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Some people down here believe only the fact that they were born and raised in the outh, below the mason dixie line, is the only thing they need to qualify them to be rebels. They consider anyone who is from up north a yankee and anyone who moves down here a danm yankee. I find this childish and very steriotypical. What is very offensive is the context they use in the term "yankee". like for instance:"these damn yankees are dumg"or "these damn yankees do this or that...."

This kind of behavior is among large minority from were I'm from. This type of mentality has quite scatter of peole in parts of Jacksonville and the small towns around it. In the past the K.K.K was affiliated with this belief. I'm not saying that everyone who waves the confederate flag is clan member or rasist, but it is predjudice and disgusting.The Civil War was way back in the 1840's, so the mason dixie line doesn't exist. This is not to knock everyone who lives down south nor people who happen to be born to what used to be below the mason dixie line and still remains their. This note is about the southern pride mentality. It sure isn't a part of my heritage.

So I find this southern pride thing pathetic and offensive. Back in the day it was very crucial and a lot of the K.K.K beliefs derive from this. Right now it isn't as crucial but very offensive and provides nothing intelligence. Most of this predjiduce is against people up north. Unfortunately I heard it go on at a couple of A.A. meetings. To me most of these people use it to cope with theit identity issues.It's not so much that I find it offensive but more of something irrevalent that is being shoved down my throught.

Most of these who follow this belief are considered rednecks, hicks, or honkies. Like I said, it is an identity thing. Most of these people are uneducated; blue collered workers; and mostly low class.

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What you write is very true!

It's hard for anyone who hasn't experienced this firsthand to really comprehend how deep these things run or how prevalent it is. Not everyone is like that, but it's so common I wouldn't want to ever move back there and I feel for anyone who has had to.

I grew up in East Tennessee in the mountains surrounded by racist closed-minded assholes. Left home at 18 and never ever want to live in that sort of environment again. I lived in Florida for 10 years too. It's really a shame because the southern states have such beauty and nice weather, but I just can't deal with it.

Edited by Onyx
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That's because I moved three years ago, but I used to go to City Club.

I meant on the board silly...I see where you are now...& snce you are friends with Crank, it kinda' places you in CC ;) I was not around when you were..as we were on a family hiatus for the last several years, till prick pulled us out to Club again, wich is where we met Troy & these frieks :biggrin: Nice to meet you!

WOW...3 years of shit..I could not take it...first time I get called a "n****r-hair" I'm swingin'.

I do not believe in racism...being illuminated through science, I know...Humans are 1 race.

When I see peoples being discriminatory or inflammatory because of such tiny differences in the DNA (skin colour, & facial structure mostly)...it really burns me.

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I meant on the board silly...I see where you are now...& snce you are friends with Crank, it kinda' places you in CC ;) I was not around when you were..as we were on a family hiatus for the last several years, till prick pulled us out to Club again, wich is where we met Troy & these frieks :biggrin: Nice to meet you!

WOW...3 years of shit..I could not take it...first time I get called a "n****r-hair" I'm swingin'.

I do not believe in racism...being illuminated through science, I know...Humans are 1 race.

When I see peoples being discriminatory or inflammatory because of such tiny differences in the DNA (skin colour, & facial structure mostly)...it really burns me.

It's also a territorial thing to.

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It's also a territorial thing to.

Yeah, that's the part I don't dig on the most.

The majority of anthropologists/sociologists use the outdated form of race..they really need to stop it.

Where you are from is certainly not a factor. North or South, over a border or from the other side of the world...we can breed, we are the same race...if they found Lizardmen burrowing under the North-pole...THAT would be another race.

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Yeah, that's the part I don't dig on the most.

The majority of anthropologists/sociologists use the outdated form of race..they really need to stop it.

Where you are from is certainly not a factor. North or South, over a border or from the other side of the world...we can breed, we are the same race...if they found Lizardmen burrowing under the North-pole...THAT would be another race.

The civil war was 1830, almost 179 years ago....

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if they found Lizardmen burrowing under the North-pole...THAT would be another race.

I think there's a very old Doctor Who where they did that :D j/k (the planet was all ice by that point).

Anyhow I came up with THE BEST racist joke the other day.

"What do southern and black people have in common? Most of them aren't literate enough to read this joke".

Although not being able to read really isn't that funny, but I lol'ed and that's what counts. It offends both, and I toned it down for the forum just because I'm feeling nice today and really am not THAT racist (not that they make it easy since these stereotypes exist for a reason).

