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Iv learned depression is like an annoying inlaw... it comes and goes as it pleases, it dont call before it comes over to visit, it always shows up at the Worst possible time, and it tries to control your life.....

and just when you think your in the clear... here it is AGAIN !!! :crybaby:

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Iv learned depression is like an annoying inlaw... it comes and goes as it pleases, it dont call before it comes over to visit, it always shows up at the Worst possible time, and it tries to control your life.....

and just when you think your in the clear... here it is AGAIN !!! :crybaby:

Wow, that sounds like me at times! I agree!

I tend to push things aside and sometimes I just get in this fog. The other day I was like that and when I am like that, I tend to be super quiet and quite expressionless, kind of spaced out. I used to write a lot and that's how I dealt before. Or I listen to music.

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I usually don't get depressed...or if I do, I try to ignore it.

I don't like it (though who does).

If I do get depressed...I'm just more prone to getting down and crying or feeling like no one cars or I have no life.

Oh, hugs! But, darling, you are right; no one cars. We drive. We ride. We love you like crazy, but we don't CAR. Nope. We put an 'e' at the end instead.

*Hugs from the Gramma Nahtzee*

Me? I tell really stupid jokes, smile 'til it hurts, cry a little, and go snuggle with someone who loves me. Or, at least that's been working lately!

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  • 2 weeks later...

(The thread I started was locked; hadn't realized we already had a thread in the same vein as mine... hopefully this is acceptable now)

Hey DG members...

I know I'm a newbie still, and I do not hang around the boards too much... I'm going to try and remedy that. However, I do currently feel as though I'm going through a bit of a depression...

To start, I have been out of school for about a year, and have not been able to find full-time work, either inside or outside my career field. My savings are dripping out of my bank accounts as the days tick by, and though I'm lucky enough to have a good relationship with my parents (who are letting me stay with them for awhile), things are getting rocky in the house as they too are frustrated with me being jobless.

On top of that, my relationship of two years ended in early August, and I haven't had so much as a significant date since then. I really do not know how to meet people, especially people in Port Huron... anybody I've ever met and dated has been, for the most part, someone my group of friends casually knew... or I met them on the internet. Not to mention, anybody I hung around with in Port Huron ages ago, before college, is now gone, or dead. So I find myself, day in, day out, being alone and lonesome. I don't even think I want a relationship, though it would be nice; I just want something as simple as somebody to go get coffee with, or see a movie with. I don't even have that. I have nobody I can chat with about life or stupid small things, aimlessly.

Finally, I think I suffer from SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder -- have to love the guys who make these acronyms -- and it's just now getting grey enough outside on a daily basis where it's bringing me down further.

So I pose the question to all of you... are you currently down? What do you do to get your mind off of it? Anybody want to chat?

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(The thread I started was locked; hadn't realized we already had a thread in the same vein as mine... hopefully this is acceptable now)

Hey DG members...

I know I'm a newbie still, and I do not hang around the boards too much... I'm going to try and remedy that. However, I do currently feel as though I'm going through a bit of a depression...

To start, I have been out of school for about a year, and have not been able to find full-time work, either inside or outside my career field. My savings are dripping out of my bank accounts as the days tick by, and though I'm lucky enough to have a good relationship with my parents (who are letting me stay with them for awhile), things are getting rocky in the house as they too are frustrated with me being jobless.

On top of that, my relationship of two years ended in early August, and I haven't had so much as a significant date since then. I really do not know how to meet people, especially people in Port Huron... anybody I've ever met and dated has been, for the most part, someone my group of friends casually knew... or I met them on the internet. Not to mention, anybody I hung around with in Port Huron ages ago, before college, is now gone, or dead. So I find myself, day in, day out, being alone and lonesome. I don't even think I want a relationship, though it would be nice; I just want something as simple as somebody to go get coffee with, or see a movie with. I don't even have that. I have nobody I can chat with about life or stupid small things, aimlessly.

