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DGN Night - Saturday, June 27th Aftermath

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I have to say that it was a good night. The music was good, the douche factor was low, oh and the highlight of the night was Nightgaunt proposing to Tszura!

It was a bit hot in CC, so I left around 2.

Edited by bean water
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  bean water said:
What happened?


What a great night. Nightgaunt proposed to Tszura on the stage (happy for you two), got some great music playing between Void6 and Jon Noble, ended up having a good breakfast downstairs after leaving the club at 1:30am, and hung out most of the time outside with my hearse until closing time. Then Scary Guy brought his hearse behind mine and we had a lot of people checking them out. That is what I call a great night.

Oh yeah, and big titties don't lie!

Edited by Reaper
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I had a good time, though I didn't dance a step. I am so glad I was able to witness Nightgaunt's proposal to Tszura. If I hadn't known that was to occur, I might have otherwise not gone; I was awfully tired and I think it showed. Still, I am very happy to have seen so many from DGN. I miss you guys and am sorry that I've been out of the loop lately. I hope to go again very soon!

Came with Spook, reunited with MinaRose after months of wondering what she was up to (yay!), met Dragonluv, saw Troy Spiral, Gothykitten, Enishi, the incomparable Osaka Koneko, Darque Metallion, the lovely beanwater, Nightgaunt and Tszura (of course), Fin, eleven, Gimp, Reaper, Scary Guy, and others. Hugs to all!

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  taysteewonderbunny said:
I had a good time, though I didn't dance a step. I am so glad I was able to witness Nightgaunt's proposal to Tszura. If I hadn't known that was to occur, I might have otherwise not gone; I was awfully tired and I think it showed. Still, I am very happy to have seen so many from DGN. I miss you guys and am sorry that I've been out of the loop lately. I hope to go again very soon!

Came with Spook, reunited with MinaRose after months of wondering what she was up to (yay!), met Dragonluv, saw Troy Spiral, Gothykitten, Enishi, the incomparable Osaka Koneko, Darque Metallion, the lovely beanwater, Nightgaunt and Tszura (of course), Fin, eleven, Gimp, Reaper, Scary Guy, and others. Hugs to all!

Hey, I didn't know Dragon was there. Wtf lol Next time woman, introduce yourself!

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Congratulations to Tzura and Nightgaunt!! Was great to round up the gang and do the clapping & cheering. :)

Wow had a great time. A lot of really nice people taking the time to be friendly. Thank you for being so kind. Despite my usual on-again off-again health problems, really glad I went.

There were a TON of nice folk there... listing off ones that I'm guessing might read this:

Dragonluv Thanks for everything.

Reaper - Always good to see ya sir. Laid back friendly guy per usual. Nice signature lol.

GothKyten - So helpful. Honestly. Great to see you.

OsakaKoneko - Nice to get a chance to actually talk to you. Hopefully it won't be the last time. :flower:

Killer Bunnie - Yay, Becky! Bizzare how I was just thinking about you the day before (Is it ok to say I miss chuck? :( ) and there you were!

Tasteewonderbunny - *waves vigorusly*

Tzura - Gratulations, the very best wishes to you both.

Nightgaunt - Sir, *tips hat* Hope to see you around more often.

Kiss the midget - Holy crap he lives. *plots to get your account working again* *thinks*

Fin - A pleasure.

Ninenna - Sorry to put you though the trouble. Was great to see you. Hopefully I'll get to meet the BF soon. :)

Void6 - Nice to get the Void Story ™ © Thanks very much for the offer to help. A kindred spirit for sure.

Spook - Good man. :jamin

Mina Rose - Nice to finally meet you. Didn't get a chance to talk. Maybe next time? :)

Bean Water - Friendly presence as always. Glad you came out.

Soul Rev - Damn. We need to have these talks more often. Great insights.

Who am I missin?

