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Aftermath-- Official Dgn Manfast Camping Trip!

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Those didn't get me but I am covered in mosquito bites. Even with using the oil to keep them off of me. I stopped counting them after the 100th bite mark last night haha.

I actually seriously feel like shit and am starting to wonder if it's from all the damn bites...

dude i feel your pain. I have one of them on the bottom of my foot. It sucks a whole lotta cock.

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dude i feel your pain. I have one of them on the bottom of my foot. It sucks a whole lotta cock.

I never understand why a woman would use a phrase about sucking cock like it was a bad thing :p

As for the bites all over you - I can't blame the mosquitos. I'd have bitten the hell out of you too :p

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I got stalked by raccoons, mosquitoes, and one pissed off as hell mutant fly which apparently decided a specific sunny stretch of the road was HIS territory and attacked my hair whenever I walked by.

It was still awesome though. :)

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Please tell me Jeff slept in his coffin at night?

Nope, I didn't stay as the campground was only 5 or 6 miles away from my house.

Damn, I stuck my belly out there in that photo. Made myself look huge. Next time BJ (blackjack you pervs!), let me know when you are taking a photo so I can strike a pose lol

As for hack, we should have hack-ruled Enishi several times for his hack insolence. *raises DGN Hammer of God and applied unlimited damage to his head* lol.

Too bad I came a day late when you were there Raev, its been a long time since i seen you at the club last time.

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As for hack, we should have hack-ruled Enishi several times for his hack insolence. *raises DGN Hammer of God and applied unlimited damage to his head* lol.

Oh don't worry, I'll be training under a strict oriental hack master named Pai Mai in the mountains for the next game, lol.

Edited by Enishi
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Speaking of mosquitoes, there was one goddamn ninja bastard mosquito which slipped into my tent Sunday night. Since I didn't have a flashlight with me, the vampire bitch kept waking me up and biting me multiple times and flew away whenever I tried to swat her. I got my revenge in the morning though. I found her and tossed her now giant, blood bloated ass in the fire, lol.

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I demand a recount of manliness. After carrying a 200 or more pound log past ten camps to Chernobyl's then slamming it to the ground all the local wildlife started to howl my name chipmunk's drop acorns in my path, wolfs left there pray for me to eat & the hyenas did not laugh cause I was just that manly. If that was not enough I bathe myself in the camp fire doing push ups all part of my daily routine. Jinx recorded it but at that time that was my second time hauling it. Lastly I remember looking at the putrid lake thinking something was missing a better path and at that moment the trees fell for me to walk on if you don't believe me just ask.

You are describing, by far, the manliest moment of the weekend.

It was a tortoise and hare situation.

You did a ridiculously manly thing, racking up SERIOUS manpoints.

While I, realizing I do not possess the MANstrength of such action quietly racked up manpoint after manpoint, little by little.

After you finished, I merely picked up the tree, but I did it in an assless loincloth.

My ass is both round and sexy AND hairy.

Seriously my ass is badazz.

Major man points from the female judging staff.

Then I woke up the campers with very manly sex and finished it with a five octave tribute to the manliest Jew who ever lived...


(Disagree??? Name one other hairy Ewok that has banged more women today than you have in your lifetime

--I rest my case)

THEN, I celebrated by running around shirtless and grunting up and down the hillside, stopping only to pull down my pants and fart on Chernobyl's car so

she could enjoy my manly smell a second day in a row

"Who the hell is grunting outside our tent?"

"Who do you think"

I was so manly at the moment, when I passed by Enishi,

all the bugs that were heading towards me, took nest in Enishi's hair out of fear of my reprisal.

THEN, while you finally got up, and started brushing your teeth, I took my Manvan over to Chernobyl's camp, blasted my open personal wakeup call

"Just like a car crash, just like a knife, my only weapon...is the look in your eyesssss"

all the while cleaning every piece of trash, every can, every bottle, every uneated rotting piece of flesh that had congregated,

making those grounds military spic and span (I did more before 11A than you did all day--that's right I said it)

so that the only thing

that remained was a waiting skillet for Pest to make my Manfast prize.

