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Odd things your pets will eat or drink

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My cat Whiskey likes peanut butter, smoked salmon, sushi, popcorn, BBQ pork rinds, won ton soup, fortune cookies, McDonald's hamburger, vienna sausages, cake, those Little Debbie peanut butter wafer things (with the chocolate coating removed), and tea. He will usually try at least one little nibble of anything I am eating (no chocolate or onions for him, of course). Oddest of all, he LOVES whiskey, and will lick a bit of it from my fingers. I've heard of dogs liking booze, but never a cat.

I had a cat years ago, who liked tinned peaches. So much, that I actually named her "Peaches." She would cry for them, if I had some.

I also had a cat who was part bobcat, named Tiggy Tomkins. He was the oddest of all. He LOVED broccoli so much, that he would sit and cry while I was chopping it up-- and would not leave the kitchen until it was cooked, and he had some. He also loved tinned green beans. He was a really odd kitteh.

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Hehehe..soap-licking cat. :stuart:

I have a computer-fan licking cat. I don't know why short-bus cat licks the fans, but he does.

Years ago, I had a Siberian husky/timber wolf mix named Miko, who loved deer carrots (those big, old tough ones, used for deer bait).

I also had a budgerigar named Bijoux, who liked to eat chicken. It was one of his favourite people foods. He also loved spaghetti Bolognese.

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The cat I used to have, she liked popcorn, hamburger, cheese, vanilla ice cream, tuna, french fries, and moths too lol.

Sometimes, I would have pasta for dinner, and my cat would sit on the chair next to me and wait for me to finish eating with the hope that I would put the plate down on the floor so she could lick it clean.

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Um..they are rats...so they eat almost everything I give them...they DON'T like summer squash, which I find ODD.

O_M_G informed me...they liked it when she fed it to them...but mine was skinless...Hmmm...can they SMELL vitamins?

Edited by Rev.Reverence
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I don't ever give my cat anything I am eating, to teach her not to beg or jump up on things while people are eating. So she doesn't really have any human food that she'll ask for, just cat treats. When I am cooking, however, she will usually try anything I am chopping that falls on the floor. Usually she just licks it and walks away, but I have seen her eat a cucumber peel, and half a garlic clove.

The cat we had when I was a kid liked spaghettios.

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my cat will try ANYTHING on my plate.

(yes we eat off the same plate...) he never goes outside so I know he is clean, I don't ingest his spit or breath in his exhale, I am careful....

Anything. even peas. I let him have maybe a teaspoon of human food a day if at all

he thinks he is my baby and has access to my whole person. Or he gets his feelings hurt.

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Aside from cat food, Gitzie eats three things only: Tuna, powdered donuts, and flies.

All cats love powdered donuts btw. If you don't believe me, try it on your kitteh. Some cats will only lick the powder off though.

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  Rev.Reverence said:
Um..they are rats...so they eat almost everything I give them...they DON'T like summer squash, which I find ODD.

O_M_G informed me...they liked it when she fed it to them...but mine was skinless...Hmmm...can they SMELL vitamins?

Ahhh the joy of rats. And yes, they can smell things like that. I won't say all rats go for nutritious food though. Mugen (little black and white man I have, he's still alive and well btw) as you know, left to his own devices, would eat nothing but pizza and steak. Yang, my little girl, is the fit one who will actually run in the wheel and instinctually likes things that are healthy. Lardo, who is named Lardo for being a fat little fucker, likes healthy food (and some junk food) it's just he eats SO MUCH of it that he's massively fat.

I still remember the time when Mugen was in my desk cubby when it was still in the basement and Pest was special enough to set a slice of pizza on it thinking it wasn't going to go anywhere. Before I could say "You know Mugen's gonna pop out and take that right?" the rat had already dragged it back into the cubby and inhaled like half of the slice (which is ridiculous thinking of how a half a slice of pizza could fit INTO a rat physically) in about a minute and a half.

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My red cat LOVES shrimp and fish. When he so much as hears those words, his whiskers stand straight out, he begins a loud rumble, and commences with the leg weaving. Liking shrimp isn't odd, but it's funny that he knows what the all of the things he likes are called, in human English. :hrhr:

I have to be careful when I discuss food with people, because if he hears about something he likes, he launches into his hyper-begging mode.

