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Um OK Mr. Pisces, I read that they want you to chase them.. Yeah..right.. I chased before not doing it again, especially, just no. So, you didn't have time for me to just pick up the phone today and call all day and you hit the fuck you botton on me and came up with some bullshit because shockingly, yea we know the sound of the fuck you botton.. I called you out on it..ha! But come 10, 11, 12 o'clock you start contacting me, sounding all pissy and freaked out now cause I don't respond? Oh, how's that feel, biatccchhhh! Ha, fuck you, you ain't shit and damn sure ain't worth chasing. Ha! Lmao. Wrong bitch to try to play that game on.

...Lawyer or online dating...?

With the way things are going nowadays...I really can't tell...


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...Lawyer or online dating...?

With the way things are going nowadays...I really can't tell...



No, its a dude fromfrom the Internet lol, I deleted my profile from that online whatever site but I talked to this one because he didn't come of as too creepy but he is actually kinda creepy in reality because, idk..a vibe I get like he seems to have a lie disguised as a cover story so I just been kind of testing him and watching and I swear that there is no way in hell he is being honest about his story, I have smelled a rat from my first conversation with him. He has had a lot of bad things happen..he said he had a daughter who would have been 20 but she died when she was 7 and the mom took her to South Africa when she was 2 and the accident happened there. He said his house burnt down earlier this year and he got his teeth in front busted out cause he fell down the stairs and hit a hope chest trying to escape, he has other stories like he doesn't seem phased by any of this stuff. I feel terrible about his daughter that's the worst thing anyone can endure, it just kinda seems like a story that I have heard from fb trolls random guys will message women on fb and the story is that they are widowers that lost their wife and child to an accident in South Africa. I have heard this story by a couple guys. I'm not saying he's lying, god no, who would lie about that and he showed me a some pictures of her but I just idk, I can't believe anything anymore. I'm just not going to talk to him, something is off about something.

I know my stories are fucking cray to but I know they are real and I don't just meet someone and tell tthem unless it's relevant anymore, cause what is the point, why..that's just life.

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No, its a dude fromfrom the Internet lol, I deleted my profile from that online whatever site but I talked to this one because he didn't come of as too creepy but he is actually kinda creepy in reality because, idk..a vibe I get like he seems to have a lie disguised as a cover story so I just been kind of testing him and watching and I swear that there is no way in hell he is being honest about his story, I have smelled a rat from my first conversation with him. He has had a lot of bad things happen..he said he had a daughter who would have been 20 but she died when she was 7 and the mom took her to South Africa when she was 2 and the accident happened there. He said his house burnt down earlier this year and he got his teeth in front busted out cause he fell down the stairs and hit a hope chest trying to escape, he has other stories like he doesn't seem phased by any of this stuff. I feel terrible about his daughter that's the worst thing anyone can endure, it just kinda seems like a story that I have heard from fb trolls random guys will message women on fb and the story is that they are widowers that lost their wife and child to an accident in South Africa. I have heard this story by a couple guys. I'm not saying he's lying, god no, who would lie about that and he showed me a some pictures of her but I just idk, I can't believe anything anymore. I'm just not going to talk to him, something is off about something.

I know my stories are fucking cray to but I know they are real and I don't just meet someone and tell tthem unless it's relevant anymore, cause what is the point, why..that's just life.

That sounds like the thing that was going around in the 80's were some shady guys would have these elaborate stories about their families that met with some sort of tragedy. They would carry pictures of their loved ones around in their wallets or have photos of the departed on display in their homes or watercrafts. However, after several incidents of kidnappings, rapes and missing persons reports, it was later found that most of these perpetrators used photos that came with the wallet and/or picture frame to concoct stories they would use to lure potential victims.

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I am pretty lucky today.  I got caught in a sudden downpour while on the motorcycle.  I tried to slow down for an upcoming intersection and the back tire couldn't get traction because of the wet roads and kicked out to the side.  I struggled with it and was able to save it in the end and stop before I got into the intersection.  There was a guy at the intersection who watched me save it and he started clapping and cheering for me.  It was actually kind of funny.  lol

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I am pretty lucky today.  I got caught in a sudden downpour while on the motorcycle.  I tried to slow down for an upcoming intersection and the back tire couldn't get traction because of the wet roads and kicked out to the side.  I struggled with it and was able to save it in the end and stop before I got into the intersection.  There was a guy at the intersection who watched me save it and he started clapping and cheering for me.  It was actually kind of funny.  lol

damn! You are lucky.

