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I was penpals (snailmail) with a guy who thought he was my boyfriend, years and years ago. This was in middle school. He got my number and called my house, asked my mother who I was with when I wasnt home, and asked for their numbers. He also told me that if he thought I was with someone else, he'd show up at my house with a baseball bat and beat us both. He lived in New York (or maybe New Jersey). Thankfully, he went away. After that, I only used a P.O. box to write to people, and a pseudonym. This was before the big internet boom.

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Had one of those back in 1996 who is pretty much the one that drove me to the dark side. She was a childhood friend/neighbor and years later hung out with her and her family. They had lived in Florida so they would come visit up here during the summer. Her and I hit it off and went out for awhile, then I went on vacation for a couple of weeks and she went with me as we took a trip on the way down to her home in Florida. She was going to get some things and come back up with me to stay with her grandma so we could continue going out. Well, as soon as we got down there she did a total 180 on me. She would take off with her friends and leave me at her parents house to do nothing. I ended up finding things to do just to get by. If I had been smarter at the time I would have taken off and said screw her. But I stayed til the end of my vacation time. Even got so drunk from being so depressed and hit up a redneck party with her and her friends. I ended up leaving and never looking back.

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Guest Megalicious

I have never had to deal with a psycho ex. Though one day .... I have the feeling I will have to deal with one of my SO's lying/psycho ex's. Not soon, because I am NOT dating at the present time, but one day.

*hugs* to everyone who has to deal with that shit - E and B especially.

Don't worry, Karma is a bitch..... :grouphug

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I guess I'm lucky, I don't really have any evil exes. Even the crazy one wasn't so much evil as a little creepy, but now that he's out of my life I wish him no ill will.

I haven't really had to deal with any of my boyfriends' evil exes, either. The worst, I guess, would be that my ex was living with his ex (they were broken up) when we started going out. That was awkward because 1)he waited way too long to tell me they had been involved, and 2)I think she really didn't like having me around.

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My ex went nutty with scissors after I told him I was leaving him, and the next day while I was at work he cut up most of my clothes - all the really expensive ones and my going out stuff, and all my fake hair and wigs - including one pair of boots.


But yeah, if you ask him - I'm the crazy one for leaving him lol

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My ex went nutty with scissors after I told him I was leaving him, and the next day while I was at work he cut up most of my clothes - all the really expensive ones and my going out stuff, and all my fake hair and wigs - including one pair of boots.


But yeah, if you ask him - I'm the crazy one for leaving him lol

You so crazy naturally :p

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I guess I'm lucky, I don't really have any evil exes. Even the crazy one wasn't so much evil as a little creepy, but now that he's out of my life I wish him no ill will.

I haven't really had to deal with any of my boyfriends' evil exes, either. The worst, I guess, would be that my ex was living with his ex (they were broken up) when we started going out. That was awkward because 1)he waited way too long to tell me they had been involved, and 2)I think she really didn't like having me around.

Of course you do. :happy:

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well ha. ... I Had one ex lie to me about having cancer to get me back.... yeah that was evil and wrong... but that's just one of my many evil ex's stories. most of my ex's aren't evil.. some have made the right decision some have made some hurtful decisions with maybe not fully thinking of the reaction.. . . but oh well.. ..im better off and happy now . :cool :

Edited by XillaToxic
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I am blessed, I'm on good terms with all my exes. Only time will tell with lump-of-coal, I can't say he's downright evil altho certainly thoughtless and hurtful. There was one guy who I broke up with while he was incarcerated... he kept sending me letters threatening my then-husband, and after he got out was going around telling everyone he was going to harm Rick. Basically everyone told him to shut the fuck up and leave us alone... he got over it... and last time I saw him it was all good. Although everyone present visibly started freaking out when he pulled up in front of the porch where I was sitting with friends.

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Umm...don't you mean "2 days". =P:rofl:

I don't know..he does live close to the RO.

I AM the Evil Ex....but on a higher note then Shade.

One of my Ex's has curses EMBEDDED in the walls of her house....how?...sewing needle and my own blood...took a month. Allowed me to torture that bitch from two states away...for about a year or so. I even predicted the miscarrige of her kid by her now-hubby...to the week.

WHY did I do this?

She bought the dress...I bought the ring...then she fell in love with a guy from work, and ducked out on me for a month...lied to me, etc....so I decided the next step...after getting over the crying and mourning....was revenge.

Ladies...if your BF, fiance, etc...tells you that he happened to have studied darker arts, and specializes in curses...and you know for a fact that he has something of a sanguine sexual appetite...at least be HONEST with him....because being a lying, cheating ho will only bring his wrath down on you.

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