Some guy (doubt it was anyone on dgn) went ballistic (no clue who/what it was about) and the bouncers were wrestling with him on the dance floor. Some random cute girl put her arm around me and said something like "maybe we should grind into them" and made a dancing motion. lol. Ok, so I'm amused by bizarre humor, sue me. :p

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  Troy Spiral said:
Some guy (doubt it was anyone on dgn) went ballistic (no clue who/what it was about) and the bouncers were wrestling with him on the dance floor. Some random cute girl put her arm around me and said something like "maybe we should grind into them" and made a dancing motion. lol. Ok, so I'm amused by bizarre humor, sue me. :p

Wonder if that was the guy who ended up outside when I was sittin at the hearse. His mouth went off and one of the bouncers took care of business out there lol. Some chunky dude with short black hair I think? He definitely didn't make himself a future city clubber heh.

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  Reaper said:
Wonder if that was the guy who ended up outside when I was sittin at the hearse. His mouth went off and one of the bouncers took care of business out there lol. Some chunky dude with short black hair I think? He definitely didn't make himself a future city clubber heh.

Yeah I'm guessing that was the same guy. He was LOUD.

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What a lovely evening. I know that I certainly didn't have the best night of anyone there though - that honor must be on NightGaunt and Tszura! So incredibly happy for you guys. I wish I had had some inkling that it was to happen...I think I showed up 5 minutes after the fact! OTL I fail at life... I am so incredibly sad I missed it, you have no idea. :cry But I got to wish the beautiful couple many congratulations later in the evening. SO HAPPY FOR YOU OMG! You guys are gorgeous together, and gorgeous altogether individually, and ...and...and....AWWWWW ::hugs:: :heart: :heart: :heart:

What else can be said after that? Mostly everything about the night went pretty well in general, just another night. Had some insignificant unpleasantness but that all takes care of itself in the scheme of things. Didn't dance too much though, no idea why. Oh wells.

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I've been kinda blah on City lately but when NightGaunt called Calix and told her his plans, well, she and I just had to show up and give our support. Regardless, I had a pretty good night, but the proposal was by far the best part. I agree with Helena:

You guys are gorgeous together, and gorgeous altogether individually
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This was the best night out of my life! :) Thank you to everyone for all the help and well-wishes.

Hunhee: Even though you weren't there, this whole proposal thing would've been nigh impossible without your help. You really came through when all seemed lost. A thousand thank yous! You're just awesome! (and well-connected :p )

Fin: You went above and beyond to ensure that everything went smoothly. Thank you, my friend, and thank you for introducing the love of my life to DGN!

Calix & Spook: Thank you both for coming out even though you hadn't planned to and for smuggling in the light show! :)

Nienna: Thank you for your help in the last-minute "re-planning" and for your support on the big night.

Darque Metallion: What can I say? You introduced me to Tszura a year ago this month and I'm forever in your debt for that. You've been a true friend and I can't thank you enough for coming out. Here's to many more years of friendship!

Void6: Thanks for putting up with the frenzied texting and helping me out.

Jon Noble: Many, many thanks for taking the time to work with me and for taking care of the music!

Gimp: Thank you sir, for helping to spread the word and rally the staff and unwashed masses.

Troy, Reaper, Gothkytten, Stymie, Liz, Bean Water, Enishi, Darkchylde, Osaka, and Harold: Thank you all for sharing in this extraordinary night! I apologize profusely if I missed anyone...the night was kind of a whirl for me. If anyone got pressed into service without my knowledge, please let me know so that I can thank you properly.

I'm grateful to have friends like all of you... *sniff*

**Edited because, yeah, I forgot someone. :p

Edited by Nightgaunt
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  Nightgaunt said:
This was the best night out of my life! :) Thank you to everyone for all the help and well-wishes.

Hunhee: Even though you weren't there, this whole proposal thing would've been nigh impossible without your help. You really came through when all seemed lost. A thousand thank yous! You're just awesome! (and well-connected :p )

Fin: You went above and beyond to ensure that everything went smoothly. Thank you, my friend, and thank you for introducing the love of my life to DGN!

Calix & Spook: Thank you both for coming out even though you hadn't planned to and for smuggling in the light show! :)

Nienna: Thank you for your help in the last-minute "re-planning" and for your support on the big night.

