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The solution? Bulldoze entire districts, returning the land to nature, and concentrate the population in the urban core.

What does "returning the land to nature" mean? Who will own the land? Can the land be sold after "turning it over"? Can the land ever be built on again, if the economy recovers? Or is this an excuse to crowd everyone into cities for easier gun confiscation, quarantines, etc.?

I just get nervous when I see the kinds of things that guys like Rockfeller, Brzezinski, and Kissinger advocate being implemented. Sounds nice and ecogreenearthfriendly on the surface, but I don't trust it.

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  Nightgaunt said:
What does "returning the land to nature" mean? Who will own the land? Can the land be sold after "turning it over"? Can the land ever be built on again, if the economy recovers? Or is this an excuse to crowd everyone into cities for easier gun confiscation, quarantines, etc.?

I just get nervous when I see the kinds of things that guys like Rockfeller, Brzezinski, and Kissinger advocate being implemented. Sounds nice and ecogreenearthfriendly on the surface, but I don't trust it.

1) tearing down houses and removing foundations is what I'd imagine

2) if this is even being considered, I'd guess it's for properties than have fallen into city/state hands due to tax deliquency

3) why not? there's actually a proposal about opening up vacant tracts of Detroit to commercial-scale farming. no reason why that wouldn't work elsewhere. having said that, in many places, 12"-18" of topsoin would have to be trucked in for some crops, due to contamination of existing topsoils.

4) farmland gets sold to developers all the time; this shouldn't be any different. if the reversion-to-nature goes so far as to remove/cut off water, gas and sewer lines though, that could run into some serious $$$

5) concentration/contraction into cities is inevitable at some point, unless enormous new oil fields are discovered...and even then, that'll run out someday

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  On 7/7/2009 at 4:55 PM, SpammerOvTheGods said:

5) concentration/contraction into cities is inevitable at some point, unless enormous new oil fields are discovered...and even then, that'll run out someday

There's PLENTY of oil to be had. There are enormous oil fields in Alaska, Texas, and elsewhere that have been capped off and never exploited. We have more oil in the United States than in all of the Middle East.

My problem with all this goes deeper than just what's on the surface of the article. The vast tracts of land bordering the impending "Trans Texas Corridor" are supposed to be given over to "nature" and stewardship given to the United Nations. No human is going to be allowed to set foot on this land. Ever. If we allow it to happen, that is. Which we will, of course, because no one bothers to find out what's going on in this country beyond listening to 3 second soundbites doled out by the media. You know...the media owned by the same asshats that write books advocating the extermination of 90% of the world's population.

Yeah. Har har har. Lookit the conspiracy theorist.

Google me this:

eugenics + planned parenthood

eugenics + rockefeller

eugenics + gates foundation

bilderberg + genocide

rockefeller + genocide

Or better yet, educate yourself concerning the basics of how Nazi Germany evolved and then take a look around you.

Can you believe everything you read online? Of course not. Use your powers of discernment. At least attempt to take a look behind the curtain of propaganda and flowery lies. Bad things are happening, and it's not "climate change", or Michael Jackson dying, or any of the other diversionary tactics being used against us. We are being herded into a world government abattoir run by inbred psychopaths.

Maybe they'll let us take our iPods into the showers with us.

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  On 7/11/2009 at 4:08 AM, Nightgaunt said:

There's PLENTY of oil to be had. There are enormous oil fields in Alaska, Texas, and elsewhere that have been capped off and never exploited. We have more oil in the United States than in all of the Middle East.

My problem with all this goes deeper than just what's on the surface of the article. The vast tracts of land bordering the impending "Trans Texas Corridor" are supposed to be given over to "nature" and stewardship given to the United Nations. No human is going to be allowed to set foot on this land. Ever. If we allow it to happen, that is. Which we will, of course, because no one bothers to find out what's going on in this country beyond listening to 3 second soundbites doled out by the media. You know...the media owned by the same asshats that write books advocating the extermination of 90% of the world's population.

Yeah. Har har har. Lookit the conspiracy theorist.

Google me this:

eugenics + planned parenthood

eugenics + rockefeller

eugenics + gates foundation

bilderberg + genocide

rockefeller + genocide

Or better yet, educate yourself concerning the basics of how Nazi Germany evolved and then take a look around you.

Can you believe everything you read online? Of course not. Use your powers of discernment. At least attempt to take a look behind the curtain of propaganda and flowery lies. Bad things are happening, and it's not "climate change", or Michael Jackson dying, or any of the other diversionary tactics being used against us. We are being herded into a world government abattoir run by inbred psychopaths.

Maybe they'll let us take our iPods into the showers with us.

in regards to having more oil than the entire Middle East, so what? You completely missed the point: it WILL run out. Even if we developed cheap fusion power tomorrow, we'd only slow it down by half, because that's how much is used to manufacture plastics and other synthetic materials, as well as fertilizers.

as for the rest, I'm sorry: seeing the words "Trans Texas Corridor" immediately leads me to disregard everything that follows. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

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  On 7/11/2009 at 4:55 AM, SpammerOvTheGods said:

in regards to having more oil than the entire Middle East, so what? You completely missed the point: it WILL run out. Even if we developed cheap fusion power tomorrow, we'd only slow it down by half, because that's how much is used to manufacture plastics and other synthetic materials, as well as fertilizers.

as for the rest, I'm sorry: seeing the words "Trans Texas Corridor" immediately leads me to disregard everything that follows. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

If we developed cheap fusion power tomorrow, molecular nanotechnology would be within our reach, rendering the whole question moot.

You're sorry, are you? Really? Sorry about what?

I don't understand...why do the words "Trans Texas Corridor" lead you to disregard everything else I said? Was that your way of denying that it exists? Prove me wrong, but please don't hit me with smarmy, snide dismissals and expect me to slink away and concede defeat.

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Damn this is really looking bad. The government really is trying to make itself as large and powerful as it can.

I don't want the government to own land like this...because now the will give it to people ONLY if the grow this product and give it to this industry...just like the ethanol thing.

Oh and to the people arguing about oil...chill out. Now, yes we may run out somethime, but that is still off in the future. Honestly, you can no longer argue that we need oil to make plastics other synthetic materials...they don't need oil to do that anymore. However, they do need the government to let them increase production and testing...oh and the government also has to let these companies that are trying to move foreward get their hands on some corn.

Yeah all that being said I do not like the government grabbing all this land...I would rather turn these places into crack houses.

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This doesn't make me feel good at all...

Let's all hope they're not taking over the land for the reasons I believe they're trying to...but I fear Nightgaunt may be right. It's bad enough they've already started making concentration camps all over America for no reason.

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I live in Flint now, and I'm a fan of this. Shrink the city, it is way too big. It will allow a few positive things to happen. The city could rebuild a sense of community, it would be less taxing on support services such as fire and police, and it would not be such an ugly place with it's rundown empty neighborhoods breeding crime. The downside is it will push the shithead criminals into my back yard.

I could live with more nature. Less urban blight isn't a bad thing.

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  On 7/14/2009 at 1:12 PM, Confess said:

The downside is it will push the shithead criminals into my back yard.

If it pushes them into your house, Castle Doctrine is on our side and that's one less shithead criminal to worry about.

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  On 7/16/2009 at 12:18 AM, AstralCrux said:

CA can be so ass-backward sometimes.

CA cares about the environment though! Or was it money?

State parks would be cool but they are in piss poor shape as it is...adding more would just make to park service go tits up and the parks would fall apart. I am all for the state NOT owning the land...but they are already getting their grubby little fingers into it anyways...what good would family owned farm plots have done anyways?

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