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Guest Megalicious

Yes. Just because I don't like you on a personal level, doesn't

mean you can't make a vaild point- on which I can agree. And don't get the wrong idea, I still don't like you on a personal level.

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Guest Megalicious

Of course they belong together- WTF? *grumps*

No Alicia, you didn't get a tattoo, you got a scratch, there is a huge difference. Have a sitting of a few hours, then we can talk.

When will my SB dog tags come... I ordered them forever ago.


I think I have decided on Apollo Lockelan... has a nice ring to it.

I should have went to yoga, I could have totally made it through this. Honestly, it could have helped... if only I COULD WALK.

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I was really annoyed by that guy at the gym this morning.

I was trying to concentrate on my workout, and there was this guy over in the far corner, doing deadlifts with a barbell.

All I could hear was Awwwwwwwwwaauuhhhhh! Crash!(as he slammed the weight back to the ground after each rep), over and over and over.

So I said fuck this shit, and left.

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Guest Megalicious

Do some people understand the behavior in which they display contradicts what they actually SAY- it's okay though, it's rather amusing and makes me laugh :rofl: '

What a day - not fun, but it could have ended worse.

Dinner with the boys.. mmm.

No, I do not every wish to work in labor and delivery, I am going to have a hard enough time dealing with grumpy pregos for a rotation, let alone a life time.

Editing for spelling and spacing, because I hate MY IPHONE!!!

Edited by Megalicious
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"You're confusing me with someone else, I imagine. I stopped caring when I was told that was the end and have respected the wishes expressed and will continue to do so, so please continue to leave me alone, personally. You're not really that big of a deal to me like you seem to think. I have much more important things to occupy my time and my mind, but thanks anyway. I wish you a wonderful and happy life, no ill will, I just don't wish to be a part of it in anyway at all."

"Yay, it took a year, but I finally said it and will now drop it and leave it alone for good."

"Jeez, my kids are awesome at RockBand." :)

Edited by Rayne
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Guest Megalicious

I am much more focused on my yummy burrito then your constant whining. :) Burritos are awesome. :)

I wish I had a job that would buy me a new computer every time I wanted one, and you are always bitching about your job- shhhhh. People in this economy would die for your job. So shut up.

I am so glad it is only 2 more weeks. I am penguin.

Once again, I need a hair cut.

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Hahahaha. My 7 year old son is HILARIOUS playing Battery by Metallica! He got 80% too and has never heard the song before! I need to get this boy a real guitar. He's great! I wish I could get the video to upload from the BlackBerry to FaceBook. I'll upload it from the laptop later. :)

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Hahahaha. My 7 year old son is HILARIOUS playing Battery by Metallica! He got 80% too and has never heard the song before! I need to get this boy a real guitar. He's great! I wish I could get the video to upload from the BlackBerry to FaceBook. I'll upload it from the laptop later. :)


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Hahahaha. My 7 year old son is HILARIOUS playing Battery by Metallica! He got 80% too and has never heard the song before! I need to get this boy a real guitar. He's great! I wish I could get the video to upload from the BlackBerry to FaceBook. I'll upload it from the laptop later. :)

Get him to play Eruption by Van Halen, that would be awesome.

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Guest Megalicious

"Dear Jarods bed, I hate you. For one you are too high up. You are a bed, not a fucking SUV. Second, I am going to end up breaking one of my toes on your foot board of doom. You shall live out the rest of your life in the guest room - end of story"

I said it once, and I will say it again. "It's called being objective- try it."

Yes, Zachary Quento is hot.

I wish I could sleep as peacefully as Keegan.

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