Darque Metallion: What can I say? You introduced me to Tszura a year ago this month and I'm forever in your debt for that. You've been a true friend and I can't thank you enough for coming out. Here's to many more years of friendship!

Void6: Thanks for putting up with the frenzied texting and helping me out.

Jon Noble: Many, many thanks for taking the time to work with me and for taking care of the music!

Gimp: Thank you sir, for helping to spread the word and rally the staff and unwashed masses.

Troy, Reaper, Gothkytten, Bean Water, Enishi, Osaka, and Harold: Thank you all for sharing in this extraordinary night! I apologize profusely if I missed anyone...the night was kind of a whirl for me. If anyone got pressed into service without my knowledge, please let me know so that I can thank you properly.

I'm grateful to have friends like all of you... *sniff*


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What a fantastic night!!! A perfect proposal!! :heart::yes

I knew something was up when I turned around on the platform and saw everyone smiling at me, lol! :happy:

Thanks so much to everyone for being there, and sharing the moment. It was a truly special night for us, and one we will never forget!

Fin: My Wonder Powers twin! You are THE MAN for letting everyone know what was coming, and helping to clear the stage!

Hunhee: A thousand thanks to you, gorgeous!! Nightgaunt told me how much you helped out~Thank you so much in helping make this night special for us!! **Muwah!!**

Bean Water: Babe-a-liscious!!! “Oooo, parties here!!” lol Thank goodness you knew what I was talking about! Very happy you made it out!

DarkMetallion: Forever foot kissies to you for introducing Nightgaunt and I last year!!

Taysteewonderbunny: **Squish!!** I‘m so happy you came!!

Spook: You picked a good corner to chill in~lots of good laughs from that perspective, hahaha! Thanks for being there!

Troy: Many bows to you, sir! Nightgaunt and I are forever in your debt, for all roads to our union travel back to DGN. **HugzHugzHugz!!!**

Gimp: Uber thanks for spreading the word! You rock!

Reaper: Dude!! Big titties really don’t lie! Lol Your hearse is coming along beautifully! Can’t wait to see that mechanical corpse!

Stymie: Thanks for all your love and support, little bro!!

Gothkytten: Thanks for the BlowJob, doll!! Lol

Mina Rose: It was good to see you again! Glad you could make it out!

Nienna: Glad you’re feeling better gorgeous! And thanks so much for making it out, and being ready and willing to help out with anything that was needed! Can’t wait to do some photo shoots!!

OsakaKoneko: You are sewing queen!!! Loved your outfit!! I wish some of that talent would rub off on me, lol Thanks for all the hugs and well wishes!!! We need to go to Drag Queen bingo soon!!!

Riku: Happy Happy Joy Joy!!! You’re a great friend who’s always been there for me :) So glad you were there Saturday!

DarkChylde: It was good to see you again! Looking forward to your par-tay!!

Dragonluv: So cool meeting you! You were lovely!

Special thanks go out to DJ Void6 and DJ Jon Noble for working in our song at just the right moment, and to security, as well, for giving us the space we needed to do it up right :)

We’re so excited!!! And we will have our little shin-dig sooner than later….hmmmmm, like before this winter! And we want everyone there!! Nothing would be more perfect than to be able to share that moment with family and friends.

Thanks again everyone!


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  StormKnight said:
Sorry I missed this one, gang. Congratulations Tszura and Nightgaunt.

And still, the answer is no. I am not giving you those as a engagement/wedding gift. :tongue:

Tszura uses her pulsating, hypnotizing, mind-funk ray to penetrate the inner workings of StormKnights brain.........damn, impenetrable!! **shakes fist in air** In my best dramatic Vader voice......"Nnnnooooooooooooooooo!"

Must think of another way.......... :w00t:

We definitely missed everyone who couldn't make it! :grouphug

Thanks for all the well wishes and congrats!!

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  ~Tszura~ said:
Tszura uses her pulsating, hypnotizing, mind-funk ray to penetrate the inner workings of StormKnights brain.........damn, impenetrable!! **shakes fist in air** In my best dramatic Vader voice......"Nnnnooooooooooooooooo!"