Finally, I think I suffer from SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder -- have to love the guys who make these acronyms -- and it's just now getting grey enough outside on a daily basis where it's bringing me down further.

So I pose the question to all of you... are you currently down? What do you do to get your mind off of it? Anybody want to chat?

I have been really level most of this season.. especially since I started working out again :)

Buuuut, I am no stranger to depression :no Unfortunately.

So if you need to chat I am always willing to talk & listen ;)

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Depression... the best thing to do for me when I am depressed is SOMETHING. Not watch TV or drift in my head but something.... Cook, Go for a walk, Take a shower, Write, Sex (Jerk Off if no sex available), play with the dog, Socialize, Go get grocieries..... ANYTHING that keeps part of my mind active.

And yes sometimes it will freak someone you are with out, when you have been gloomy and moody all day and you suddenly pop up and declare "We should go to the mall or pet store... or bust out the cards or a boardgame..." They look at you like are nuts... but what it actually is is the fact that you are activly trying to be positvie and snap yourself out of it.

Good point about actively keeping your mind busy. I have to completely force myself, let alone push to get things done. Some of the things I like to do when I'm feeling depressed is play video games, drink liquid courage (I know you can't find your answers at the bottom of the bottle), go for timed walks with g/f or without, wash dishes, play with my kiddy cats, sexplode, crave any kind of chocolate like a woman on her period, any kind of simple chores and reading sometimes helps too. Problem is that is just half the battle..

Edited by Morbid Side
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I cry a lot and wallow in my misery. I'm on Welbutrin right now, and it's not really doing whole lot. I was on Abilify, and that worked great, but my insurance sucks and I can't afford it.

Wow. I have taken lexapro in the past and I would really like to stray away from becoming dependant on anti-depressants for undisclosed reasons. However, I understand how some people need them in order to take control of their life. Hell, I can relate.

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(The thread I started was locked; hadn't realized we already had a thread in the same vein as mine... hopefully this is acceptable now)

Hey DG members...

I know I'm a newbie still, and I do not hang around the boards too much... I'm going to try and remedy that. However, I do currently feel as though I'm going through a bit of a depression...

To start, I have been out of school for about a year, and have not been able to find full-time work, either inside or outside my career field. My savings are dripping out of my bank accounts as the days tick by, and though I'm lucky enough to have a good relationship with my parents (who are letting me stay with them for awhile), things are getting rocky in the house as they too are frustrated with me being jobless.

On top of that, my relationship of two years ended in early August, and I haven't had so much as a significant date since then. I really do not know how to meet people, especially people in Port Huron... anybody I've ever met and dated has been, for the most part, someone my group of friends casually knew... or I met them on the internet. Not to mention, anybody I hung around with in Port Huron ages ago, before college, is now gone, or dead. So I find myself, day in, day out, being alone and lonesome. I don't even think I want a relationship, though it would be nice; I just want something as simple as somebody to go get coffee with, or see a movie with. I don't even have that. I have nobody I can chat with about life or stupid small things, aimlessly.

Finally, I think I suffer from SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder -- have to love the guys who make these acronyms -- and it's just now getting grey enough outside on a daily basis where it's bringing me down further.

So I pose the question to all of you... are you currently down? What do you do to get your mind off of it? Anybody want to chat?

we are here for you; your not the only person who goes through this; we all have each other to lean on!

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as I've found out the past couple of weeks...exercise. I've been in a rut for a few months and starting to come out of it since i started working out.

Or maybe it's video project coming to fruition

But probably the working out

Why not both? Taking care of ourselves physically supports our self-confidence and creativity. Creative outlets provide us with (for lack of a better word) spiritual energy. Keep up the good work! (And I should follow your example.)

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(The thread I started was locked; hadn't realized we already had a thread in the same vein as mine... hopefully this is acceptable now)

Hey DG members...

I know I'm a newbie still, and I do not hang around the boards too much... I'm going to try and remedy that. However, I do currently feel as though I'm going through a bit of a depression...

