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Jynxxxedangel and Headwreck's Handfasting

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Guest Megalicious

I hate the one of my grumpy face LOL

and I LOVE THE ONE OF ME AND JYNXXY!!!! On the chairs lol. If you only knew what we were talking about at that moment. =P

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throw in a pushmepullmee to tow the turnip carridge and the fairytake wouldbe complete

..was this perchance a drunken post?

...what's a "push-me-pull-me"? "turnip carriage"? I am confused!

Anyhow... saw one of my Brothers last night...he LOVED the photos...& the robes...he said the couple looks marvelous (ok..that's my word, but it was what he meant)...made us feel "COOL"...hope it carries to Our Good Couple, Marc & Nienna....mass props for Our Good Ninja Team!

Edited by Rev.Reverence
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..was this perchance a drunken post?

...what's a "push-me-pull-me"? "turnip carriage"? I am confused!

Anyhow... saw one of my Brothers last night...he LOVED the photos...& the robes...he said the couple looks marvelous (ok..that's my word, but it was what he meant)...made us feel "COOL"...hope it carries to Our Good Couple, Marc & Nienna....mass props for Our Good Ninja Team!

YOU don't know what a pushmi pullyu is??????? Dr. Doolittle, good sir.


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uploaded pics finally!

just downloaded & uploaded them - no modifications. these are maybe half of what i took, but i only uploaded the better ones.

sorry it took so long!

Some VERY nice perspective shots...I really like the one where we are settin' up the alter & I am laughing...

...now I gotta' mave the O_M_G make an account there so I can lift it... :biggrin:

:secret: I fergot to PM you yesterday (or day before) oOps...I am a Goat... :p

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  • 13 years later...

Memories. I wish I actually had permission from

flickerto look at Marc’s old pictures lol- but memories non the less … 


I have zero digital presence anymore. I made myself my own safe bubble with Lumen. I do look Fondly back at laughs with jinxxy. trying on silly hats, drinking too much vodka in the middle

of the night till the early morning…both hermit insomniacs :) Definitely one of the most intelligent beings I have ever met. With the oldest sort of souls. 


If there was ever a couple in love it was them … just the way they looked at one another- you couldn’t help But tear up. And I did - pretty much through out the day lol. Many memories after at Jinxxys too… safari hats and all ❤️


Life is a weird. 


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