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So I log in and post and notice something new.

I notice that I have a 20% lifetime warn status

I imagine that at 100%, you get banned.

What was my 20% for?

For engaging in a conversation with someone who threatened me.


My warn-worthy post,

was, basically, "Don't threaten me, don't make up fake screen names, the board doesn't deserve this."

Then the instigator PMed me saying: "No one likes you on this board. Troy laughs at you all the time. You should just go die."

Then he got banned.

My warning from the long-gone mod was along the lines of "Don't engage in a back and forth with this negative person."

I literally didn't know about this status until now.

I had no idea I was warned, and frankly after being threatened by a now-banned user, I didn't want to think about it.

And now I will




This is basically dredging up memories that I didn't want to think about anymore.

Like taking a moment from my last relationship and throwing it back in my face when I least expected it.

And reminding me of it




Although I'm surprised I got warned, since I never knew I had been.

Why now??????

I want to know what you think about this lifetime warn status


Do you really think it's productive?

If so, at the least, should there be a statute of limitations for

when the warning runs out?

And should it be sitting on your profile, below your avatar,

staring at you every time you log in?




I think it's fatally flawed.

We already post +1 when we like something and -1 when we don't.

By giving the opportunity to anonymously put a -1 to anyone we don't like.

I got a negative 1, for saying I like Chai tea.

Although I'm sure this new feature was derived with good intentions, I think the unintended result is giving negatives unnecessarily.

I could pick a poster that I dislike, go through all his/her posts and give a - to every single post s/he did.

For some of us, it could be thousands!

I'm not going to, but it's tempting to give a - here or there.

There's someone who I think posts inane things, but ultimately it's a difference of opinion.

I think they're inane, (at least a few) others don't.

But she doesn't post anything warn-worthy, so giving negatives sends the wrong message to her or anyone else.

How about spelling and bad grammar?

It's frustrating to read misspelled words all the time or read a post three times to understand it.

Do the mods really want me to give -s to EVERY person I dislike or EVERY person that doesn't capitalize their i?


Great idea

Terrible in practice


edited repeatedly because size 7 font overlaps

Edited by the eternal
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To prove the eternal's point, someone gave me a negative for posting that the eternal and I might be at City Club on Saturday. That is total bullshit. So does that mean that I can put a negative on someone's post if I don't like them and they are going to CC?? Clearly someone doesn't like the eternal and I because my post was given a negative and a post of the eternal's saying that he liked bed was given a negative. That is horribly immature.

This kind of thing could make people stop going to CC because they feel that they aren't wanted, which I suppose is what some people want.

I guess I should start acting like a child and find all the people I don't like and start giving them negatives on all their posts.

I'm not going to do that though, because I'm too old for this shit and I just use the ignore function.

I think the + - violates the "play nice" rule of DGN. It allows people to negative people they don't like, instead of being mature and just putting them on ignore.

Edit: I just saw that you can no longer give someone a negative for their post. Thanks Troy! :)

Edited by bean water
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You both have valid points, and I'm sure that the big Troy-bot is trying to fix these things, with the new IPS 3.0 we are all scrambling around trying to figure out what works for us, and what doesn't please be patient. This was probably something you could have sent in a PM to a moderator, first before making a post about it. I agree to you the_Eternal, about the warning level, it should not be public knowledge, and should have never showed up in the first place. The warning system has been on and off used by mods, we've been trying to use it as a logging tool in order for us to keep track of incidents, not necessarily "oh! someone's at 100% warning, we must ban them". The old system you couldn't log something in WITHOUT changing their warning level, at least not to my knowledge.

Please give us all a chance to catch up. I've hit a few things not knowing I hit them, or even what it does, and right now, I hate it, but we'll all get used to it, and it will be old hat (hopefully).

Edited by hunhee
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um, guys, I can't see anyone's warning level, except my own. I think he's saying that he doesn't want to see his own, when he logs in, because of what it reminds him off. I think that if that is to stay, it should be an option that you can chose to turn off visibility, or something... but yeah, everyone that has complained about it (other than The Eternal) seems to be reacting as if other's can see their status, and I am starting to feel like I'm the only one who can't see anyone else's but my own! lol

I agree with Beanternal *giggles* in that the negative wasn't a good idea.. however, having a limit on how many positives you can give, in general, is dumb... what I mean is, if you've rated a post already, then no, you shouldn't be able to give another one to the same post again... I believe that one a day is dumb... ugh.. I'm sorry... but ugh..


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How about the "+" and "-" ratings come with a name attached? People generally think a bit more when their name is connected. I don't really think it's a horrible thing and I don't really care if someone doesn't like what I said. I do think their should be either a daily limit or something along those lines to deter people from doing what Eternal suggested and marking all of someone's posts negative. Then again... the mods should be able to monitor those sorts of things, yes? If so... that person probably just earned themselves a warning, or more, per basic DGN rules of conduct.

