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How do you fall asleep?

Black Sunday9

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excersie and meditation. exercise if you are restless (or masturbation, apparently :laughing i guess that qualifies too) and meditation to clear your mind if you are stressed or distracted.

or kids. i agree with that 100%.

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exercise if you are restless (or masturbation, apparently)


I think you meant to say 'evidently' as opposed to 'apparently'. Apparently is a word I prefer others not to use. Thank you for your cooperation and God Bless America.

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I think you meant to say 'evidently' as opposed to 'apparently'. Apparently is a word I prefer others not to use. Thank you for your cooperation and God Bless America.

Apparently he has stated this in 2 threads now, about he apparently hates us to use the word "apparently".

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Apparently he has stated this in 2 threads now, about he apparently hates us to use the word "apparently".


This is not helping my stress levels, which in turn is not helping me get to sleep.

Please, I pray to allah that you stop using MY word. Thanks.

Edited by Black Sunday9
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excersie and meditation.  exercise if you are restless (or masturbation, apparently :laughing i guess that qualifies too) and meditation to clear your mind if you are stressed or distracted.


I think you meant to say 'evidently' as opposed to 'apparently'.  Apparently is a word I prefer others not to use.  Thank you for your cooperation and God Bless America.


Would you prefer he said...

excersie and meditation. exercise if you are restless (or masturbation, It would manifest to the senses or mind as real or true on the basis of evidence that may or may not be factually valid. :laughing i guess that qualifies too) and meditation to clear your mind if you are stressed or distracted.

Evidently he used the word correctly. :happy:

Edited by Vater Araignee
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You people are starting to anger me, trust me, you do NOT want to see me when I'm mad



Well you know that when you have "a colorless crystalline feebly basic sympathomimetic hormone C9H13NO3 that is the principal blood-pressure raising hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla" rush goes away it leaves you tired

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Apparently he has stated this in 2 threads now, about he apparently hates us to use the word "apparently".


apparently this is true. because he has forbid me many times to use this word. apparently someone thinks they are the owner of words they didn't even invent. apparently mr slack funday needs to come up with his OWN words to keep for himself.

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I apparently haven't figured out the appearance of the best apparent form of sleep aid, myself. NOR have I apparently learned how to not bother someone with their apparently least favorite word, because apparently I'm using the word he apparently hates more than anything made apparent to me. Also, I am apparently at a loss for any apparent help that would appear to help him sleep, so apparently all these words have been wasted on appearances of apparent humor.

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the other day I asked a fellow DGNer to not use that word. this particular person has thus refrained from using the word apparently.

it is no wonder I like this person as my bestest dgn friend.

while you all continue to mock me, apparently one person cares enough to respect my wishes.

I am still awake by the way. no thanks to you people.

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The only thing that works consistently for me is to take a lukewarm bath, soak for about 10 minutes, then go to bed and have the room really dark, quiet with something like a fan going to make white noise. Then I get comfy and literally force myself not to move. If I let myself toss and turn I never get to sleep.

It's the not moving part that is the most important for me.

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the other day I asked a fellow DGNer to not use that word.  this particular person has thus refrained from using the word apparently. 

it is no wonder I like this person as my bestest dgn friend. 

while you all continue to mock me, apparently one person cares enough to respect my wishes. 

I am still awake by the way.  no thanks to you people.


you have a bestest dgn friend? and it is NOT me?? say what? i am still awake too... thanks to you :tongue:

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Sleep? What's that?

Exercise & good diet helps. But i know how it is, damn brain, just cant seem to shut the damn thing off!! "Blanking your mind out" style meditation rarely works for me as that "blankness" only holds for so long and gets filled in with yet more thoughts. Some version of counting sheep does seem to help (i picture giant puffy clouds shaped like the numbers 1, 2, 3 over and over again sometimes, seems to work if i can stay focused on the repeating clouds long enough to shut my brain up) anything to get that brain to stop cooking on various concerns. Sort of "bore yourself to sleep" with the "sheep counting"

Warm baths / hot showers and such seem to help. Some sort of white noise is good (fan humming consistantly, snow channel on a TV, or an actual white noise machine) to block out distracting noises. If you have access and/or can afford regular full body massages they fucking rock, get somone that knows what they are doing and its better than Xanax/Vallium. =)

In my case its gotten pretty bad , chemicals end up being the final solution sometimes as most of the above takes a lot of pre-planning and sometimes just isnt available at all for one reason or another. Random over the counter gelcaps work fine short term (gelcaps kick in faster than the tablets). Longer term if the racing thoughts don't go away after a few weeks probably should look into some sort of treatment for it racing thoughts / cant sleep. The idea being to treat the cause (bad diet, lack of exercise, anxiety , whatever) rather than the symptom (the insomnia) if its not just a short term thing.

But i think a solid couple hours of freight-train intensity , sweaty, massive orgasmic sex to the point of exhaustion with someone your totally into , snuggling up , then relaxing next to them quietly, every single night might a be better solution.

Anyhow hope ya get to sleep. It sucks i know.

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apparently this is true. because he has forbid me many times to use this word. apparently someone thinks they are the owner of words they didn't even invent. apparently mr slack funday needs to come up with his OWN words to keep for himself.


He apparently has issues, which are apparently caused by his apparent lack of sleep. this was made apparent in this thread.


I apparently haven't figured out the appearance of the best apparent form of sleep aid, myself. NOR have I apparently learned how to not bother someone with their apparently least favorite word, because apparently I'm using the word he apparently hates more than anything made apparent to me. Also, I am apparently at a loss for any apparent help that would appear to help him sleep, so apparently all these words have been wasted on appearances of apparent humor.


apparently I will have to add apparently to my dictionary.


a word believed by an the individual Black Sunday to have exclusive right to said word but is mostly used to taunt said individual.

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