Personally I agree with Penn Jillette with his views on tribalism. Sex, race, nationality, regions, political groups, religious cults, sports teams, fraternities/sororities, fat/skinny, hair/bald, etc... about the only one I am adamant on killing off is smart vs. stupid, and we all benefit from that.

I also believe in hating groups of people rather than individuals in the groups. When I meet them everyone has an equal chance to piss me off.

For the most part I guess I am racist, as I hate the human race. Most of the time I don't think we deserve to exist.

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I have encountered this within my own family even but have to say and I have spent allot of time down there, people were more friendly over all

more talking to strangers and just saying hi without people thinking your out to mug them, coarse the goth thing didn't go over so well

past ohio is where it gets bad even part of ohio around the jesus statue...from then on. Look out.

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Just go to the U.P. of Mi,there are alot of racist ignorant American bs

up there as well,whats funny is when I call one of them a cracker and

they get all pissed off about it,and saying that is not illegal.

beautiful area but most of the people suck or are inbred garbage,sometimes you find a respectful

person here and there.

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Just go to the U.P. of Mi,there are alot of racist ignorant American bs

up there as well,whats funny is when I call one of them a cracker and

they get all pissed off about it,and saying that is not illegal.

beautiful area but most of the people suck or are inbred garbage,sometimes you find a respectful

person here and there.

Well it's not illegal, they may not like it but as far as I know there are no laws against hate speech even person to person. Maybe they could sue however for "emotional distress", fuckin' pussies.

Don't forget mid michigan, and even some areas around here. I've pissed off many local white trash (because red-neck was never really an insult as it means hard working) with "I hate nasscar", "I hate sports", etc...

What I really hate are white trash wiggers who hate black people yet listen to rap and dress the part themselves. Juggalos can eat a dick too.

Ok I lied I hate any group where the majority of the people act like retards.

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Do you even realize how many bigoted things you are saying while bitching about bigotry?

But on topic... people seem to have pride in being from were ever it is they live. Some how people that live in large citys think it's OK to make bigoted comments about people who dont live in large citys. I have seen many say they wish all the country folk would just die or go away. Where exactly are the city folk going to get thier food if their are no country folk? Someone has to pick the cotton.

It's all wrong, no matter who it comes from.

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I see nothing wrong calling another white person a cracker,yeah I am a cracker myself

This country is full of garbage humans and I could care less if this garbage just

died off,this country would be better off anyway with the excess baggage.

remember assholes are not people,They are target practice with an aluminum bat(does not matter what race)

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bigotry is often not seen in the mirror

Do you even realize how many bigoted things you are saying while bitching about bigotry?

But on topic... people seem to have pride in being from were ever it is they live. Some how people that live in large citys think it's OK to make bigoted comments about people who dont live in large citys. I have seen many say they wish all the country folk would just die or go away. Where exactly are the city folk going to get thier food if their are no country folk? Someone has to pick the cotton.

It's all wrong, no matter who it comes from.

When did I ever claim not to be a hypocrite? I grew up with a racist grandfather, who put some of that into my father (he's what I call diet racist), so you might say I'm caffeine free diet racist (I'm getting thirsty). Hell at least I'll go to Detroit, my father/grandfather won't even go past 8 Mile. Hell my grandfather made fun of "a-rabs" all the time and I didn't even figure out what one of those was until high school when they fought the caldeans who hung out in F hall because of some religious difference from the old country.

But as I said earlier stereotypes exist for a reason and I think racism is funny (as do many of my black friends). But at least we live in an age where we can joke about it. We rip on ALL people regardless of any of the things I've listed above (and regions was in that list, but I guess city/country can go in the list too because I have seen that).

Like I really care what any of you think of me anyway. My real friends on the forum are another story, and you know who you are.

I see it, I know it exists, I don't see it as a problem. In the next generation or two it should be completely gone, which is unfortunate because there are A LOT of really good racist jokes out there, most of them told to me by black people.

Tell me any of the above statements in the above posts I've made aren't true.

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my dad is still afraid that when I go down town its 'rubbing off' on me, thinks thats why I got tats and pink hair.

"goddamn black people"


(it's funny if you think of goths as black people because they dress all in black).

Culturism against goths sucks!

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Hating someone because of their crappy actions is not wrong

let alone judging anyone on their actions is the best way

if your good and respectful you get respect

if your an asshole you get hatred in return

I have choice words for Osama Bin Ladin,Al Sharpton,Ted Bundy,etc etc etc.but yeah can't say them on here

now back to the topic,I have been to the south and never had a problem

its the Mid west is where I have issues with people,most of them in the mid west can go kill themselves for all I care.

Most are fake f&$$s!!!

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