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Day 1: The Nicotine Patch

Brenda Starrr

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BEST of luck, Brenda.

Once upon a time, I read-up on quitting on behalf of my mother-in-law.

Studies show that women tend to be addicted to the physiological elements of smoking - holding the cigarette, etc.

I would recommend picking up some of those mint-flavored tubes for people trying to quit. They come in different flavors, and help with that physical need to hold a "cigarette", put it in your mouth, etc.

I've actually seen them in the areas near cash registers at K-Marts. I'm sure they carry them elsewhere.

Good luck!!!

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Hi Mizz. Starr.....

You are quitting smoking? That is so great. I wanted to get back to you you because I just quit too.....except I quit COLD.......going on day 65 today....and feeling better.....

Go to these websites. I found them to be extremely helpful. I found that the "WhyQuit" Site concentrates on Nicotine Cessastion...which kind of takes an AA approach to it. Basically, any nicotine in your blood is just prolonging the addiction.....

Quit Net is great because you can join a forum set up like this, where you can interact with others that are going throught the same "Withdrawls" and Stresses and such.

Quitting WILL make you crazy, and make you want to cry and make you feel like you are losing your mind. But KNOWING this and knowing that this is NORMAL, kind of helped me to get through those first weeks. Also, knowing that others have Successfully gotten through it and struggled like YOU and I, really helps you to see lite. JUST KNOW...in those 1st few days, Your BRAIN...not YOU, will try to trick you into rationalizing Why you should smoke. Your brain does this because your body so despreately wants that release of Dopamine. DON'T GIVE IN...this just makes your Withdrawls worse....and yes ONE CIGARETTE will make those days of hard withdrawls drawn out and prolonged.

I will tell you, this is more mind over matter, Truth is...you're addicted. It is a constant reminder to yourself that your're not a amoker anymore. It will seem like ALL you can think about is a smoke...but....is is true, you CAN do it, and it will pass...it seems like forever, but it really truley does.

Quit Net is really fun, but beaware of the flames there....people are withdrawn and stressed and venting it out, but on the other hand, there are people that are really helpful. My user name is kellygrrrrl (4 r's there) If you ever need advise or just need to vent it out, let me know or e-me....we can walk through this......!?!



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Thank you all so much! I'm feeling pretty good about this. And kellygrrrrrl, I'd love a quit buddy! No one in my house smokes. Just me. Even my parents are quitting after smoking their whole lives! My dad started smoking at the ripe old age of 7. Yes, I said "7". I'm ready for this. I'm going back to the gym as of Monday, and I'm ready to feel good for once.

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Day 2, patch #2. So far, so good. I spent my whole day keeping busy by starting a new cigar box purse, and cleaning my car (Boy, is it shiny now!). It no longer shows any signs of a smoker. I even bought new floor mats, seat covers, and a steering wheel cover. It looks real cute now! Tomorrow, I'll windex the windows.

Gotta keep busy these next few days. It keeps me from craving cigs. And, I have a new quit buddy in kellygrrrrrl!

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Wondering how your quit is going miss Brenda......

You ara making a wise decision not only for you, but for your family as well....Look at it in the long run....It is about a month or so of hell, but a lifetime of well being. KEEP THE QUIT GRRRRRRRRRRL!

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I quit about 5 months ago. -Forget about those patches because they prolong the time it will take you to get over your physical addiction because the give your body more nicotine, they actually feed your habit. You've been 6 days without ciggarettes anyway, just go "cold-turkey" and you'll be done with it in about 2 weeks-that patch method could take you months...much more likely to have a relapse if it takes you that long and you are still constantly needing nicotine.

I drank water constantly when i was quiting and i found that it helped.

Also, when i had a really bad craving i would take very long, deep breaths while i counted-sometimes i had to take 25 deep breaths, but i found that if i did that my wanting would subside temporarily.

Good Job Brenda, stay tough.

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I quit about 5 months ago. -Forget about those patches because they prolong the time it will take you to get over your physical addiction because the give your body more nicotine, they actually feed your habit. You've been 6 days without ciggarettes anyway, just go "cold-turkey" and you'll be done with it in about 2 weeks-that patch method could take you months...much more likely to have a relapse if it takes you that long and you are still constantly needing nicotine.

I drank water constantly when i was quiting and i found that it helped.

Also, when i had a really bad craving i would take very long, deep breaths while i counted-sometimes i had to take 25 deep breaths, but i found that if i did that my wanting would subside temporarily.

Good Job Brenda, stay tough.


I agree.....NICOTINE patches just keep giving you what you are trying to get away from.....It takes 72 hours to get Nicotine out of the blood....As your nicotine levels drop, this is when your body starts to panic, freakout, trick your brain into rationalising why you should smoke, etc....after those 1st 2 weeks, it will subside....The hard part: getting through the 1st 2 weeks. Actually the 1st 3-5 days.....this is when you are most vulnerable. For me, I kep asking myself..."Why am I putting myself through this? It would be easier to just smoke....." This is the trick, knowing is half the battle.....knowing what to expect physically when quitting helps to make it to be more understandable...not necessarily more tolerable. You HAVE to be willing to put yourself through hell.....Because it is....but very well worth it when you can start to breath again, and smell, and exercise...etc...You cannot see the long run in the 1st few days becuase your brain is consumed with wanting a smoke, you will have anxiety, and so on....you cannot see lite but hang tough, it gets better! I promise....If it doesn't, you can hit me with a stick!

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I smoked for almost 15 years and i quit cold turkey. You just have to be willing to accept that it's going to be painful and uncomfortable for you. i actually, instead of trying to ignore the aching for ciggaretes in my chest, would give full attention to the feeling, and when i did, i noticed that it wasn't actually all that strong of a hurt or throbbing, afterall-barely a small sort of buzz, almost laughable. In other words i took the motherfucker head-on.

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