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Whats in a name...

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I just want to know where "outlandish made-up ghetto name" would fall on the list if they lumped them all together as one entry.

:rofl: Amen. I'm all for a bit of creativity in names but I've had enough enough of the faux-french crap: Deshaun, Leshaun, etc... :ralph

There was a skit on In Living Color that poked fun of those names... :yes

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I agree with Oh My Goth that some of the names starting with Z and X are cool. I can't find my baby name book right now to look any of them up, but there are some unusual ones that still sound like names there.

Some boys names that I like off the top of my head: Liam, Jasper, Ezra, Wesley, Flynn, Orlando (though that one might be too popular with Orlando Bloom), Giovanni, Avery, Rory...

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:rofl: Amen. I'm all for a bit of creativity in names but I've had enough enough of the faux-french crap: Deshaun, Leshaun, etc... :ralph

There was a skit on In Living Color that poked fun of those names... :yes

In one of the doctors' offices I worked in I was one of only 2 females working there who didn't have "La" in front of her name. There were two LaKeshias, a Latamara, a LaTarra, a LaMilla, and a Lannita. Of course they started lovingly calling me "LaDana" so I wouldn't feel left out. :rolleyes:

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names with X or Z he is very opposed to. i've tried a few out on him, and he just keeps giving me this look of 'wtf are you on?' :dry:

gave him a name to play around with for the day; Gideon. he liked the sound of that, so we'll see how long this one will last before he shoots it down. if it lasts for more than 3 days, then we may have a winner. however, the name does remind me of the pawn shop owner in The Crow, which isn't that bad, i don't think. :)

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:rofl: Amen. I'm all for a bit of creativity in names but I've had enough enough of the faux-french crap: Deshaun, Leshaun, etc... :ralph

There was a skit on In Living Color that poked fun of those names... :yes

The big problem I have with those is that they "brand" a child. The Southern Poverty Law Center does this thing where they send out identical resumes, one with a "traditional" anglo name and one with a "racially coded" name. Guess which ones get tossed in the trash the vast majority of the time.

gave him a name to play around with for the day; Gideon. he liked the sound of that, so we'll see how long this one will last before he shoots it down. if it lasts for more than 3 days, then we may have a winner. however, the name does remind me of the pawn shop owner in The Crow, which isn't that bad, i don't think. :)

I didn't think you were amenable to biblical names, don't know where I got that idea! If so, I've always been partial to Hiram, Emmanuel, Jespah, and Reuel (one of Tolkien's middle names BTW).

One I just discovered that I like: Wanderlei, pronounced "Vander-lee". The spelling could be anglicized to Vanderly.

DO NOT USE: Lump-of-Coal's new great-nephew has been christened Jack Peter. Really. Poor little thing.

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John always has had a "honest hardworking man" ring to it for me. When i was in my early teens I had wished that had been my name. Not the most original name, but I hope they donts score paren'ts on how original they are lol.

Most of the names I'm partial to seem to have some historical/scientific/philosophical/artistic/Sci Fi connection...

























I do like the idea of names based around an idea or action similar to what Rev. has listed.

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Congratulations! How wonderful!

There are many names above which I think are completely awesome! Otis and Felix, however, stand out as being strong, straightforward, and a little different.

I also like the name Aries for a boy, but I'm not sure if this would invite teasing. I agree with OMG in that people take on aspects of their name, so I guess while I would be concerned with the teasing issue, I would be more concerned with how the little one would grow into the name.

Good luck!


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thanks for all your suggestions, everyone. still not sure what the hell we're gonna call this child yet, but hopefully we'll pick a name soon. :) my sister and her friend are hellbent on Bentley... not sure why that is, reminds me too much of a car... don't want my son to think that he's SUPPOSE to have that specific car for him. *smirks* anyway, gonna go and try to find a name for my kid. the search continues...

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*shudders at the name "Bentley"* My high school principal's first name was Bentley, and I hated him. Mind you, I was a good student who graduated with almost a 4.0 GPA and never had so much as a detention. I just hated him because he was a sexist idiot.

Not that it's any reason you shouldn't use the name if you really want to, just brings back bad memories for me.

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Congratulations! How wonderful!

There are many names above which I think are completely awesome! Otis and Felix, however, stand out as being strong, straightforward, and a little different.

I also like the name Aries for a boy, but I'm not sure if this would invite teasing. I agree with OMG in that people take on aspects of their name, so I guess while I would be concerned with the teasing issue, I would be more concerned with how the little one would grow into the name.

Good luck!


Aries or Ares?

ARIES Gender: Masculine

Usage: Roman Mythology

Pronounced: AR-eez (English), ER-eez (English) [key]

Means "ram" in Latin. This is the name of a constellation and the first sign of the zodiac. Some Roman legends state that the ram in the constellation was the one who supplied the Golden Fleece sought by Jason.

ARES Gender: Masculine

Usage: Greek Mythology

Other Scripts: Αρης (Ancient Greek)

Pronounced: AR-eez (English), ER-eez (English) [key]

Perhaps from either Greek αρη (are) "bane, ruin" or αρσην (arsen) "male". Ares was the blood-thirsty god of war in Greek mythology, a son of Zeus and Hera.

I'd try to avoid homophones if possible.

Okay, I'm a bit partial to it perhaps because it is my last name, but Finley, from the Irish (Fionnlagh), and meaning fair warrior, seems a good name for a boy to me.

My friend really likes Huxley, shortened to Huck.

Edited by taysteewonderbunny
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Aries or Ares?

I'd try to avoid homophones if possible.

Okay, I'm a bit partial to it perhaps because it is my last name, but Finley, from the Irish (Fionnlagh), and meaning fair warrior, seems a good name for a boy to me.

My friend really likes Huxley, shortened to Huck.

I was actually thinking Aries as associated with the ram. I think Huxley sounds awesome! :)

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right now, we're playing with the name Hayden. came to me while i was driving home from work this morning. *shrugs* forgot that it was from the tv show Coach. he's slightly amused by it, so we'll see how long we can keep this name. :) *crosses fingers*

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right now, we're playing with the name Hayden. came to me while i was driving home from work this morning. *shrugs* forgot that it was from the tv show Coach. he's slightly amused by it, so we'll see how long we can keep this name. :) *crosses fingers*

I like it!

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right now, we're playing with the name Hayden. came to me while i was driving home from work this morning. *shrugs* forgot that it was from the tv show Coach. he's slightly amused by it, so we'll see how long we can keep this name. :) *crosses fingers*

That sounds like a nice strong name.

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ive always liked the name Jack...i have personally never met a person named Jack

Really? My father was named Jack. I was going to name my baby Jack after my father if it turn out to be a boy. I had a girl and named her Trinity from the Matrix movie. But I do suggest Jack as a good name for a boy.

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