And it was good.


I will no longer eat any egg-cheese-chicken-fajita seasoning-taco seasoning-kielbasa-bacon breakfast combination ever again without

the deliciously manly addition of a generous portion spicy MANonaisse

MANonaisse :drool

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You are describing, by far, the manliest moment of the weekend.

It was a tortoise and hare situation.

You did a ridiculously manly thing, racking up SERIOUS manpoints.

While I, realizing I do not possess the MANstrength of such action quietly racked up manpoint after manpoint, little by little.

After you finished, I merely picked up the tree, but I did it in an assless loincloth.

My ass is both round and sexy AND hairy.

Seriously my ass is badazz.

Major man points from the female judging staff.

Then I woke up the campers with very manly sex and finished it with a five octave tribute to the manliest Jew who ever lived...


(Disagree??? Name one other hairy Ewok that has banged more women today than you have in your lifetime

--I rest my case)

THEN, I celebrated by running around shirtless and grunting up and down the hillside, stopping only to pull down my pants and fart on Chernobyl's car so

she could enjoy my manly smell a second day in a row

"Who the hell is grunting outside our tent?"

"Who do you think"

I was so manly at the moment, when I passed by Enishi,

all the bugs that were heading towards me, took nest in Enishi's hair out of fear of my reprisal.

THEN, while you finally got up, and started brushing your teeth, I took my Manvan over to Chernobyl's camp, blasted my open personal wakeup call

"Just like a car crash, just like a knife, my only weapon...is the look in your eyesssss"

all the while cleaning every piece of trash, every can, every bottle, every uneated rotting piece of flesh that had congregated,

making those grounds military spic and span (I did more before 11A than you did all day--that's right I said it)

so that the only thing

that remained was a waiting skillet for Pest to make my Manfast prize.

And it was good.


I will no longer eat any egg-cheese-chicken-fajita seasoning-taco seasoning-kielbasa-bacon breakfast combination ever again without

the deliciously manly addition of a generous portion spicy MANonaisse

MANonaisse :drool

ROFL. You forgot the folding of the tent with one finger. :)

That super breakfast combo was AWESOME btw, many props to Pestilence.

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As for hack, we should have hack-ruled Enishi several times for his hack insolence. *raises DGN Hammer of God and applied unlimited damage to his head* lol.

With the power invested in me by the all-powerful hack-god, I now offically ban Enishi from the hack circle.

However, there is still hope for you, young grasshopper. You may appeal to the mighty Court of Reaper for reinstatement.

Good Luck. May Pai Mai train you well.

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I hear that peoples are talking about my lack of pants incident... Whaaaaaat? I got attacked by the swamp & ditched the pants..

& I was trashed :rolleyes:

Whatever :harhar:

Y'all just wish you were there to see it :bunny:

Naw, the pants thing was funny...what followed however? Rofl, alcohol happens I guess, at least nobody got called.

WOW...MANFAST where the fuck do I start? Actually, for the record I couldn't decide who was the manliest between Black Jack and The Eternal until the VERY last day when The Eternal ran around the camp grunting and then pulled up in the MANVAN and blasted Ministry, 'causing Pestilence to roll over and promptly beat my ass because, well, that's what Pest does when he hears Ministry. So if you are manly enough to know what to do to make my boyfriend beat my ass...WELL then, that's fucking testosterone there, buddy.

Also, The Eternal, instead of Ron Jeremy next year on the list of manly Jews you may add Abraham and Kyle Brovloski.

EVERYONE ROCKS SO HARD! I cannot FATHOM that this year turned out to be such a blow out fucking success. When I went by the DNR office Sunday morning on the way out they told me I knew how to throw the most asskicking party EVER. This caused my huge penis to swell, leading to a massive boner, which I beat the DNR with as a going away present to make sure they'd never forget THIS party monster.

