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Never realized how much feminism (not equality, but putting women on a favoritism pedestal as is with America and Europe, while doing whatever possible to make men seem useless) is destroying our times and era. I think when women's rights came, we REALLY fucked up our chance to shine and prove ourselves by trying to play the victim and insisting that we should have entitlement and special treatment for being female...embarrassing :no:.

Been doing a lot of research and reading lately...

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Never realized how much feminism (not equality, but putting women on a favoritism pedestal as is with America and Europe, while doing whatever possible to make men seem useless) is destroying our times and era. I think when women's rights came, we REALLY fucked up our chance to shine and prove ourselves by trying to play the victim and insisting that we should have entitlement and special treatment for being female...embarrassing :no:.

Been doing a lot of research and reading lately...

One unfortunate trend of history is the tendency of oppressor/victim categories (along with favored groups) to flip flop over time as social groups react and counter-react to each other. It never solves anything and the blame game needs to ultimately be transcended if real tolerance and equality is to be possible.

It's one reason I dislike the idea of labeling myself as a progressive. I can't stand the tendency some progressives have to put an icing of nice sounding rhetoric about tolerance and equality over a passive-aggressive "blame men/caucasians" mentality. It would be far better if progressives went back to the goals of empowering workers they had in the 1930s and 19th century.

Edited by Enishi
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Yesterday, Tribble sent us a kitten from the other side, she was almost starving. She knew to direct her to the right house, and I'm sure that although she was sent to us to be loved and taken care of, she will never replace Tribble, whom I'm sure knows this.

OH...and new kitten also digs Darkwave...I'm sure she's going to do just fine here.


Edited by Chernobyl
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I'm thinking...

What makes for a great work day?

When you find out that your last commit ("shift" at my company) is actually the one you're on at the moment, when you thought you still had one more after this to go!


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Yesterday, Tribble sent us a kitten from the other side, she was almost starving. She knew to direct her to the right house, and I'm sure that although she was sent to us to be loved and taken care of, she will never replace Tribble, whom I'm sure knows this.

OH...and new kitten also digs Darkwave...I'm sure she's going to do just fine here.


Yay! I'm so happy for you and that little kitty. She looks like a ghost fox, btw. You should give her a ghosty name. Phantasm or something.

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Guest Megalicious

Yesterday was an amazingly beautiful day- perfect weather. The boys and I spent 99% of it outside. By the looks of outside today, something tells me we will be spending A LOT of time outside today too!

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I <3 my sales job. I never thought I would be good in the field at alllll, so I took a chance taking this job even with phone experience. Most women seems to work jobs for "seen" ideals like money, I work jobs because I realize I'm a part of an abstract finished product...duping stupid people into believing deals with a catch.

I would say that NORMALLY...I'm proving a great service to society, but due to our government funding stupid people, I'm sure they end up with more welfare money in the end (I say welfare money based off of the caller saying they get their government refill on "the ________ of the month").

So far all my sales stats are five stars out of five stars :peanutbutterjellytime:. I feel like a serial killer of stupid people's wallets :evil:.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Excited for D&D tonight. Just saying that means my vagina should dry up and blow away in the wind :rofl:.

But srsly...we've got a six man raid going (not as hot as it sounds, I know, I was disappointed myself :unsure:), Pestilence is a Blood Magus and I'm a Cancer Mage. Clearly, so I can basically infect him with badass D&D AIDS with radiation in it, which he then can blast into other people. WIN.

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Male friends who call me "girl", "girly", etc are ridiculous (except one, who I know does it specifically to troll, you probably know who you are). It's like...don't you know me at all? I had someone actually call me say, "see you later, dollie". If I'm a doll, then G.I. Joe is a doll. CLEARLY...I'm an action figure.

Dolls nurture and care for, action figures protect and provide for, if you want to break it down metaphorically...

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I got my papers today, so when can I get my last name back?

it's a real pain in the ass but i did it after my daughter graduated from high school. i had to go to the county to get copies of my birth certificate. i think i had to fill out a form but i'm not sure, but it was up to me to contact every utiliy, college, university, and write a letter and, in many cases, send or show them a real copy of my birth certificate one by one. first thing to change is the drivers license so that you have before and after with a picture. have fun it was time consuming but worth it to me.

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I got my papers today, so when can I get my last name back?

Is there anything in your papers about you going back to your other name? Mine said it. That will make things a bit easier. If not:

it's a real pain in the ass but i did it after my daughter graduated from high school. i had to go to the county to get copies of my birth certificate. i think i had to fill out a form but i'm not sure, but it was up to me to contact every utiliy, college, university, and write a letter and, in many cases, send or show them a real copy of my birth certificate one by one. first thing to change is the drivers license so that you have before and after with a picture. have fun it was time consuming but worth it to me.

They changed things. You have to go the the social security office first and apply for a new card with whatever official document has your name on it. They give you a letter stating that your name is changed, which you then take to the secretary of state to get a new license. And yeah, you have t contact every biller to change your name. They all have different things you have to do to change your name, so it's a pain in the ass.

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Still hoping that other kitten from outside surfaces again. She didn't take any of the cat food last night that we left out, but we heard her mewing outside and actually almost had her cornered, so we know she's still lurking. Here's wishing for better luck tonight...

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Activity seems to be dying out on a lot of social interaction sites - almost like an online apocalypse taking place.

Really? The stats wouldn't bare that out, they are at an all time high. Although the "monopoly" affect might be siphoning off people and conglomerating them all onto a very few sites as opposed to a variety of sites, which from that perspective the observation is probably accurate.

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