Also.. Hunhee... I think these sorts of topics are very much something that needs open dialogue.

(HA! Just noticed my warn level is at 40%)

Edited by Msterbeau
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I personally don't care for the +/-

All it takes is for one person to not like somebody clicking - on everything they can for someone, to make that person feel unwanted by the entire community. The childish actions of a small few can ultimatly alienate numerous people and in the name of being fair to all I feel it should not be in effect.

If you dislike someone or something they said, either talk to them as an adult - as we all are or just ignore them. Leave childishness off of this board.

...oddly enough, I see I have a 0% warn status. Surprised me, since I actually did get into it pretty fiercely with someone on here lol. I didn't hide behind a - button to do it though :p

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I could honestly care less about the +/- thing, but I can see it hurting peoples feelings.

& May the person who does not like my BeanTernal, please stand up so I can kick your ass :starwars:

Edited 'cuz I put =/- instead of +/- :p

Edited by Oh_My_Goth
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I could honestly care less about the =/- thing, but I can see it hurting peoples feelings.

& May the person who does not like my BeanTernal, please stand up so I can kick your ass :starwars:

Aww, thanks! :grouphug :

Our feelings were hurt by it, especially the eternal.

It is true that only you can see your own warning level, but what the eternal was saying is that he doesn't want to be reminded of something from 4 years ago (you can click on the warning to see what you were warned about).

Kit Kat - at the bottom right hand corner of each posts there is a green + (the - were removed). If you click on that, it gives the person a positive.

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I agree with Bean (at least I think it was Bean, my brain is fried right now) that the whole +1 system doesn't really go along with the play nice rules. I am glad that the -1 was removed, but it still seems like it'll just turn into a big popularity contest. I, for one, wouldn't miss it. I don't really care that much if people want to +1 and -1 me or whatever, but it's kind of distracting and not really constructive in my opinion.

And I didn't even realize there was a warning level bar until someone mentioned it last night. *checks own warning bar and is rather shocked to see that there is no warning level* Dammit, I must be slacking. :p

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How about the "+" and "-" ratings come with a name attached? People generally think a bit more when their name is connected. I don't really think it's a horrible thing and I don't really care if someone doesn't like what I said. I do think their should be either a daily limit or something along those lines to deter people from doing what Eternal suggested and marking all of someone's posts negative. Then again... the mods should be able to monitor those sorts of things, yes? If so... that person probably just earned themselves a warning, or more, per basic DGN rules of conduct.

Also.. Hunhee... I think these sorts of topics are very much something that needs open dialogue.

(HA! Just noticed my warn level is at 40%)

I was under the impression that everyone could see everyone else's warning level. Now I realize what the_eternal was talking about. (considering I checked my PM from him after I read the post, but the PM was forwarded after my post was made, I believe *checks the times* yupp, almos simultaneously).

I'm still reeling over all the new buttons and features on this thing, you guys will have to be patient (remember I do have a day job ;/), but PLEASE DO keep on telling us what you like and what you don't like, trust me it helps. I didn't delete this thread because I believed the things we're getting to in this thread need to be discussed.

And umm.. Troy's warning level I believe is also at 40% *EG* he's a been a naughty boy ;).

The crazy thing is (since I figured I should share with all of you what I see on my end) before, it used to be the warning levels went up by 20% each instance. NOW you can only reduce/raise something by NO MORE THAN 5% wtf!?!? Oh, but the good thing is, we can now put stuff in each of your things WITHOUT raising or lowering the warning level. That's good. :)

Edited by hunhee
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I was under the impression that everyone could see everyone else's warning level. Now I realize what the_eternal was talking about. (considering I checked my PM from him after I read the post, but the PM was forwarded after my post was made, I believe *checks the times* yupp, almos simultaneously).

I'm still reeling over all the new buttons and features on this thing, you guys will have to be patient (remember I do have a day job ;/), but PLEASE DO keep on telling us what you like and what you don't like, trust me it helps. I didn't delete this thread because I believed the things we're getting to in this thread need to be discussed.

And umm.. Troy's warning level I believe is also at 40% *EG* he's a been a naughty boy ;) .

The crazy thing is (since I figured I should share with all of you what I see on my end) before, it used to be the warning levels went up by 20% each instance. NOW you can only reduce/raise something by NO MORE THAN 5% wtf!?!? Oh, but the good thing is, we can now put stuff in each of your things WITHOUT raising or lowering the warning level. That's good. :)

My warning bar is broken...it is all white...should it not be a glowing rainbow?

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Eternal and Bean Water, I know I have not meet you guys. I am sorry to hear this. Through your guys posts,you seem like awesome folks. Not trying to be kiss up by saying that. I am just being honest. If I may, hugs to both of you.

