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Instead of it being a one sided affair with not accepting the Republicans side of the bill, why don't they mix it up and do this:

Use the same funds from the Medicare program

Partial discounts agreed from the doctors

Add an account setup by a third party to allow people to throw funds into it since the american people are so giving. It would help those without insurance and give a partial tax credit to the people who donate to this fund. They do it for a couple of other funds when you do your taxes for battered women and such.

These kinds of things need to be considered. Not just the Dems saying its our way or the highway. That is all I have been hearing about on various media is how the Republicans are being shut out because what they bring to the table is a Co-op. At least part of it should be considered into the bill. As the various polls show, support for reform is disappearing fast. Another short deadline is going to panic the American people even more because of the rush. People want reform, but they want it without more government watchmen.

They need to start listening to what the people want and don't want instead of what they want to do themselves.

Edited by Reaper
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Well, write to your senators, Reaper. That actually sounds like a reasonable compromise. What with 14,000 people getting kicked off of health insurance rolls a day, with the uninsured reaching 50 million, we have to accept that the old way of doing things just does not make any sense.

If the Republicans would just push something like what you are suggesting in the public airwaves, instead of blaming Pelosi and sending tea-baggers to town hall meetings... we might actually not have to re-visit this after whatever the hell does finally get passed.

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Well, write to your senators, Reaper. That actually sounds like a reasonable compromise. What with 14,000 people getting kicked off of health insurance rolls a day, with the uninsured reaching 50 million, we have to accept that the old way of doing things just does not make any sense.

If the Republicans would just push something like what you are suggesting in the public airwaves, instead of blaming Pelosi and sending tea-baggers to town hall meetings... we might actually not have to re-visit this after whatever the hell does finally get passed.


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Well, write to your senators, Reaper. That actually sounds like a reasonable compromise. What with 14,000 people getting kicked off of health insurance rolls a day, with the uninsured reaching 50 million, we have to accept that the old way of doing things just does not make any sense.

If the Republicans would just push something like what you are suggesting in the public airwaves, instead of blaming Pelosi and sending tea-baggers to town hall meetings... we might actually not have to re-visit this after whatever the hell does finally get passed.

Made me chuckle

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Well, write to your senators, Reaper. That actually sounds like a reasonable compromise. What with 14,000 people getting kicked off of health insurance rolls a day, with the uninsured reaching 50 million, we have to accept that the old way of doing things just does not make any sense.

If the Republicans would just push something like what you are suggesting in the public airwaves, instead of blaming Pelosi and sending tea-baggers to town hall meetings... we might actually not have to re-visit this after whatever the hell does finally get passed.

Sorry no one sent me to my local town hall meeting, I went because I wanted to get some things answered. I'm so sick of the left saying that someone HAS to be sending these angry people to the meetings. Have you thought that maybe people are just really angry with what their elected reps are doing, and they would like to voice that concern to those reps. I've wrote, called, and emailed my reps and all I get is form letters and staff members. Is it to much to ask to actually speak to the person that was elected, who is supposed to be the voice of their constituents when they vote for something.

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Did you get into a brawl with a bunch of union members, TM? I doubt it. Both sides are culpable for the violence that has come out of some of the meetings, but there is a difference of a concerned citizen expressing herself, such as you, and astro-turf thugs like the tea baggers screaming at their representatives and fighting with union members.

Union members who have only gone to the town hall meetings in response to reports of bellowing epithets being thrown there.

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(a) Standardizing Electronic Administrative Transactions-

(1) IN GENERAL- Part C of title XI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 1173 the following new section:


‘(a) Standards for Financial and Administrative Transactions-

‘(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall adopt and regularly update standards consistent with the goals described in paragraph (2).