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That sounds like the thing that was going around in the 80's were some shady guys would have these elaborate stories about their families that met with some sort of tragedy. They would carry pictures of their loved ones around in their wallets or have photos of the departed on display in their homes or watercrafts. However, after several incidents of kidnappings, rapes and missing persons reports, it was later found that most of these perpetrators used photos that came with the wallet and/or picture frame to concoct stories they would use to lure potential victims.


Oh damn, yea...dating is scary as hell, I mean the Internet dating too. I was just trying to meet people see if I clicked with them. I am easy to get along with and talk to but actually connecting with someone on a higher level yea right. Anyway, what if he's a killer or something like he really could be? Shit, every guy I see these days scare the shit out of me. Maybe that's why all my female coworkers are married to each other. Kidding but it's kinda true, like all the women I worked with have female companions. Damn

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damn, weird post technical difficulties lol.

Omg, I could ttotally see a dating killer parody movie where the serial killer lures the girl over, plans on like killing her but she ends up being some obnoxious annoying chic like me and won't stfu talking, she looks over and he's murdered himself!!  That would be great.

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I am pretty lucky today.  I got caught in a sudden downpour while on the motorcycle.  I tried to slow down for an upcoming intersection and the back tire couldn't get traction because of the wet roads and kicked out to the side.  I struggled with it and was able to save it in the end and stop before I got into the intersection.  There was a guy at the intersection who watched me save it and he started clapping and cheering for me.  It was actually kind of funny.  lol


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So I'm kind of curious about this message I got from a real estate broker on LinkedIn asking me for advice and asking I meet with her about a project she is planning regarding homelessness and social work. She wants me to basically consult her about this. Um, I'm flattered and I believe I will see what this is about, my horoscope mentioned something about this lol. 

However, this has given me an idea as to what I can do as a way to make some side money, perhaps I can become an independent consultant or another thing I been thinking about for several months is becoming a disability advocate, Alice Patterson is doing this and there is a way for me to do this without being an attorney, and I know all the things that are needed to get a person there benefits and am trained on the issue. I can get a percentage just like the attorneys do and I can also help people locate resources they need, shit I can actually do a lot of consulting in housing, etc..I can make this work. Hmm

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Also, my little undercover Rights project still rears its head..HUD does it for housing discrimination, I could start my little project and all I need is a damn cheap 30, 40 dollar spy cam like an ink pen, which I believe Walmart sells lol.. Wayne county office of Recipient Rights has talked with me a couple years ago about it and they said they were in process of that but I have not seen anything, maybe the idea got pushed to the side but I still would like to see something manifest.

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I have got to concentrate efforts on building some outside shelters for people and pets. I have also got to get of this fear of building something in the wrong place or building something that might be seen as unnecessary.

I have really got to stop mentally sabotaging myself. It's exhausting...:confused:

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I have got to concentrate efforts on building some outside shelters for people and pets. I have also got to get of this fear of building something in the wrong place or building something that might be seen as unnecessary.

I have really got to stop mentally sabotaging myself. It's exhausting...:confused:

Are we talking for homeless people or shelters for some other reasons?  I should also ask what sort of price range are you looking at.  I might be able to find some designs or come up with some designs for you.  I am trying to start a business of upcycling old furniture into exotic animal habitats so I am always thinking of animal shelter designs. 

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Are we talking for homeless people or shelters for some other reasons?  I should also ask what sort of price range are you looking at.  I might be able to find some designs or come up with some designs for you.  I am trying to start a business of upcycling old furniture into exotic animal habitats so I am always thinking of animal shelter designs. 

I am meeting her Friday for lunch her email said she wants to discuss whether or not to move forward and basically implement a project she is working on regarding homelessness. I am thinking she wants to do something like with foreclosures for homeless people perhaps starting transitional housing, shelters, et

or, another thing I Think, and if she's smart she's probably going to try and pick my brain to get the inside scoop on housing authorities, section 8 programs, etc..because my guess is she wants to buy homes herself and become a Landlord that is in compliance with MSHDA inspection standards, she's looking for a social worker though for something lol.

That's a cool idea you have, btw..have you started making an official plan?

Lol, dude because that's my biggest barrier is sitting down writing out all the details to implement things;)

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Okay why does he keep texting me randomly like hey beautiful how's if going? Or, telling me about his headache and how he's exhausted and I was mad cause he blew me off like I was nothing so I flat out told him about my dumb ass ex and allllll the drama and bullshit I dealt with in that situation and how I would not be dealing with someone else who was going to cause me problems or drama..and he's like you are over analyzing (god, how much do I hear that) anyway, I told him he was exhausted from all his hoes lol, he is just like dork!!

