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SO...there I am...at the assembly at the school...for kindergarten graduation commencements.

O_M_G & I walk in & have a seat...as we do this..I can not help to notice that damned near EVERYBODY watched us do so, & NO ONE made it a nonchalant action...I understand this...we are colourful...& a slight oddity.

What else I could not help to notice...is that most of the WHITE PEOPLES had this look on their face like someone had just feed them alum....some of them looked worse...& a small few (the ones with LOTS of tats stickin' out of their shirts) were just lookin'. WHILST the tremendous majority of the BROWN PEOPLES were smilin', noddin', wavin', or sayin' hellows...(nope, not a single whitey said hi.)

NOW...I understand peoples that NEVER saw our familia before may act in a certain manner out of fear of the unknown...but, here is a group of peoples that have seen me many times (I don't miss ANY assemblies)...many have talked to me, albeit in passing, & out of extreme boredom or annoyance...when they were all alone...like, soccer mom lady loves to bitch about the principle & the rules she don't like, & how inconvenient it is that our kids class is late getting out...but, if there is ANYONE else to talk to..I AM AS A GHOST TO THEM...What The Fuck!?!?!

SO, the thingy was over, & we are all waiting to get our kids & leave...many peoples were gathered...chattin'...peoples sayin' their good-byes to their acquainted peoples...this is the weird part...the white & brown crowds did not really talk or cavort at all...this is the funny part...not one white person (& I know some of them, & more of them know me) said shit to my fam...HOWEVER...just about every brown-mom (& the 3 dads that were there) I talked to the whole year waved, came & said, "See you next year?", nodded (it's a ghetto thing), or directly talked at me for a moment.

This is the wackiest part...one of the Grandpas (he's dark brown) came up to me & gave me a stout handshake hug...FUCKED UP PART HERE...we carried on for a moment (we talk a bit every time we see each other)..& he made his way to the next peoples he was goin' to...I got half a dozen dirtier than normal looks...SERIOUSLY..I felt immediately ready to throw down these looks were so nasty.

So...I guess I am BROWN-BY-ASSOCIATION...or Frieks are lower than Browns in the eyes of the racist/normalist peoples...

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First off "kindergarten graduation commencements"? I mean what the fuck. All you do is color and nap. I don't think I've ever met anyone that failed kindergarten, ever.

Next, good for you. Fuck those racist white fuckers. If you get along with the blacks then that's awesome. Most people hate what is different and the fact that they take a shine to you says a lot.

Morons come in all colors but fear is usually white with a streak of yellow. You'd think they'd want to get to know the people who raise the kids that their kid is going to school with. Maybe their generation will have better mingling skills.

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First off "kindergarten graduation commencements"? I mean what the fuck. All you do is color and nap. I don't think I've ever met anyone that failed kindergarten, ever.

Next, good for you. Fuck those racist white fuckers. If you get along with the blacks then that's awesome. Most people hate what is different and the fact that they take a shine to you says a lot.

Morons come in all colors but fear is usually white with a streak of yellow. You'd think they'd want to get to know the people who raise the kids that their kid is going to school with. Maybe their generation will have better mingling skills.

HAHA......no, Kindergarten is not nap & color...anymore.....it is math, reading, music, gym, art, media (computers), & if they are lucky..outside recess!

(I brag now)

My kid can add, subtract, read, spell, & even solve for x in a sentence: 5+4=11-x ;) I know adults that can not do that.

It's like mini-high school now...but..I agree...I thought it a bit much when they walked in to Pomp & Circumstance...

O_M_G said it was to make them look forward to the next grade, & comin' back. I at least get that.

I like this line allot...'specially the white with w streak of yellow" :rofl:

Can I use that in a poem/lyric? I mean, would you mind?

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That stinks on ice, Rev.

We have to remember that we as a whole (Freaks, Geeks, and the like,) are out on the fringe of society, and there are relatively few of us. No one in "normal society" wants to be out here with us, as it makes them uncomfortable in thier own skin to think of someone with a differening point of view or way of life. It scares them, like people of different skin color scared everyone a hundred or more years ago (instead of a few narrow-minded people today, hopefully a dying breed.)

At least you were interacting with someone. My best advice is if these people try to come up to you, be cordial, civil, and polite. Break what is expected (rebelious punks and weirdos,) and maybe open their minds a bit.

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That stinks on ice, Rev.