‘(2) GOALS FOR FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSACTIONS- The goals for standards under paragraph (1) are that such standards shall--

‘(A) be unique with no conflicting or redundant standards;

‘(B) be authoritative, permitting no additions or constraints for electronic transactions, including companion guides;

‘© be comprehensive, efficient and robust, requiring minimal augmentation by paper transactions or clarification by further communications;


‘(D) enable the real-time (or near real-time) determination of an individual’s financial responsibility at the point of service and, to the extent possible, prior to service, including whether the individual is eligible for a specific service with a specific physician at a specific facility, which may include utilization of a machine-readable health plan beneficiary identification card;

‘(E) enable, where feasible, near real-time adjudication of claims;

‘(F) provide for timely acknowledgment, response, and status reporting applicable to any electronic transaction deemed appropriate by the Secretary;

‘(G) describe all data elements (such as reason and remark codes) in unambiguous terms, not permit optional fields, require that data elements be either required or conditioned upon set values in other fields, and prohibit additional conditions; and

‘(H) harmonize all common data elements across administrative and clinical transaction standards.

‘(3) TIME FOR ADOPTION- Not later than 2 years after the date of implementation of the X12 Version 5010 transaction standards implemented under this part, the Secretary shall adopt standards under this section.

‘(4) REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC STANDARDS- The standards under this section shall be developed, adopted and enforced so as to--

‘(A) clarify, refine, complete, and expand, as needed, the standards required under section 1173;

‘(B) require paper versions of standardized transactions to comply with the same standards as to data content such that a fully compliant, equivalent electronic transaction can be populated from the data from a paper version;


‘© enable electronic funds transfers, in order to allow automated reconciliation with the related health care payment and remittance advice;

‘(D) require timely and transparent claim and denial management processes, including tracking, adjudication, and appeal processing;


‘(E) require the use of a standard electronic transaction with which health care providers may quickly and efficiently enroll with a health plan to conduct the other electronic transactions provided for in this part; and

‘(F) provide for other requirements relating to administrative simplification as identified by the Secretary, in consultation with stakeholders.

‘(5) BUILDING ON EXISTING STANDARDS- In developing the standards under this section, the Secretary shall build upon existing and planned standards.

‘(6) IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT- Not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this section, the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a plan for the implementation and enforcement, by not later than 5 years after such date of enactment, of the standards under this section. Such plan shall include--

‘(A) a process and timeframe with milestones for developing the complete set of standards;

‘(B) an expedited upgrade program for continually developing and approving additions and modifications to the standards as often as annually to improve their quality and extend their functionality to meet evolving requirements in health care;

‘© programs to provide incentives for, and ease the burden of, implementation for certain health care providers, with special consideration given to such providers serving rural or underserved areas and ensure coordination with standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria being adopted under the HITECH Act;

‘(D) programs to provide incentives for, and ease the burden of, health care providers who volunteer to participate in the process of setting standards for electronic transactions;

‘(E) an estimate of total funds needed to ensure timely completion of the implementation plan; and

‘(F) an enforcement process that includes timely investigation of complaints, random audits to ensure compliance, civil monetary and programmatic penalties for non-compliance consistent with existing laws and regulations, and a fair and reasonable appeals process building off of enforcement provisions under this part.

‘(b) Limitations on Use of Data- Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the use of information collected under this section in a manner that would adversely affect any individual.

‘© Protection of Data- The Secretary shall ensure (through the promulgation of regulations or otherwise) that all data collected pursuant to subsection (a) are--

‘(1) used and disclosed in a manner that meets the HIPAA privacy and security law (as defined in section 3009(a)(2) of the Public Health Service Act), including any privacy or security standard adopted under section 3004 of such Act; and

‘(2) protected from all inappropriate internal use by any entity that collects, stores, or receives the data, including use of such data in determinations of eligibility (or continued eligibility) in health plans, and from other inappropriate uses, as defined by the Secretary.’.

