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What Are You Thinking?


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OK, so I'm listening to the radio, and the host says he is a fan of old horror movies, not all this new stuff, but like old school horror movies. (This got my attention). Then he tells his female host that she probably wouldn't know too much about that (I felt a little bad for her the way he blatantly said that). Then he goes on to say how John Carpenter, the creator of Halloween, recently held a press conference about making the next Halloween movie, since he had only done the first one back in 1978. The female host says, "...he probably hasn't been too busy since then." (for some reason, I felt insulted...:huh:)

As I'm listening to the press clip, I hear the male host sounding like he's about ready to come through the radio as he's giving a play-by-play of the conference. Then suddenly, that famous, iconic, classic horror movie Halloween music starts playing and it's John Carpenter, the man himself, playing that famous tune that he composed nearly 40 years ago and me and the guy on the radio were practically screaming like we were at a concert.

The male host tells the female host that he just wanted to share that with her because he was such a big fan. The female host then dryly states how she was glad he had something "like that" to get excited about. Yet, just last week, the mere mention of Britney Spears sent this lady into a radio frenzy of a cacophony of sound. 

At this point, I stopped feeling sorry for her and all I could think was, "Young people...":dry:

Then I had to laugh at myself for being old enough to think that way.


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I hope my lesson on trying to teach "rationing" isn't misunderstood as child abuse. I gave everyone a roll of toilet paper and told them to ration it for one month (that was May 5th). One person had just run out last night. I told them at that point, they had better ask, borrow or learn the art of bartering to make sure they did not go without because they had only a couple days left. That was over 14 hours ago. I had figured that If they do what I asked, I would be prepared to help them out in the morning.

8:30am, I hear that same person begging someone for toilet paper because instead of handling it last night like I had asked them to do, they decided to blow me off and hold it until this morning. :huh:

So instead of giving them some toilet paper for free, like I had planned, I made them pay me a dollar for a little packet of Kleenex Tissues.

I was starting to feel bad, but while investigating how this person handled my suggestions to insure they had something to use until the end of the month, I discovered that them being able to use the bathroom clearly was not of any importance. However, last night, they did ask for just enough toilet paper to BLOW THEIR NOSE!!!!


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It's a tad bit frightening to me just how smart household appliances have become...

*watching a Lowe's commercial spotlighting a refrigerator that links to your smartphone*


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It's too early for this :censored:!!!!!

The boy tested me this morning!!!

I overslept due to fighting bugs for an hour just to try to get into my house last night. Finally made it in around 2am at which time I then had to deal with the fur babies until 3am. Yesterday, I was literally cleaning up cat pee right up until 45 minutes before we left for The Gathering, got home last night and set up for this morning, then had to fight through a wall of mosquitoes just to get back to mop up what I missed before we left. So yeah, I overslept and someone decided that because I wasn't up by the time they were ready to leave, that individual decided to blatantly do something I specifically requested they not do. They were shocked to see me on the bus stop this morning and it was all I could do to not beat this little dude's behind right there in public on my neighbor's front lawn.

Why, just why...you figured you wouldn't get caught because it's only wrong if you get caught!?! Well I've got something for your skace behind.

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So much for fast bill pays. It literally took me the last 3 hours trying to pay a few bills due to all the new security measure now in place. Not that I'm complaining about the security, it just took me by surprise since I was used to paying bills faster than this.

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I think that the more I look around now days the more I become torn on how I feel about the human race and where our society is going.  I see some celebrities doing great things like John Oliver buying the rights to $15 million in medical debts and than forgiving them, I have seen random people doing random acts of kindness like paying for someone's groceries at the store or taking food to homeless people.  I have even had friends and family offer to give me help knowing that I am struggling and won't be able to repay them, I know the saying that you never loan money to a friend if you expect to get it back but I am very country and it makes me feel bad excepting anything that I haven't worked for.  Then I see news reports of people shooting each other, running people over with cars and driving off, and kidnapping people.  One of my distant relatives was even went missing back in December and they just found her dead body in an abandoned house a mile from her home yesterday.

Now I am a firm believer in balance and I know that for every good thing there must be an equal bad but it just seems like everything is escalating at an alarming rate.  I am starting to feel like the best option is to just run away and go off the grid.   

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After messing around with kundalini visualization techniques recently I have to say that I'm still scared shitless of kundalini and still consider it the most powerful form of meditation.  I've argued online with people who think abusing it sufficiently can kill someone, but who knows.  I had some really positive, short experiences today, but they had drug-like intensity which bothered me a little bit, the experiences I had yesterday involved negative feelings and memories that were over a decade old, that I completely forgotten about, inclusive that they were mine, and I was surprised that they were somehow still stored in my brain without being damaged in one way or another.  Having done my own experiment with Emotionally Focused Therapy and attachment theory with disastrous results, it still comes second in my fear and the potential for psychological damage in comparison to Kundalini.  After 2011, having short bursts of seizures between the left and right hemispheres of my brain a couple times, and the disorienting, terrifying experience of falling through my own head, among other strange experiences, and having a permanent on and off tick disorder afterwards, I'm taking it slow and gentle, just trying to piece together the closest thing to a simple science of this as I can.  I abandoned science and theory around romantic love to come back to this, because I got horribly burned, so I suppose I will stick with whichever mystery I happen to be interested in at any given time, that causes the least amount of mental and physical damage to me.. eventually I will get back to learning about Chemistry on Khan Academy.  =D

Edited by Class-Punk
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