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I am offended that you even insinuate I might get offended easily. :cry

LOL, then my job was a success!! I just stopped taking things personally a long time ago because it always created more stress than what I needed. These days, you really need to take a step back and know that its always going to happen. Just a matter of how well you can take it.

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I watched a youtube clip where they tried to corner Janeane Garofalo with ambush interviewing and she stood up to them.


That chic is totally dumb to what is going on. I love what one of the comments on the video was when she asked where were the people 8 years ago, this person said, "To respond to where the protesters where the last 8 years. THEY WERE ALL WORKING."

She makes big money and doesn't see the need for protesting. She doesn't care apparently what happens to the budget even though its tripled in size.

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Here is my take on Fox News.

I think they at least go out there to get the other half of the story, even if it seems a little glorified. All I have seen from CNN and the NBC networks was a one-sided effort. You always see guests that come on with opposite views on a particular subject so you can get both sides. Are you so stuck on one side of the fence that any opposing view offends you? There are always 2 sides to every coin and if you can't look at the other view, then you can't complain about what is going on around you with just-cause.

Edited by Reaper
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Reaper, television news in this country hasn't been objective since the early days of my childhood. Fox, CNN, MSNBC... all of them are supported by advertiser dollars. It isn't like in the thirties through the seventies, where national news was seen as a cost of doing business by the air networks, who were given the privilege to broadcast on the public airwaves by the FCC...

No, the "news" is a WAY of doing business now. Moreover, with the fracturing of the once monolithic audience, each channel has catered their news reporting to a particular point of view, irrespective of reality.

There is no "other side" of the truth, Reaper. There is only the truth. Sadly, the truth doesn't pay the bills.

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Ralph Peters said this:

I want to be clear. If, when the facts are in, we find out that through some convoluted chain of events, he really was captured by the Taliban, I’m with him. But, if he walked away from his post and his buddies in wartime, I don’t care how hard it sounds, as far as I’m concerned, the Taliban can save us a lot of legal hassles and legal bills.

A man suggested on national television that the murder of someone's son by vile barbarians is preferable to the American taxpayer than his safe return and subsequent investigation into his actions.

That is what Fox news is all about. Those are the viewpoints that Fox News appeals to.

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One thing I can actually thank Fox News for in all honesty, by there very existance they make ALL other news organizations seem more credible... In the same way that you can thank a brick way after you have been smashing your head against it for the feeling you have when you stop.

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Ralph Peters said this:

A man suggested on national television that the murder of someone's son by vile barbarians is preferable to the American taxpayer than his safe return and subsequent investigation into his actions.

That is what Fox news is all about. Those are the viewpoints that Fox News appeals to.

Well, the soldier IS responsible for his actions and walking off the base possibly causing a security issue if he has knowledge of anything secret. He is on his own.

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No. He is not on his own. He is one of ours. He may indeed be kind of stupid, but that is beside the point. We, as a civilized nation, do not abandon our soldiers when they make mistakes. We, as a civilized nation, do not prefer for vile barbarians to kill our errant soldiers to save on paperwork.

Paperwork. The hassle of an investigation and a possible court martial. That is too much of a cost for this retired Lieutenant Colonel to bear.

That is the environment Fox News has fostered.

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Well, the soldier IS responsible for his actions and walking off the base possibly causing a security issue if he has knowledge of anything secret. He is on his own.

The soldier is responsible for his own actions...but all soldiers are resonsible for their own actions AND the actions of their buddies...unlike what the news tells you the people in the military really are somewhat smart and can function on a normal level...they can even wipe their own asses.

I don't care what news network it is...if they are reporting on the military chances are that the REAL story was shreaded by the network writers a long time ago and that the story they are telling has about as much truth in it as the labels on penis enlargement advertisements.

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That is the list of current Fox News sponsors. Don't buy from them if you disagree with their message, or buy from them if you do. I won't be buying.

So do you go off of this list every time you go somewhere or shop for something? Lot of good sponsors on there that are being hated on just because they are advertising on there.

As for Bill O'Reilly, I don't take him seriously. There are as many hate mongers on the left as there are on O'Reilly's own fanbase.

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I don't hate the sponsors for wanting to sell to anyone, anywhere, at any time. I do think that the one of the purposes of this boycott list is to warn the advertisers that sometimes even amoral capitalism is inappropriate. Besides, it gives me a challenge.