(2) DEFINITIONS- Section 1171 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d) is amended--

(A) in paragraph (7), by striking ‘with reference to’ and all that follows and inserting ‘with reference to a transaction or data element of health information in section 1173 means implementation specifications, certification criteria, operating rules, messaging formats, codes, and code sets adopted or established by the Secretary for the electronic exchange and use of information’; and

(B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

‘(9) OPERATING RULES- The term ‘operating rules’ means business rules for using and processing transactions. Operating rules should address the following:

‘(A) Requirements for data content using available and established national standards.

‘(B) Infrastructure requirements that establish best practices for streamlining data flow to yield timely execution of transactions.

‘© Policies defining the transaction related rights and responsibilities for entities that are transmitting or receiving data.’.

(3) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- Section 1179(a) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d-8(a)) is amended, in the matter before paragraph (1)--

(A) by inserting ‘on behalf of an individual’ after ‘1978)’; and

(B) by inserting ‘on behalf of an individual’ after ‘for a financial institution.’

(b) Standards for Claims Attachments and Coordination of Benefits -

(1) STANDARD FOR HEALTH CLAIMS ATTACHMENTS- Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall promulgate a final rule to establish a standard for health claims attachment transaction described in section 1173(a)(2)(B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d-2(a)(2)(B)) and coordination of benefits.


(A) IN GENERAL- Section 1179 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d-8) is amended, in the matter before paragraph (1)--

(i) by striking ‘or is engaged’ and inserting ‘and is engaged’; and

(ii) by inserting ‘(other than as a business associate for a covered entity)’ after ‘for a financial institution’.

(B) EFFECTIVE DATE- The amendments made by paragraph (1) shall apply to transactions occurring on or after such date (not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this Act) as the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall specify.

Maybe my grasp on the english language just isn't that spectacular, but That certainly reads to me that there is intent to

(a)Base your contribution by what you have

(b)Lay the groundwork for rationing as stated "including whether the individual is eligible for a specific service with a specific physician at a specific facility"

©Allow the plan access to your funds automatically without your authorization based on the contribution the 'Secretary' deems you to be liable for.

Feel free to give all of your money to the poor uninsured if you like. I would prefer to take the responsibility of my OWN healthcare. Without government meddling and without the taxation for zero liability voters that the left want to continue to ingratiate to themselves by expanding the WELFARE state. It's not rocket science. The people who have nothing at stake will vote the party into power that gives them the most 'FREE' stuff. This stuff isn't free. It's a burden put directly on the shoulders of working Americans.

Well, write to your senators, Reaper. That actually sounds like a reasonable compromise. What with 14,000 people getting kicked off of health insurance rolls a day, with the uninsured reaching 50 million, we have to accept that the old way of doing things just does not make any sense.

If the Republicans would just push something like what you are suggesting in the public airwaves, instead of blaming Pelosi and sending tea-baggers to town hall meetings... we might actually not have to re-visit this after whatever the hell does finally get passed.

Show me proof? All I've seen is outdated census materials that included many medicare recipients as well as illegals in their numbers. Far from 50 million.

Sorry no one sent me to my local town hall meeting, I went because I wanted to get some things answered. I'm so sick of the left saying that someone HAS to be sending these angry people to the meetings. Have you thought that maybe people are just really angry with what their elected reps are doing, and they would like to voice that concern to those reps. I've wrote, called, and emailed my reps and all I get is form letters and staff members. Is it to much to ask to actually speak to the person that was elected, who is supposed to be the voice of their constituents when they vote for something.

Generic responses that aren't even related have almost become the rule. Such as the response I got when I sent a letter stating my position AGAINST the health care reform bill to the contact address for the White House.

Dear Friend,

If you’re like most Americans, there’s nothing more important to you about health care than peace of mind.

Given the status quo, that’s understandable. The current system often denies insurance due to pre-existing conditions, charges steep out-of-pocket fees – and sometimes isn’t there at all if you become seriously ill.

