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Battlestar Galactica Full Series , Blu-Ray, July 21st !

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Not that I can afford it but FINALLY the whole thing all in one package. (and in the format that everyone will eventually convert to, since it is the only HD DVD format now that the format wars are over)

Behold! The Grail!


About the hardest my geek wood has been in awhile.

(added it to my never-viewed wish list haha)

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Guest Megalicious

Son of a fucking bitch. Though I already own seasons 1-4 , I just pre-ordered.... HOW COULD I NOT, THIS IS FUCKING BSG!!!

Better to do it now, then wait and have to pay more LOL thehehhehe.

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Yeah. :drool

Also need a blu-ray player (only way to actually SEE the High Definition (Yes, regular DVDs are not HD. and the short-lived "HD DVD" is no more - replaced by Blu-Ray)) *grumbles* Cheapest one's that do not have horrible reviews seem to be around $225. :X (many of the review websites for DVD Blu-Ray players suggest getting a PS3. lol. But, most all the modern reviewers are now starting to say "just buy a blu-ray and get it over with. Now that the format wars are over." Gah.

The non blu-ray version is here: http://www.amazon.com/Battlestar-Galactica...9568&sr=1-6 but really, 1 year from now when we all get blu-ray players, we are gonna be even more pissed that we bought the non-blu version. hehe. (Well you rich people will be, I'll still be watching BSG on burned, single-layer disks run on a one-legged-hampster-powered DVD player. =P

Cheaper they make em, the less reason I have to get a friend to come spend time with me, via my guise of "to watch BSG". GRR. :confused:

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OMGOMGOMG!! I will have to thank my boss's for this wonderful gift, and the fact that I never got rid of the darned thing, but I do infact have a BLU-RAY player!!! in my PS3 w00t!!!


Too bad I don't have a high def TV lol

Edited by hunhee
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I miss BSG...

No reason to miss it. It is still there. With more info and more and geek-lube galore.

I think I spy my first Blu-Ray purchase. :)

Exactly what I was thinking. Also my excuse to start digging for lost treasure in the basement to sell at the pawn shop to buy a blu-ray. Or tick my family into buying one, that they will never use and then "borrowing it" indefinitely. :whistle:

Also there is still the miniseries "The Plan" on its way. (and the spin-off Caprica if you coun't that. I really don't, I'll watch it, but it is SO far away from the "real" BSG timeiline that I don't really count it as BSG.)

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Yeah. :drool

Also need a blu-ray player (only way to actually SEE the High Definition (Yes, regular DVDs are not HD. and the short-lived "HD DVD" is no more - replaced by Blu-Ray)) *grumbles* Cheapest one's that do not have horrible reviews seem to be around $225. :X (many of the review websites for DVD Blu-Ray players suggest getting a PS3. lol. But, most all the modern reviewers are now starting to say "just buy a blu-ray and get it over with. Now that the format wars are over." Gah.

The non blu-ray version is here: http://www.amazon.com/Battlestar-Galactica...9568&sr=1-6 but really, 1 year from now when we all get blu-ray players, we are gonna be even more pissed that we bought the non-blu version. hehe. (Well you rich people will be, I'll still be watching BSG on burned, single-layer disks run on a one-legged-hampster-powered DVD player. =P

Cheaper they make em, the less reason I have to get a friend to come spend time with me, via my guise of "to watch BSG". GRR. :confused:

Hey, you haz th' same as me!

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Exactly what I was thinking. Also my excuse to start digging for lost treasure in the basement to sell at the pawn shop to buy a blu-ray. Or tick my family into buying one, that they will never use and then "borrowing it" indefinitely. :whistle:

I got one at a Circuit City close-out sale a few months ago. Been dying to see what the image looks like. Now I just need to get a HDTV 1080p in a 32-37" range, and I'll be set.

I have no $200 for my dork porn :cry

Well, if you guys can bring a chair or two, I could be convinced to share said dork porn when I get it.

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I have no $200 for my dork porn :cry

Most people don't care so much about the visual or audio quality (freaks!!) so every episode is available online (in poor quality) and for like $50 you can get a little bit better quality downloaded off the net and burnt onto DVD (even the best burned DVDs still aren't as good as the purchased ones.) .

Not that I'd recommend that, but it is the way I've seen most of the episodes. (Not watching it on the computer... gawd! But download/burn)

A random thought... some people have told me that they don't like BSG (and sci fi in general) "because its too hard to understand". I assume they mean for instance when someone says something like "...contacts on DRADIS" they don't know what that means? I don't (well I do now since i looked it up) but I DIDN'T have any clue what "dradis" actually stood for, but its clear as day that it is some sort of radar system, the fact that I don't know exactly what all the terms mean doesn't phase me. In some ways it makes it seem more realistic, I shouldn't know every last word that someone from an alternate reality / future time would be saying right off the bat.

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Perhaps it is an uncomfortable thing for them to watch. Most good science fiction is about the human condition. Not against some god, or some supernatural force, but against our own devices and coming to terms that we create and have to be responsible for how we use the things we create. We are, in a sense, the "gods" of the future world, unlocking the secrets of the universe, and indirectly, unlocking the secrets of ourselves.

We create things that help us in our lives, but consequences of our own arrogance come back to haunt us; Three Mile Island, nuclear weapons, electronics, mathematics, language, etc. All of these things have the potential to come back against us, whether through meltdown, cold wars, monitoring our lives, calculating the slim chances, slander, and so on. What made BSG more uncomfortable for some to watch than others is that the major enemy is something we as humans created, that turned against us. And to make matters worse, like bad children, they ran away from home, only to come back as an eerie reflection of ourselves; in a twisted parody of creating God in our image, they created their image to be more at one with their "gods."

Now unfortunately, I haven't seen the end of it, but the Cylons' monotheistic "God" and the love they feel for "God," may in fact humans at their best traits; our love, our compassion, and the wondrous way we can work and overcome. Their lumping it together to form one "God" a strive to achieve the height what humans (their creator,) can be when they at their best.

Look closely at the humans in the story. In general, it is a fight for survival. Our basest instincts take over; greed, aggression, fighting, hate, arrogant self interest. Very few times can we see those best qualities of humans the Cylons try to emulate. The Cylons themselves have some of the bad traits of any faith/religion, such as hypocrisy (Cavel,) and fanaticism to the point of destroying their own (Simon lobotomizing the raiders,) just of the top of my head. But near the end, it is the children of humans known as the Cylons that serve as a mirror to humans to show them what is possible with the best qualities of humanity.

In the end, most people fear the power we have over our future and our environment, and deny it. Since these fears are very prevalent in BSG, it makes people uncomfortable and dislike the fact that we can grab the future with our own hands and create it for ourselves. We just have to do it with care and a sense of responsibility.

Of course, this is just me trying to maintain connection to the greater part of the universe, meditating on the Abyss; I have been wrong before.

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  • 1 month later...

Just resurrected this to say I saw the Blu-ray box set, and I nearly creamed myself in my local Best Buy. OMFG it was sexy.

I picked up the special edition of season 4.5 on DVD for now, (hey, I wanted the Adama dog tags.)

I will probably pick up the Blu-ray as soon as I can settle out things.

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