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my dog likes leather he eats and digests my belts and ate my old work boot one time yes...everything but the steel toe part i came home from a 4 day vacation up north walked in my room and seen a hunk of metal next to my other boot with a single boot lace next to it....as far as other things go my dog loves dequilla beer and weed he loved to get high and drunk but since i quit he just drinks very very very rarely

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  TygerLili said:
I don't ever give my cat anything I am eating, to teach her not to beg or jump up on things while people are eating.

Same here... I detest begging animals. So Chango & Lynx don't really care for table food. However Tomoe is spoiled from her time living with Ex-Hubby Rick, so she begs shamelessly and will instantly snatch any unattended food.

Chango has a thing about bread. If I leave a loaf of bread or bag of any bread product on the counter, he'll tear the bag open and take bites out of the bread... but then not eat it, just leave chunks strewn all over. He does the same thing with chicken... bites through the plastic and gnaws on it a bit, but doesn't really eat any. Chango also prefers to drink water from anything besides the bowl... he's especially fond of the water I keep for plants.

  jynxxxedangel said:
My red cat also likes to join in on "meetings" (in Rev's sense of the word). He begs for that, too. :rofl:

Tomoe is my sex kitteh (that is what we're talking about, no?)... when I am engaged with someone she lies right next to us and does this thunderous purr that she reserves for such occasions. My feline succubus, feeding on sexual energy!

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  pomba gira said:
Tomoe is my sex kitteh (that is what we're talking about, no?)... when I am engaged with someone she lies right next to us and does this thunderous purr that she reserves for such occasions. My feline succubus, feeding on sexual energy!

Actually, I was talking about Jah. But, come to think of it, both of my boys are voyeurs. The white one will stay under the blanket, until all the thrashing about gets to be too much for him (just ask HW). The red one likes to sit and watch from afar.

Cats like to watch. :stuart:

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Kittyhead only likes cat food, and ocasionally turkey.

Moe will eat ANYTHING-- but only if we are eating it. He once jumped into Davids lap when he was eating roast beef sandwich and stole a bite, bold as anything! He even eats Cheese Its. Weird cat.

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Our family cat was here for 19 years. He loved:

-any chicken, KFC was one the top of his list

-Honeybaked ham


-Milk (drink any type but prefer whole)

-7 up cake



He been gone for a couple years,but he is miss so much.

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  munin218 said:
Kittyhead only likes cat food, and ocasionally turkey.

Moe will eat ANYTHING-- but only if we are eating it. He once jumped into Davids lap when he was eating roast beef sandwich and stole a bite, bold as anything! He even eats Cheese Its. Weird cat.

:rofl: :rofl: I call my red cat "kittyhead" sometimes. I think I picked it up from Elmyra. :p

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Lets see... when I first got Ryuu, I had to keep my dried roses away from him, cuz he ate 2-3 before I realized what he was doing (I though he was playing with it... nope, eating em) just the heads, though, no stems or anything...

he does not like cat treats of any kind, or cheese or anything cats normally like... (dairy and such) except milk, BUT wet catfood HAS to be mixed in....

Shin, the cornish rex, LOVES Steph's tea... any kind, too, so long as its cold.. I've seen her grab the straw out the cup, and set it aside, just to stick her whole head in, to drink...

They both LOVE coffee... we have to watch them when we drink from mugs without lids...

Other strange things... hmmm let me think... um... Bones hasn't eaten anything unusual.. i don't think.... I haven't had him long enough, and he spends most of his time outside...

OH! I've seen shin eat Doritos....

and none of them will have anything to do with Katnip. they ignore it, does nothing for em...

Oh, and Jynxxxy? Ryuu understands the spoken word like its his second language. I talk to him like I do everyone else... Ever try to reason with a cat? He's about the only one I've ever seem to be able to, except Chris's cat Meouw, who is pushing 20, so he's been around long enough to understand... lol :)

oh yeah... I had a puppy once that I had to lock up and clean up right after, cuz me and the guy I was dating at the time, left her out, had an intimate moment, and I got a mess on my fingers and the puppy kept trying to lick my fingers... that was very disturbing.. she didn't do anything else, I mean seriously... that's all she did... freaked me out, tell ya what lol she got locked up after that.... lol

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  Rev.Reverence said:
Um..they are rats...so they eat almost everything I give them...they DON'T like summer squash, which I find ODD.

O_M_G informed me...they liked it when she fed it to them...but mine was skinless...Hmmm...can they SMELL vitamins?

How are the ratboys doing, BTW? Sounds like they're getting a much more varied (hence better) diet than with me. Is Lucky looking any healthier?

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