It’s time to fix our unsustainable insurance system and create a new foundation for health care security. That means guaranteeing your health care security and stability with eight basic consumer protections:

No discrimination for pre-existing conditions

No exorbitant out-of-pocket expenses, deductibles or co-pays

No cost-sharing for preventive care

No dropping of coverage if you become seriously ill

No gender discrimination

No annual or lifetime caps on coverage

Extended coverage for young adults

Guaranteed insurance renewal so long as premiums are paid

Learn more about these consumer protections at Whitehouse.gov.

Over the next month there is going to be an avalanche of misinformation and scare tactics from those seeking to perpetuate the status quo. But we know the cost of doing nothing is too high. Health care costs will double over the next decade, millions more will become uninsured, and state and local governments will go bankrupt.

It’s time to act and reform health insurance, drive down costs and guarantee the health care security and stability of every American family. You can help by putting these core principles of reform in the hands of your friends, your family, and the rest of your social network.

Thank you,

Barack Obama

Did you get into a brawl with a bunch of union members, TM? I doubt it. Both sides are culpable for the violence that has come out of some of the meetings, but there is a difference of a concerned citizen expressing herself, such as you, and astro-turf thugs like the tea baggers screaming at their representatives and fighting with union members.

Union members who have only gone to the town hall meetings in response to reports of bellowing epithets being thrown there.

The UNIONS have been destroying this country by beating the companies that drive our economy into submission while protecting the jobs of workers that don't deserve them for quite sometime. They are just as crooked they have been accused. Need proof? Ask my parents and many other people's parents that have had their medical coverage dwindle, and their pensions squandered leaving them with nothing when they are ready for retirement.

The following about sums it up.

Dear Citizens,

Due to the current financial situation caused by the slowdown in the economy, I, President Obama have decided to implement a scheme to put workers of 50 years of age and above on early retirement.

This scheme will be known as RAPE (Retire Aged People Early).

Persons selected to be RAPED can apply to Congress to be considered for the SHAFT scheme (Special Help After Forced Termination).

Persons who have been RAPED and SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW program (Scheme Covering Retired-Early Workers).

A person may be RAPED once, SHAFTED twice and SCREWED as many times as I, President Obama deem appropriate.

Persons who have been RAPED could get AIDS (Additional Income for Dependants & Spouse) or HERPES (Half Earnings for Retired Personnel Early Severance).

Obviously persons who have AIDS or HERPES will not be SHAFTED or SCREWED any further by me, President Obama.

Persons who are not RAPED and are staying on will receive as much SH*T (Special High Intensity Training) as possible. I, President Obama have always prided myself on the amount of SH*T I give our citizens.

Should you feel that you do not receive enough SH*T, please bring this to the attention of your Congressman, who has been trained to give you all the SH*T you can handle.


President Obama

PS - - Due to recent budget cuts and the rising cost of electricity, gas and oil, as well as current market conditions, the Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off.

< Not really representative of our dear leader's words but pretty close to his message. >

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Did you get into a brawl with a bunch of union members, TM? I doubt it. Both sides are culpable for the violence that has come out of some of the meetings, but there is a difference of a concerned citizen expressing herself, such as you, and astro-turf thugs like the tea baggers screaming at their representatives and fighting with union members.

Union members who have only gone to the town hall meetings in response to reports of bellowing epithets being thrown there.

The Tea Party members are NOT "astro-turf thugs".

They are normal working class American citizens who are voicing their opposition to what the government is trying to do.

What do you consider the 5 SEIU union members to be, who viciously beat the shit out of that poor man in St. Louis???? Patriots???

This is America, Not China.

We have freedom of speech in this country; this is a Democracy, Not a Totalitarian Dictatorship.

The people who go to these meetings are normal working class American citizens who are fed up with what Congress has been doing and are letting them know all about it.

These bellowing epithets, as you call them are nothing more then speeches from citizens who love their country, and don't want their freedom taken away.

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The Tea Party members are NOT "astro-turf thugs".

