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Dr. Who theme song Remix

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The Timelords vs. The KLF - Dockin' the Tardis

You could have just asked. I'll post my playlist soon.

Oh and the song was a mashup with sound samples form the show thrown in. It was the theme mashed up with Gary Glitter - Rock and Roll part 2

I also have the original video :D

Which you can watch here

target="_blank in somewhat lower quality. Edited by Scary Guy
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The Timelords vs. The KLF - Dockin' the Tardis

You could have just asked. I'll post my playlist soon.

Oh and the song was a mashup with sound samples form the show thrown in. It was the theme mashed up with Gary Glitter - Rock and Roll part 2

I also have the original video :D

Which you can watch here

target="_blank in somewhat lower quality.


Trust me! You just made some belly dancers SUPER HAPPY!

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Trust me! You just made some belly dancers SUPER HAPPY!

Some? You mean there are more than you who like belly dancing AND doctor who?

Screw virgins, I'd fly a plane into a building for 72 of you.

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We are trying to choreograph a dance to the theme song!


I know at least 5 hard core nerds that will cream themselves if you do this. Myself and a girl included.

My friend Paris was on the phone with me earlier talking about the third season of Torchwood and that they released some info on The Doctor's new companion and how people are whining that the new guy is too emo or something. I'm trying to avoid any information until I actually see it. Although I was interested to hear they're spinning off a series based around Martha Jones and I guess the first episode revolves around The Doctor.

I also still need to find serial 135 The Caves of Androzani to continue my journeys in the classic series that I've been watching forever now, all of them, in order.

I also have a remote controlled Dalek. My ultimate goal is to get a life-sized one, then they can bury me in that.

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I know at least 5 hard core nerds that will cream themselves if you do this. Myself and a girl included.

My friend Paris was on the phone with me earlier talking about the third season of Torchwood and that they released some info on The Doctor's new companion and how people are whining that the new guy is too emo or something. I'm trying to avoid any information until I actually see it. Although I was interested to hear they're spinning off a series based around Martha Jones and I guess the first episode revolves around The Doctor.

I also still need to find serial 135 The Caves of Androzani to continue my journeys in the classic series that I've been watching forever now, all of them, in order.

I also have a remote controlled Dalek. My ultimate goal is to get a life-sized one, then they can bury me in that.



I am only half way through the second season with David Tennant!

I am trying to get all caught up.

I have heard the same about the new doc and comp!

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The Timelords vs. The KLF - Doctorin' the Tardis is my favorite adaptation of the theme. There have been a series of them over the years. There is an 8-minute version of this that I would kill to have played elsewhere.

*hides his Leela and Tegan autographed Key to Time and Compliation books from Danica*

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I am only half way through the second season with David Tennant!

I am trying to get all caught up.

I have heard the same about the new doc and comp!

Oh I have it timed. 2:00 our time they usually show a new episode and it's ripped and encoded by 4:00 or so. Off of standard torrent sites I can get it in about an hour or two and my friend Paris comes over around 7 to watch it with me, maybe some others. If it's an important episode we usually go over to my friend Todd's house where he has the HDTV projection on his wall. You're more than invited to come geek out with a bunch of nerds, but as far as nerds go I like to think we're pretty damned cool.

Other good British TV I like includes "The IT Crowd", "Red Dwarf", "Blakes 7" (although the ending SUCKED), "The Young Ones", and I've been meaning to get into "Black Adder" but that's a lot to go through as well. Oh yeah and "Danger Mouse" is the shit.

Someone please move this to the TV subforum :D

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I think we are OK here. We aren't dissecting the show right now, we are discussing its theme and versions thereof. If we neander into things like counting the color bands in the two scarves Tom Baker wore during his tenure, the topic will move.

There have been at least, what, some 20 or so revisions and remixes of this theme (not including the ones BBC did themselves.) I have about 15 of them myself, plus original TV themes.

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I think we are OK here. We aren't dissecting the show right now, we are discussing its theme and versions thereof. If we neander into things like counting the color bands in the two scarves Tom Baker wore during his tenure, the topic will move.

There have been at least, what, some 20 or so revisions and remixes of this theme (not including the ones BBC did themselves.) I have about 15 of them myself, plus original TV themes.

We were discussing the theme and version... for the first four posts, after that we kind of went way off topic full on about the show.

As far as other versions of the theme check this out http://whomix.trilete.net/ Click on music and go nuts.

Good job trying to keep it on topic, but it's discussing theme music for a TV show which is really iffy gray territory.

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There's also a version by Orbital. It's more on the...techno side. But, hey, it's still the Doctor Who theme, right? :wink

I have the video for that too :D

I also think that it did justice to the original considering that was very techno as well, technically.

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I know at least 5 hard core nerds that will cream themselves if you do this. Myself and a girl included.

My friend Paris was on the phone with me earlier talking about the third season of Torchwood and that they released some info on The Doctor's new companion and how people are whining that the new guy is too emo or something. I'm trying to avoid any information until I actually see it. Although I was interested to hear they're spinning off a series based around Martha Jones and I guess the first episode revolves around The Doctor.

I also still need to find serial 135 The Caves of Androzani to continue my journeys in the classic series that I've been watching forever now, all of them, in order.

I also have a remote controlled Dalek. My ultimate goal is to get a life-sized one, then they can bury me in that.

Sci-fi played season 1 last year ;)

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Sci-fi played season 1 last year ;)


I don't feel like waiting two years to see season 4, I'll download it when it comes out AS it comes out. If they'd show it on BBC America I'd gladly wait and do it "legally", even though I'm not breaking any US laws since it probably takes that two years for the US copyright to go through ;)

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