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The Rinse Cycle of Love

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That depends, are you a colorsafe white fabric, or a bleeding dark? Are you open to the possibility of unsightly yellowed spots if there's too much bleach? Is she merely interested in disinfection, or an overall lightening of the situation?

Such important things, you must consider!

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LOL, that's great, morissey should really sing that sometime.  :woot:


Oh yeah and I wear white on the outside because white is how I feel on the inside.....see I look the same even when turned inside out. My girlfriend left me this morning for a scarf. I will miss having oral socks with her. I havea hole in my heart the size of the hole in my heel area. But it's ok, I always seem to land on my feet, no pun intended.

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I'm sorry to hear about your loss.  Was your girlfriend also a sock?  Did they run off together in the dryer?


yes my girlfriend was a sock. socks come in pairs. no they didn't run off together in the dryer. They met up at the sock hop. He's one slimey scarf, tried to serenade my woman last week, I heard from outside my dresser: "why is the neckline so cold, turned away on your side? Oh love, love will knit us a scarf again"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MsMaldoror

Ian Curtis is rolling in his grave right now. :laughing

yes my girlfriend was a sock.  socks come in pairs.  no they didn't run off together in the dryer.  They met up at the sock hop.  He's one slimey scarf, tried to serenade my woman last week, I heard from outside my dresser: "why is the neckline so cold, turned away on your side? Oh love, love will knit us a scarf again"

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