We have to remember that we as a whole (Freaks, Geeks, and the like,) are out on the fringe of society, and there are relatively few of us. No one in "normal society" wants to be out here with us, as it makes them uncomfortable in thier own skin to think of someone with a differening point of view or way of life. It scares them, like people of different skin color scared everyone a hundred or more years ago (instead of a few narrow-minded people today, hopefully a dying breed.)

At least you were interacting with someone. My best advice is if these people try to come up to you, be cordial, civil, and polite. Break what is expected (rebelious punks and weirdos,) and maybe open their minds a bit.

Oh yes, like, I still helped the lil' old white lady up the bleachers...even though she was afraid to take my hand at first...

...always a fan of "shock" in my youth, I find I have not outgrown it...I just have a different approach to it now. ;)

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I too have noticed much segregation in schools and at school assemblies and that persons of color are USUALLY but not always more excepting of 'different' or 'wild' hair colors.

When I had the purple hair, I got one of the most inventive compliments from a little old black lady. She told me she adored that color, because she'd just bought a pair of shoes that color. :happy: She had on the coolest hat at the time, too.

David surprised an old lady the other day... people often get out of his way because he looks kinda big and mean. At the store, this lady was struggling with her cart, and she couldnt move it from the tide of oncoming people and into the line. He smiles at her, says something like "Here you go...", picks up the whole full cart, and moves it into line. She was grateful, but he got some really odd looks from other people. LOL

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First off "kindergarten graduation commencements"? I mean what the fuck. All you do is color and nap. I don't think I've ever met anyone that failed kindergarten, ever.

Michigan curriculum standards assume that children will come to kindergarten knowing their letters, numbers to 10, colors, shapes, and how to write their own name. Since many do not, all of this has to be taught. That's in addition to the extensive Grade Level Content Expectations in math, language arts, science and social studies that all have to be covered. Some preschools are still primarily "coloring and napping", but the good ones spend at least half of the day preparing the kids for kindergarten.

Here is a VERY small excerpt from the GLCEs (pronounced "glicks" in case anyone is interested) for kindergarten language arts:

R.WS.00.05 automatically recognize a small number (about 18) of frequently

encountered, personally meaningful words in print.

R.WS.00.06 make progress in automatically recognizing a few of the 220 Dolch basic

sight words.

R.WS.00.07 follow familiar written text while pointing to matching words.

R.WS.00.08 narrow possibilities in predicting words using initial letters/sounds

(phonics), patterns of language (syntactic), and picture clues (semantic).

R.WS.00.09 know the meanings of words encountered frequently in grade-level

reading and oral language contexts.


Students will…

R.WS.00.10 in context, determine the meaning of a few words, familiar and repeated

phrases including objects, actions, concepts, content vocabulary, and literary terms, using

strategies and resources including picture clues, prediction, and other people.

AFA failing kindergarten... technically doesn't happen because kindergarten isn't legally required. However it is not uncommon for schools to recommend a second year in kindergarten for children who aren't mature enough for first grade.

I know a lot of folks don't feel that kindergarteners need a "graduation" ceremony, and personally I think a lot of them are way overdone. But rites of passage are important at any level, and marking life transitions is especially important for children.

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When I had the purple hair, I got one of the most inventive compliments from a little old black lady. She told me she adored that color, because she'd just bought a pair of shoes that color. :happy: She had on the coolest hat at the time, too.

David surprised an old lady the other day... people often get out of his way because he looks kinda big and mean. At the store, this lady was struggling with her cart, and she couldnt move it from the tide of oncoming people and into the line. He smiles at her, says something like "Here you go...", picks up the whole full cart, and moves it into line. She was grateful, but he got some really odd looks from other people. LOL

:clap: That's so cool...those other looks, they are "the jealousy" ;) I think that shit is funny...if someone wants to be great..why don't they?

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Michigan curriculum standards assume that children will come to kindergarten knowing their letters, numbers to 10, colors, shapes, and how to write their own name. Since many do not, all of this has to be taught. That's in addition to the extensive Grade Level Content Expectations in math, language arts, science and social studies that all have to be covered. Some preschools are still primarily "coloring and napping", but the good ones spend at least half of the day preparing the kids for kindergarten.

Here is a VERY small excerpt from the GLCEs (pronounced "glicks" in case anyone is interested) for kindergarten language arts:

R.WS.00.05 automatically recognize a small number (about 18) of frequently

encountered, personally meaningful words in print.

R.WS.00.06 make progress in automatically recognizing a few of the 220 Dolch basic

sight words.

R.WS.00.07 follow familiar written text while pointing to matching words.

R.WS.00.08 narrow possibilities in predicting words using initial letters/sounds

(phonics), patterns of language (syntactic), and picture clues (semantic).