Um, and he just says dork, or quit being a dork when I say stuff like that so I'm like um, your a bigger dork, dude!!! Anyway, he is just trying to keep me around in case idk, whatever probably cause he can't find better or until he finds better.. Idfk but I don't text him I let him contact me because I am not going to start getting into someone again and um getting let down. It is funny when he calls me a dork because I, wtf can I say..I just chill out, see I'm not that complicated, Jesus!! 

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Are we talking for homeless people or shelters for some other reasons?  I should also ask what sort of price range are you looking at.  I might be able to find some designs or come up with some designs for you.  I am trying to start a business of upcycling old furniture into exotic animal habitats so I am always thinking of animal shelter designs. 

I am meeting her Friday for lunch her email said she wants to discuss whether or not to move forward and basically implement a project she is working on regarding homelessness. I am thinking she wants to do something like with foreclosures for homeless people perhaps starting transitional housing, shelters, et

or, another thing I Think, and if she's smart she's probably going to try and pick my brain to get the inside scoop on housing authorities, section 8 programs, etc..because my guess is she wants to buy homes herself and become a Landlord that is in compliance with MSHDA inspection standards, she's looking for a social worker though for something lol.

That's a cool idea you have, btw..have you started making an official plan?

Lol, dude because that's my biggest barrier is sitting down writing out all the details to implement things;)


Where as I have done build contracts for section 8 housing and was looking into working with HUD as few years back...this time around, I was just talking about making a dog house/shelter and a house to house connection bridge. 

Not sure about an email to meet with kat on Friday, but if I have time, I could probably swing something.

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Where as I have done build contracts for section 8 housing and was looking into working with HUD as few years back...this time around, I was just talking about making a dog house/shelter and a house to house connection bridge. 

Not sure about an email to meet with kat on Friday, but if I have time, I could probably swing something.

Hey, we should open a group home or a shelter or something. We should do something like that. I know about grants and nonprofits

We should set a target population, like opening a group home for the mentally ill population is easier to do than for the developmentally disabled.

Like, if I had money to buy a house I would go to the Wayne county auction for foreclosures and buy a place, fix it up, and open a group home or something. I swear.

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Where as I have done build contracts for section 8 housing and was looking into working with HUD as few years back...this time around, I was just talking about making a dog house/shelter and a house to house connection bridge. 

Not sure about an email to meet with kat on Friday, but if I have time, I could probably swing something.

This might help for the dog house.  http://diycozyhome.com/85-free-dog-house-plans/  If you need any help, I will be willing to assist if I am available.  I know you are more than capable of building a dog house and a connection bridge but sometimes it's nice to have another set of hands.

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I was walking out my door to go to Timmy Hoes to get my xl dark roast shot of expresso 4x4 and my neighbor is walking up the stairs he looks at me cause I have shorts and a tee shirt on and he's wearing a sweatshirt and jeans like.. Um, ya might want to put some pants on lol, its cold, I'm cold in this...so yea, it's an awesome fall chill today..

end story.

Edited, wait, here's the rest.. 

So I put the pants and a jacket on and proceeded to the car to start my morning journey of hope and shenanigans and I started my car and I drove that shit to Tim Horton's and the drive thru is always full at this time so I proceed to park and I begun my journey into Tim's and the boy behind the counter was new, so I ordered my drink nervously because I fear the youth and their coffee making abilities as many of the younger generation are not coffee drinkers, mountain dew and red bulls are their coffee, so he proceeds to inform me dark roast sale ended and I said I know but he rang up the discount price by accident and requested that price and I reminded him that he rang up the discount price because I didn't want him to get in trouble over a dollar so he fixed it quickly and than, reluctantly I asked him if he drank coffee and he made a face like.. And a gesture and said sometimes and I say, yes most of the younger kids don't drink it I notice but he said my gf drinks it all the time so I said oh good so you probably make it for her, he shook his head and smiled and I said than I trust you to make my coffee lol and we laughed...and he actually did a great job and I walked out pleased with this because they fuck my order up alot, like they know me now so the ones that been there awhile know exactly how to make it perfect now after I have had to have them fix it frequently the past year.. And now as I drink my coffee I reflect on what an actual coffee snob bitch I am...and I think to myself I should light this cigarette and move on, and find something else to ponder. Ahh yes, this I shall.

Now, end story.


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