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You know I make mistakes all the time but for the past few years I been getting jobs with people who have Developmental Disabilities, maybe I shouldn't try working that population anymore. I know what I am capable of but it pisses me off to see god created people that have to suffer like that. Maybe I am too sensitive for that, maybe because I know I can't fix them and it fucks me up inside, after all I am an aries and I like to lead and I am a bit of a control freak, losing control or having none destroys me, hence my anxiety issues. #stopbeatingmyselfup

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You know I make mistakes all the time but for the past few years I been getting jobs with people who have Developmental Disabilities, maybe I shouldn't try working that population anymore. I know what I am capable of but it pisses me off to see god created people that have to suffer like that. Maybe I am too sensitive for that, maybe because I know I can't fix them and it fucks me up inside, after all I am an aries and I like to lead and I am a bit of a control freak, losing control or having none destroys me, hence my anxiety issues. #stopbeatingmyselfup

Not created by GOD. Over time, disease, diet, environmental issues, alterations in genetics, and injuries resulted in what we deem as developmental disabilities.

I've noticed that when people don't have answers to why, they immediately blame GOD or Satan. This world was created and set in motion to be self sufficient. Like it or not, crap happens. It all depends upon what we do when it does. Blame someone or deal with it. Probably sounds harsh but like someone once said life isn't easy, it's not always fair.

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It's astounding how many people expect children to know better when a child has only been here for a few years. They only know what someone tells them. If no adult teaches them anything then the world gets a pain in the butt obnoxious young adult seemingly hell bent on killing themselves or someone else. Just watch ID TV or World's Dumbest. Plenty of examples there.

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I think I care too much. I live everything like I'm reading the script of a movie. Unfortunately, I'm the only one who has read the entire act. But there comes a time where I have to ask myself, If no other character roles interact, is it really worth knowing them all...?

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Not created by GOD. Over time, disease, diet, environmental issues, alterations in genetics, and injuries resulted in what we deem as developmental disabilities.

I've noticed that when people don't have answers to why, they immediately blame GOD or Satan. This world was created and set in motion to be self sufficient. Like it or not, crap happens. It all depends upon what we do when it does. Blame someone or deal with it. Probably sounds harsh but like someone once said life isn't easy, it's not always fair.

Do you think god deserves praise than when good things happen? Just curious your take on that.
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I hope this isn't another let down based on my dream of leaving Michigan but a recruiter called for a job that would be great as far as money and stability goes and getting out of here finally. If this phone interview goes well, I WILL find a way out, it'll be hard relocating alone but the payoff will be worth the struggle. ..besides I'm struggling here with no end. ..at least I'd have an end in sight for this. God I want out.

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I tired of being dizzy sick, but I'm afraid that if I actually get in to see a doctor they might tell me I shouldn't (or can't) drive anymore while in this state, however, not driving is kind of not an option at this time...

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Do you think god deserves praise than when good things happen? Just curious your take on that.

Not that I'm an atheist, but I do find it interesting that praise is even given at all when good things happen. I believe people do it because that is what they have been taught and believers are too afraid to rock that boat just in case there are heavenly repercussions...but that's just me...

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Not that I'm an atheist, but I do find it interesting that praise is even given at all when good things happen. I believe people do it because that is what they have been taught and believers are too afraid to rock that boat just in case there are heavenly repercussions...but that's just me...

The guy (that's his name on here) used to say everything that happened was god, he said oh your tire only cost this much to plug and you didn't need a new one, that's god! "If god is with us, who can be against us"? Everything was about god, I sometimes feel like I drove him insane. Like it's my fault he's all fucked up now. Maybe if I would have not tried to teach him other spiritual options, or tried to open his eyes and challenge him to question his reason for his beliefs, maybe he would'nt be a nutcase now. Who knows. Maybe I should have stayed off the damn dating site and everything, maybe I ruined his life...

Edited by kat
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The guy (that's his name on here) used to say everything that happened was god, he said oh your tire only cost this much to plug and you didn't need a new one, that's god! "If god is with us, who can be against us"? Everything was about god, I sometimes feel like I drove him insane. Like it's my fault he's all fucked up now. Maybe if I would have not tried to teach him other spiritual options, or tried to open his eyes and challenge him to question his reason for his beliefs, maybe he would'nt be a nutcase now. Who knows. Maybe I should have stayed off the damn dating site and everything, maybe I ruined his life...

It wasn't you, it was his conditioning...I think George Carlin put it best with this:

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Do you think god deserves praise than when good things happen? Just curious your take on that.

Me, I sometimes say "thank you, GOD", or "LORD, thank you, it could've been worse". It all depends on your level of belief. Everything has been set in motion. Whether for good or bad, I am thankful for something. However, I am not a fanatical Christian. Those people scare the heck out of me. Everything to them is either good or evil. They have no middle ground. If anyone challenges their beliefs, they either turn on you or lose their minds. I try to get as far away from that kind as possible. I had a friend die dealing with someone like that despite us trying to warn her about her boyfriend. He shot her in the head along with her mother. I was only in high school then.

I know that isn't what you asked but it is for that very reason I keep my feet planted in reality. I seek out the truth and not simply settle for what someone else tells me. I like learning new things or correcting old ideals I had been taught as a child.

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The guy (that's his name on here) used to say everything that happened was god, he said oh your tire only cost this much to plug and you didn't need a new one, that's god! "If god is with us, who can be against us"? Everything was about god, I sometimes feel like I drove him insane. Like it's my fault he's all fucked up now. Maybe if I would have not tried to teach him other spiritual options, or tried to open his eyes and challenge him to question his reason for his beliefs, maybe he would'nt be a nutcase now. Who knows. Maybe I should have stayed off the damn dating site and everything, maybe I ruined his life...

Fanatical Christian. He wouldn't have listened. He was too well conditioned by his upbringing. Teach a child while they are still young and they will follow that teaching for their entire lives.

You couldn't have helped him.

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Fanatical Christian. He wouldn't have listened. He was too well conditioned by his upbringing. Teach a child while they are still young and they will follow that teaching for their entire lives.

You couldn't have helped him.

I know inside, but my nature is just that. He needed more than what I could do.

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Relationships are two-sided requiring both sides to give of themselves in order for it to work. If one person feels they are doing more than the other, resentment builds causing it to shatter. If both sides open up to share their honest feelings and what they want from each other it may save the relationship. If this does not happen, it ends with both parties feeling angry and rejected.

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What an interesting job interview....so I, if choosen and contacted by the department of community health would have one side of the job passing out material related to safe sex but the other part is going to clubs and bars at night with HIV rapid tests and offering free testing. ..of course how would I tell someone I'm sorry but you are HIV positive. ..damn. ...that would be horrible...but yes I could do it. ..I absolutely could. First time I've had to think about what I would do and say at an interview that was challenging. I'm tough enough to do it but with sensitive and have the compassion to be the right person. ..I really think they agreed. ..hopefully.

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