R.WS.00.09 know the meanings of words encountered frequently in grade-level

reading and oral language contexts.


Students will…

R.WS.00.10 in context, determine the meaning of a few words, familiar and repeated

phrases including objects, actions, concepts, content vocabulary, and literary terms, using

strategies and resources including picture clues, prediction, and other people.

AFA failing kindergarten... technically doesn't happen because kindergarten isn't legally required. However it is not uncommon for schools to recommend a second year in kindergarten for children who aren't mature enough for first grade.

I know a lot of folks don't feel that kindergarteners need a "graduation" ceremony, and personally I think a lot of them are way overdone. But rites of passage are important at any level, and marking life transitions is especially important for children.

WOAH! Jr. GOAT really blew the requirements out of the water! :shock:

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Michigan curriculum standards assume that children will come to kindergarten knowing their letters, numbers to 10, colors, shapes, and how to write their own name. Since many do not, all of this has to be taught. That's in addition to the extensive Grade Level Content Expectations in math, language arts, science and social studies that all have to be covered. Some preschools are still primarily "coloring and napping", but the good ones spend at least half of the day preparing the kids for kindergarten.

Here is a VERY small excerpt from the GLCEs (pronounced "glicks" in case anyone is interested) for kindergarten language arts:

R.WS.00.05 automatically recognize a small number (about 18) of frequently

encountered, personally meaningful words in print.

R.WS.00.06 make progress in automatically recognizing a few of the 220 Dolch basic

sight words.

R.WS.00.07 follow familiar written text while pointing to matching words.

R.WS.00.08 narrow possibilities in predicting words using initial letters/sounds

(phonics), patterns of language (syntactic), and picture clues (semantic).

R.WS.00.09 know the meanings of words encountered frequently in grade-level

reading and oral language contexts.


Students will…

R.WS.00.10 in context, determine the meaning of a few words, familiar and repeated

phrases including objects, actions, concepts, content vocabulary, and literary terms, using

strategies and resources including picture clues, prediction, and other people.

AFA failing kindergarten... technically doesn't happen because kindergarten isn't legally required. However it is not uncommon for schools to recommend a second year in kindergarten for children who aren't mature enough for first grade.

I know a lot of folks don't feel that kindergarteners need a "graduation" ceremony, and personally I think a lot of them are way overdone. But rites of passage are important at any level, and marking life transitions is especially important for children.

Yeah.. The boy had homework everyday.. 2 assignments a day in fact...

It was nuts.

& I have to say the graduation ceremony is a great thing.. It's their first year of school & It is good for them to know that what they are doing is recognized and important.. & The kids loved it.. Jr. Goat was so proud today :happy:

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Michigan curriculum standards assume that children will come to kindergarten knowing their letters, numbers to 10, colors, shapes, and how to write their own name. Since many do not, all of this has to be taught. That's in addition to the extensive Grade Level Content Expectations in math, language arts, science and social studies that all have to be covered. Some preschools are still primarily "coloring and napping", but the good ones spend at least half of the day preparing the kids for kindergarten.

Here is a VERY small excerpt from the GLCEs (pronounced "glicks" in case anyone is interested) for kindergarten language arts:

R.WS.00.05 automatically recognize a small number (about 18) of frequently

encountered, personally meaningful words in print.

R.WS.00.06 make progress in automatically recognizing a few of the 220 Dolch basic

sight words.

R.WS.00.07 follow familiar written text while pointing to matching words.

R.WS.00.08 narrow possibilities in predicting words using initial letters/sounds

(phonics), patterns of language (syntactic), and picture clues (semantic).

R.WS.00.09 know the meanings of words encountered frequently in grade-level

reading and oral language contexts.


Students will…

R.WS.00.10 in context, determine the meaning of a few words, familiar and repeated

phrases including objects, actions, concepts, content vocabulary, and literary terms, using

strategies and resources including picture clues, prediction, and other people.

AFA failing kindergarten... technically doesn't happen because kindergarten isn't legally required. However it is not uncommon for schools to recommend a second year in kindergarten for children who aren't mature enough for first grade.

I know a lot of folks don't feel that kindergarteners need a "graduation" ceremony, and personally I think a lot of them are way overdone. But rites of passage are important at any level, and marking life transitions is especially important for children.

Thanks for this information. I wish my pediatric colleagues would give some sort of pamplet out to parents to show them where they should be in order to do well in school.

Lots of material. I can't see it getting any less demanding if we want to progress as a species. I may be spoiled that way; a friend of mine went through the Straud Center in Iowa City and was doing Algebra at the age of 9 or so.

