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Revenge for affair.......How far is too far?

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4 Wisconsin women accused in lovers' triangle plot

Associated Press

4:14 PM CDT, August 3, 2009

STOCKBRIDGE, Wis. - Four Wisconsin women are accused in a plot that left a married man tied up after they allegedly found out he was romantically involved with three of them.

The women are each charged with being party to false imprisonment, a felony with a maximum prison term of six years. One is charged with fourth-degree sexual assault.

Calumet County prosecutors say 48-year-old Therese A. Ziemann of Menasha lured the man to a Stockbridge motel last Thursday. Prosecutors say she was soon joined by 43-year-old Michelle Belliveau of Neenah, 43-year-old Wendy L. Sewell of Kaukauna and the man's wife.

Authorities say Ziemann punched the man in the face and glued his penis to his stomach.

The Associated Press is not naming the victim's wife to protect the man's identity as a victim of sexual assault.

The women are free on $200 cash bails. Investigators say Belliveau was not romantically involved with the man. Online court records didn't list defense attorneys for any of the women Monday.



So, what do you think? Did these women go too far? And how far is too far? How would you have handled it?

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I am not a revenge person. Way I look at it, if this person has harmed me, why should I devote even more of my time and energy to them? I know it sounds sappy and cliched but I really am a much happier person since I learned not to carry around resentment and hatred. I like to have things resolved... and the problem with revenge is, it doesn't resolve anything... just continues the cycle of bad stuff.

As far as the women in the story... well, they could have done worse. They didn't do any serious or permanent injury to the man (internalized sexism there- if a group of men did something similar to a woman, I would be outraged). I doubt he will learn anything from the experience, though... his perspective is probably that he's done nothing wrong, and these crazy women are just persecuting him 'cos they're evil bitches.

I have to say, though, it's kind of cool the wife and alleged girlfriend went after the guy instead of each other. Dollars to donuts this incident ends up as a Lifetime movie. If it wasn't in fact inspired by one.

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I agree with Pomba, revenge isn't my thing. I believe in Karma. Why dirty my hands, and waste time that could be spent doing something that would make me happy, plotting revenge? The person who wronged me is eventually going to get what's coming to them without me doing anything.

I don't exactly feel sorry for this guy, though. Some people would rather be direct instruments of Karma.

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I agree with Pomba and TygerLilli.

I would have been hurt but have just walk away. For me, to put that much time in for revenge is worthless. The asshole does not deserve the time it take for a revenge. I have better things to do. I would have found a positive and healthy channel for my anger and hurt. Then when the time is right, find someone that will treat me right.

Edited by dragonluv
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Things like this are why I say that the only people from my home state to become famous are howl at the moon crazy.


1. Ed Gein - Plainfield, WI

2. Jeffrey Dahmer - born in West Allis, WI; committed most of his murders in Milwaukee, WI

3. Joseph McCarthy - WI Senator; born in Grand Chute, WI; started his law career in Shawano, WI (my birth town!)

So, just remember, folks, Wisconsin is the home of teh crazy. Think about that next time you see. :devil:

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Guest Megalicious

I am not a revenge person. Way I look at it, if this person has harmed me, why should I devote even more of my time and energy to them? I know it sounds sappy and cliched but I really am a much happier person since I learned not to carry around resentment and hatred. I like to have things resolved... and the problem with revenge is, it doesn't resolve anything... just continues the cycle of bad stuff.

Well said Hillie, I couldn't agree more.

...just think...if he was honest, & they weren't selfish...

they could have had a blast ;)

...thank you, that is all.

This made me smile!

Too far? Yes.

Irrational? fuck yes.

But the human mind is a strange place. I can say it is too far for me but for all I know there is more to the story (there always is). Its all about perception.

But yeah, there is just a bit of distorted thiking there LOL.

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Gluing his penis to his face- priceless


I wonder if this guy would have been okay with any of these women seeing other men besides him.

These ladies went too far. I'm sorry that they were used, and trampled on emotionally, but its not like the guy beat them down physically, or threatened their lives. He's a wang for not being upfront, but he obviously knew that he wouldn't be able to use these particular women if any of them knew. This was obviously about the thrill of it all, and using other people, versus the guy wanting a loving poly relationship. Ordinarily, I think physical revenge is a waste. I'd rather humble a person with kindness, let it go, or enact sweet silent revenge in little bits.......mwuh-ha-ha-ha-ha!! Oops, sorry =P In this case, however, provided he wasn't the kind of person that would have sat down to discuss things when confronted, I may have been okay with it all if they perhaps just tied him to a chair for a while, not hurting him in any other way, and made him sit there to answer all of their questions. I know this would still be false imprisonment, however, and in this case, its usage is indeed extreme for the level of affront on the women. I'm still not saying I agree with it, I'm merely saying I might look away for ten minutes before calling the cops if I knew the man truly wasn't being harmed. Ten minutes tied to a chair would hopefully scare the crap out of anyone.

Yes, I am a beast, and this is a harsh view, but I'm only being honest. And I know this could open a whole can of worms about justice, and who judges what, and the fact that this kind of thinking is exactly why humankind can't evolve. Well, I'm sorry if I'm holding anybody back, but I'm trying to let my beast go by exposing it ;>~


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I hope they videotaped it.

TruTV has been getting so desperate lately, I've been waiting for the pilot of

"Meter Maids---Real stories form REAL parking violation enforcers"

This could be a ratings bonanza.

As long as Valerie Bertinelli and and Fram Drescher get to play the leads in the Lifetime Movie,

Passion Unglued it will all have been worth it.

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Guest Megalicious

I hope they videotaped it.

TruTV has been getting so desperate lately, I've been waiting for the pilot of

"Meter Maids---Real stories form REAL parking violation enforcers"

This could be a ratings bonanza.

As long as Valerie Bertinelli and and Fram Drescher get to play the leads in the Lifetime Movie,

Passion Unglued it will all have been worth it.


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While it's true he didn't abuse them physically. Cheating on them is a form of emotional abuse. I'd happily vote to have a law put in place for cheaters.... to have parts removed... We wouldn't have to waste so much of daytime TV on Maury or Jerry either. It would eliminate so much of the crap.

I'm jaded... I realize this.... Most of this post is because I've been uber stressed, but some of it is because I'm pretty much scarred for life. If I can behave... Why can't everyone else?

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Did they at least use Krazy Glue?? :rofl:

Fucker deserved whatever he got if he wasn't honest :dry:

Personally, I am a 'Loraina Bobbit' fan :jamin If he was leading them on as "the one and only", then he deserved more than he received.. If he was honest about his poly behaviors, then the ladies are whacked.

When it comes to sexual contact, only complete honesty is acceptable!!!!!

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While it's true he didn't abuse them physically. Cheating on them is a form of emotional abuse. I'd happily vote to have a law put in place for cheaters.... to have parts removed... We wouldn't have to waste so much of daytime TV on Maury or Jerry either. It would eliminate so much of the crap.

I'm jaded... I realize this.... Most of this post is because I've been uber stressed, but some of it is because I'm pretty much scarred for life. If I can behave... Why can't everyone else?

The laws we have now don't keep anyone from doing bad things, how would this one eliminate anything? Cheaters never think they're going to get caught... part of that whole pathology is thinking everyone else involved is totally stupid and will never suspect anything.

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