To start, I have been out of school for about a year, and have not been able to find full-time work, either inside or outside my career field. My savings are dripping out of my bank accounts as the days tick by, and though I'm lucky enough to have a good relationship with my parents (who are letting me stay with them for awhile), things are getting rocky in the house as they too are frustrated with me being jobless.

On top of that, my relationship of two years ended in early August, and I haven't had so much as a significant date since then. I really do not know how to meet people, especially people in Port Huron... anybody I've ever met and dated has been, for the most part, someone my group of friends casually knew... or I met them on the internet. Not to mention, anybody I hung around with in Port Huron ages ago, before college, is now gone, or dead. So I find myself, day in, day out, being alone and lonesome. I don't even think I want a relationship, though it would be nice; I just want something as simple as somebody to go get coffee with, or see a movie with. I don't even have that. I have nobody I can chat with about life or stupid small things, aimlessly.

Finally, I think I suffer from SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder -- have to love the guys who make these acronyms -- and it's just now getting grey enough outside on a daily basis where it's bringing me down further.

So I pose the question to all of you... are you currently down? What do you do to get your mind off of it? Anybody want to chat?

I'm not sure why the thread you started was locked, since this is about your specific situation, and because a lot of people don't bother to read these old, necro-threads, but anyway...

My best method of dealing with depression is getting out of the house. I go exercise, I go visit friends, I go to the store, I go for a walk. If I can't go out (don't have the money, etc.) then I force myself to stay busy at home, doing chores and whatnot.

I'm not sure whether you're saying that you don't have a job at all, or that you just don't have a full time job, but if you're not working at all, taking a part time job, especially if it's something you enjoy, or is in your preferred line of work, will help with the depression, get you some extra money, and look much better on your resume than you not working at all. If you're not able to find a part-time job that works for you, volunteering can make you feel good about yourself, and also looks good on a resume.

As far as the SAD, thankfully, December is the darkest month of the year, so it will start getting lighter again in a month. One thing that helps me is getting up a little earlier than I normally would in the winter. Unless you're someone who normally gets up before 7 AM, you're probably missing some light in the mornings. I always feel crappy in the winter when I sleep the day away.

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I'm not sure why the thread you started was locked, since this is about your specific situation, and because a lot of people don't bother to read these old, necro-threads, but anyway...

My best method of dealing with depression is getting out of the house. I go exercise, I go visit friends, I go to the store, I go for a walk. If I can't go out (don't have the money, etc.) then I force myself to stay busy at home, doing chores and whatnot.

I'm not sure whether you're saying that you don't have a job at all, or that you just don't have a full time job, but if you're not working at all, taking a part time job, especially if it's something you enjoy, or is in your preferred line of work, will help with the depression, get you some extra money, and look much better on your resume than you not working at all. If you're not able to find a part-time job that works for you, volunteering can make you feel good about yourself, and also looks good on a resume.

As far as the SAD, thankfully, December is the darkest month of the year, so it will start getting lighter again in a month. One thing that helps me is getting up a little earlier than I normally would in the winter. Unless you're someone who normally gets up before 7 AM, you're probably missing some light in the mornings. I always feel crappy in the winter when I sleep the day away.

No, I have a part-time job already. They're only giving me four to eight hours a week, though, which is NOT enough to support myself on. I have formally requested, complained, and finally bitched at them about giving me more hours, especially since I have a degree and have open availability and am willing to work ANY shift... and yet they still refuse to give me more hours. Corporate America for you. So that also adds to my depression a bit, the fact that I'm trying very hard to work and earn money but I'm getting shafted.

I haven't been able to find a career-path type job, or anything close to full-time (40hrs/week) work. Which I desperately need. Looks like I might have to look into factory work...

A 4.5 year degree, and I'll be working a factory. Sweet. I coulda saved the money and jumped right into factory out of high school, but, hey, no big deal. v_V

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