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All right, TM....

Cite where their words have inspired someone to kill another person. I can do that with Bill O'Reilly and his "Dr. Tiller the Baby Killer" tirades.

I don't think you can do that with either Olbermann or Matthews.

Where did she say that their words did?

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ACORN turned in the people that committed voter fraud. The allegations posited by Fox news, that ACORN as an organization is rotten, simply does not bear out to the facts. Why would ACORN still be in operation, and not under investigation... if there were evidence of systemic corruption?

That came from http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/the_whoppers_of_2008_--_the_sequel.html About three quarters of the way down.

Any way, I do not find skepticism of established media to be foolish. At the same time... Fox has consistently and predictably towed the party line and obfuscated the truth in a transparent and shameful manner for years. It isn't a matter of all other media skewing the truth one way, and Fox just skewing it against the grain.

Fox spews lies.

I have done some checking on factcheck.org and found numerous reports about the organization going "left" as well. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/matthew-balan/2008/09/09/cnn-contradicts-factcheck-org-their-own-reporting-palin You can just do a search on factcheck.org and the word bias.

"Why would ACORN still be in operation, and not under investigation... if there were evidence of systemic corruption?"

Obama has been involved directly as a supporting lawyer for Acorn. Why would he do anything to an organization that supported him and helped him get into the White House? That is like shooting yourself in the foot.

My point is, that you can't rely on believing everything the internet puts out either. Acorn is another great example of this because of the numerous videos taken that show the organization telling people to vote for Obama and no repercussions resulting from it. You are almost sounding like an activist against one media outlet for one or two incidents that you feel are over the top. Alot of media is controlled by someone who has an agenda, so I find it hard to believe that any are totally reliable, including Fox News.

Edited by Reaper
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Where did she say that their words did?

She didn't say it explicitly, but she did decide to cite Olbermann and Matthews in response to my mention of Bill O'Reilly. Bill O'Reilly with his "Tiller the baby Killer" rants inspired Scott Roeder to kill George Tiller. On 23 separate episodes, O'Reilly called Tiller a baby killer.

Where did Olbermann or Matthews help to foster an act of terrorism?

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She didn't say it explicitly, but she did decide to cite Olbermann and Matthews in response to my mention of Bill O'Reilly. Bill O'Reilly with his "Tiller the baby Killer" rants inspired Scott Roeder to kill George Tiller. On 23 separate episodes, O'Reilly called Tiller a baby killer.

Where did Olbermann or Matthews help to foster an act of terrorism?

She highlighted the section about being right wing hate mongers my friend. Again, I see no mention anywhere of them fostering an act of terrorism.

Asking for evidence of them being right wing hatemongers would be a valid challenge, in my opinion.

Edited by Raev
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yeah i don't think that is real...i watch all their shit on israel and they never mix any of those places up...ah but the trouble people will go through to try and make someone or something look bad...good use of time and energy there...

shall we look up the countless examples of spelling and editing mistakes by every network in every form of media to see who is the most hateful and stupid?

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yeah i don't think that is real...i watch all their shit on israel and they never mix any of those places up...ah but the trouble people will go through to try and make someone or something look bad...good use of time and energy there...

shall we look up the countless examples of spelling and editing mistakes by every network in every form of media to see who is the most hateful and stupid?

I very much HOPE that is not real.

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OMG.... wow... yeah..... um if that is real, then FOX.... NO

Wouldn't surprise me... I had occasion to watch Fox News for a while today and was amazed at the utter lack of even a pretense of journalistic objectivity... that and the complete trivialization of every issue. It was like an 8th grade play or something. They're obviously not working with the cream of the crop over there.

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Wouldn't surprise me... I had occasion to watch Fox News for a while today and was amazed at the utter lack of even a pretense of journalistic objectivity... that and the complete trivialization of every issue. It was like an 8th grade play or something. They're obviously not working with the cream of the crop over there.


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Okay, first of all, Bill O'Reilly is a demagogue???

Ttogreh, can you prove that ? Or did you make that comment just because you don't like him ?

I'd like to see this "proof".

Also, are you trying to insinuate, that Bill O'Reilly's reporting, or any related comments he made in those tv segments, inspired the man who murdered Dr. Tiller(at point blank range, in the middle of a church during mass) to commit that murder?

