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Whats in a name...

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ok, in case you haven't been able to pick up on subtleties, i am prego. found out on Mon. what i was having, and it is definitely a boy. i'm about 5mo. along, and the baby is right on target. yay me, or so at least i hope unless the docs want to tell me something completely different, and make me worry half to death.

anyway, my Boy and i are having a rather difficult time in picking out a name. we're thinking something that sounds uniquely interesting. for instant, my nephew's name is Beck. how many people do you know with the first name Beck? aside from characters on t.v. shows, and in movies... anywho, something along those lines.

so, any thoughts are welcomed. even if they're completely ridiculous... and no, naming the child 'ridiculous' isn't an option.. tho we have thought of it. :)

give me your worst, your best, your strange. anything and everything is welcomed.

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Guest Megalicious

I know someone named Beck! (a normal person, though he is not normal by any means LOL).

Corbin, I always loved Corbin.

Atom - I considered it for Keegan really, because my cousin (that is more like a brother) is named Adam, but its a biblical name .. so I was like WTF. So I thought how about Atom LOL.

Lilian for a girl, You can call her Lily!

Azure- as in the type of blue (it was suppose to be my name, but my sperm donor of a father would not have it).

Kai- like Willows wife, I always loved that one too.

Always loved Ashley for a boy, like GWTW.

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Congrats sweetie!

Just don't pick something that's fashionable to the point where there will be 4 others in every school class... Tyler, Hunter, Evan, Keegan, Nicholas, Dominic... you get the idea.

I do like Beck, especially if he's born under a water sign. Would check on how popular it is though.

Crow- another favorite of mine, if by some bizarre twist of fate I had a baby boy I would name him Crow with something West African for a middle name. Appropriate for earth or air signs.

Tatha... short form of Tathagata, one of the names of the Buddha. Have only known one person with that name.

Maceo if you want to go seriously old school... have always liked that one but never heard of one born after the mid-'50s. My own Uncle Maceo (dead before I was born) had to leave the south in a hurry due to accusations of being involved with white women (pointless historical note LOL)

Lucifer... "light-bringer". Esp. if he's born under a fire sign. I've known two people with this as a given name.

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CONGRATS! Kids are awesome!! I have four. :)

My youngest two are boys. My boys are Austin James and Elijah Alexander.

There is one other Austin in my son's grade in his school (I know there is one in one of my daughter's grades), and no other Elijah's in his grade.

The boys names are pretty common, but we had a horribly hard time trying to decide on the boys names -- we're seriously lucky they have names at all. LoL.

My oldest two are girls. The girls are much more common. Emily LeAnn and Ashley Marie. There are many others by the same names in their grades. Mainly because I was young when I had Emily and I actually believed the doctors when they said she was a boy. I had a name picked out (Lucas Mathieu) and oops, she was born a girl. I scrambled and picked something thinking "Emily is a nice name I haven't heard in awhile" ... yeah, top name of her birth year and the next like 8 years. Ashley's was picked by her father because he really wanted to name her that.

If I ever have any more, they already have names. :)

Edited by Rayne
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ok, in case you haven't been able to pick up on subtleties, i am prego. found out on Mon. what i was having, and it is definitely a boy. i'm about 5mo. along, and the baby is right on target. yay me, or so at least i hope unless the docs want to tell me something completely different, and make me worry half to death.

anyway, my Boy and i are having a rather difficult time in picking out a name. we're thinking something that sounds uniquely interesting. for instant, my nephew's name is Beck. how many people do you know with the first name Beck? aside from characters on t.v. shows, and in movies... anywho, something along those lines.

so, any thoughts are welcomed. even if they're completely ridiculous... and no, naming the child 'ridiculous' isn't an option.. tho we have thought of it. :)

give me your worst, your best, your strange. anything and everything is welcomed.

whatever you do, do NOT pick Wayne for a middle name!

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we have a list of unique sounding names already, and i keep adding to it. :) these are really good suggestions, keep 'em coming! he's away on a trip, so when he gets back, he'll look through the list, then we'll decided which one to go with. :) i hope you guys are having as much fun coming up with names as i am.

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I don't want to share my names on the teeny, tiny, itsy bitsy chance that I may spawn someday.

I would pick an unusual name, or maybe a classic name that isn't used too often anymore, but not something so odd that your child will be made fun of. :)

Edited by bean water
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trust me, we're going to be very picky about the uniqueness of the name... :) he's more picky about names than i am, so i'll let him pick out his favorites, and we'll narrow it down from there. we've come up with some ridiculous ones, and i've already shot them down because i don't want my child to be made fun of.