Ok, Reaper... cite examples of left wing hate mongers. I named Bill O'Reilly, and I can cite one prominent example of his blustering that has contributed to the death of a human being.

I don't doubt that there are these types of people, Reaper... I just wonder about their nielsen ratings.

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I don't hate the sponsors for wanting to sell to anyone, anywhere, at any time. I do think that the one of the purposes of this boycott list is to warn the advertisers that sometimes even amoral capitalism is inappropriate. Besides, it gives me a challenge.

Ok, Reaper... cite examples of left wing hate mongers. I named Bill O'Reilly, and I can cite one prominent example of his blustering that has contributed to the death of a human being.

I don't doubt that there are these types of people, Reaper... I just wonder about their nielsen ratings.

Look at the organization of ACORN. It is the entity that has had some of its members indicted on fraud, members turn on its own organization for its practices, and hates the Republican party so much that it had organization leaders push for faulty votes and even preaching to people to vote for Obama. This is no secret as the videos and recordings of their members make it apparent. They are supposed to be a neutral organization but have become a left wing society. Its not proven that they are working with Obama, but its clear that their intent has changed.

I'm not trying to clear Fox News of being belligerent through certain members of their cast, but I do believe that most of the other media is in bed with Obama and his administration. I have heard pretty weak questioning from them without any answers. What I am saying is, that at least there is a network out there to get the questions that I want answered. They have become the most popular network because of the hard questions they ask that others don't. I just think its time for people to be heard and get through someone that doesn't have tie-ins with the administration. I didn't like Bush much either and I tend to lean to either side, depending on who I feel has a grip on reality. Just doesn't seem to me that we are going in the direction other than socialism.

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Why would anyone have to cite examples of left wing hate mongers?!?! They are just as common as they are on the right wing. However, they are probably given a free pass to sanity for hating on things like smoking, dringking, guns, the military, and people who don't give their left nut to mother earth.

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ACORN turned in the people that committed voter fraud. The allegations posited by Fox news, that ACORN as an organization is rotten, simply does not bear out to the facts. Why would ACORN still be in operation, and not under investigation... if there were evidence of systemic corruption?

McCain: The ACORN Fables

In another attempt to paint groups and people with whom Obama has some connection in as unsavory a light as possible, McCain has gone after the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. And we've gone after him, for an ad accusing the group of "massive voter fraud" and for saying in the final presidential debate that ACORN is "now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy."

Both claims are breathtakingly inaccurate. There's a huge difference between voter fraud and voter registration fraud. And while ACORN, which hires part-time, $8-an-hour canvassers to go door-to-door and register people to vote, has had widespread problems with phony registrations invented by employees who don't want to work, the problem has never been that it sent people to the polls using bogus identities or to vote in any other fraudulent manner. Even the Republican prosecutor of the largest ACORN case to date said the shenanigans of ACORN workers were "not intended to permit illegal voting."

To be sure, Obama's interactions with the group have been greater than he has let on. But whether those ties can accurately be called "long and deep," as McCain's ad claims, is highly questionable.

That came from http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/the_whoppers_of_2008_--_the_sequel.html About three quarters of the way down.

Any way, I do not find skepticism of established media to be foolish. At the same time... Fox has consistently and predictably towed the party line and obfuscated the truth in a transparent and shameful manner for years. It isn't a matter of all other media skewing the truth one way, and Fox just skewing it against the grain.

Fox spews lies.

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Here is my take on Fox News.

I think they at least go out there to get the other half of the story, even if it seems a little glorified. All I have seen from CNN and the NBC networks was a one-sided effort. You always see guests that come on with opposite views on a particular subject so you can get both sides. Are you so stuck on one side of the fence that any opposing view offends you? There are always 2 sides to every coin and if you can't look at the other view, then you can't complain about what is going on around you with just-cause.


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I don't hate the sponsors for wanting to sell to anyone, anywhere, at any time. I do think that the one of the purposes of this boycott list is to warn the advertisers that sometimes even amoral capitalism is inappropriate. Besides, it gives me a challenge.

Ok, Reaper... cite examples of left wing hate mongers. I named Bill O'Reilly, and I can cite one prominent example of his blustering that has contributed to the death of a human being.

I don't doubt that there are these types of people, Reaper... I just wonder about their nielsen ratings.

Keith Olbermann, and Chris Matthews

Edited by TitsMcGee
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