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Gogol Bordello

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  SpammerOvTheGods said:
I might be there; Coldplay's at DTE that night, though - and DTE's closer to home.

But Coldplay sucks. I actually had a British guy apologize to me for his country producing such a shitty band. I think it was even on here. Although Pine Knob really does rock. Seeing a concert at the Royal Oak Music Theater is like going to a concentration camp to see a concert. They treat you like cattle... actually livestock probably get treated better. Although for Gogol Bordello it might just be worth it.


and my favorite

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  tanuki1985 said:
Dammit, I can't go because I won't be in town. I thought I was the only Gogol Bordello fan on here -- at least now I'm glad to know that I'm not.

I love Gogol! been a fan four abotu 3 years now and this will be there first time I can actually see them! Twice I had a wedding to go to and once it was a santarchy night...

Got my tix already and lookin forward to this one like crazy!

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  Miss Fire Pants Danica said:
The show is totally worth it!

I love their music.

I wish I was in town to go to it!

I'll have fun for you. Well, that never quite works, now does it? I know! I'll go, make a fool of myself and then you can make fun OF me. How's that? So sorry you're missing the show.

On another note: glad O_M_G is feeling better! See you guys there!

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  taysteewonderbunny said:
I'll have fun for you. Well, that never quite works, now does it? I know! I'll go, make a fool of myself and then you can make fun OF me. How's that? So sorry you're missing the show.

On another note: glad O_M_G is feeling better! See you guys there!

...IF...we run into each other.....it is supposed to be PACKED... ;)

..REMEMBER..show early kiddz!

..have safe fun everyone!

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  Rev.Reverence said:

*humps air*

Ooooh, wish I could have made it. Last time I saw them was at the Majestic. SO MUCH FUN. It's been ages since a show left me drenched in so much beer and sweat................................................teehee.

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Best show I have ever and probably will ever see. That was SOOO much fun!

I saw:

taysteewonderbunny (which I should hope so, she was my date)




And outside of DGN:



Even the opening act was a whole lot of fun. Mad Men I think their name was.

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:bunny: !!!!!I HAD A BLAST!!!!! :bunny:

I got to meet MarsDustDoug.. You are awesome, man.. :jamin Rev & I would love to hang out sometime :)

Saw Spook & twb.. You two looked cute..

I swear I knew about a third of the people there.. & I don't think that is exaggerating...

Those of you who missed it, I'm sorry.. You really missed out on a great show.

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Snap...I saw the spookie one, & the bunnylike one...the red-dusty-one was there & hunted me down...he is SO fuckin' COOL! (even though I secretly hate him for getting free tix & a back stage pass!)

I saw SO many peoples... :ohmy: I saw peoples from just about every other social circle I run in...


I saw some DGNers (listed above).

Went with some Trixxie's peoples...saw some of our very good friends from there...

Know (& iz familia with) most of the bar staff..there were a bunch of OTHER peoples from that Familial-Click there as well....

I saw a peoples from the MICH-REN-FAIR! That I had not seen in almost 3 years (the person who got O_M_G the job at the herbs store when she moved away)...

I saw a DBK friend that I met when we moved him. (yes, DBK is him own click.)

Hey, Spookie...I known Jade since she was a lil'kidd...she is like me familia. :thumbsup:

BAD-ASSED sighting.....after the show...I saw an super-old-school-aquainti-friend...FROM THE LAB LARP! (he's commin' to poetry soon){*giddy*}

I think I may have dug the first band JUST AS MUCH AS THE MAIN ACT! :shock:

The vast diversity in instrumentation, coupled with the turn-on-a-dime-orchestration, had me watching them intently for quite a bit of their set; but my O_M_G got to much skreach from the horns & I was thirsty, so we went for a soda at the bar...& ran into like 5 peoples in a row...

.....the DJ was pretty amazing...as I now understand what the fuck goes on when a DJ DJs...

...how long did those gypsy-frieks play for??? :blink: My feet hurt..hips hurt..back hurt..knees hurt..leg muscles burnt...it was one of those encores that you end up WANTING them to end...but I did love the 3 minute refrain on the open note.

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Doug had an awesome time!

Gogol are just amazing musicians and the way their music is put together is just genius! Though I would've liked to heard certain songs 9where was 'Dogs were barking" "Avenue b" "American Wedding" "I never want to be young again" or "Underdog World Strike"?!?!?!) they were ultra entertaining!

It was great seeing Spook and TWB again and finally meeting Rev and OMG! (ps definitely down to meet up sometime you two)

and the backstage pass... yeah that was dumb...

we stood in the damn venue for 30 minutes after the show to find otu they were just sitting behind a table and you got to shake hands/get an autograph and move on "meet and greet" style... we were a bit pissed at that and didnt even go through with it...

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