Props to The Eternal for getting DNR to think that we're vampires and THEN props to Reaper for sealing the deal by showing up in his hearse. We're SO on the DNR watch list next year now, I know it :tongue: (j/k)

Drunken Twister rocked, you should have seen the mat the next morning it was FUCKED (but's it's still VERY playable, it was just massively dirty)

I had probably about 10 lbs of meat last weekend and I'm pretty sure I have colon cancer now.

The Eternal had the most amazing bear shirt in the world, a bear shirt SO threatening that if he ever went to a live taping of The Colbert Show he would probably be shot dead by Colbert himself (which is a badass honor, btw)

Prick got man points for catching a bass, but lost man points for staying in a camper the whole weekend WITH a kitchen in it, but then regained those man points again by not only having a ball-dropping Jeep, but having a CB Radio in it, which we all know is the definition of car manliness. A GPS would have lost you points because MEN NEVER ask for directions, especially from an inferior machine.

BJ, as we now call him :tongue:, racked up serious man points and was pretty damn tied with The Eternal, which is why he was also invited to MANFAST in the morning.

Peelingchrome brought a FOUR POUND BAG OF HUNTER SAUSAGE. I mean holy FUCK. So many MANPTS. That mulled wine was delicious also, and thanks for the birthday steak :)

Sglgothmom came! And had a very nice courteous daughter with her who came and hung out with the grown-ups for a minute on Saturday. Wonderful we had a family come along and I hope to see you guys out there next year again :).

AND I finally met Head Wreck! After alllll this time! You and Jynxxxed are so damn cute together and it was quite interesting hearing a lot of your stories and such, sad that you have to leave, but hey we'll see you this weekend at the BBQ.

CHUCK NORRIS CAME TO MY PARTY IN THE FORM OF THE ETERNAL'S COME :rofl: It was epic, and then he frolicked naked in the rain, I was so very proud of him. I did however yell out "Chuck Norris fucking Charley Murphy!" when Pest and I finished so there you go.

Constantin also avoided being harassed as much as last year, congrats, although he did come in last for MANFAST because he's Constantin.

Also quite sad that Lucia is moving! Talked to Lucia ALOT on Friday and we have a bunch in common and talked talked talked for awhile without ever have met before and yet it was so comfortable and seamless! Hope you can make it to the BBQ this Saturday and to MANFAST again next summer even though you're moving!

Next year, it will be MOAR EPIC! Thanks everyone for being such a BAMF! And enjoy your complimentary copy of this year's 2009 Official MANPHLET!

OH AND TROY BEERBONGED TWO BEERS! OMFG! It was the best birthday present EVERRRRRRR!!!!!

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I hear that peoples are talking about my lack of pants incident... Whaaaaaat? I got attacked by the swamp & ditched the pants..

& I was trashed :rolleyes:

Whatever :harhar:

Y'all just wish you were there to see it :bunny:

Apparently, I was staring right at "it" and I didn't even see it.

(My contacts were out and I am completely blind without them)

Which is fine with me. My mind was on other things, like being there for my friends :)

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I was quite Manly by throwing my double edged axe into a tree, driving up there and back in a Wtrangler is manly too. I ate lots of meat and got to play in my camper a bit but didnt yell Chuck Norris because Im a ninja as well. I supplied many with alchohol and did not ask any for a drink. Never got retribution for my booze either. I went a whole night with no sleep. I have more bites then I can count. my lantern and flashlights supplied many with light. I truly am a manly man.

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Thanks for having the family camping we had a great time running off the raccoons getting sunburned at the lake and donating our blood to the real vampires of the wilderness....

thanks for all that looked out for my daughter this weekend and being understanding when she wanted to see what the grown ups were doing staying up late. I had a blast and so want to do it all again next year minus the ex's temper tantrum. and with some alchohol and definatly get there like 6 hours earlier then we did.

the little one now hates camping because the mosquitos loved her the best she has seven bites on her face and about ten on each arm and she counted 21 on one foot. however she still loved it in the moment. she was only shy and courteous to the ones she didn't quite know yet, i'm sure she will be much more talkative next year and if you don't believe me ask prick or bj or even lucia (angelina thought you were so cool). thanks for having us and we will definatly be there next year !!!

Edited by sglgothmom
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