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Eternal and Bean Water, I know I have not meet you guys. I am sorry to hear this. Through your guys posts,you seem like awesome folks. Not trying to be kiss up by saying that. I am just being honest. If I may, hugs to both of you.

Aww, thank you! :)

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I want to thank you all.

You are being very supportive.

Dragonluv, it's okay we haven't met. Pomba said you are good enough to be my friend, and so you are.

As of right now, I can't see my warning level.

Thank g-d.

Every time I posted, I felt like it was staring at me.

You would've had to have been a member back in 2005 or

had hung around with a certain banned person back then to know how ugly it got.

If that warning bar hadn't been turned off, I would've bolted the board.

Not out of anger.

I just couldn't bear being reminded of the only truly negative time in 4+ years on the board, every time I posted.

And I seriously considered just PMing the mods, but then I thought

WWTD? What Would Troy Do?

And I remembered that he started a thread to bring up the bugs with the new upgrade,

and that if I had an issue, I likely wasn't alone.

Anyway, thanks guys :grouphug

As for the +-, I would say something, but Raev did it better and more briefly than I could have, so here's an encore of his post

I personally don't care for the +/-

All it takes is for one person to not like somebody clicking - on everything they can for someone, to make that person feel unwanted by the entire community. The childish actions of a small few can ultimately alienate numerous people and in the name of being fair to all I feel it should not be in effect.

If you dislike someone or something they said, either talk to them as an adult - as we all are or just ignore them. Leave childishness off of this board.

+5 (I'd give more, but I believe that's the per day maximum)

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I do appreciate people bringing things to our attention. I really am busting my ass. I'm probably still approximating something like 8 hours a day on various aspects of the community. Just trying to make things the best I can , with huge amounts from the mods and the members.

Right now (say in the next week or two) I'm more likely to actually see a concern if it is in "The DGN Under Construction" topic.

I'm having a difficult time doing anything other than dgn "work" and tend to just read 1. my email 2. My PMs 3. Staff Chat 3. DGN Under Construction... then back to working on DGN. It is pretty stresfful, and with my health problems, all the more so.

Many of the settings are "built in" or just happen when you make a change to some part of the board or other. The software is getting so complex that it is harder and harder to anticipate what will actually happen until after you do it, then fix it as nessisary.

There are a solid 20 differen't things on my list, and that is just the "high priority" list, the cloud of sundry issues is massive.

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- Eternal I love you man. I know it was more the shock value than anything that precipitated this post. *man hug*

Other Thoughts:

- The "warn system" is quite informal. A better name for it should be something like "notepad" or "comments". It is a place for a scratch pad to keep a log of things that would otherwise be impossible to keep track of , say just via posts in the staff discussion area.

- I actually didn't even know it WASN'T visible to users until just in the last day or two.

- Even when it was visible, the "warnings" are only visible to the poster themselves, not the public.

- The "reputation system" (+/-) i agree would be nice (now that it is positive only due to me changing it from the default) should have a way for users to see who 'repped' them. Unfortuantely this requires a fairly significant modification and would be very far down on the to-do list. There isn't just an on-off setting for this. Although I've read rumors on the admin forums that there may be one in the future.

- I also am not in love with the name of the reputation system. It is supposed to be a bit of a community self-regulation system that rewards positive helpful posts with a slight "thanks!" and negative/unhelpful posts with a slight "no thanks" but in practice I think the " - " part of it is apt to cause more drama than it is worth. Especially in a lets call it, sensitive, community.

Please post "DGN Changes" type questions in the DGN Under Construction topic. It is unlikely I'll even see such posts if they aren't in that topic.

I really am going to have trouble over the next week reading my usual quota of posts due to all the behind the scenes 'work'. Although I will, just for my own sanity, have to read/post a few non-work related things from time to time.

*tires not to stress out too much* I really do love all you guys. Honestly.

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You are anyways. :-P

True, true...

I want to thank you all.

You are being very supportive.

Dragonluv, it's okay we haven't met. Pomba said you are good enough to be my friend, and so you are.

As of right now, I can't see my warning level.

Thank g-d.

Every time I posted, I felt like it was staring at me.

You would've had to have been a member back in 2005 or

had hung around with a certain banned person back then to know how ugly it got.

If that warning bar hadn't been turned off, I would've bolted the board.

Not out of anger.

I just couldn't bear being reminded of the only truly negative time in 4+ years on the board, every time I posted.

And I seriously considered just PMing the mods, but then I thought

WWTD? What Would Troy Do?

And I remembered that he started a thread to bring up the bugs with the new upgrade,

and that if I had an issue, I likely wasn't alone.

Anyway, thanks guys :grouphug

As for the +-, I would say something, but Raev did it better and more briefly than I could have, so here's an encore of his post

+5 (I'd give more, but I believe that's the per day maximum)

D-luv is a great Lady...you simply HAVE to meet her.

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