They are normal working class American citizens who are voicing their opposition to what the government is trying to do.

What do you consider the 5 SEIU union members to be, who viciously beat the shit out of that poor man in St. Louis???? Patriots???

This is America, Not China.

We have freedom of speech in this country; this is a Democracy, Not a Totalitarian Dictatorship.

The people who go to these meetings are normal working class American citizens who are fed up with what Congress has been doing and are letting them know all about it.

These bellowing epithets, as you call them are nothing more then speeches from citizens who love their country, and don't want their freedom taken away.

If they were screaming in support of the atrocities that are being perpetrated against all Americans they would be portrayed as patriots by the liberal leaning media. Because they are speaking up in outrage at what is being shoved down our throats they are painted instead as fakes, liars, and plants by the republican party in an attempt to discredit the general feelings of unrest so the current government can continue to herd the sheeple. It's not about the republican party. It's about the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

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The Tea Party members are NOT "astro-turf thugs".

They are normal working class American citizens who are voicing their opposition to what the government is trying to do.

What do you consider the 5 SEIU union members to be, who viciously beat the shit out of that poor man in St. Louis???? Patriots???

This is America, Not China.

We have freedom of speech in this country; this is a Democracy, Not a Totalitarian Dictatorship.

The people who go to these meetings are normal working class American citizens who are fed up with what Congress has been doing and are letting them know all about it.

These bellowing epithets, as you call them are nothing more then speeches from citizens who love their country, and don't want their freedom taken away.

This...is not nor ever has been a 'democracy'...it is a Republic.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag,

of the United States of America,

and to the
for which it stands,

one Nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all."

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I do believe that one by one our fellow americans are finally starting to get pissed when the government says stuff like "everything is fine" or "this will work" because they realize it a bunch of bullshit.

How can anyone say that they right wing had violent protests? WTF? The right wing usually never gets anything together for a protest...unlike the left wing which seems to protest anything and everything and usually does a great job when it comes to property damage and pissing off the local police force by throwing rock and stuff.

Wow, next you are gonna tell me that the ACLU us acutally living in 2009 instead of in the middle of the Civil War...idiots...

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I do believe that one by one our fellow americans are finally starting to get pissed when the government says stuff like "everything is fine" or "this will work" because they realize it a bunch of bullshit.

This part I very much agree with... it has been going on for all of the previous administration and this one seems to be doing the same.

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Did you get into a brawl with a bunch of union members, TM? I doubt it. Both sides are culpable for the violence that has come out of some of the meetings, but there is a difference of a concerned citizen expressing herself, such as you, and astro-turf thugs like the tea baggers screaming at their representatives and fighting with union members.

Union members who have only gone to the town hall meetings in response to reports of bellowing epithets being thrown there.

Shit all the union members up here in Podunk were saying the same things I was. Remember I'm from an area where we love our religion and guns.

The Tea Party members are NOT "astro-turf thugs".

They are normal working class American citizens who are voicing their opposition to what the government is trying to do.

What do you consider the 5 SEIU union members to be, who viciously beat the shit out of that poor man in St. Louis???? Patriots???

This is America, Not China.

We have freedom of speech in this country; this is a Democracy, Not a Totalitarian Dictatorship.

The people who go to these meetings are normal working class American citizens who are fed up with what Congress has been doing and are letting them know all about it.

These bellowing epithets, as you call them are nothing more then speeches from citizens who love their country, and don't want their freedom taken away.

+50 million

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That was such a simple statement that so clearly makes complete sense that you totally deserve a shot of Dewar's and a beer for that. :cheers:

Well, you know...when you recite it on a regular basis, you know...you start lookin' up words & such...the peoples above me think it's a good point to joke about...Oh well...I prefer jokes like:

OH...I'll take that Dewar's, & for a beer, I'll have me favorite: BEER,nobeer,extrawhiskey...

...not so much the jokes in Washinton D.C.

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