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  On 7/10/2009 at 9:08 PM, Troy Spiral said:

Frustrating I'm sure. I know that challenge question works (it's there to help cut down on spam bots along with being an addtional layer of "you understand the rules, right?") But, not knowing what is going on right now, and not having the time/energy to fix it I just removed it. People being unable to register is BAAAAAD. Very high proiroty thing to fix.

Lots of things to reply to above, but I need to go lay down for awhile,not feeling that great. Staying up till 6 am yesterday working on DGN and getting virtually no sleep probably isn't the best system in the world. *passes out*

:grouphug Feel better!

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  On 7/10/2009 at 9:11 AM, GothicRavenGoddess said:

ok, I can edit all the emotes for you. I have nothing but time on my hands, dear one...

and as far as the single hug goes, how about converting the " *hug* " into that hugging one. that would be cool. :)

the width of the screen is now perfect. and I love the cloud image that everything floats on top of. So much more pretty to look at than the black from before. I love the new updates. :) Just PM me if you need anything. :)

also, I have a TON of emoticons in my photobucket, if you want them. :biggrin:


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  On 7/10/2009 at 1:00 PM, jynxxxedangel said:

I also have a HUGE collection of emoticons in one of my private gallery folders. If you would like, I can post many of them here, so they can be copied.BTW, thanks for changing the colour of the "post edited" bar. It was looking like the equivalent of a dunce cap. :stuart:

Just upload them to a gallery somewhere. Gotta test them out on a DGN background or we'll end up with the same problem as before.

  On 7/10/2009 at 1:52 PM, jynxxxedangel said:

Isn't the new website AWESOME, everyone??????Seriously.


  On 7/10/2009 at 2:07 PM, GothicRavenGoddess said:

yeah, me posting them here would do no good. I got almost 100 of em. lolso when I'm done, I'll just post a link to them.... oh bloody hell... ya know what... every time I upload one, it puts it into a white box, and I donno why. :(Troy, if you could delete that album, that would be great. I'll just upload them to my myspace. that should do it. :)

Myspace , at least that link you showed me , is a white-background location. Fairly worthless as a test of DGN emoticons. There a billions of emoticons available on google...but finding good ones that will work for us specifically (and trying to find some of our exact same long-beloved ones) is a challenge.

  On 7/10/2009 at 9:14 PM, jynxxxedangel said:

The Great Oz has spoken. Sleep, O Great One, ruler of all gothy Munchkins. :wub:

...5:45 am and I'm back at it again... gah.

  On 7/10/2009 at 9:33 PM, TheOsakaKoneko said:

Yes please get some sleep!! Your health is still more important than the board!

  On 7/10/2009 at 10:42 PM, TygerLili said:

:grouphug Feel better!


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  On 7/9/2009 at 5:42 PM, StormKnight said:

One thing I do want to know. Is there a way to send your PM's to your e-mail? Last version I could send it at RTF or HTML to my account. I archived a bunch of stuff prior to the upgrade, but I have a lot here I want to save.

I made a post on both of the admin forums I frequent, none of the 6 different guys that usually are very knowledgeable seemed to have a clue about this.

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One other glitch I found:

I can't seem to get an ALL CAPITALIZED word in the title of topics. I noticed this when I was setting events and aftermath of the recent DGN Nights. Is this a feature or does 3.0 use MS Word self-(in)correcting?

I tried it at least half a dozen times, and I couldn't get DGN to stay in all caps.

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  On 7/12/2009 at 3:11 PM, StormKnight said:

One other glitch I found:

I can't seem to get an ALL CAPITALIZED word in the title of topics. I noticed this when I was setting events and aftermath of the recent DGN Nights. Is this a feature or does 3.0 use MS Word self-(in)correcting?

I tried it at least half a dozen times, and I couldn't get DGN to stay in all caps.

He was able to manually make that happen in the last version... Probably set to not allow all caps by default.

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  On 7/12/2009 at 9:44 AM, Troy Spiral said:

Just upload them to a gallery somewhere. Gotta test them out on a DGN background or we'll end up with the same problem as before.


Myspace , at least that link you showed me , is a white-background location. Fairly worthless as a test of DGN emoticons. There a billions of emoticons available on google...but finding good ones that will work for us specifically (and trying to find some of our exact same long-beloved ones) is a challenge.

...5:45 am and I'm back at it again... gah.


Well, I have them in my Photobucket, and I have that as private, so that no one can copy my stuff.. I took a screen shot of DGN (the post I'm replying to, in fact) loaded it in MS Paint, croped out a section of the post, so that it would be from DGN, and copied the color, and made a background for the album that the smilies are in. I'm not sure why uploading them to DGN made them change how they looked.. I sent you a PM with a link to the album they are in, as well as the guest password, to look at it. I must really :wub: you, Troy, and DGN for that matter, to be giving you me album password lol :p

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Working my way through my PMs I had a couple questions about the "reputation" system, figured I'd post it here were the more DGN-minded folk would read it as it is not a completed feature, nor is it even sure If we'll keep anything like it at all. But as of right now:

Reputation System (short version)

- Reputation is a measure of the positive feedback from the community through your posts. If you find a post enjoyable / useful / helpful / interesting, etc.

- 1 positive feedback point is added to your reputation count when the small + in the bottom left of your posts is clicked.

- Negative feedback is not currently enabled

- 1 point can be given by a member per day.

