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I started wondering earlier, what the vox populi does when depression hits.

We all have our days.

Me personally, I create. My latest book gets worked on, when I'm feeling down. It's comforting to focus my thoughts on the web I'm weaving.

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It varies but lately if it's mild I watch old sci-fi flicks and cheesy vampire movies and TV (anything but Twilight), True Blood, Lexx, and my favorite, Forever Knight. I eat chocolate and let my work pile up and just do nothing but whatever I want for an afternoon. Forensic Files marathons are always fascinating too. That usually cheers me up. (Of course then it's hell when I try to meet deadlines from getting behind, but I seem to thrive on that adrenaline rush after being down).

If it's moderate I wallow in it and whine to anyone who will listen.

If it's bad I tend to slow down, huddle in my cave, be antisocial and stop everything, ignore emails, phone calls, quit posting on boards, completely uncommunicative. Fortunately most of the time either I get sick of it or someone drags me out to go somewhere and my mood improves just from going out again.

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Primarily after reading this book I went off medications in March: http://eckharttolle.com/the_power_of_now

With any negative emotion, I acknowledge that I am my awareness is a non-conceptual nothingness, and that I am responsible for all my emotions and thoughts. Then I watch and accept my thoughts, emotions, and their absences as a silent observer.

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Depends what is depressing me. If I can do something about it, then I do. Getting out and being around other people usually helps.

This will probably sound lame, but one thing I do when I am feeling down is find a pet store or animal shelter and pet the puppies and kittens. I find it impossible to feel gloomy when I am holding a puppy.

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If it's bad I tend to slow down, huddle in my cave, be antisocial and stop everything, ignore emails, phone calls, quit posting on boards, completely uncommunicative. Fortunately most of the time either I get sick of it or someone drags me out to go somewhere and my mood improves just from going out again.

this, except to add drinking. for some reason, if i allow myself to get drunk & wallow a few nights in a row, i start to feel better. of course, this last time, it was well over two weeks & i'm still not feeling great, but better...

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Getting enough sleep controls it for me,I like sleeping,but in due time if things ever get worse in the near future I shall walk into an abandoned building in Canada and not come out,then the world can have a good laugh,depression is definitely a disease from hell as far as I am concerned.

Edited by Tacohitts
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depends really. if someone else is depressed, i do my best to drag them out of it, and it usually works.

if i'm depressed, there's nothing in the world that can drag me out. i sleep a lot, eat more than normal, sometimes write what's going on in my head, stop talking to people for that day ( or days, depending), and go into an anti-social spiral until i get sick of it, and drag myself out of it.

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The only way that seems to work: one breath at a time.

Sadly, some of my best work, comes from when I'm depressed... Writing, drawing, ect... I cannot really write when I'm happy lol

go figure....

none of that helps the depression, but I like doing it... the stuff is usually dark, so I know it doesn't help....

SO... I take it one breath at a time, on day at a time... Telling myself that its not that bad, even though my heart tells me that it is...

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I take my meds. Sometimes cleaning obsessively helps. Usually I sleep or have a smoke, but I'm quitting the smoking tomorrow. Used to be a time I would just sit it out in a coffeehouse all day long, but I haven't the funds for that anymore. Fortunately, I have a cuddle source instead. Yays!

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some one i know was talking to me about a cusin of mine. she said he has no stress management or copping skills. how do i deal with it? everyday is different. i just keep going. you gotta have a purpose or some structure in life. a sense of accomplishment should be replaced with a sense of urgency never leaving time for you to realize your depressed. the most danger comes from sitting still. letting it catch up to you. must allways be doing never wanting. all for what? for a purpose undefined we must quest for the grail.

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Guest Megalicious

I go for a walk.

Clean house.

Read - A LOT.

Play dress up (and anything else, but dress up makes me the happiest) with Keegan.

Snuggle Clem.

Take a bus ride and Sketch.

Try to do nice things for other people.

Go out painting.

Try to engulf myself in something I love to study ( anything science or math related).

Pamper myself - buy myself that little something I have wanted for a while, but just haven't splurged on.


Walk in Nature.

KEEP BUSY - that is the key with me :)

Though I rarely find myself too depressed even when in the foulest of moods, I am pretty perky and optimistic.

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