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Lucifer is not the greatest one for a child in this day & age of the New-inquisition...I do like Lucian though ;) (I think the conjugation implies "of the light") GREAT NAME...

...I am going to recommend naming boys after Virtues (like, I'm Reverence), there are far to many girls named for the virtues, & they rarely act properly for their name...& they are all the same names :p Faith, Hope, Charity, Chastity & Patience...

There are words that mean these things in other languages...


Short list of virtues:

* ability

* acceptance

* altruism,

* appreciation

* assertiveness

* attention, focus

* autonomy

* awareness

* balance

* beauty

* benevolence

* candor

* caring

* caution

* charity

* chastity

* cleanliness

* commitment

* compassion

* confidence

* consciousness

* consideration

* contentment

* cooperativeness

* courage

* courteousness

* creativity

* curiosity

* dependability

* detachment

* determination

* diligence

* discernment

* empathy

* encouragement

* endurance

* enthusiasm

* equanimity

* equity

* excellence

* fairness

* faithfulness, fidelity

* fitness

* flexibility

* foresight

* forgiveness

* fortitude

* friendliness

* generosity

* gentleness

* happiness

* health

* helpfulness

* honesty

* honor

* hopefulness

* hospitality

* humility

* humor

* idealism

* imagination

* impartiality

* independence

* industriousness

* innocence

* integrity

* intuition

* inventiveness

* justice

* kindness

* knowledge

* lovingness

* loyalty

* mercy

* moderation

* modesty

* morality

* nonviolence

* nurturing

* obedience

* openness

* optimism

* patience

* peacefulness

* perseverance

* philanthropy

* philomathy

* piety

* potential

* prudence

* purity

* purposefulness

* resilience

* remembrance

* respectfulness

* reverence

* responsibility (moral & social)

* restraint

* self-awareness

* self-confidence

* self-discipline

* self-reliance

* self-respect

* sensitivity

* service

* sharing

* sincerity

* skill

* spirituality

* strength

* sympathy

* tactfulness

* temperance

* tenacity

* thankfulness

* thoughtfulness

* trustworthiness

* truthfulness

* understanding

* unity

* unselfishness

* wisdom

* work

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*hopes that if Rayne and Phee have any more kids that Rayne gets to name them* :wink

Not that I plan on having children, but if I did I would probably go for old-fashioned historical or literary names, or possibly foreign sounding names if they're not too unusual. I wouldn't want my child to have the same name as four other kids in his grade, but I also wouldn't want my child going through life with people saying "what were your parents smoking when they came up with that name?"

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I have to agree with Tyger and bean.

Classic yet unique.

I was out with a friend a week ago and her kids Audrey, Raven, and Stella.

I thought, wow, what nice names.

Could you do us a favor?

List the names you're batting around, so we have an idea of your style.

Quite frankly there were names mentioned here I wouldn't name my ex.

(Except Lucifer, of course)

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... ok... here is an idea as to which direction we're going in...

tron, daver, kinison, tristen, trenton, hennison...

not so off the wall the kid's gonna be made fun of, at the same time, not so common names. :)

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we've come up with some ridiculous ones, and i've already shot them down because i don't want my child to be made fun of.

Eh, it'll make him strong. Hell, name him Sue.


I spent my childhood being called "Hickory Dickory Dock" and "Artillery", when I wasn't being taunted with "Professor" and "Proper".

but... in all honesty I think Tron would fall into that category, too.

Kinison and Hennison sound like twin characters from Lake Woebegon.

Tristen is cool, the original Tristan is even cooler.

While we're in that part of the world, I've also been partial to Wolfgang... but maybe that's too far on the weird side.

You've prolly already looked this up, but here are the 20 most popular boy baby names for last year:

Jacob, Michael, Ethan, Joshua, Jayden, Alexander, Anthony, William, Christopher, Matthew, Andrew, Joseph, David, Noah, Aiden, Ryan, James, Logan, John, Nathan.

I just want to know where "outlandish made-up ghetto name" would fall on the list if they lumped them all together as one entry.

Eternal- Lucifer is a beautiful name of great power... Female Shithouse Rat does not deserve it by any means. I can think of plenty names she does deserve, however.

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Congrats :bunny:

Get some baby name books & look in the X & Z sections.. You will find all sorts of cool names ;)

Zander is a nifty name.. Ezekiel, or Zeke.. I really like Xavier.. Ximon is interesting.

I've always liked the name Noah, and I have only met one Noah, & He was cool as hell.

There is always the Q's.. Quade, Quentin, Quinlan, or Quin.

I also think Vaughn is a nifty name.

Have fun with it.. Just remember that children do tend to take on the aspects of their names, so I would avoid names with negative connotations.

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