- Up to 5 points by member per day for Moderators, Supporters, Benefactors , Street Team Members Rank 5+

- The little number in the bottom right of your posts is much positive reputation that particular post / item has received.

- The reputation total appears only on your profile.

- The reputation system will have no use other than for fun and to show appreciation.

I will get to some more of the above comments/questions after I finish reading through my email / pms and finish a few things that I'm in the middle of. Unless the commentary is urgent I'd prefer "DGN Construction" comments go here. PM's are just fine though.

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  On 7/12/2009 at 3:11 PM, StormKnight said:

One other glitch I found:

I can't seem to get an ALL CAPITALIZED word in the title of topics. I noticed this when I was setting events and aftermath of the recent DGN Nights. Is this a feature or does 3.0 use MS Word self-(in)correcting?

I tried it at least half a dozen times, and I couldn't get DGN to stay in all caps.

  On 7/12/2009 at 3:39 PM, Msterbeau said:

He was able to manually make that happen in the last version... Probably set to not allow all caps by default.

Yes this was a reversion back to the default settings. The idiotic looking TOPICS IN ALL CAPS are quite tiresome, but I suppose "DGN" is posted common enough for it to outweigh the NUT EMERGENCY. There is a new filter that knocks out the over use of !!!!! and ???? in titles as well.

I'll go get rid of the all-caps auto correction. Hopefully I'll find a modification at some point to add a "accepted list" of acronyms that can be used in all caps while stopping the caps commandos.

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um the drop down menu that appears, when you click the smilie button on the "Add Reply" page (In the full reply page, not talking about fast reply) doesn't show the whole list, and its drop down get cut off on two sides, the top, and the left. it doesn't "drop down" it drops up.. and there's no way to see an expanded list. there is a button to push, but it doesn't do anything...

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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Before: :biggrin: After: 50462e8f.gif

Before: :devil: After: e4c5025b.gif

Before: :) After: 8a7a0c89.gif

Before: :happy: After: 94141bd3-1.gif

Before: :innocent: After: e7d35c93.gif (I had to redraw the halo dot by dot, because that background mucked it all up... hope you all like it)

Before: :mad: After: 02efe50c.gif

Before: :shock: After: c9be9890.gif

Before: :w00t: After: 23d89026.gif

oh yeah!

Before: icon12.gif After: c532d154.gif

Its a slow process, but that's what I've done so far. I can't do the damn animated ones, cuz the updated version of my program won't let me edit layer by layer anymore (lame!!!) so that will have to be on someone else's shoulders. lol

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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  On 7/13/2009 at 1:46 AM, StormKnight said:

Nice work on the clean up there. :)

Now, anyone have something that could clean up the animated ones?


Some of those were more than just taking away the whiteness... I had to redo them entirely. ugh.. but it was fairly easy.. just time consuming. If I had access to all the non- moving ones, I could do them all.. but it seems that our smiley list is a lot smaller than it use to be... ugh...

but thank you very much!

(It really does suck that I can't edit the animated ones, as well.. stupid program....

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So there are only two things I have an issue with. First off, the warn bar thing. I personally don't think its anyone's business if I or anyone else has a warn level. That is between the person and the Mods.

Second thing is the email thing that was brought up already. I really liked how we only got one email when a topic was replied to, because it kept my inbox from filling up. Is there anyway we can get that back?

Other than that, the site looks really good. I'm slowly getting used to it.

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  On 7/13/2009 at 3:25 AM, TitsMcGee said:

So there are only two things I have an issue with. First off, the warn bar thing. I personally don't think its anyone's business if I or anyone else has a warn level. That is between the person and the Mods.

Second thing is the email thing that was brought up already. I really liked how we only got one email when a topic was replied to, because it kept my inbox from filling up. Is there anyway we can get that back?

Other than that, the site looks really good. I'm slowly getting used to it.

Um, the only warning level box I can see is my own, hun. Maybe its a glitch, if you can see other's???

I don't have an answer for the other thing, though, cuz I changed my settings to allow individual emails, but I also heard that there isn't an option to group em all together, either that or their is, and it doesn't work... so I dunno.. lol

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  On 7/8/2009 at 4:55 AM, Rev.Reverence said:


OH SHIT! Is there no top of page button? :ohmy:

oK...I found me way around..there is 1 top of page button...but, it is WAY at the bottom......& have gotten me "NEW DGN LEGS" & still have a question...about me "Top Button"....are the pages of posts shorter to make it so we "won't need it"?

I kinda' liked it though...being there so I can scroll up from anywhere...

..& I'm happy to wait to have this fixed last ;) ...or not at all, I guess...


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  On 7/13/2009 at 6:10 AM, GothicRavenGoddess said:

Um, the only warning level box I can see is my own, hun. Maybe its a glitch, if you can see other's???

I don't have an answer for the other thing, though, cuz I changed my settings to allow individual emails, but I also heard that there isn't an option to group em all together, either that or their is, and it doesn't work... so I dunno.. lol

Yeah I noticed now that I can only see my own...it was late and I was cranky as it was lol.

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  On 7/13/2009 at 2:45 PM, TheOsakaKoneko said:

Oh please the blush one...so many times I've looked for a blush one and there wasn't one...there really ought to be one!

well, usually, typing : blushing: (without spaces) would bring up a blushing face: :blushing: (and of course its one I forgot to edit)

but I like my blushing face better lol :)

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