WOAH! Jr. GOAT really blew the requirements out of the water! :shock:

He is definitely a pride point for you two. I always thought he was a smart kid. You can tell him he is definitely impressing at least one doctor.

Yeah.. The boy had homework everyday.. 2 assignments a day in fact...

It was nuts.

& I have to say the graduation ceremony is a great thing.. It's their first year of school & It is good for them to know that what they are doing is recognized and important.. & The kids loved it.. Jr. Goat was so proud today :happy:

Nuts? Maybe. But the fact he is doing it (you would be surprised how many blow off things like that,) is setting him up for success.

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Lots of material. I can't see it getting any less demanding if we want to progress as a species. :clap:

I may be spoiled that way; a friend of mine went through the Straud Center in Iowa City and was doing Algebra at the age of 9 or so.

I found my mother's old college level math (the 100 course, HS review stuff) & had delved into it to "play with numbers" when I was 8...I finished what I could before I was 10...the algebra, & geometry...the trig is where I hit a wall...no one I knew could explain it to me at all...not even with the answers in the back of the book (they were the evens)

He is definitely a pride point for you two. I always thought he was a smart kid. You can tell him he is definitely impressing at least one doctor.


Nuts? Maybe. But the fact he is doing it (you would be surprised how many blow off things like that,) is setting him up for success.

Yup...he is held to excellence...by his honor...that's the only thing I demanded of him..that he possess honor.

Everything else if falling in behind that nicely.

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Thanks for this information. I wish my pediatric colleagues would give some sort of pamplet out to parents to show them where they should be in order to do well in school.

Lots of material. I can't see it getting any less demanding if we want to progress as a species. I may be spoiled that way; a friend of mine went through the Straud Center in Iowa City and was doing Algebra at the age of 9 or so.

He is definitely a pride point for you two. I always thought he was a smart kid. You can tell him he is definitely impressing at least one doctor.

Nuts? Maybe. But the fact he is doing it (you would be surprised how many blow off things like that,) is setting him up for success.

Oh.. He is doing algebra already ;)

& Yeah.. I think it's nuts, but fantastic as well :jamin

He well above the average for his grade level.. They do these MAP tests every semester for math and reading & the average is like 150.. He is above 180 for both :happy:

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FUCKIN AWESOME*claps* kids r ossum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(colors are good...I've been told I look like a muffin with too many sprinkles....screw white people with insecurities. They're just projecting their unhappiness about themselves onto you guys, because you're happy being you, and show it externally as well as internally. BLAH!

Edited by asphyxian_doll
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My daughters went to a multi racial school. They are Asian and there are many there with whites and blacks. They all are great friends in elementary and by High school you could see the seperation. Wonder where they learn that from?

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Too many YT's annoy me,yeah being around racist idiots and close minded towns do not help at all.

Most sports bars breed garbage like this as well,hence why I avoid those places as well.

I usually give these kinds of cookie cutter brainwashed morons a nasty look and go on my way,fu^% em!!

they are nothing but earth trash anyway.

Edited by Tacohitts
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(colors are good...I've been told I look like a muffin with too many sprinkles....screw white people with insecurities. They're just projecting their unhappiness about themselves onto you guys, because you're happy being you, and show it externally as well as internally. BLAH!

It's true... a lot of that is jealousy. Back when I was a lil' mohawk-wearing punkette, sorority chicks were always coming up to me & whispering "I wish I had the nerve to dress like you do".

StormKnight, and anyone else who's interested, here is a link to the complete MDE K-8 GLCEs. And to all you parents of school-age kids, you can find a lot of interesting and useful stuff just by rambling around the MDE pages.

Children are generally capable of whatever is expected of them. And by "expected of", I mean "We know you can do this" rather than "We think you should do this". Big difference there that many don't get.

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You two are obviously creative, intelligent people who are comfortable in their own skin. I imagine some people are jealous of that, and some are simply fearful of what they don't understand.

Kill them with kindness. I'm sure some of them will come around. As for the ones that don't ...*shrugs*...their loss. Can't please everyone.

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"People are people, so why should it be, you and I should get along so awfully?"

So true, so true...

Rev and OMG, all I have to say is keep on rockin out the "you" that you do. And to Jr. Goat: BRAVO! It's rare to find an intelligent kid as kind as he is, much less with two strong and supportive parents who teach him solid morals. Keep up the good work, all three of you!

And for the rest of you freaky-deaky-geeky types: Have you hugged an ignorant person today?

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