Must think of another way.......... :w00t:

We definitely missed everyone who couldn't make it! :grouphug

Thanks for all the well wishes and congrats!!

Had I not had made a prior commitment, I would have been the one leading the cheers. I do not back out of my word once given, so force of honor kept me from seeing this.

Hell, I just *might* have been able to be talked back into 4"...ah, nevermind. :wink

Edited by StormKnight
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  taysteewonderbunny said:
I had a good time, though I didn't dance a step. I am so glad I was able to witness Nightgaunt's proposal to Tszura. If I hadn't known that was to occur, I might have otherwise not gone; I was awfully tired and I think it showed. Still, I am very happy to have seen so many from DGN. I miss you guys and am sorry that I've been out of the loop lately. I hope to go again very soon!

Came with Spook, reunited with MinaRose after months of wondering what she was up to (yay!), met Dragonluv, saw Troy Spiral, Gothykitten, Enishi, the incomparable Osaka Koneko, Darque Metallion, the lovely beanwater, Nightgaunt and Tszura (of course), Fin, eleven, Gimp, Reaper, Scary Guy, and others. Hugs to all!

It was very nice to meet you Taysteewonderbunny!

  ~Tszura~ said:

What a fantastic night!!! A perfect proposal!! :heart::yes

I knew something was up when I turned around on the platform and saw everyone smiling at me, lol! :happy:

Thanks so much to everyone for being there, and sharing the moment. It was a truly special night for us, and one we will never forget!

Fin: My Wonder Powers twin! You are THE MAN for letting everyone know what was coming, and helping to clear the stage!

Hunhee: A thousand thanks to you, gorgeous!! Nightgaunt told me how much you helped out~Thank you so much in helping make this night special for us!! **Muwah!!**

Bean Water: Babe-a-liscious!!! "Oooo, parties here!!" lol Thank goodness you knew what I was talking about! Very happy you made it out!

DarkMetallion: Forever foot kissies to you for introducing Nightgaunt and I last year!!

Taysteewonderbunny: **Squish!!** I'm so happy you came!!

Spook: You picked a good corner to chill in~lots of good laughs from that perspective, hahaha! Thanks for being there!

Troy: Many bows to you, sir! Nightgaunt and I are forever in your debt, for all roads to our union travel back to DGN. **HugzHugzHugz!!!**

Gimp: Uber thanks for spreading the word! You rock!

Reaper: Dude!! Big titties really don't lie! Lol Your hearse is coming along beautifully! Can't wait to see that mechanical corpse!

Stymie: Thanks for all your love and support, little bro!!

Gothkytten: Thanks for the BlowJob, doll!! Lol

Mina Rose: It was good to see you again! Glad you could make it out!

Nienna: Glad you're feeling better gorgeous! And thanks so much for making it out, and being ready and willing to help out with anything that was needed! Can't wait to do some photo shoots!!

OsakaKoneko: You are sewing queen!!! Loved your outfit!! I wish some of that talent would rub off on me, lol Thanks for all the hugs and well wishes!!! We need to go to Drag Queen bingo soon!!!

Riku: Happy Happy Joy Joy!!! You're a great friend who's always been there for me :) So glad you were there Saturday!

DarkChylde: It was good to see you again! Looking forward to your par-tay!!

Dragonluv: So cool meeting you! You were lovely!

Special thanks go out to DJ Void6 and DJ Jon Noble for working in our song at just the right moment, and to security, as well, for giving us the space we needed to do it up right :)

We're so excited!!! And we will have our little shin-dig sooner than later….hmmmmm, like before this winter! And we want everyone there!! Nothing would be more perfect than to be able to share that moment with family and friends.

Thanks again everyone!


It was very nice meeting you as well. A huge CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I wish you the both the best of luck.

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well I forget how you quote after all this time but Troy it's always ok to miss Chuck, I still do every day.

I was glad to see so many people, names aren't exactly my thing, but I did get to meet some new faces. next weekend I'll wear a nametag or something, I know I have some left.

I plan on going every weekend when possible.