Dr.Tiller performed Thousands of abortions over his career, that alone could inspire an anti-abortion activist to go off the deep end and murder him.

Bill O'Reilly would not be on the air if he said anything like that.

Bill O'Reilly Is full of himself, and at times does come off quite arrogant, but he is not a demagogue.

Lastly, that news graphic that Media Matters "came up" with, I think it's fake. If Fox made such a huge error on something like that, they would appologize for it. My opinion, I think Media Matters posted that just to sling mud at Fox.

I really wonder if anyone does reporting that is 100% objective; MSNBC is left wing, Fox is right wing. I think money,ratings, and politics have tarnished the media for perhaps forever.

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Bill O'Reilly mentioned Tiller on 28 (I thought it was 23 before) separate episodes, with the epithet "Tiller the Baby Killer" said by O'Reilly several times. He warned of what Tiller would receive on "Judgement Day".

That is demagoguery.

COTN, if you actually believe that demagoguery is against the law, or Fox corporate policy, you are sorely mistaken.

Media Matters, Factcheck.org, politifact.com ... all of these sites paint the same picture of Fox News, and they call MSNBC out on its biases as well.

As for Fox News apologizing for mistakes...


Yeah... Apologies don't mean much if you do it over and over and over again.

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I fail to see, even after all these posts, how ragging on Fox has anything to do with anything here...

If you can't understand that ALL media = crooked...well then I can point you to some nice flashcards that will help you tell the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground.

Give up already...shit spelling mistakes are EVERYWHERE and I have seen many educated professionals get stuff wrong...we are not perfect robots from the future and the phrase "shit happens" still holds much truth. Get your panties in a bundle all you want but the spelling mistakes will not go away, at least for a while, no matter how far you shove that stick up your ass. Honestly if you can't seem to get past a few spelling mistakes which causes you to just toss away anything you were seeing then you probably have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time.

And keep telling yourself that Bill got that dude killed...there is obviously no other reason that someone would have hated him enough to kill him...he never, EVER got any death threats either and there were probably no attacks on his office...he lived in perfect safety just like any other doctor that does abortions.

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Bill 100% did not kill the abortion Dr.

What he is guilty of is helping spread the hate culture that makes it so these things happen more often.... And believe me, he is NOT the only one. Ann Coultier comes to mind, Rush Limbaugh is another...

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Bill 100% did not kill the abortion Dr.

What he is guilty of is helping spread the hate culture that makes it so these things happen more often.... And believe me, he is NOT the only one. Ann Coultier comes to mind, Rush Limbaugh is another...


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Bill O'Reilly mentioned Tiller on 28 (I thought it was 23 before) separate episodes, with the epithet "Tiller the Baby Killer" said by O'Reilly several times. He warned of what Tiller would receive on "Judgement Day".

That is demagoguery.

COTN, if you actually believe that demagoguery is against the law, or Fox corporate policy, you are sorely mistaken.

Media Matters, Factcheck.org, politifact.com ... all of these sites paint the same picture of Fox News, and they call MSNBC out on its biases as well.

As for Fox News apologizing for mistakes...


Yeah... Apologies don't mean much if you do it over and over and over again.


Bill 100% did not kill the abortion Dr.

What he is guilty of is helping spread the hate culture that makes it so these things happen more often.... And believe me, he is NOT the only one. Ann Coultier comes to mind, Rush Limbaugh is another...


Main Entry:

1dem·a·gogue Listen to the pronunciation of 1demagogue


also dem·a·gog Listen to the pronunciation of demagog \ˈde-mə-ˌgäg\




Greek dēmagōgos, from dēmos people (perhaps akin to Greek daiesthai to divide) + agōgos leading, from agein to lead — more at tide, agent



1 : a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power

2 : a leader championing the cause of the common people in ancient times

— dem·a·gogu·ery Listen to the pronunciation of demagoguery \-ˌgä-g(ə-)rē\ noun

— dem·a·gogy Listen to the pronunciation of demagogy \-ˌgä-gē, -ˌgä-jē, -ˌgō-jē\ noun

Hm...what can these fine peoples hope to attain by 'ragging' about this state of affairs...

...depends on to whom the complain, & how often; coupled with how many peoples they get to complain with them & how "loud" the group gets.

Here, I think that they are having a smash-up of a debate...& in good form from what I see.

This kind of open minded debate/discussion is what the Fathers founded this country for.

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