as the special delivery man of said rats on the transratlantic motorway from Lansing to Detroit---the rats are in very good hands.

I have never seen two people so excited to see rodents in my life.

An hour and half driving with my rodent companions with the faint smell of ratpoo wafting over (they rode shotgun) , and I was more than ready to bring them to their new home


Rev/OMG were instantly smitten :wub:

They should be giving a lot of TLC to those little ones in the months to come.


They let me touch them...they are soft but scratchy...they LOOK like they want to get in my hand when I hold it like you do to pick up a small rider...'specially Lucky.

...if you thought WE were excited...Junior Goat woke yesterday mornin' directly into 20 questions...ALL ABOUT RATS...

...& thanx again for the help my friend...

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I just wanted to make a note of observation as the special delivery man of said rats on the transratlantic motorway from Lansing to Detroit---the rats are in very good hands.

I have never seen two people so excited to see rodents in my life.

An hour and half driving with my rodent companions with the faint smell of ratpoo wafting over (they rode shotgun) , and I was more than ready to bring them to their new home


Rev/OMG were instantly smitten :wub:

They should be giving a lot of TLC to those little ones in the months to come.

Thanks much for doing the transport & handoff... aren't you glad I told you to move the chicken wings?

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They let me touch them...they are soft but scratchy...they LOOK like they want to get in my hand when I hold it like you do to pick up a small rider...'specially Lucky.

...if you thought WE were excited...Junior Goat woke yesterday mornin' directly into 20 questions...ALL ABOUT RATS...

...& thanx again for the help my friend...

Easiest and most natural transpo for them is the shoulders, they like it (make sure you're wearing a tee, not like a tank top or you're getting scratched), but throw one on each shoulder and walk around like that :laugh:. It may take young rats or rats that aren't used to it a minute to catch on, but they will. I used to take my two boys before the three I have now EVERYWHERE just on my shoulders, they stay there and don't try to jump down if they trust you and you trust them.

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Easiest and most natural transpo for them is the shoulders, they like it (make sure you're wearing a tee, not like a tank top or you're getting scratched), but throw one on each shoulder and walk around like that :laugh:. It may take young rats or rats that aren't used to it a minute to catch on, but they will. I used to take my two boys before the three I have now EVERYWHERE just on my shoulders, they stay there and don't try to jump down if they trust you and you trust them.

..they are old man rats :p I think they will like the pouch...but yeah..shoulder's a good ride place...but I'ld put them in the hood..if they wants shoulder..they can get there...then me ears will get a bit nervous (the lobes look like toys.) but I'll live.....maybe.

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