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  Troy Spiral said:
Congratulations to Tzura and Nightgaunt!! Was great to round up the gang and do the clapping & cheering. :)

Wow had a great time. A lot of really nice people taking the time to be friendly. Thank you for being so kind. Despite my usual on-again off-again health problems, really glad I went.

There were a TON of nice folk there... listing off ones that I'm guessing might read this:

Dragonluv Thanks for everything.

Reaper - Always good to see ya sir. Laid back friendly guy per usual. Nice signature lol.

GothKyten - So helpful. Honestly. Great to see you.

OsakaKoneko - Nice to get a chance to actually talk to you. Hopefully it won't be the last time. :flower:

Killer Bunnie - Yay, Becky! Bizzare how I was just thinking about you the day before (Is it ok to say I miss chuck? :( ) and there you were!

Tasteewonderbunny - *waves vigorusly*

Tzura - Gratulations, the very best wishes to you both.

Nightgaunt - Sir, *tips hat* Hope to see you around more often.

Kiss the midget - Holy crap he lives. *plots to get your account working again* *thinks*

Fin - A pleasure.

Ninenna - Sorry to put you though the trouble. Was great to see you. Hopefully I'll get to meet the BF soon. :)

Void6 - Nice to get the Void Story ™ © Thanks very much for the offer to help. A kindred spirit for sure.

Spook - Good man. :jamin

Mina Rose - Nice to finally meet you. Didn't get a chance to talk. Maybe next time? :)

Bean Water - Friendly presence as always. Glad you came out.

Soul Rev - Damn. We need to have these talks more often. Great insights.

Who am I missin?

Some guy (doubt it was anyone on dgn) went ballistic (no clue who/what it was about) and the bouncers were wrestling with him on the dance floor. Some random cute girl put her arm around me and said something like "maybe we should grind into them" and made a dancing motion. lol. Ok, so I'm amused by bizarre humor, sue me. :p

You are very welcome

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  Reaper said:
Hey, I didn't know Dragon was there. Wtf lol Next time woman, introduce yourself!

We did meet. :happy: You were telling me that they got done playing Thriller. I was sad that I miss it. If you go by the picture in my profile, I look different. I will refresh your memory. Not being stuck up, by saying this but I am mix. Saturday, due to the lovely heat, I keep my hair curly which makes it short. If I had blow dry my hair straight, it would have been long. I was wearing the short black dress and had my glasses on. You were standing at the entry way to the dance floor. Hope that helps better. :happy:

Blessed Be/Take Care

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  prick said:
Looks like I missed a good night.

I half thought you might have been there and I just missed you somehow.

  motorcitymax said:
I wonder if that was the same guy that messed with me Saturday. From the description, it could be. He was looking for a fight I know that.

Ok... not so relevant to your quote there, but love the signature sir. LOL.

  void6 said:
Thanks to everyone who came out!! It was a really good night. Troy it was nice to finally meet you.


  ~Tszura~ said:
Troy: Many bows to you, sir! Nightgaunt and I are forever in your debt, for all roads to our union travel back to DGN. **HugzHugzHugz!!!**

Gimp: Uber thanks for spreading the word! You rock!

Riku: Happy Happy Joy Joy!!! You’re a great friend who’s always been there for me :) So glad you were there Saturday!

Dragonluv: So cool meeting you! You were lovely!

Special thanks go out to DJ Void6 and DJ Jon Noble for working in our song at just the right moment, and to security, as well, for giving us the space we needed to do it up right :)

We’re so excited!!! And we will have our little shin-dig sooner than later….hmmmmm, like before this winter! And we want everyone there!! Nothing would be more perfect than to be able to share that moment with family and friends.

Thanks again everyone!



(spams half the board to come read this topic)

  Killer_Bunnie said:
well I forget how you quote after all this time but Troy it's always ok to miss Chuck, I still do every day.

I was glad to see so many people, names aren't exactly my thing, but I did get to meet some new faces. next weekend I'll wear a nametag or something, I know I have some left.

I plan on going every weekend when possible.

Just hit the "quote" button under each post (below and to the right) good to see you again. Thanks for the offer to help get the word out. Gotta get you some more cards too. :grouphug

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